

介绍 ( Introduction )

Git, a version control system created by Linus Torvalds, author of the Linux kernel, has become one of the most popular version control systems used globally. Certainly, this is because of its distributed nature, high performance and reliability.

Git是Linux内核的作者Linus Torvalds创建的版本控制系统,现已成为全球使用最广泛的版本控制系统之一。 当然,这是因为它具有分布式特性,高性能和可靠性。

In this tutorial, we'll look at git hooks. These hooks are a feature of git which furthers its extensibility by allowing developers to create event triggered scripts.

在本教程中,我们将介绍git hooks。 这些挂钩是git的功能,它允许开发人员创建事件触发的脚本,从而进一步扩展了其可扩展性。

We'll look through the different types of git hooks and implement a few to get you well on the way to customising your own.


A git hook is a script that git executes before or after a relevant git event or action is triggered.


Throughout the developer version control workflow, git hooks enable you to customise git's internal behaviour when certain events are trigerred.

在整个开发人员版本控制工作流程中,使用git hooks可以在触发某些事件时自定义git的内部行为。

They can be used to perform actions such as:


  1. Push to staging or production without leaving git

  2. No need to mess with ssh or ftp

  3. Prevent commits through enforcing commit policy.

  4. Prevent pushes or merges that don't conform to certain standards or meet guideline expectations.

  5. Facilitate continuous deployment.


This proves extremely helpful for developers as git gives them the flexibility to fine tune their development environment and automate development.


先决条件 ( Prerequisites )

Before we get started, there are a few key programs we need to install.


  1. git

  2. Node.js

  3. bash


Confirm that you've installed them correctly by running the following in your terminal:


git --version && node --version && bash --version

You should see similar results


git version 2.7.4 (Apple Git-66)
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin15)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

We'll be using the following directory structure, so go ahead and lay out your project like this.


+-- git-hooks
    +-- custom-hooks
    +-- src
    |   +-- index.js
    +-- test
    |   +-- test.js
    +-- .jscsrc

That's all for now as far as prerequisites go, so let's dive in.


git钩子的类型 ( Types of git hooks )

git hooks can be categorised into two main types. These are:

git钩子可以分为两种主要类型。 这些是:

  1. Client side hooks

  2. Server side hooks


In this tutorial, we'll focus more on client side hooks. However, we will briefly discuss server side hooks.

在本教程中,我们将更多地关注客户端挂钩。 但是,我们将简要讨论服务器端挂钩。

客户端挂钩 ( Client Side Hooks )

These are hooks installed and maintained on the developers local repository and are executed when events on the local repository are triggered. Because they are maintained locally, they are also known as local hooks.

这些是在开发人员本地存储库上安装和维护的挂钩,并在触发本地存储库上的事件时执行。 由于它们是本地维护的,因此也称为本地挂钩。

Since they are local, they cannot be used as a way to enforce universal commit policies on a remote repository as each developer can alter their hooks. However, they make it easier for developers to adhere to workflow guidelines like linting and commit message guides.

由于它们是本地的,因此它们不能用作在远程存储库上实施通用提交策略的方法,因为每个开发人员都可以更改其挂钩。 但是,它们使开发人员更容易遵守工作流程指南,例如棉绒和提交消息指南。

安装本地挂钩 (Installing local hooks)

Initialise the project we just created as a git repository by running


git init

Next, let's navigate to the .git/hooks directory in our project and expose the contents of the folder

接下来,让我们导航到项目中的.git / hooks目录,并显示文件夹的内容

cd ./.git/hooks && ls

We'll notice a few files inside the hooks directory, namely


applypatch-msg.sample           pre-applypatch.sample      pre-commit.sample prepare-commit-msg.sample   commit-msg.sample          post-update.sample pre-push.sample                      pre-rebase.sample            update.sample

These scripts are the default hooks that git has so helpfully gifted us with. Notice that their names make reference to git events like pushes, commits and rebases.

这些脚本是git如此有用地赠予我们的默认钩子。 注意,它们的名称引用了git事件,例如push,commit和rebase。

Useful in their own right, they also serve as a guideline on how hooks for certain events can be triggered.


The .sample extension prevents them from being run, so to enable them, remove the .sample extension from the script name.


The hooks we'll write here will be in bash though you can use Python or even Perl. Git hooks can be written in any language as long as the file is executable.

尽管您可以使用Python甚至是Perl,但我们将在此处编写的钩子仍是bash。 只要文件是可执行文件,就可以用任何语言编写Git挂钩。

We make the hook executable by using the chmod utility.


chmod +x .git/hooks/<insert-hook-name-here>

执行顺序 (Order of execution)

Mimicking the developer workflow for the commit process, hooks are executed in the following hierarchy.



预先提交 (pre-commit)

The pre commit hook is executed before git asks the developer for a commit message or creates a commit package. This hook can be used to make sure certain checks pass before a commit can be considered worthy to be made to the remote. No arguments are passed to the pre-commit script and if the script exists with a non zero value, the commit event will be aborted.

在git向开发人员询问提交消息或创建提交包之前,将执行pre commit钩子。 这个钩子可以用来确保某些检查通过,然后才认为值得对远程进行提交。 没有参数传递到预提交脚本,并且如果脚本存在非零值,则提交事件将被中止。

Before we get into anything heavy, let's create a simple pre-commit hook to get us comfortable.


Create a pre-commit hook inside the .git/hooks directory like this.

像这样在.git / hooks目录中创建一个预提交钩子。

touch pre-commit && vi pre-commit

Enter the following into the pre-commit hook file



echo "Can you make a commit? Well, it depends."
exit 1

Save and exit the editor by running:


escthen :wq

Don't forget to make the hook file executable by running:


chmod + x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Let's write out some code to test our newly minted hook against. At the root of our project, create a file called

让我们写一些代码来测试我们新创建的钩子。 在我们项目的根目录下,创建一个名为hello-world.py的文件


Inside the file, enter the following:


print ('Hello Hooks') # python v3
# print 'Hello Hooks' # python v2

Next let's add the file into our git staging environment and begin a commit.


git add . && git commit

Are you surprised that git doesn't let us commit our work?


As an experiment, modify the last line in the pre-commit hook we created from exit 1 to exit 0 and trigger another commit.

作为实验,将我们从exit 1创建的pre-commit挂钩中的最后一行修改为exit 0然后触发另一个提交。

Now that we understand that a hook is just an event triggered script, let's create something with more utility.


In our example below, we want to make sure that all the tests for our code pass and that we have no linting errors before we commit.


We're using mocha as our javascript test framework and jscs as our linter.


Fill the following into the .git/hooks/pre-commit file

将以下内容填充到.git / hooks / pre-commit文件中


# Exits with non zero status if tests fail or linting errors exist
num_of_failures=`mocha -R json | grep failures -m 1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[,]/''/'`

errors=`jscs -r inline ./test/test.js`
num_of_linting_errors=`jscs -r junit ./test/test.js | grep failures -m 1 | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/failures=/''/' | sed s/">"/''/ | sed s/\"/''/ | sed s/\"/''/`

if [ $num_of_failures != '0' ]; then
  echo "$num_of_failures tests have failed. You cannot commit until all tests pass.
        Commit exiting with a non-zero status."
  exit 1

if [ $num_of_linting_errors !=  '0' ]; then
  echo "Linting errors present. $errors"
  exit 1

Save the document and exit the vi editor as usual by using,


escthen :wq

The first line of the script indicates that we want the script to be run as a bash script. If the script was a python one, we would instead use

该脚本的第一行表示我们希望该脚本作为bash脚本运行。 如果脚本是python脚本,我们将改用

#!/usr/bin/env python

Make the file executable like we mentioned before by running


chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

To give our commit hook something to test against, we'll be creating a method that returns true when an input string contains vowels and false otherwise.

为了给我们的提交钩子提供一些测试依据,我们将创建一个方法,当输入字符串包含元音时返回true ,否则返回false

Create and populate a package.json file at the root of our git-hooks folder by running


npm init --yes

Install the project dependencies like this:


npm install chai mocha jscs --save-dev

Let's write a test for our prospective hasVowels method.



git-hooks / test / test.js

const expect = require('chai').expect;

describe('Test hasVowels', () => {
  it('should return false if the string has no vowels', () => {
    expect('N VWLS'.hasVowels()).to.equal(false);
  it('should return true if the string has vowels', () => {
    expect('No vowels'.hasVowels()).to.equal(true)

    // Introduce failing test
    expect('Has vowels'.hasVowels()).to.equal(false);


git-hooks / src / index.js

// Method returns true if a vowel exists in the input string. Returns false otherwise.
String.prototype.hasVowels = function hasVowels() {
  const vowels = new RegExp('[aeiou]', 'i');
  return vowels.test(this);

To configure the jscs linter, fill the following into the .jscsrc file we'd created in the beginning.

要配置jscs linter ,请将以下内容填充到我们在一开始创建的.jscsrc文件中。



    "preset": "airbnb",
    "disallowMultipleLineBreaks": null,
    "requireSemicolons": true

Now add all the created files into the staging environment and trigger a commit.


git add .  && git commit

What do you think will happen?


You're right. Git prevents us from making a commit. Rightfully so, because our tests have failed. Worry not. Our pre-commit script has helpfully provided us with hints regarding what could be wrong.

你是对的。 Git阻止我们进行提交。 没错,因为我们的测试失败了。 不用担心 我们的预提交脚本有助于向我们提供有关可能出问题的提示。

This is what it tells us:


1 tests have failed. You cannot commit until all tests pass.
        Commit exiting with a non-zero status.

If you can't take my word for it, the screenshot below serves as confirmation.



Let's fix things. Edit line 13 in test/test.js to

让我们解决问题。 将test / test.js中的 第13行编辑为

expect('Has vowels'.hasVowels()).to.equal(true);

Next add the files to your staging environment, git add . like we did before and git commit

接下来,将文件添加到您的暂存环境中, git add . 像我们之前所做的和git commit

Git still prevents us from committing.


Linting errors present. ./test/test.js: line 10, col 49, requireSemicolons: Missing semicolon after statement

Edit line 10 in test/test.js to

test / test.js中的 第10行编辑为

expect('No vowels'.hasVowels()).to.equal(true);

Now, running git commit after git add . should provide no challenges because our tests and linting have both passed.

现在,在git add .之后运行git commit git add . 因为我们的测试和棉绒都通过了,所以应该没有挑战。

You can skip the pre-commit hook by running git commit --no-verify.

您可以通过运行git commit --no-verify来跳过预提交钩子。

准备提交消息 (prepare-commit-msg)

The prepare-commit-msg hook is executed after the pre-commit hook and its execution populates the vi editor commit message.


This hook takes one, two or three arguments.


  1. The name of the file that contains the commit message to be used.

  2. The type of commit. This can be message, template, merge or squash.

    提交的类型。 这可以是消息,模板,合并或压缩。
  3. The SHA-1/hash of a commit (when operating on an existing commit).

    提交的SHA-1 /哈希值(对现有提交进行操作时)。

In the code below, we're electing to populate the commit editor workspace with a helpful commit message format reminder prefaced by the name of the current branch.



.git / hooks / prepare-commit-msg


# Result will be output in place of the default commit message on running git commit
current_branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`

echo "#$current_branch Commit messages should be of the form [#StoryID:CommitType] Commit Message." > $1

Running git commit will yield the following in the commit text editor

运行git commit将在提交文本编辑器中产生以下内容

#$master Commit messages should be of the form [#StoryID:CommitType] Commit Message.

We can continue to edit our commit message and exit out of the editor as usual.


提交消息 (commit-msg)

This hook is executed after the prepare-commit-msg hook. It can be used to reformat the commit message after it has been input or to validate the message against some checks. For example, it could be used to check for commit message spelling errors or length, before the commit is allowed.

该挂钩在prepare-commit-msg挂钩之后执行。 输入提交消息后,可用于重新格式化提交消息,或通过某些检查来验证消息。 例如,可以在允许提交之前检查提交消息的拼写错误或长度。

This hook takes one argument, that is the location of the file that holds the commit message.



.git / hooks / commit-msg


# Validates whether commit message is of a certain format.
# Aborts commit if message is unsatisfactory

# Standard commit from Pivotal Tracker [#135316555:Feature]Create Kafka Audit Trail
error_message="Aborting commit. Please ensure your commit message meets the
               standard requirement. '[#StoryID:CommitType]Commit Message'
              Use '[#135316555:Feature]Create Kafka Audit Trail' for reference"

if ! grep -iqE "$commit_standard_regex" "$1"; then
    echo "$error_message" >&2
    exit 1

In the code above, we're validating the user supplied commit message against a standard commit using a regular expression. If the supplied commit does not conform to the regular expression, an error message is directed to the shell's standard output, the script exits with a status of one and the commit is aborted.

在上面的代码中,我们正在使用正则表达式针对标准提交验证用户提供的提交消息。 如果提供的提交不符合正则表达式,则会将错误消息定向到Shell的标准输出,脚本以状态1退出并中止提交。

Go ahead. Create a change and try make a commit of a form other than [#135316555:Chore]Test commit-msg hook

前进。 创建一个更改,然后尝试提交除[#135316555:Chore]Test commit-msg hook以外的其他形式的[#135316555:Chore]Test commit-msg hook

Git will abort the commit process and give you a handly little tip regarding the format of your commit message.


commit-msg hook

提交后 (post-commit)

This hook is executed after the commit-msg hook and since the commit has already been made it cannot abort the commit process.


It can however be used to notify the relevant stakeholders that a commit has been made to the remote repository. We could write a post-commit hook, say, to email our project team lead whenever we make a commit to the organisation's remote repository.

但是,它可以用于通知相关的利益相关者已经对远程存储库进行了提交。 例如,只要我们对组织的远程存储库进行提交,我们就可以编写一个提交后钩子,以向我们的项目团队负责人发送电子邮件。

In this case, let's congratulate ourselves for our hard work.



.git / hooks / post-commit


say Congratulations! You\'ve just made a commit! Time for a break.

结帐后 (post-checkout)

The post-checkout hook is executed after a successful git checkout is performed. It can be used to conveniently delete temporary files or prepare the checked out development environment by performing installations.

成功执行git checkout后,将执行post-checkout挂钩。 它可用于通过执行安装方便地删除临时文件或准备检出的开发环境。

Its exit status does not affect the checkout process.


In the hook below, before checkout to another branch, we'll pull changes made by others on the remote branch and perform some installation.



.git / hooks / post-checkout


# Executed immediately after a git checkout
repository_name=`basename`git rev-parse --show-toplevel``
current_branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`present_working_directory=`pwd`requirements=`ls | grep 'requirements.txt' `echo "Pulling remote branch ....."
git pull origin $current_branch


echo "Installing nodeJS dependencies ....."
npm install


echo "Installing yarn package ....."
npm install yarn
echo "Yarning dependencies ......"


# Only do this if you find a requirements.txt file at the root of the project
if [ $present_working_directory == $repository_name ] && [ $requirements == 'requirements.txt']; then
  echo "Creating virtual environments for project ......."
  source`which virtualenv`
  mkvirtualenv $repository_name/$current_branch
  workon $repository_name/$current_branch
  echo "Installing python dependencies ......."
  pip install -r requirements.txt

Don't forget to make the script executable.


To test the script out, create another branch and check out to it like this.


git checkout -b <new-branch>

变基前 (pre-rebase)

This hook is executed before a rebase and can be used to stop the rebase if it is not desirable.


It takes one or two parameters:


  1. The upstream repository

  2. The branch to be rebased. (This parameter is empty if the rebase is being performed on the current branch)

    要重新建立分支的分支。 (如果正在当前分支上执行变基,则此参数为空)

Let's outlaw all rebasing on our repository.



.git / hooks / pre-rebase


echo " No rebasing until we grow up. Aborting rebase."
exit 1

Phew! We've gone through quite a number of client side hooks. If you're still with me, good work!

! 我们已经经历了很多客户端挂钩。 如果您还和我在一起,那就干得好!

持久钩 (Persisting hooks)

I've got some bad news and good news. Which one would you like first?

我有一些坏消息和好消息。 您首先要选哪个?

The bad


The .git/hooks directory is not tagged by version control and so does not persist when we clone a remote repository or when we push changes to a remote repository. This is why, we'd earlier stated that local hooks cannot be used to enforce commit policies.

.git/hooks目录没有版本控制标记,因此当我们克隆远程存储库或将更改推送到远程存储库时,该.git/hooks不会持久存在。 这就是为什么我们前面已经说过本地钩子不能用于强制落实策略的原因。

The good


Now before you start sweating, there are a few ways we can get around this.


  1. We can use symbolic links or symlinks to link our custom hooks to the ones in the .git/hooks folder.


Create a pre-rebase file in our custom-hooks directory and copy the pre-rebase hook we created in .git/hooks/pre-rebase into it. Next, the rm command removes the pre-rebase hook in .git/hooks

在我们的custom-hooks目录中创建一个预变基文件,并将在.git/hooks/pre-rebase创建的预变基钩复制到该文件中。 接下来, rm命令删除.git / hooks中的pre-rebase 钩子

touch custom-hooks/pre-rebase && cp .git/hooks/pre-rebase custom-hooks/pre-rebase && rm -f .git/hooks/pre-rebase

Next, use the ln command to link the pre-rebase file in custom-hooks to the .git/hooks directory.


# ln -s <source> <target>
ln -s custom-hooks/pre-rebase .git/hooks/pre-rebase

To confirm that the files have been linked, run the following


ls -la .git/hooks

The output for the pre-rebase file should be similar to this:


lrwxr-xr-x   1 emabishi  staff    23B Dec 27 14:57 pre-rebase -> custom-hooks/pre-rebase

Notice the l character prefixing the filesystem file permissions line.


To unlink the two files,


unlink .git/hooks/pre-rebase



rm -f .git/hooks/pre-rebase
  1. We can create a directory to store our hooks outside the .git/hooks directory. We've already done this by storing our pre-rebase hook in the custom-hooks directory. Like our other files, this folder can be pushed to our remote repository.

    我们可以创建一个目录来将钩子存储在.git / hooks目录之外。 我们已经通过将re-base钩子存储在custom-hooks目录中来完成此操作。 与其他文件一样,该文件夹也可以推送到我们的远程存储库。

服务器端挂钩 ( Server Side Hooks )

These are hooks that are executed in a remote repository on the triggering of certain events.


Is it clear now? Client side hooks respond to events on a local repository whilst server side hooks respond to events triggered on a remote repository.

现在清楚了吗? 客户端挂钩响应本地存储库上的事件,而服务器挂钩响应远程存储库上触发的事件。

We'd come across some of them when we listed the files in the .git/hooks directory.


Let's look at a few of these hooks now.


执行顺序 (Order of execution)

The server side hooks we'll look at here are executed with the following heirarchy.



预先接收 (pre-receive)

This hook is triggered on the remote repository just before the pushed files are updated and can abort the receive process if it exists with a non-zero status.


Since the hook is executed just before the remote is updated, it can be used to enforce commit policies and reject the entire commit if it is deemed unsatisfactory.


更新 (update)

The update hook is called after the pre-receive hook and functions similarly. The difference is that ii filters each commit ref made to the remote repository independently. It can be used as a fine tooth comb to reject or accept each ref being pushed.

在预接收钩子之后调用更新钩子,其功能类似。 区别在于ii会分别过滤对远程存储库所做的每个提交引用。 它可以用作细齿梳来拒绝或接受每个推入的参考。

接收后 (post-receive)

This hook is triggered after an update has been done on the remote repository and so cannot abort the update process. Like the post-commit client-side hook, it can be used to trigger notifications on a successful remote repository update.

在远程存储库上完成更新后,将触发此挂钩,因此无法中止更新过程。 与提交后客户端挂钩一样,它可用于在成功进行远程存储库更新时触发通知。

In fact, it is more suited for this because a log of the notifications will be stored on a remote server.


结论 ( Conclusion )

We've looked at quite a few hooks which should get you up and running. However, I'd love for you to do some more exploration.

我们已经研究了很多挂钩,这些挂钩应该可以使您启动并运行。 但是,我希望您能进行更多探索。

For a more comprehensive look at git hooks, I'd like to direct you to:

要更全面地了解git hooks,我想指导您:

It's a brave new world out there when it comes to git hooks, so luckily, you don't always have to write your own custom scripts. You can find a pretty comprehensive list of useful frameworks here .

当涉及到git hook时,这是一个勇敢的新世界,所以幸运的是,您不必总是编写自己的自定义脚本。 您可以在此处找到非常全面的有用框架列表。

All the code we've written can be found here .


I'd love to hear some feedback on this guide and on git hooks in general. Don't be shy. Drop me a line in the comments form below.

我希望听到一些有关本指南和git hooks的反馈。 别害羞 在下面的评论表格中给我一行。







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