valet mac_将Laravel Valet用于Super Quick Dev Server

valet mac

From the early days of tedious drills to set up your development environment, things have moved way forward.


We had early signs of the direction things were going in with the advent of MAMP. Today, we have come to a point where we have portable, virtual boxes that can be used to develop and deploy your applications.

随着MAMP的到来,我们早已知道事情的发展方向。 如今,我们已经有了一个可移植的虚拟盒子,可用于开发和部署您的应用程序。

The newest addition to the I want to set it up quickly movement is Laravel Valet.

我想快速设置运动的最新成员是Laravel Valet

Though it's used in a slightly different manner, it still scores if you wish to set up your development environment in a zap!


During the course of this tutorial, you will learn.


  1. What is Laravel Valet and how it works.

    什么是Laravel Valet及其运作方式。
  2. How it compares to Homestead/Scotch Box and their use cases.

    与Homestead / Scotch Box及其用例的比较。
  3. The complete Valet command set.

  4. How to use a database with Valet.

  5. Sharing your application with the world(yes, you can do that with Valet)


At the time of writing this article, Valet is only available for OSX. If you do not have OSX available, you are limited to Windows and *nix based options and the discussion that follows does not apply.

在撰写本文时,Valet仅适用于OSX。 如果没有可用的OSX,则只能使用基于Windows和* nix的选项,并且下面的讨论将不适用。

Laravel Valet-简介 ( Laravel Valet - A Brief Introduction )

Laravel Valet is a development environment that runs without Nginx and Apache. Yes, read that again.

Laravel Valet是一个无需NginxApache即可运行的开发环境。 是的,再读一遍。

It's a layer written upon the Caddy server to make setting up a Laravel environment easier.


Plus, it also employs DnsMasq to route requests to sites on your localhost so it takes the need to configure /etc/hosts and virtual hosts out of the equation.


Homestead and Scotch Box are very popular options for setting up a Laravel development environment. Let's see how they compare to Valet.

HomesteadScotch Box是设置Laravel开发环境的非常受欢迎的选项。 让我们看看他们与代客的比较。

宅基,苏格兰箱和代客餐 ( Homestead, Scotch Box, and Valet )

Homestead and Scotch Box are portable development environments powered by Vagrant.

HomesteadScotch Box是由Vagrant支持的便携式开发环境。

Vagrant itself is another software layer built on top of hardware virtualization tools like VMWare Workstation and VirtualBox.

Vagrant本身是在硬件虚拟化工具(如VMWare WorkstationVirtualBox)之上构建的另一个软件层。

It has automation infrastructure built into it as it supports provisioning tools like shell scripts, Chef, and Puppet that you can use to build pre-packaged, pre-configured virtual machines.

它具有内置的自动化基础架构,因为它支持可用于构建预打包,预配置的虚拟机的置备工具,例如Shell脚本, ChefPuppet

Though Vagrant runs purely from the command line, underneath, it uses VMWare Workstation, VirtualBox(or other hardware virtualization software) to create an isolated, virtual environment on your local machine that is used to run your applications.

尽管Vagrant仅在命令行下运行,但它使用VMWare Workstation,VirtualBox(或其他硬件虚拟化软件)在用于运行应用程序的本地计算机上创建隔离的虚拟环境。

Further, inside the virtual environment, you have softwares like Apache, and MySQL pre-installed.


Valet, on the other hand, buys into a completely different scheme of things.


It's installed on your physical machine and uses the Caddy server and DnsMasq to re-route requests to locally stored websites.


Bear in mind, if you opt for Valet, you still need to install pre-requisite softwares such as MySQL and RabbitMQ if they are required by your application.


宅基地/斯科特盒子和代客使用案例 ( Homestead/Scoth Box and Valet Use Cases )

If you have understood the basic difference between Homestead/Scotch Box and Valet, the obvious question would be how their usage fits into different scenarios.

如果您了解Homestead / Scotch Box和Valet之间的基本区别,那么显而易见的问题是它们的用法如何适应不同的场景。

Valet is a lot lighter option than the mentioned Vagrant boxes so if computational resources are an issue, in that case, you are better off going with Valet.


Moreover, Valet is more suited to individuals. It's a nice alternative for solo artists who wish to steer clear of heavy configurations and software installation.

此外,代客更适合个人。 对于希望避免繁重的配置和软件安装的独奏艺术家来说,这是一个不错的选择。

It can also serve to be quite a neat option to demo projects in quick client meetings.


For maximum portability, and in cases where your environment needs to be re-produced multiple times, say while working within a team, my suggestion would be to use Homestead or Scotch Box.

为了获得最大的可移植性,并且在需要多次复制环境的情况下(例如在团队中工作时),我的建议是使用Homestead或Scotch Box。

In a replicate across multiple machines scenario, Valet would need some work to set things up plus, remember it's OSX only?


Homestead and Scotch Box also open you up to deployment options. Generally speaking, Vagrant facilitates application deployment(through FTP, Heroku, and other options) using a single push command.

Homestead和Scotch Box还为您提供了部署选项。 一般来说,Vagrant使用单个push命令即可促进应用程序部署(通过FTP, Heroku和其他选项)。

In case of Valet, deployment won't be a simple task. For a start, you will need to setup Caddy server on your production machine.

如果是代客泊车,部署将不是一件容易的事。 首先,您需要在生产计算机上设置Caddy服务器。

If you are still unsure, I would recommend going for Homestead/Scotch Box as it's a more professional, well-rounded option.

如果您仍然不确定,我建议您选择Homestead / Scotch Box,因为它是更专业,更全面的选择。

Valet is a rather personal, compact option. If those traits ring a bell, it's right down your alley.

代客停车是一种非常个人化的紧凑型选择。 如果这些特征敲响了,那就在你的巷子里。

安装先决条件 ( Installing the Pre-Requisites )

In order to install Valet, you should have Homebrew, PHP 7, and Composer installed.

为了安装Valet,您应该安装HomebrewPHP 7Composer

安装自制软件 (Installing Homebrew)

Homebrew is a package manager for OSX just like apt, yum, and pacman. You can read about it if you are interested in the details.

Homebrew是OSX的软件包管理器,就像aptyumpacman 。 如果您对这些细节感兴趣,可以阅读一下。

Execute the following command in your terminal to install Homebrew.


# install homebrew
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

The script will prompt you through the process so read and follow the steps carefully.


安装PHP 7 (Installing PHP 7)

Valet requires PHP's version 7.0 or greater.

代客需要PHP 7.0或更高版本。

In order to find out your current PHP version, execute the following command in your terminal.


# view php version
$ php -v

If the output shows a version less than 7.0 than you will need to update your PHP version.


Execute the following command to install PHP 7.0.

执行以下命令以安装PHP 7.0。

# install php 7 using homebrew
$ brew install homebrew/php/php70

Restart your terminal session, the output of the php -v command should now echo version 7 for PHP.

重新启动终端会话,现在php -v命令的输出应回显PHP的版本7。

安装作曲家 (Installing Composer)

Lastly, install Composer globally by following the instructions at the official website.


When you are done, you should be able to access Composer from anywhere in your terminal.


You can verify Composer's global installation by executing the following command.


# view composer version
$ composer -v

If the output of the command shows the Composer version, it was set up correctly.


Also, make sure Composer's bin directory is added to your system PATH. You can do that by appending the following line at the end of your ~/.profile file.

另外,确保将Composer的bin目录添加到系统PATH 。 您可以通过在~/.profile文件末尾添加以下行来实现。

If you're on Windows, make sure you have the path (C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin) to composer in your environment variables.

如果您使用的是Windows,请确保环境变量中包含 composer的路径( C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin )。

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin" # Add composer bin directory to PATH 

Once you have Homebrew, PHP, and Composer installed, you can proceed to installing Valet.


安装代客 ( Installing Valet )

Before installing Valet, make sure there is no application installed and running that uses port 80. Generally, web servers such as Apache and Nginx use port 80 which will be required by Valet to run the Caddy server. If you have any service(or web server) configured to run on port 80, you should disable it.

在安装Valet之前,请确保没有安装和运行使用端口80的应用程序。通常,Web服务器(例如Apache和Nginx)使用端口80,Valet将需要该端口运行Caddy服务器。 如果您将任何服务(或Web服务器)配置为在端口80上运行,则应禁用它。

Execute the following command to query any running services on port 80.


# check if an application
# is using port 80
$ netstat -an | grep "\.80" | grep LISTEN

If the command produced empty output, port 80 is clean, and you are good to proceed with Valet installation.


Execute the following command to require Valet globally.


# install valet package using composer
$ composer global require laravel/valet

Next, install Valet.


# run valet setup
$ valet install

If Valet was installed correctly, you will be prompted with the Valet installed successfully! message.

如果代客安装正确,系统将提示您Valet installed successfully! 信息。

关于代客安装的额外说明 (An Extra Word on Valet Installation)

Despite following the aforementioned installation steps, you may run into a funny [DomainException] error as shown in the screenshot.


Valet installation error

If that is the case, update Homebrew and upgrade Homebrew formulas first.


# update homebrew
$ brew update
# upgrade homebrew formulas
$ brew upgrade

Next, install DnsMasq using Homebrew.


# install dnsmasq using homebrew
$ brew install dnsmasq

Then proceed with Valet installation using the valet install command.

然后,使用valet install命令继续进行代客安装。

使用Laravel Valet ( Using Laravel Valet )

Phew! we have got Valet installation out of the way so let's get to seeing it in action.

! 我们已经完成了代客安装,因此让我们来看一下实际应用。

控制代客守护程序 (Controlling the Valet Daemon)

The Valet installation configures a daemon to run automatically when your system boots.


This makes sure all your sites(that have been setup) are served without re-configuration or manually starting the web server.


However, you can jump into the automated process and do as you like with the Valet daemon.


You can execute the following commands to control the Valet daemon.


# restart the Valet daemon
$ valet restart
# start the Valet daemon
$ valet start
# stop the Valet daemon
$ valet stop

Valet Daemon

If you wish to empty out port 80 and work with other web servers, these commands can come in handy.


停车/停车目录 (Parking/Unparking Directories)

The park command allows you to add a directory to Valet's path so that Laravel sites can be automatically detected and served from it.


Let's say you keep all your Laravel projects at ~/projects/laravel/.


In that case, here is how you would park this directory.


# move to the laravel projects directory
$ cd ~/projects/laravel/
# execute the park command inside the directory
$ valet park

Valet Park Command

Valet's auto-generated URLs follow the convention


For instance, let's assume you had the following directories inside the ~/projects/laravel/ directory as shown in the screenshot.


Projects Directory

In that case, your Laravel projects would be available at the URLs,,,,,, and respectively.

在这种情况下,你的Laravel项目将可在网址http://bar.devhttp://blog.devhttp://foo.devhttp://marvel.devhttp://pastebin.dev http://pastebin.dev

The park command is a nice, time-saving shortcut if you keep all your Laravel projects in one place.


The forget command does the opposite of the park command.


If you wish to remove a directory from the list of parked directories, here is how to do it.


# move to the laravel projects directory
$ cd ~/projects/laravel/
# execute the forget command inside
# the directory to unpark it
$ valet forget

Valet Forget Command

If you wish to view the list of parked directories, you can execute the following command.


# list parked directories
$ valet paths

Valet Paths Command

链接/取消链接目录 (Linking/Unlinking Directories)

It could be that your projects directory contains applications of different race and color(like Ruby, Python, and Java). In such a case, it may not be wise to park the whole directory as non-PHP applications, though parked, will be of no use.

您的项目目录可能包含不同种族和颜色的应用程序(例如Ruby,Python和Java)。 在这种情况下,将整个目录停放可能不是明智的选择,因为非PHP应用程序虽然可以停放,但没有用。

In such a case, you can use the link command to symbolically link a single directory to Valet.


For example, re-visiting the previous screenshot, assume marvel was the only Laravel application in your directory.


You could link it like so.


# move to the marvel directory
$ cd ~/projects/laravel/marvel/
# link the marvel directory to
# make it accessible at http://<app-name>.dev
$ valet link <app-name>
# example: valet link marvel

Valet Link Command

As previously mentioned, your application will be accessible at


You can also unlink directories by following the same routine, the only difference is the keywork unlink.


# move to the marvel directory
$ cd ~/projects/laravel/marvel/
# unlink the marvel directory
$ valet unlink <app-name>
# example: valet unlink marvel

Valet Unlink Command

Also be sure to provide the same <app-name> when unlinking that you provided when linking.


If you wish to view the list of linked directories, you can execute the following command.


# list linked directories
$ valet links

Valet Links Command

更改默认域后缀 (Changing Default Domain Suffix)

Valet's default domain schema follows the convention http://<directory-name>.dev.


If you wish to change the domain's dev suffix, you can do so by executing the domain command.


# make all local sites
# available at http://<directory-name>.<suffix> 
$ valet domain <suffix>
# example: valet domain abc

Valet Domain Command

All your local sites will now be accessible at http://<directory-name>.<suffix>.


流日志到终端 (Streaming Logs to Terminal)

Though your Laravel application's logs are written to disk and you can skim through them at your leisure, sometimes you wish to look at things as they happen.


In such a case, you can instruct Valet to stream your logs to the terminal using the logs command.


# puke all logs to terminal
$ valet logs

与世界分享您的网站 (Sharing Your Site With the World)

Brace yourselves, you are about to witness the coolest feature of Valet.


Earlier, we saw how you can set up local sites using the park and link commands.


Once you have set up a local site using either of these commands, you can create a sharing link that can be used to share your website with the world(read: anyone who has a internet connection).


Assuming you have linked the marvel directory using the link command, here is how to create a sharing link.


# move to the marvel directory
$ cd ~/projects/laravel/marvel/
# create a share link
$ valet share

A new window will be initialized with a new process. Your site will be accessible as long as the process keeps running. You can terminate the process by pressing ctrl+C.

新窗口将使用新进程初始化。 只要过程继续运行,您的网站就可以访问。 您可以通过按ctrl+C终止该过程。

Also, you can find the share url for your site next to the forwarding section. I have highlighted the sharing url generated in my case in the following screenshot.

另外,您可以在转发部分旁边找到您网站的共享网址。 在下面的屏幕快照中,我突出显示了在我的情况下生成的共享URL。

Valet Share Command

Slam Dunkin代客 (Slam Dunkin Valet)

Despite the convenience that Valet provides, there is still a very microscopic chance that for some reason, you do not like it.


If you want to remove Valet, execute the following command.


# uninstall Valet
$ valet uninstall

And you are done(or undone?).


与代客使用数据库 ( Using a Database with Valet )

So far, so good.


You have learned the complete command set of Valet and must be wondering, how do I use a database with this thing.


Recall, in the earlier section where I compared Valet to Homestead/Scotch Box, I mentioned that if you opt to use Valet, you will need to install pre-requisite software required by your application on your physical machine.

回想一下,在之前将Valet与Homestead / Scotch Box进行比较的部分中,我提到过,如果您选择使用Valet,则需要在物理计算机上安装应用程序所需的必备软件。

A database server (MySQL/MariaDB) falls under the umbrella of your app's requirements and you can install it using Homebrew.

数据库服务器( MySQL / MariaDB )属于您应用程序要求的保护范围,您可以使用Homebrew进行安装。

# install MySQL
$ brew install mysql
# or install MariaDB
$ brew install mariadb

Once you have MySQL or MariaDB installed, simply configure your Laravel application with the correct database settings and it should work fine with Valet.


That's it. There are no extra, Valet-specfic steps needed.

而已。 无需其他特定于代客的步骤。

最后的想法 ( Final Thoughts )

Valet is a great option for Mac minimalists.


If you are the kind of designer/developer who does not work much with application infrastructure and is only concerned with application delivery, Valet can even serve to be a long term option.


I recommend diving into the Caddy server if Valet really interested you. Plus, you can also look into developing Valet drivers if you are up for a weekend coding challenge.

如果Valet真的很感兴趣,我建议您进入Caddy服务器。 另外,如果您准备周末编码挑战,也可以研究开发Valet驱动程序

I hope you found this tutorial interesting and knowledgeable. Until my next piece, happy coding!

我希望您发现本教程有趣且知识丰富。 直到我的下一篇文章,祝您编程愉快!


valet mac





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