cdn 智能dns_通过智能交付(通过多个CDN)改善用户体验

cdn 智能dns

We always want the best experience for our users so they will keep running back to our services. These days I spend more of my time as a developer optimizing and delivering content efficiently, than I do writing the actual code.

我们始终希望为我们的用户提供最佳体验,以便他们能够继续使用我们的服务。 这些天,我花在开发人员上的时间比编写实际代码要多得多。

Writing an efficient and performant code is just one step, but unfortunately that is not all. The content we deliver and how we deliver it can ruin our day no matter how clean our code base is. This is always the case when we are dealing with media files. Unfortunately, images make up about 60% of downloaded content on most websites.

编写高效且高性能的代码只是一个步骤,但不幸的是,这还不是全部。 无论我们的代码库多么干净,我们交付的内容以及交付方式都会破坏我们的一天。 当我们处理媒体文件时,总是如此。 不幸的是,在大多数网站上,图像约占下载内容的60%。

Most likely, you are already doing a great job with managing these files by outsourcing the responsibility to a third party CDN or doing so internally using your own servers. Bad news is, your web application server or the single CDN will still not deliver this content at an expected time if your users are spread all over the world.

最有可能的是,通过将职责外包给第三方CDN或在内部使用自己的服务器,您已经在管理这些文件方面做得很好。 坏消息是,如果您的用户遍布世界各地,则您的Web应用程序服务器或单个CDN仍不会在预期的时间提供此内容。

Let’s have a look at delivering content more efficiently with Cloudinary’s multiple CDNs feature.


CDN与否? ( CDN or Not? )

One of the most frustrating experiences for every user is having to wait for the browser loading spinner to stop dancing and deliver content. This wait period, from when a request is made to when it is completed, to when the response is produced is known as latency.

对于每个用户而言,最令人沮丧的体验之一是必须等待浏览器加载微调器停止跳舞并传递内容。 从发出请求到完成请求到产生响应的这段等待时间称为等待时间

Latency is an evil we must live with as long as we make use of the web because the request-response cycle is the web’s natural behavior. We can curtail latency, thereby reducing the amount of time users wait. One strategy is using CDNs.

只要使用Web,延迟就是一种必须忍受的邪恶,因为请求-响应周期是Web的自然行为。 我们可以减少延迟,从而减少用户等待的时间。 一种策略是使用CDN。

A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a solution that is independent of your application and server but can be used to deliver content to your website rather than delivering directly from your servers. The good thing about this is CDNs offer more sophisticated and powerful tools to handle and optimize content and content delivery, thereby relieving the heavy-lifting responsibilities from your server.

CDN(内容传送网络)是一种独立于您的应用程序和服务器的解决方案,但可用于将内容传送到您的网站,而不是直接从服务器传送。 这样做的好处是CDN提供了更复杂,功能更强大的工具来处理和优化内容以及内容交付,从而减轻了服务器的繁重责任。

As shown in the illustration above, contents are cached/stored on the CDN and delivered to the users for subsequent requests. The server will no longer be responsible for serving the data. This is a healthy practice for your server and an awesome user experience because CDNs are faster.

如上图所示,内容被缓存/存储在CDN上并交付给用户以供后续请求。 服务器将不再负责提供数据。 这对您的服务器来说是一种健康的做法,并且因为CDN速度更快,所以用户体验很棒。

物理距离的故事 ( The Story of Physical Distance )

CDNs as we have seen are better options for delivering contents especially media files. But there is still a huge challenge. As we discussed earlier, a single CDN still does not guarantee a fast request because of physical distance.

我们已经看到,CDN是传递内容(尤其是媒体文件)的更好选择。 但是仍然存在巨大的挑战。 如前所述,由于物理距离 ,单个CDN仍不能保证快速请求。

A situation where you have your CDN server in Bangkok and you have users around the world making request to that server from different countries on different continents. Users closer to Bangkok and in Asia will have a minimized latency than those in London and the US. This is caused by the distance between the user and the server known as physical distance. The farther the distance, the more network activities and routing will occur. This means more users must wait for the process to complete.

您的CDN服务器位于曼谷,并且世界各地的用户都在来自不同大陆的不同国家/地区向该服务器提出请求,这种情况是一种情况。 距离曼谷和亚洲较近的用户将比伦敦和美国的用户具有最小的延迟。 这是由用户与服务器之间的距离(称为物理距离)引起的 。 距离越远,发生的网络活动和路由越多。 这意味着更多的用户必须等待该过程完成。

The strategy used by CDN providers is to deliver content using multiple CDNs located in different parts of the world. The implication is, when a user in Africa makes a request, a CDN server in Africa delivers, same with Asia, UK, and so on.

CDN提供商使用的策略是使用位于世界不同地区的多个CDN交付内容。 这就意味着,当非洲的用户发出请求时,非洲的CDN服务器将与亚洲,英国等进行交付。

Leading media websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Netflix have adopted the multi-CDN approach to more efficiently serve media throughout the world – Cloudinary can now do that for you too!


Cloudinary的多重CDN功能 ( Cloudinary’s Multiple CDN Feature )

Today, Cloudinary does not just offer media storage, manipulation, and administration but now offers multiple CDN for your media files. This means you get the following services at an extremely fast delivery rate:

今天, Cloudinary不仅提供媒体存储,操纵和管理,而且还为您的媒体文件提供多个CDN。 这意味着您将以极快的交付速度获得以下服务:

  • On-the-fly image manipulation via CDN URLs

    通过CDN URL即时处理图像
  • Adaptive format adaptation for any browser

  • Automatic image optimization with Save Data support

  • SEO friendly URLs with dynamic suffix

  • Automatic width and DPR using Client Hints

  • Transparent and automatic invalidations

  • Custom domain (CNAME), SSL support, HTTP/2 support

    自定义域(CNAME),SSL支持,HTTP / 2支持
  • Video streaming with on-the-fly transcoding


You no longer need to select the best CDN, handle the technical integration, fit the CDN to your needs – Cloudinary does it all for you! Each of Cloudinary’s supported CDNs has different advantages and special features; Cloudinary maps your requirements to the best matching CDN.

您不再需要选择最佳的CDN,进行技术集成,使CDN满足您的需求-Cloudinary会为您完成所有这些工作! Cloudinary支持的每个CDN具有不同的优势和特殊功能; Cloudinary将您的需求映射到最匹配的CDN。

This multi CDN approach enables developers to improve the end-user experience by:


  • Leveraging strengths of various CDNs to offer the best-of-breed performance and coverage for all users.

  • Improving the quality of service - performance, reliability and availability - specifically for users that otherwise would not be as close to a server.

    提高服务质量- 性能,可靠性和可用性 -专门针对那些本来不会像服务器那么近的用户。
  • Eliminating operational overhead of managing and maintaining CDN solutions, such integration, maintenance and contracts.


Cloudinary uses real-time monitoring and performance data, to dynamically switch between different CDN providers and networks to match the user characteristics, request by request.


立即开始 ( Get Started Today )

My experience, and that of my users, in building web apps and using them respectively have been great because of the Cloudinary techniques employed to manage media files. Content delivery just got better with the introduction of Cloudinary’s multi CDNs feature. Get started and give your users the experience they deserve and keep them coming back

由于用于管理媒体文件的Cloudinary技术,我和我的用户在构建Web应用程序和使用它们方面的经验非常出色。 Cloudinary的多CDN功能的引入使内容交付变得更好。 开始使用 ,为您的用户提供应有的体验,并让他们回头客

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