outlook 附件加密_如何在Outlook Online中对电子邮件进行数字签名或加密

outlook 附件加密

outlook 附件加密

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Outlook Online lets you digitally sign or encrypt your emails, either individually or by default for all outbound messages. If this is something you need to do, here are the instructions to get it up and running.

Outlook Online使您可以单独或默认情况下对所有出站邮件进行数字签名或加密电子邮件。 如果您需要这样做,请按照以下说明进行操作。

The reasons why you might want to digitally sign an email—applying an electronic signature that proves the message came from the sender that it says it came from—or encrypt an email is a whole topic on its own. We’re going to assume that if you’re interested in digitally signing or encrypting an email you have a good reason for doing so and understand the pros and cons already.

您可能想对电子邮件进行数字签名(应用电子签名以证明邮件来自发件人所说的来源)或对电子邮件进行加密的原因本身就是一个完整的话题。 我们将假设,如果您有兴趣对电子邮件进行数字签名或加密,那么您就有充分的理由这样做,并且已经了解了其优缺点。

If you don’t know much about digital signing or encryption, then you probably don’t need to worry about either of them. There’s little point signing or encrypting your messages if you don’t need to, and in the case of encryption, you’re just making it so that your recipients won’t be able to read your email.

如果您对数字签名或加密不太了解,那么您可能不必担心它们中的任何一个。 如果不需要的话,对邮件进行签名或加密几乎没有意义,在加密的情况下,这样做仅仅是为了使收件人无法阅读您的电子邮件。

But, if signing and encrypting email is something you need, here’s how to do it in Outlook Online.

但是,如果您需要对电子邮件进行签名和加密,请按照以下方法在Outlook Online中进行操作。

The most important thing to know about signing and encrypting emails in Outlook Online is that you need to be using the Edge browser and an email account that uses Microsoft Exchange. If you’re using Outlook to read your email from Gmail, Yahoo Mail, or any provider that doesn’t use an Exchange server, this won’t work. Similarly, trying this in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari won’t work.

关于在Outlook Online中对电子邮件进行签名和加密的最重要的事情是,您需要使用Edge浏览器和使用Microsoft Exchange的电子邮件帐户。 如果您使用Outlook从Gmail,Yahoo Mail或任何不使用Exchange服务器的提供商中读取电子邮件,则将无法使用。 同样,在Chrome,Firefox或Safari中尝试此操作也无效。

To get started, open the Microsoft Edge browser, and log in to Outlook Online. Open a new email, click the three dots in the taskbar to open a drop-down menu, then select “Show Message Options.”

首先,请打开Microsoft Edge浏览器,然后登录到Outlook Online 。 打开一封新电子邮件,单击任务栏中的三个点以打开一个下拉菜单,然后选择“显示邮件选项”。

The "Show message options" option.

In the “Message Options” panel that opens, choose whether you want to sign or encrypt (or both) your message, then click the “OK” button.


The Message options panel, with the Encryption and Digital Signing options highlighted.

If this is the first time you’ve tried signing or encrypting an email on this computer, you’ll see a message that reads “You cannot sign or encrypt this message until you install the S/MIME control. To install S/MIME, click here.” Click the link to install the S/MIME control.

如果这是您第一次尝试在此计算机上签名或加密电子邮件,则会看到一条消息,内容为“在安装S / MIME控件之前,您不能签名或加密此消息。 要安装S / MIME,请单击此处。” 单击链接以安装S / MIME控件。

The message stating that the S/MIME control needs to be installed.

You can run the installer directly or download it to your computer and run the installer from there. Assuming you run the installer directly, Edge will ask you for confirmation that you want to install the S/MIME control. Click the “Install” button.

您可以直接运行安装程序,也可以将其下载到计算机上,然后从那里运行安装程序。 假设您直接运行安装程序,Edge将要求您确认要安装S / MIME控件。 点击“安装”按钮。

The S/MIME Control installation panel.

Once the S/MIME control has installed, Edge will display a message on the bottom right-hand side of the window.

一旦安装了S / MIME控件,Edge就会在窗口的右下角显示一条消息。

The message Edge displays when the S/MIME control has been installed.

Close Edge and then reopen the browser. For reasons known only to Microsoft, Edge may not recognize that the S/MIME control is a Microsoft add-in, so click the three dots found in the top-right corner of the interface to open the browser menu and then select the “Extensions” option.

关闭Edge,然后重新打开浏览器。 仅出于Microsoft已知的原因,Edge可能无法识别S / MIME控件是Microsoft加载项,因此请单击界面右上角的三个点以打开浏览器菜单,然后选择“扩展名”。 “ 选项。

The 3 dots and browser menu in Edge, with the "Extensions" option highlighted.

Find the “Microsoft S/MIME Control” extension and, if it’s set to “Off,” click the toggle to turn it on.

找到“ Microsoft S / MIME Con​​trol”扩展名,如果将其设置为“ Off”,则单击切换开关以将其打开。

The S/MIME Control on/off toggle switch.

Now, log back into Outlook Online and create a new email. Open the Message Options again (three dots > Show Message Options) and choose to encrypt or sign your email. If you are using a domain that has not been registered with the S/MIME control, you’ll see a message telling you to add the domain. Click the link to open the S/MIME control options.

现在,重新登录Outlook Online并创建新电子邮件。 再次打开邮件选项(三个点>显示邮件选项),然后选择加密或签名电子邮件。 如果您使用的域尚未向S / MIME控件注册,则会看到一条消息,提示您添加该域。 单击链接以打开S / MIME控件选项。

The "add domain" error message.

In the “S/MIME Control Options” panel, check the box next to “Allow work or school domains,” add your email domain in the text box, then click the “Save” button.

在“ S / MIME控制选项”面板中,选中“允许工作或学校域”旁边的框,在文本框中添加您的电子邮件域,然后单击“保存”按钮。

The "S/MIME Control options" panel.

You will now need to restart Edge again and log back in to Outlook Online. You can now send signed and encrypted emails and also unencrypt emails that have been sent to you using the S/MIME control.

现在,您将需要再次重新启动Edge并重新登录到Outlook Online 。 现在,您可以发送签名和加密的电子邮件,也可以不加密使用S / MIME控件发送给您的电子邮件。

If you want to sign or encrypt every email you send by default, click on Settings > View All Outlook Settings.


Outlook's "View all Outlook settings" option.

Click Email > S/MIME.

单击电子邮件> S / MIME。

Outlook's Settings menu, with the "S/MIME" option highlighted.

Switch on either or both of the encryption and signing options, then click the “Save” button.


The S/MIME settings.

All of the emails that you send will now be automatically encrypted and/or signed, depending on which options you chose.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/665438/how-to-digitally-sign-or-encrypt-emails-in-outlook-online/

outlook 附件加密

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