iphone 测量夹角_如何在iPhone上测量高程

iphone 测量夹角

iphone 测量夹角

Apple iPhone Measure Elevation
Dave Nelson / Shutterstock 戴夫·尼尔森(Dave Nelson)/ Shutterstock

Your elevation is usually measured as your height above sea level. This is useful information, especially if you enjoy climbing mountains. You can find your current elevation by looking at your iPhone, and you already have the app to do it.

您的海拔高度通常以您在海平面之上的高度来衡量。 这是有用的信息,尤其是当您喜欢爬山时。 您可以通过查看iPhone来找到当前的海拔高度,并且已经可以使用该应用了。

All iPhones from the iPhone 6 onwards include a barometer that calculates a device’s current elevation. The iPhone uses that data for multiple things, not least to help it know when you take a flight of stairs—gotta close those activity rings.

从iPhone 6开始的所有iPhone都包含一个气压计,可计算设备的当前海拔高度。 iPhone将这些数据用于多种用途,尤其是在走楼梯时帮助它知道-必须关闭这些活动环。

海拔高度之间的差异 (The Difference Between Altitude and Elevation)

People often interchange the two words, but they do have separate definitions. Altitude is the height of an object or place “above a given planetary reference plane, especially above sea level on earth” as explained by dictionary.com.

人们通常会互换这两个词,但它们确实有不同的定义。 高度是指对象或位置的高度,“高于给定的行星参考平面,尤其是地球上的海平面之上”,如dictionary.com所述

Elevation relates to a position that is “above sea level or ground level” according to the same source.

高程与根据同一来源的 “高于海平面或地平面”的位置有关。

测量海拔 (Measuring Your Elevation)

Finding your elevation is easy, and you don’t have to download anything new to do it. The Compass app is installed on all iPhones, which is all you need to get started.

查找海拔高度很容易,而且您无需下载任何新内容即可。 Compass应用程序已安装在所有iPhone上,这是您入门所需的全部。

First, open the “Compass” app. Next, locate the listed elevation, which appears at the bottom of the screen.

首先,打开“指南针”应用程序。 接下来,找到列出的标高,该标高显示在屏幕底部。

Open the Compass app

Elevation data is pretty basic information but super useful at times. If you need more information about your current position, you can download more detailed apps like My Altitude. That one is free with in-app purchases to unlock additional data.

高程数据是非常基本的信息,但有时非常有用。 如果您需要有关当前职位的更多信息,可以下载更详细的应用程序,例如“ 我的海拔” 。 该应用程序内购买可免费获得更多数据。

指南针应用程序的另一种用途 (Another Use for the Compass App)

In addition to displaying your coordinates and elevation, the Compass app has one more trick up its sleeve: You can use it as a level. It’s surprisingly accurate thanks to the array of sensors built into the iPhone and handy for when a new shelf absolutely must be perfectly level.

除了显示坐标和高程之外,Compass应用程序还有另外一个技巧:您可以将其用作一个关卡 。 得益于iPhone内置的传感器阵列,它非常准确,而且在新架子绝对必须处于完美水平状态时非常方便。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/435563/how-to-measure-elevation-on-your-iphone/

iphone 测量夹角





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