


Even if you’re not bent on heavily modding Minecraft, every player should install Optifine. Today we’re going to dig into the guts of Optifine and highlight all the ways you can use it to optimize your Minecraft experience whether you’re on a powerhouse gaming rig or an old laptop.

即使您不愿沉迷于Minecraft,每个玩家都应该安装Optifine。 今天,我们将深入探讨Optifine的精髓,并强调您使用它的所有方式,无论您是在强大的游戏平台上还是在旧笔记本电脑上,都可以使用它来优化Minecraft体验。

为什么要使用Optifine (Why Use Optifine)

While we wouldn’t devote an entire lesson to a single gameplay-tweaking mod, we can’t stress enough how great Optifine is and why you should install it and seriously configure it. Not only is Optifine great for all computers running Minecraft (Mojang, as much as we love Minecraft, has been a little sloppy with their GPU and graphic optimization code), it can take a computer that barely renders Minecraft and provide a playable experience.

尽管我们不会将整个课程都投入到一个单一的游戏玩法改进模块中,但是我们不能足够强调Optifine的出色之处以及为什么要安装并认真配置它。 Optifine不仅适用于所有运行Minecraft的计算机(Mojang,就我们所喜爱的Minecraft而言,其GPU和图形优化代码有些草率),它可以使一台几乎无法渲染Minecraft并提供可玩体验的计算机。

One of our laptops, for example, is a super slim ultrabook from a few years back. Great battery life, great portable profile, but not so great in the GPU department. The ultrabook was made for great battery life and a slim form factor, not serious gaming. Without Optifine the computer renders vanilla Minecraft at 3-6 FPS and the game is choppy and unplayable. With Optifine on the default settings it will play Minecraft at 15 FPS; with additional tweaking it will play Minecraft at 24-30FPS or so. While we can’t promise that level of improvement, we have yet to install Optifine on a machine and not see either the concrete FPS rise and/or the overall performance improve.

例如,我们的笔记本电脑之一是几年前的超薄超极本。 出色的电池寿命,出色的便携式配置文件,但在GPU部门却不那么出色。 超极本是为延长电池使用时间和纤薄外形而不是严肃的游戏而制造的。 如果没有Optifine,计算机将以3-6 FPS的速度渲染Vanilla Minecraft,并且游戏不稳定且无法玩。 将Optifine设为默认设置后,它将以15 FPS的速度运行Minecraft; 进行其他调整后,它将以24-30FPS左右的速度运行Minecraft。 虽然我们不能保证会达到这样的水平,但我们尚未在机器上安装Optifine,也没有看到具体的FPS上升和/或整体性能提高。

Let’s take a look at the guts of the Optifine menu and break down what the options found therein do. If you’ve stumbled upon this article without reading the previous Minecraft modding tutorial, we’d strongly urge you to jump back and give it a solid read over before continuing. If you already have a modded copy of Minecraft and Optifine installed, continue onward.

让我们看一下Optifine菜单的勇气,并分解其中的选项。 如果您在没有阅读以前的Minecraft改装教程的情况下偶然发现了本文,我们强烈建议您跳回并仔细阅读,然后继续。 如果您已经安装了Minecraft和Optifine的修改版,请继续。

配置Optifine:逐点细分 (Configuring Optifine: A Point-by-Point Breakdown)

It’s really easy to get lost in the Optifine configuration menu, despite the pretty well developed hover-tips that appear when you mouse over a given button or option. Let’s take a look at each setting one by one, working out way first through the single toggles on the main Video Settings page (those items that have no sub-menus) and then looking at the sub-menus individually.

尽管将鼠标悬停在给定的按钮或选项上时会出现非常完善的悬停提示,但在Optifine配置菜单中确实很容易迷失方向。 让我们一一看一下每个设置,首先通过“视频设置”主页面上的单个切换(没有子菜单的项目),然后分别查看子菜单。

For ease of reference we’ll use a table with the setting on the left-hand side and the explanation on the right. Several settings are present in both regular Minecraft and Optifine; we’ll note when they are and explain what’s different.

为了便于参考,我们将使用一个表格,左侧的设置,右侧的说明。 常规Minecraft和Optifine中都有几种设置。 我们会记下它们的时间,并说明有何不同。

视频设置:常规 (Video Settings: General)

GraphicsThis setting is identical to vanilla Minecraft. “Fancy” is more resource intensive; it turns on shadow rendering, dynamic water, volumetric clouds, and transparent leaves, among other things. Switch to “Fast” to disable the effects and increase FPS.
Smooth LightingThis setting is identical to vanilla Minecraft. It has a very minimal effect on performance; we suggest leaving it on because toggling it to the lower settings is pretty ugly (and you gain very little FPS boost in return).
Smooth LightingLevelThis setting is introduced by Optifine and allows you a finer level of control over how the Smooth Lighting is applied. Again, the performance boost here is minimal so only decrease the percentage if you’re looking to squeeze out an FPS boost on a very low-spec machine.
GUI ScaleAdjusts the onscreen display (e.g. quick access bar and health/hunger). If you’re playing on a very large monitor and find the GUI to be too small, you can fix it here.
BrightnessNo effect on performance, simply a gamma-style adjustment of in-game light levels. Moody makes caves very dark whereas full brightness allows you to see without torches.
FogOptifine only. Allows you to adjust the fog render quality as Fancy, Fast, or Off. Has a marginal impact on performance.
Fog StartOptifine only. Whereas toggling the state of the fog will actually have a small impact on performance, adjusting the Fog Start (how near or far the fog from the player the fog begins) distance is a cosmetic change like adjusting the brightness. If you want to make the game more difficult and more moody, adjust the fog closer so you see less of the world around you.
3D AnaglyphFound in vanilla Minecraft. For use with traditional red-blue 3D glasses.
Render DistanceThis setting is an enhanced version of the one in vanilla Minecraft. Setting indicates how far the Minecraft engine renders the game, in chunks, from the player’s current position. In vanilla Minecraft your render distance maxes at 16 chunks. With Optifine you can max it out at 32. Lowering this number increases FPS.
Max FramerateThis section is actually a bit counterintuitive. Your computer cannot display a frame rather higher than the refresh rate of monitor so limiting it to the refresh rate of your monitor (30, 60, or 120hz) is recommended. Some users, however, do report better results with Optifine by setting their framerate to Max.
View BobbingWhen on, the players head bobs slightly while walking; when off, the view is stable.
Advanced OpenGLOnly works on machines with GPUs that support OpenGL 2.0+; helps increase FPS by only rendering what is visible to the player. There’s no risk in turning it on (if you don’t have the right GPU, nothing will happen).
CloudsTurning the clouds off offers a very minor increase in performance.
图形 此设置与香草Minecraft相同。 “花式”需要更多的资源; 它可以启用阴影渲染,动态水,体积云和透明树叶等功能。 切换到“快速”以禁用效果并增加FPS。
柔和的灯光 此设置与香草Minecraft相同。 它对性能的影响很小。 我们建议您将其保持打开状态,因为将其切换到较低的设置非常难看(并且您获得的FPS提升很少)。
平滑的照明水平 此设置由Optifine引入,使您可以更好地控制如何应用“平滑照明”。 同样,这里的性能提升是最小的,因此如果您想在非常低规格的机器上挤出FPS提升,请仅降低百分比。
GUI比例尺 调整屏幕显示(例如快速访问栏和健康/饥饿)。 如果您在很大的显示器上玩,并且发现GUI太小,则可以在此处进行修复。
亮度 不会对性能产生任何影响,只需对游戏中的光照水平进行伽马式调整即可。 穆迪(Moody)使洞穴变得非常黑暗,而全亮度让您无需手电就能看见。
多雾路段 仅优化。 使您可以将“雾化”渲染质量调整为“花式”,“快速”或“关闭”。 对性能产生边际影响。
起雾 仅优化。 切换雾状态实际上会对性能产生很小的影响,而调整雾开始(距离雾距玩家雾的距离有多远)则是一种外观上的改变,例如调整亮度。 如果您想使游戏更困难,更喜怒无常,请调整雾度,以使周围的世界更少。
3D立体 在香草Minecraft中发现。 适用于传统的红蓝色3D眼镜。
渲染距离 此设置是香草Minecraft版本的增强版本。 设置指示Minecraft引擎以大块的形式呈现游戏到玩家当前位置的距离。 在Vanilla Minecraft中,渲染距离最大为16个块。 使用Optifine,您可以将其最大值提高到32。降低此数字可以提高FPS。
最大帧率 该部分实际上有点违反直觉。 您的计算机无法显示比监视器的刷新率更高的帧,因此建议将其限制为监视器的刷新率(30、60或120hz)。 但是,某些用户通过将其帧速率设置为Max确实报告了使用Optifine更好的结果。
查看浮动 启用时,玩家在行走时略微摇头; 禁用时,视图是稳定的。
进阶OpenGL 仅适用于带有支持OpenGL 2.0+的GPU的机器; 仅渲染播放器可见的内容有助于提高FPS。 开启它没有任何风险(如果您没有正确的GPU,将不会发生任何事情)。
乌云 关闭云将使性能提高很小。

视频设置:详细信息 (Video Settings: Details)

Now we’re starting to get into the realm of completely Optifine-only settings; as such we’ll no longer be noting that things are Optifine or vanilla Minecraft as every setting here on out is all Optifine-based. This sub-menu governs the small details in the game like cloud styles and astronomical details.

现在,我们开始进入完全仅限Optifine设置的领域。 因此,我们不再注意到事物是Optifine还是Vanilla Minecraft,因为这里的所有设置都是基于Optifine的。 此子菜单控制游戏中的小细节,例如云风格和天文细节。

The individual settings in this sub-menu can all be toggled to provide a very small performance boost by decreasing the load on the GPU. Toggling a single setting will likely have next-to-no noticeable benefit, but if your computer is struggling, toggling several (or all of them) from the highest setting (typically “Fancy”) to the lowest setting (“Fast” or “Off”) will free up resources and boost your FPS.

该子菜单中的各个设置都可以切换,以通过减少GPU的负载来提供非常小的性能提升。 切换一个设置可能会带来几乎没有明显的好处,但是如果您的计算机在挣扎中,请将几个(或全部)从最高设置(通常是“花式”)切换到最低设置(“快速”或“关闭”)将释放资源并提高您的FPS。

CloudsFast clouds are 2D and have no depth if you fly up and look at them. Fancy clouds are 3D. You can also turn the clouds off.
TreesFancy trees have transparent leaves you can look through; Fast trees have opaque leaf blocks that transmit no light.
WaterFancy water undergoes multiple passes to erase any artifacts, Fast water renders faster but will have some visual artifacts.
SkyTurning the sky off decreases GPU load. The sun and moon are toggled independently and will stay in the sky unless turned off in the next setting.
Sun & MoonToggles visibility of the sun and moon; offers small performance boost. The sun/moon movement on the in-game clock will continue to work even though the sun and moon are no longer visible in the sky.
Depth FogThis setting is distinct from the Fog setting in the general menu. This setting governs how the fog found close to the bedrock functions. The adjustment is cosmetic and allows you to make the bedrock fog denser or have it behave just like fog at regular elevations
Translucent BlocksThis setting governs whether or not translucent blocks will be rendered in a detailed or undetailed fashion. Set to fancy, blocks will take on the coloration of other blocks they are stacked with. Set to Fast, fewer resources will be used to render the color tints.
Cloud HeightPurely cosmetic. If you build a castle on top of a tall mountain and you’re sick of the clouds drifting right through your courtyard you can use this setting to raise the cloud ceiling.
GrassFast grass uses the default grass texture. Fancy grass uses, if available, biome specific textures. Marginal performance boost on Fast as a single texture is used for all grass.
Rain & SnowFancy offers very dense rain and snowfall. Fast thins the rain/snow fall. Off removes the precipitation altogether. Performance gain is marginal.
StarsOn/Off. Removing the stars offers a marginal performance gain.
Show CapesOn/Off. Removing capes offers a marginal performance gain.
Held ItemTool TipsOn/Off. Toggles the “tool tips” when you hold an item in your hand. Basic items simply have a name (like “Clock”), some items in mods actually have a tip here. Change is purely cosmetic.
Dropped ItemsRenders dropped items in 3D (Fancy) or 2D (Fast). Fast offers a marginal performance gain.
乌云 快云是2D的,如果您飞起来看着它们,则没有深度。 花式云是3D。 您也可以关闭云。
树木 花式树上有透明的叶子,您可以看透; 快树有不透光的不透光叶子。
天空 关闭天空可减少GPU负载。 太阳和月亮是独立切换的,除非在下一个设置中关闭,否则它们将留在天空中。
日月 切换太阳和月亮的可见性; 提供小的性能提升。 即使太阳和月亮在天空中不再可见,游戏机时钟上的太阳/月亮运动仍将继续起作用。
深度雾 此设置与常规菜单中的雾设置不同。 此设置控制着在基岩附近发现雾的功能。 该调整是美观的,可让您使基岩雾更浓或使其表现得像常规高程雾一样
半透明块 此设置控制是否以详细或不详细的方式呈现半透明块。 设置为花式时,块将采用堆叠在一起的其他块的颜色。 设置为“快速”时,将使用较少的资源来呈现颜色。
云高 纯化妆品。 如果您在一座高山上建造一座城堡,而对云层在院子里漂流感到厌倦,则可以使用此设置来提高云层的天花板。
快速草使用默认的草纹理。 花梢草使用生物群落特定的纹理(如果有)。 由于所有草都使用单一纹理,因此Fast上的边际性能提升。
雨雪 花式提供非常密集的降雨和降雪。 快速稀薄的雨/雪落。 完全去除降水。 性能提升是微不足道的。
星星 开关。 去除星星会带来少量的性能提升。
显示披风 开关。 去除海角会带来轻微的性能提升。
持有物品工具提示 开关。 当您手持项目时,切换“工具提示”。 基本物品只是有一个名称(如“时钟”),mod中的某些物品实际上在这里有提示。 变化纯粹是表面上的。
掉落物品 渲染以3D(精美)或2D(快速)放置的项目。 快速提供了微不足道的性能提升。

视频设置:动画 (Video Settings: Animations)

We’re going to break away from the table format for this section because everything in the Animation submenu is a simple binary On/Off, save for three buttons.


In this sub-menu you can toggle 17 different in-game animations: water, fire, redstone, flames, void particles, rain splashes, portion particles, terrain, textures, lava, portals, explosions, smoke, water, portal particles, dripping water/lava, and item animations.


In addition you can opt to adjust the density of particles from “All” to “Decreased” to “Off” to adjust how many particles from the different animations appear on-screen. There’s also two buttons at the very bottom for toggling all the settings on or off.

另外,您可以选择将粒子的密度从“全部”调整为“减少”,再将其调整为“关”,以调整屏幕上出现多少来自不同动画的粒子。 底部还有两个按钮,用于打开或关闭所有设置。

Yes, decreasing or eliminating animations will increase performance. We’d caution you to do it selectively, however, as some of the animations are very useful and provide in-game feedback. Rain splashes, for example, are purely cosmetic. Water/lava drips on the other hand, indicate that directly above the block you’re looking at there is water or lava — a key in-game feedback mechanism that will keep you from being flooded into the bottom of a cave or burned alive. Further, if you turn off item animations the in-game animations tools like the clock and compass break because they are no longer animated.

是的,减少或消除动画将提高性能。 但是,我们提醒您有选择地进行操作,因为某些动画非常有用并可以提供游戏内反馈。 例如,雨水飞溅纯粹是化妆品。 另一方面,水/熔岩滴落表明您正在查看的区块正上方有水或熔岩-一种重要的游戏内反馈机制,可防止您被洪水淹没在洞穴底部或被烧死。 此外,如果您关闭项目动画,则时钟和指南针等游戏内动画工具会中断,因为它们不再具有动画效果。

At the same time, you can use this menu to solve annoyances too. We happen to strongly dislike the way potion particles swirl around your field of view so obtrusively, so we often decrease the particle count or turn the potion particles off altogether.

同时,您也可以使用此菜单解决烦恼。 我们碰巧非常不喜欢药水粒子在您视场周围回旋的方式,因此我们经常减少粒子数或完全关闭药水粒子。

视频设置:质量 (Video Settings: Quality)

The Quality sub-menu is concerned with the quality of the graphics rendering. The settings here deal primarily with custom textures, colors, and biomes.

“质量”子菜单与图形渲染的质量有关。 此处的设置主要处理自定义纹理,颜色和生物群落。

Mimap LevelsHigher levels offer higher texture smoothing; decreasing Mipmap level can increase performance but at the cost of uglier textures; typically not worth the tradeoff as the performance increase is very small.
Mimap TypeNearest (offers rough smoothing)/Linear (offers finer smoothing). Again, mostly cosmetic.
AnisotropicFilteringWorks with the Mipmap system and restores detailing (especially on surfaces viewed at a distance or at an angle); turning off the AF can increase performance.
Custom SkyOn/Off. Some texture packs include custom sky textures that can be resource intensive. If you suspect the custom sky in a texture pack you’re using is taxing your system, toggle it off here.
Clear WaterOn/Off. When set Off, water is nearly opaque. When turned on, water is more translucent and you can see deeper into it. Turning Clear Water offers a marginal performance boost.
Random MobsOn/Off. Only applicable to texture packs with multiple mob textures for each in-game mob. If you’re using such a texture pack and you want to limit the texture back to using the primary texture for each mob type instead of chewing up memory loading extra textures, turn this setting off to boost performance.
Better GrassSet this Off to use simple texture rendering to Fast for full textures, and Fancy for dynamic textures. Set it Off for maximum performance boost.
Better SnowOn/Off. Turning this setting on decreases performance but renders snowfall more realistically.
Custom FontsOn/Off. Toggles custom resource-pack supplied fonts. Largely cosmetic, we advise against turning it off simply because so many resource packs have such great and thematic font packs included.
Custom ColorsOn/Off. Same as the fonts; toggles the custom resource-pack supplied color schemes.
Swamp ColorsOn/Off. Toggling this off requires the game to load fewer textures. Swamp textures will be the same as other biomes and grass and vine colors will not be unique to the Swamp biome. Very marginal performance gain.
Smooth BiomesOn/Off. Toggles the biome smoothing. With it on the game does more intense sampling and blends the colors between the edges of biomes; with it off the line between biomes is blocky. Moderate performance gain by toggling it off.
Connected TexturesFast/Fancy/Off. Toggles the rendering of connected textures (such as bookcases) and whether or not multiple units of the same texture will appear as one larger unit or multiple discrete units. Minimal performance gain by toggling off; game looks much better if left on.
Natural TexturesOn/Off. If supported by the resource pack, this setting will randomly rotate textures to create a more natural appearance (such that the game doesn’t appear to have the same repeating stamped texture on large expanses of identical block types). Toggling on does slightly decrease performance but really improves the look of large spans of identical blocks.
Mimap等级 级别越高,纹理平滑度越高; 降低Mipmap级别可以提高性能,但以较难看的纹理为代价; 通常不值得进行权衡,因为性能提升非常小。
Mimap类型 最近(提供粗化平滑)/线性(提供细化平滑)。 再次,主要是化妆品。
各向异性过滤 与Mipmap系统配合使用并恢复细节(尤其是在以一定距离或某个角度查看的表面上); 关闭自动对焦可以提高性能。
自定义天空 开关。 一些纹理包包含可能占用大量资源的自定义天空纹理。 如果您怀疑正在使用的纹理包中的自定义天空使系统负担重,请在此处将其关闭。
清水 开关。 设置为“关”时,水几乎不透明。 启用后,水会变得更透明,您可以看到更深的水。 转动清水可显着提高性能。
随机小怪 开关。 仅适用于每个游戏内生物具有多个生物纹理的纹理包。 如果您使用的是这样的纹理包,并且希望将纹理限制为对每种类型的生物都使用主要纹理,而不是浪费内存来加载额外的纹理,请关闭此设置以提高性能。
更好的草 设置为“关”可将简单的纹理渲染使用“快速”表示完整的纹理,将“花式”用于动态纹理。 将其设置为“关”可最大程度地提高性能。
更好的雪 开关。 启用此设置会降低性能,但会使降雪更加逼真。
自定义字体 开关。 切换自定义资源包提供的字体。 我们主要建议您不要将其关闭,这仅仅是因为有这么多资源包都包含了如此出色的主题字体包。
自定义颜色 开关。 与字体相同; 切换自定义资源包提供的配色方案。
沼泽的颜色 开关。 禁用此选项要求游戏加载较少的纹理。 沼泽的纹理将与其他生物群落相同,草和藤的颜色将不是沼泽生物群落独有的。 非常微弱的性能提升。
顺利的生物群落 开关。 切换生物群系平滑。 在游戏中使用它可以进行更强烈的采样,并在生物群落边缘之间融合颜色; 生物群落之间的界线是封闭的。 通过切换来适度提高性能。
连接的纹理 快速/花式/关闭。 切换连接的纹理(例如书架)的渲染,以及是否将同一纹理的多个单元显示为一个较大的单元或多个离散的单元。 通过切换最小的性能增益; 如果继续玩,游戏看起来会好得多。
自然纹理 开关。 如果资源包支持,此设置将随机旋转纹理以创建更自然的外观(这样,游戏在相同块类型的大块物体上看起来就不会具有相同的重复标记纹理)。 切换确实会稍微降低性能,但实际上会改善大范围的相同块的外观。

视频设置:效果 (Video Settings: Performance)

The settings in this sub-menu are focused entirely on FPS, rendering, and chunk updates.


Smooth FPSOn/Off. Whether or not this helps you is highly depending on your GPU and drivers. Under ideal circumstances it significantly stabilizes your FPS to reduce judder; if your GPU doesn’t support it, you’ll see no improvement.
Smooth WorldOn/Off. Only affects play on a local world. It smooths the way the internal server loads the world by distributing tasks more efficiently.
Load FarOn/Off. When on the game will load all the chunks up to the distance you set with the Render Distance option. When “Off’” it will load all the chunks out to the Far distance. We recommend you leave this off as it will enforce whatever setting you opted for in the Render Distance section
Preloaded ChunksOff/2/4/6/8. Defines how far you need to travel before new chunks are loaded. The performance issues here are a bit of a catch-22 situation.Left “Off” the game will load new chunks for every 5 blocks you travel in the game (although this creates a higher immediate loading demand it also distributes the demand in small chunks across time). For each increase in the number (2/4/8) the amount of chunks loaded increases and the amount traveled before new chunks are loaded also increases. 

This significantly increases the load strain at any given load interval but, for computers with a lot of memory and GPU power, it means more of the game is loaded and play within the large loaded set of chunks is smoother. Leave “Off” if you’re concerned about lag on a lower end machine.

Chunk Updates1/2/3/4/5. The default is 1. The lower the number the slower the world will load (because there will be fewer chunk updates) but the more stable the FPS will be in the region of the world you currently occupy.
Dynamic UpdatesOn/Off. Default is “Off”; will only update chunks as the player is moving. Toggle this setting “On” to enable nearby chunks to update while the player is standing still (thus loading the world faster).
Fast MathOn/Off. Offloads some of the rendering functions to the CPU. While results here are highly hardware dependent, if you have a weaker GPU definitely experiment with turning this setting on to lean on the power of your CPU.
Lazy Chunk LoadingOn/Off. Like Smooth World, Lazy Chunk Loading helps smooth chunk updating and rendering for local worlds. It’s turned on by default and boosts performance; if your world is rendering strangely toggle it off.
Fast RenderOn/Off. Uses CPU to increase render times. If you notice flickering textures or strangely rendered shadows, toggle this setting off.
流畅的FPS 开关。 这是否对您有帮助,在很大程度上取决于您的GPU和驱动程序。 在理想情况下,它可以显着稳定FPS以减少抖动; 如果您的GPU不支持它,您将看不到任何改善。
流畅的世界 开关。 仅影响在本地世界上的比赛。 通过更有效地分配任务,它可以平滑内部服务器加载世界的方式。
负载远 开关。 在游戏上时,将加载所有块,直至达到您使用“渲染距离”选项设置的距离。 当“关闭”时,它将所有块加载到远距离。 我们建议您关闭此设置,因为它将强制执行您在“渲染距离”部分中选择的任何设置
预装块 关/ 2/4/6/8。 定义在加载新块之前需要走多远。 这里的性能问题有点像22级捕获。离开“关”时,游戏中您旅行的每5个块都会加载新的块(尽管这会产生较高的即时加载需求,但也会将需求分配为小块)跨时间)。 对于数量(2/4/8)的每次增加,装入的块的数量都会增加,在装入新块之前,行进的数量也会增加。

这显着增加了在任何给定负载间隔下的负载压力,但是对于具有大量内存和GPU功能的计算机,这意味着将加载更多的游戏,并且在大块加载的块中进行的游戏更加流畅。 如果您担心低端计算机的延迟,请保留“关闭”。

大量更新 1/2/3/4/5。 默认值为1。数字越小,世界加载的速度就越慢(因为块更新将减少),但FPS在您当前所居住的世界范围内越稳定。
动态更新 开关。 默认为“关”; 只会在玩家移动时更新块。 将此设置切换为“开”可在玩家静止不动时更新附近的区块(从而更快地加载世界)。
快速数学 开关。 将某些渲染功能卸载到CPU。 虽然这里的结果高度依赖于硬件,但是如果您的GPU较弱,则一定要尝试启用此设置以依靠CPU的能力。
懒块加载 开关。 像“平滑世界”一样,“惰性块加载”有助于平滑块更新和渲染局部世界。 默认情况下它已打开并提高了性能。 如果您的世界正在渲染奇怪地将其关闭。
快速渲染 开关。 使用CPU来增加渲染时间。 如果您发现闪烁的纹理或异常渲染的阴影,请关闭此设置。

视频设置:其他 (Video Settings: Other)

This sub-menu has a handful of settings that have no better home or, like Weather, seem like they should have been placed elsewhere.


The settings here are primarily concerned with adjusting the game experience or debugging.


LagometerOn/Off. This setting toggles on a visual meter located in the lower left corner of the screen between the edge and the on-screen item toolbar. Like a combination heartbeat and GPU monitor, it moves slowly across the screen offering a visual representation of current GPU loads, chunk loading, and other metrics. Useful for on-the-fly diagnosis while playing but, like any GUI element, turning it on creates a new resource demand.
Debug ProfilersRenders dropped items in 3D (Fancy) or 2D (Fast). Fast offers a marginal performance gain.
WeatherOn/Off. As the name suggests, toggles the weather on and off. Only works on local worlds.
TimeDefault/Night/Day. Allows you to, in a local Creative Mode game, set the time permanently day or night.
FullscreenSwitches the game between fullscreen and windowed mode (like the F11 button does during game play).
Fullscreen ModeDefault/[Available Resolutions]. Allows you to set your fullscreen mode to the monitor’s default resolution or other supported resolutions. Lowering the resolution can improve game performance but it also makes switching in and out of the game to the desktop environment much slower.
Autosave2s/20s/3m/30m. The game default is to save your world every 2 seconds. On many machines, both high end and low end, this can cause significant bouts of lag. Optifine shifts the save schedule to every 3 minutes but you can push it as high as 30 minutes. We recommend leaving at the Optifine default of 3 minutes.
血糖仪 开关。 此设置在位于边缘和屏幕上项目工具栏之间的屏幕左下角的可视仪表上切换。 就像心跳和GPU监视器的组合一样,它在屏幕上缓慢移动,提供了当前GPU负载,块负载和其他指标的可视化表示。 对于播放时的实时诊断很有用,但是像任何GUI元素一样,将其打开会产生新的资源需求。
调试分析器 渲染以3D(精美)或2D(快速)放置的项目。 快速提供了微不足道的性能提升。
天气 开关。 顾名思义,打开和关闭天气。 仅适用于本地世界。
时间 默认/夜晚/天。 允许您在本地的创意模式游戏中永久设置白天或晚上的时间。
全屏 在全屏和窗口模式之间切换游戏(就像在玩游戏时按F11按钮一样)。
全屏模式 默认/ [可用分辨率]。 允许您将全屏模式设置为显示器的默认分辨率或其他受支持的分辨率。 降低分辨率可以提高游戏性能,但同时也会使游戏切换到桌面环境的速度变慢。
自动保存 2s / 20s / 3m / 30m。 游戏的默认设置是每2秒拯救您的世界一次。 在高端和低端的许多机器上,这都可能导致大量延迟。 Optifine将保存计划更改为每3分钟一次,但您最多可以将其推迟30分钟。 我们建议保留Optifine默认值3分钟。

最佳优化幸福的秘诀 (Tips for Optifine Optimization Happiness)

Now that we’ve dug through the entire list of potential Optifine optimizations, a word on using the mod frustration free.


By default, the Optifine settings are optimized, based on the version of Optifine you downloaded, to work the best for the highest number of people. Before you start toggling a single setting we’d encourage you to play the game for at least 15-30 minutes to get a sense of what causes lag. This will, in turn, give you an idea of which of the above settings you need to tweak.

默认情况下,将根据您下载的Optifine的版本对Optifine设置进行优化,以使最多的人获得最佳效果。 在您开始切换单个设置之前,我们建议您玩游戏至少15至30分钟,以了解导致延迟的原因。 反过来,这将使您了解需要调整的上述哪些设置。

When you do begin tweaking your settings, we strongly suggest two things. First, set your FPS rate to “Max” so that you can see how the FPS rate fluctuates without an artificial cap. Normally there is no need to set your FPS rate to anything higher than your monitor’s refresh rate (e.g. 60, 120, or 144) because any extra frames will go unnoticed. During testing however, those FPS spikes and drops serve as a useful metric.

当您开始调整设置时,强烈建议您做两件事。 首先,将FPS速率设置为“最大”,这样您就可以了解FPS速率如何波动而无需人工设置上限。 通常,无需将FPS速率设置为高于显示器的刷新速率(例如60、120或144),因为任何额外的帧都不会被注意到。 但是,在测试期间,这些FPS的峰值和下降是有用的指标。

The second thing we’d urge you to do is to make small changes and then play for a few minutes. See how the changes affect your game play and, even if the changes seem to have a negative impact, sometimes it helps to quit to the main screen and then reload the world for a fresh start with the new settings.

我们敦促您做的第二件事是进行一些小的更改,然后播放几分钟。 了解这些变化如何影响您的游戏体验,即使这些变化似乎产生了负面影响,有时也可以帮助您退出主屏幕,然后重新加载世界,以新的设置重新开始。

By taking it slow and restarting the world to asses major changes in Optifine’s settings, you’ll get a better sense of what settings are actually improving your experience.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/202653/how-to-optimize-optifine-for-a-smooth-minecraft-experience/


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安装光影需要以下步骤: 1. 首先确保你已经安装了官方正版的Minecraft游戏,并且已经运行过至少一次。 2. 下载和安装OptiFineOptiFine是一个Minecraft优化和增强工具,也是安装光影所必需的。你可以在OptiFine的官方网站上下载最新版本的OptiFine。 3. 打开OptiFine安装文件,然后选择“Install”进行安装。确保选择的是正确的Minecraft版本,并且点击“Install”按钮完成安装过程。 4. 打开Minecraft启动器,并选择安装了OptiFine的版本。在游戏选项中,点击“Launch Options”,然后点击“Add New”创建一个新的启动配置文件。 5. 在新的启动配置文件中,将“Version”设置为安装了OptiFineMinecraft版本。 6. 在“JVM Arguments”(虚拟机参数)字段中,添加以下参数:-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M 7. 保存启动配置文件,并返回到启动器主界面。选择刚刚创建的启动配置文件,并点击“Play”启动游戏。 8. 进入游戏后,打开“Options”(选项)菜单,然后点击“Video Settings”(视频设置)。 9. 在视频设置中,你应该能够看到一个新的选项叫做“Shaders”(光影)。点击这个选项,然后点击“Shaders Folder”(光影文件夹)按钮。 10. 将下载好的光影文件(通常是一个压缩包文件)解压缩到光影文件夹中。 11. 返回到游戏中,再次点击“Shaders”选项。你应该能够看到已经安装的光影文件。选择一个光影文件,然后点击“Done”完成设置。 12. 现在你可以享受安装了光影的Minecraft游戏了! 请注意,光影可能会对游戏性能产生一定的影响,具体效果取决于你的电脑硬件配置。如果遇到任何问题,请确保你的电脑满足光影的要求,并尝试调整设置以获得最佳效果。




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