
You’re looking through Activity Monitor when you notice a process you’re unfamilar with: UserEventAgent. Should you be worried? No: this is a core part of macOS.

当您发现不熟悉的进程时,您正在浏览“活动监视器” :UserEventAgent。 你应该担心吗? 否:这是macOS的核心部分。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, mdsworker, installd, WindowServer, blued, launchd, backup, opendirectoryd, powerd, coreauthd, configd, mdnsresponder, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

这篇文章是一部分我们正在进行一系列解释各种进程在活动监视器中发现,像kernel_taskhiddmdsworkerINSTALLDWindowServer发蓝launchd会备份opendirectoryd的powerdcoreauthdconfigdmdnsresponder ,和其他许多人 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

什么是UserEventAgent? (What Is UserEventAgent?)

Today’s process, UserEventAgent, is a daemon, which means it runs in the background. UserEventAgent monitors various things about your system at the user level. To quote the man page for the process:

今天的进程UserEventAgent是一个守护程序,这意味着它在后台运行。 UserEventAgent在用户级别监视有关系统的各种操作。 要引用该手册的手册页:

The UserEventAgent utility is a daemon that loads system-provided plugins to handle high-level system events which cannot be monitored directly by launchd.


That’s not terribly clear, so let’s break this down. Previously, we talked about the process configd, which runs in the background and monitors the status of various things about your Mac. For example, configd keeps track of whether you’re online or off, and alerts the other programs you use when that state changes. There are a collection of configd plugins that allow the process to do this.

这还不是很清楚,所以让我们分解一下。 之前,我们讨论过configd进程,该进程在后台运行并监视有关Mac的各种状态。 例如,configd跟踪您是在线还是离线,并在状态更改时提醒您使用的其他程序。 有一系列的configd插件允许该过程执行此操作。

UserEventAgent plays a similar role as configd, but monitors a set of things that configd cannot—mostly because configd is system-wide and run by root, while UserEventAgent is focused on your user account and runs at the user account level. You can make this more tangible by browsing the plugins UserEventAgent manages: they’re in /System/Library/UserEventPlugins.

UserEventAgent的作用与configd类似,但它监视configd无法进行的一系列操作-主要是因为configd是系统范围的并且由root运行,而UserEventAgent则专注于您的用户帐户并在用户帐户级别运行。 您可以通过浏览UserEventAgent管理的插件使它们更明显:它们位于/ System/Library/UserEventPlugins

In the UserEventPlugins folder, you’ll find plugins related to Bluetooth, the zero configuration networking tool Bonjour, time zones, Time Machine, and even the Touch Bar. UserEventAgent is monitoring the status of all these things and reporting that status to the applications you use.

在UserEventPlugins文件夹中,您将找到与蓝牙,零配置网络工具Bonjour,时区,Time Machine甚至Touch Bar相关的插件。 UserEventAgent正在监视所有这些状态,并将该状态报告给您使用的应用程序。

This is a wide variety of functionality, meaning there are a lot of potential reasons for UserEventPlugins to start using up a great deal of system resources. We couldn’t begin to outline them all here.

这是各种各样的功能,这意味着UserEventPlugins开始使用大量系统资源有很多潜在的原因。 我们不能在这里开始概述它们。

There are a few basic things you can try should you notice a spike in resource use by UserEventPlugins, though. The first thing to try (no surprise) is restarting your Mac. It’s rudimentary, but will make most problems go away. If the problem persists, try disabling any hardware or software you added recently. If that stops the high resource usage, you’ve likely found a bug: stop using the software or hardware in question, and then see if there’s a software update that solves the issue.

不过,如果您注意到UserEventPlugins的资源使用量激增,可以尝试一些基本操作。 要尝试的第一件事(毫不奇怪)是重新启动Mac。 这是基本的,但是会使大多数问题消失。 如果问题仍然存在,请尝试禁用最近添加的任何硬件或软件。 如果这停止了高资源使用率,则您可能发现了一个错误:停止使用有问题的软件或硬件,然后查看是否有软件更新可以解决问题。

Image credit: Fabian Irsara

图片来源: Fabian Irsara

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/338994/what-is-usereventagent-and-why-is-it-running-on-my-mac/





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