


It always seems like there are never enough outlets around and electronics never have a long enough cord, which is when surge protectors and extension cords come in handy. Can they be used with each other, though?

似乎总是周围没有足够的插座,电子设备也没有足够长的电线,这是电涌保护器和延长电线派上用场的时候。 它们可以互相使用吗?

您需要了解的电涌保护器和延长线 (What You Need to Know About Surge Protectors and Extension Cords)

Before we get into the nitty gritty of plugging stuff into other stuff, it’s important to first know a little about surge protectors and extension cords. Otherwise, you could be in for a world of misfortune if you just start daisy-chaining surge protectors together.

在开始将东西塞进其他东西之前,首先要了解一下电涌保护器和延长线,这一点很重要。 否则,如果您只是开始将菊花链式电涌保护器连接在一起,那么您可能会遭受不幸。

Surge protectors, as you can guess from the name, protect electronics from power surges and spikes, which are sudden increases in voltage. These can happen during lightning strikes, power outages, or just a random malfunction in the power grid.

顾名思义,电涌保护器可保护电子设备免受电涌和尖峰的影响电涌和尖峰是电压的突然升高。 这些可能发生在雷击,停电或电网中的随机故障期间。

Think of voltage as the amount of water pressure in a pipe. Electronics like a steady stream of pressure coming from the source, but when a sudden surge of pressure comes barreling through, it can overwhelm electronics and result in damage.

将电压视为管道中的水压量。 电子设备就像源源不断的压力一样,但是当突然的压力涌入时,会使电子设备不堪重负,并造成损坏。

And you should note that not all power strips are also surge protectors. Regular power strips just provide extra reach and outlets.

您应该注意,并非所有配电盘也是电涌保护器。 常规电源板仅提供额外的覆盖范围和插座。

As for extension cords, they’re a bit simpler and a more common in households. However, they’re not all created equal, and you have to be aware of a few things before you grab just any extension cord and use it to power your devices, most notably the “gauge” of the cord (a.k.a. the thickness of the wiring).

至于延长线,它们在家庭中更简单,更常见。 但是, 它们的创建方式并不完全相同 ,在抓住任何延长线并将其用于为设备供电之前,您必须了解一些注意事项,最值得注意的是电线的“规格”(也就是线的粗细)。接线)。

Of course, a big question you might have is whether or not surge protectors and extension cords can peacefully coexist, and the answer is: technically, yes, but you shouldn’t.


可以将电涌保护器插入延长线吗? (Can You Plug a Surge Protector Into an Extension Cord?)

On paper, yes, you can. The biggest thing is making sure the extension cord can handle the same amount of load as the surge protector (or more).

在纸上,是的,您可以。 最大的事情是确保延长线可以承受与电涌保护器相同的负载(或更多)。

For example, this Belkin surge protector has a 14-gauge cord, so you’ll want to make sure that your extension cord is 14 gauge or better. Otherwise, you risk putting too much load on the extension cord and creating a fire hazard for yourself.

例如, 此Belkin电涌保护器具有14号线,因此您需要确保您的延长线为14号或更好。 否则,您可能会在延长线上承受太大的负荷,并有引发火灾的危险。

At the end of the day, though, it’s actually not recommended to use an extension cord for anything more than temporary use, mostly because you risk subjecting the extension cord to prolonged wear and tear for which it’s not designed. Plus, that extra connection where you plug into the extension cord is an added connection that can become loose over time and create risk. But most importantly, it’s against OSHA and NEC regulations.

不过,实际上到最后,我们不建议您将延长线用于临时用途以外的用途 ,主要是因为您冒着使延长线长期遭受未经设计的磨损的风险。 另外,插入延长线的额外连接是增加的连接,随着时间的流逝,连接可能会松动并带来风险。 但最重要的是,它违反了OSHA和NEC法规。

So what should you do instead? Either use a surge protector with a long enough cord to reach the nearest outlet, or install an extra outlet closer to where you need it. These options aren’t the most convenient, but they’re the safest.

那么,您应该怎么做呢? 请使用电源线足够长的电涌保护器到达最近的插座,或者在需要的地方安装一个额外的插座。 这些选项不是最方便,但它们是最安全的。

可以将延长线插入另一根延长线吗? (Can You Plug Extension Cords Into Another Extension Cord?)

Again, technically you can, but it’s not recommended, as it’s considered a fire hazard. And it’s also against OSHA and NEC regulations.

再次,从技术上讲您可以,但是不建议这样做,因为它被认为是火灾隐患。 而且这也违反了OSHA和NEC法规。

It mostly comes down to length, as extension cords can only be so long—the longer the cord, the more electrical resistance, which decreases the amount of electricity that can be fed to devices. When you start to add on extension cords, you run the risk of making the run too long and under-powering your devices—not safe.

它主要归结为长度,因为延长线只能这么长-延长线越长,电阻越大,这会减少可馈入设备的电量。 当您开始增加延长线时,可能会导致运行时间过长并降低设备功率,这是不安全的。

Furthermore, as mentioned in the previous section, the extra connections where you plug your extension cords into one another are added failure points that don’t really need to be there in the first place.


So instead of chaining extensions cords to one another, do yourself a favor and just use one long extension cord for your needs.


可以将电涌保护器插入另一个电涌保护器吗? (Can You Plug a Surge Protector Into Another Surge Protector?)

This is perhaps the biggest no-no out of everything mentioned here, and if you’re at the point where you’re running out of plugs on your surge protector, you probably have too many things plugged in anyway. So adding on another surge protector to that will just create another problem on top of your current one.

这可能是这里提到的所有内容中最大的“禁忌”,如果您正要用完电涌保护器的插头,那您可能插了太多东西。 因此,在该电涌保护器上增加另一个电涌保护器只会在您当前的电涌保护器之上造成另一个问题。

Also, the protection capabilities of a surge protector (as opposed to just a regular power strip) can be interfered with if another surge protector is plugged into it, possibly to the point where neither surge protector can do its job effectively.

另外,如果将另一个电涌保护器插入电涌保护器(而不是普通的电源板 ),其保护功能可能会受到干扰,可能会导致电涌保护器无法有效执行其工作。

On top of that, most surge protector manufacturers void the warranty if you daisy-chain them together. Oh, and did we mention this is also against OSHA and NEC regulations? You probably noticed a recurring theme here.

最重要的是,如果您将它们菊花链连接在一起,大多数电涌保护器制造商将使保修失效。 哦,我们提到过这也是违反OSHA和NEC规定的吗? 您可能在这里注意到了一个重复出现的主题。

In the end, you probably won’t hurt anything if you take the right precautions (making sure extension cords are rated for the power output, etc.), but it’s not really a risk that’s worth taking, especially considering that there are other (and better) solutions to take advantage of.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/353337/can-you-plug-surge-protectors-and-extension-cords-into-each-other/






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