如何从任何Mac或Windows PC为iOS打印启用AirPrint


You have an iOS device like an iPhone or iPad, you have a printer, and you want to print things—the only problem is your printer isn’t AirPrint compatible. No problem, read on as we show you how to print to older printers.

您拥有iPhone或iPad之类的iOS设备,有一台打印机,并且想要打印东西-唯一的问题是您的打印机与AirPrint不兼容。 没问题,请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何使用旧打印机进行打印。

In the fall of 2010 Apple released the iOS 4.2 update that included a host of updated features including support for a new mobile/wireless printing protocol AirPrint. At the time there were barely a dozen HP printers that supported the service and even though the number has grown and includes a handful of offerings from the major printing companies there are still thousands upon thousands of printers—old and new—that do not support AirPrint. There’s absolutely no reason to go out and buy a new printer when you can easily tweak your existing printer to support printing from your iOS device.

在2010年秋天,Apple发布了iOS 4.2更新,其中包括许多更新的功能,包括对新的移动/无线打印协议AirPrint的支持。 当时,只有很少的HP打印机支持该服务,尽管数量已经增加,并且包括主要印刷公司提供的少数产品,但仍有成千上万的不支持AirPrint的打印机(新旧打印机) 。 当您可以轻松地调整现有打印机以支持从iOS设备进行打印时,绝对没有理由外购新打印机。

There are actually two ways to go about achieving iOS-to-printer communication if you don’t have an AirPrint compatible printer. If you’re lucky the manufacturer of your printer has released an iOS helper app that allows iOS to communicate with your printer even if you don’t have a printer with native AirPrint support.

如果您没有与AirPrint兼容的打印机,则实际上有两种方法可以实现iOS与打印机的通信。 如果您很幸运,打印机制造商已经发布了iOS帮助程序,即使您没有支持AirPrint的打印机,它也可以使iOS与您的打印机通信。

It’s important to note that this solution is only effective for people who have a Wi-Fi enabled printer that isn’t supported by AirPlay but is supported via the third-party iOS helper app released by the manufacturer of their printer.  We’re not going to focus on using the company-dependent apps in this tutorial but the apps are all free-as-in-beer and they might be just the solution you need. Be forewarned that many of the apps are limited (Canon’s app, for example, only prints photos). Here is a list of available applications by company.

需要特别注意的是,此解决方案仅对拥有支持Wi-Fi的打印机的用户有效,该打印机不受AirPlay的支持,但通过打印机制造商发布的第三方iOS帮助应用程序得到支持。 在本教程中,我们将不着重使用与公司相关的应用程序,但是这些应用程序都是免费的,它们可能只是您需要的解决方案。 请注意,许多应用程序都受到限制(例如,佳能的应用程序仅打印照片)。 这是按公司列出的可用应用程序的列表。

If you luck out and the manufacturer-supplied helper app works awesome for your needs, that’s awesome. We tested several of the apps on various printers around the office and found them lacking in a variety of ways—the most obvious of which was the total lack of support for older wired printers—and not quite the just-like-AirPrint solution we were looking for. To that end we turned to a commercial (but inexpensive) solution.

如果运气好的话,制造商提供的帮助程序可以满足您的需求,那就太好了。 我们在办公室周围的各种打印机上测试了一些应用程序,发现它们缺乏多种方式-最明显的是完全缺乏对较旧有线打印机的支持-而不是像我们以前的AirPrint解决方案那样寻找。 为此,我们转向了一种商业(但价格便宜)的解决方案。

你需要什么 (What You Need)


To follow along with our tutorial you’ll need the following things:


  • A Mac (OS X 10.5+) or Windows (XP SP3+) PC

    Mac(OS X 10.5+)或Windows(XP SP3 +)PC
  • An iOS device (iOS 4.2+)

    iOS装置(iOS 4.2以上版本)
  • A copy of FingerPrint ($9.99) for the appropriate desktop OS


  • A printer accessible to your desktop OS

  • A Wi-Fi Network (to link the iOS device to the host computer)


We tried quite a few third party apps and even some jailbreak-only tweaks but the FingerPrint was the only application that worked consistently across all our iOS devices, with all the printers on our network, and it sported the most features. In the time-equals-money equation the ten bucks you’ll drop on FingerPrint will have you coming out ahead. The application comes with a 7-day free trial so you can take it for a spin before pulling your wallet out.

我们尝试了很多第三方应用程序,甚至进行了一些越狱调整,但FingerPrint是唯一在所有iOS设备,网络上的所有打印机上都能稳定运行的应用程序,并且功能最多。 在时间等于金钱的方程式中,要在FingerPrint上投入的十美元将使您脱颖而出。 该应用程序提供7天的免费试用期,因此您可以先试用一下,然后再取出钱包。

For this tutorial we will be demonstrating how to install FingerPrint for Windows and how to print from an iPad.


安装和配置指纹 (Installing and Configuring FingerPrint)


Installing and configuring FingerPrint is extremely simple. The only important choice you need to make while installing the application is which machine you’re going to install it on.

安装和配置指纹非常简单。 在安装应用程序时,您需要做出的唯一重要选择是要在哪台计算机上进行安装。

FingerPrint acts as a print server for iOS—it fakes out the AirPrint client included in iOS 4.2+. It is important you install FingerPrint on a computer that will be on when you wish to print—if you have a Windows or OS X based home server that has access to your networked printers, that would be an ideal location for the FingerPrint server. Barring that, install it on the PC that is on the most and that has access to the printers you wish to use.

FingerPrint充当iOS的打印服务器-它伪造了iOS 4.2+中包含的AirPrint客户端。 重要的是,您要在希望进行打印的计算机上安装FingerPrint-如果您具有基于Windows或OS X的家庭服务器,并且可以访问网络打印机,那么这将是FingerPrint服务器的理想位置。 除此以外,请将其安装在最多能访问您要使用的打印机的PC上。

Download the app here and run the installation executable. There are no tricky customization options in the initial installation process, just click Next until the process is complete. You will need to reboot your computer to finalize the installation.

在此处下载应用程序并运行安装可执行文件。 初始安装过程中没有棘手的自定义选项,只需单击“下一步”,直到该过程完成。 您将需要重新启动计算机以完成安装。

Once you have rebooted, select FingerPrint from the Start Menu and run it for the first time. You’ll see a simple interface displaying all the printers available to the machine:

重新启动后,从“开始”菜单中选择“指纹”并首次运行。 您将看到一个简单的界面,显示该机器可用的所有打印机:


Uncheck all the printers that are either 1) not currently connected or that 2) you won’t be using. Leaving them checked will simply clutter up the print menu on your iOS device with printers you don’t need. We trimmed it down to just a PDF printer and the primary office printer.

取消选中1)当前未连接或2)您将不使用的所有打印机。 选中它们只会使您不需要的打印机在iOS设备上的打印菜单变得混乱。 我们将其缩减为仅PDF打印机和主要办公室打印机。

Once you’ve select the printers you want, grab your iOS device. There is absolutely no configuration needed on the iOS device in order to access the printers. Simply open a program with printing capabilities, such as Safari, to test out the print functionality. Any application that can access AirPrint can access the printers on the host computer.

选择所需的打印机后,请抓住您的iOS设备。 绝对不需要在iOS设备上进行任何配置即可访问打印机。 只需打开一个具有打印功能的程序,例如Safari,即可测试打印功能。 任何可以访问AirPrint的应用程序都可以访问主机上的打印机。

We visited How-To Geek and pulled up a recent article for our test print. From Safari simply tap on the arrow button right next to the address bar like so:

我们访问了How-To Geek,并为我们的测试印刷版撰写了一篇最新文章 。 在Safari中,只需点击地址栏旁边的箭头按钮,如下所示:


Click Print to pull up the AirPrint menu. If you tried this before you turned on the FingerPrint server it would have taken a moment to search your Wi-Fi network then given you a No Printers Available error. You won’t have to worry about that now, go ahead and click Print. You should see all the printers available to your host PC plus a little bonus:

单击打印以拉出AirPrint菜单。 如果您在打开FingerPrint服务器之前尝试过此操作,则可能需要花一些时间搜索Wi-Fi网络,然后出现No Printers Available错误。 您现在不必为此担心,继续并单击“打印”。 您应该会看到主机PC上所有可用的打印机以及一些额外的奖励:


Not only will FingerPrint send files to printers accessible to the host PC but, if Dropbox is installed, it will also send the print as a file to Dropbox or open the file you’re printing on the host PC. Even if your principle goal in following along with the tutorial was to get physical prints from your iOS device to the printer, the print to Dropbox and Open on  My PC features are a pretty sweet bonus feature. We’re going to try things out by sending a copy of the article to the Brother printer.

FingerPrint不仅会将文件发送到主机PC可以访问的打印机,而且,如果安装了Dropbox,它还将把打印结果作为文件发送到Dropbox或打开您要在主机PC上打印的文件。 即使您遵循本教程的主要目标是将物理打印从您的iOS设备传送到打印机,但打印到Dropbox和在My PC上打开功能也是一个不错的奖励功能。 我们将通过将文章的副本发送到Brother打印机来进行尝试。


After you select a specific printer you’ll be prompted to select the number of copies and whether or not you want it double sided. Unless you have a printer that can automatically duplex printers we suggest turning double-sided printing off. If you send a double-sided print to a printer with manual duplexing you’ll most likely get a message on the host computer instructing you how to set up the manual duplex—which will delay your print from automatically rolling off the selected printer.

选择特定打印机后,系统将提示您选择份数以及是否要双面打印。 除非您拥有可以自动双面打印的打印机,否则建议您关闭双面打印。 如果您将双面打印发送到具有手动双面打印功能的打印机,则很可能会在主机上收到一条消息,提示您如何设置手动双面打印功能-这将延迟您的打印内容自动滚离所选打印机。

Let’s send it off and see what happens.



Success! By the time we finished snapping a screenshot of the Sending to Printer message seen in the screenshot above, we could already hear the laser printer spooling up on the other side of the office. The prints came out without a hitch and, for the first time since we’d started experimenting with AirPrint, we enjoyed hiccup free printing.

成功! 当我们完成对上面的屏幕快照中显示的“发送到打印机”消息的屏幕快照的捕捉时,我们已经可以听到激光打印机在办公室的另一侧被卷起。 自从我们开始尝试使用AirPrint以来,我们的打印就顺利进行了,这是我们第一次享受无打扰的打印。

Have experienced enabling mobile printing on your iOS, Android, or other mobile device? Sound off in the comments with your tips and tricks.

是否有在iOS,Android或其他移动设备上启用移动打印的经验? 在提示中加上提示和技巧。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/102671/how-to-enable-airprint-for-ios-printing-from-any-mac-or-windows-pc/

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