



RocketDock is an application launcher for Windows modeled after the Mac OS X launch toolbar. It’s a dock that sits along an edge of your screen and contains a collection of shortcuts that expand when you hover over them and launch programs when clicked.

RocketDock是Windows的应用程序启动器,其模仿Mac OS X启动工具栏。 这是一个位于屏幕边缘的扩展坞,其中包含一组快捷方式,这些快捷方式在您将鼠标悬停在其上时会展开,并在单击时启动程序。

You can easily add shortcuts to programs, files, documents, folders, and even actions to the dock. The look of the dock is customizable using themes and icons. Docklets are available to help extend the functionality of your dock.

您可以轻松地将程序,文件,文档,文件夹甚至操作的快捷方式添加到扩展坞。 可使用主题和图标自定义底座的外观。 Docklet可用来帮助扩展Dock的功能。

We’ll show you how to install RocketDock, change the dock settings, add shortcuts to the dock, change the settings for shortcut icons, and add new themes to your dock. We’ll also show you how to install and setup a docklet, using the Stacks docklet as an example.

我们将向您展示如何安装RocketDock,更改Dock设置,向Dock添加快捷方式,更改快捷方式图标的设置以及向Dock添加新主题。 我们还将以Stacks扩展坞为例,向您展示如何安装和设置扩展坞。

安装RocketDock (Install RocketDock)

To begin, double-click the .exe file you downloaded (see the link at the end of this article).



If the User Account Control dialog box displays, click Yes to continue.


NOTE: You may not see this dialog box, depending on your User Account Control settings.

注意:根据您的“ 用户帐户控制”设置 ,您可能看不到此对话框。


Select the language for the setup program from the drop-down list on the Select Setup Language dialog box and click OK.



The Welcome screen on the setup wizard displays. Click Next.

显示安装向导上的“欢迎”屏幕。 点击下一步。


Read through the License Agreement and select the I accept the agreement radio button. Click Next.

通读许可协议,然后选择我接受协议单选按钮。 点击下一步。


The Select Destination Location screen displays. If you want to install RocketDock to a different location other than the default location listed in the edit box, use the Browse button to select another location. We accepted the default location. Click Next to continue.

显示“选择目标位置”屏幕。 如果要将RocketDock安装到编辑框中列出的默认位置以外的其他位置,请使用“浏览”按钮选择另一个位置。 我们接受了默认位置。 单击下一步继续。


On the Select Additional Tasks screen, you can select the Create a desktop icon check box to put a shortcut to RocketDock on the desktop. This option is not selected by default. Click Next.

在“选择其他任务”屏幕上,可以选中“创建桌面图标”复选框,以在桌面上放置RocketDock的快捷方式。 默认情况下未选中此选项。 点击下一步。


The Ready to Install screen displays with a summary of the settings you selected. If you want to change any of the settings, use the Back button. Otherwise, click Install to continue with the installation.

将显示“准备安装”屏幕,其中包含所选设置的摘要。 如果要更改任何设置,请使用“后退”按钮。 否则,请单击“安装”以继续安装。


Once the installation is done, the Completing the RocketDock Setup Wizard screen displays. Click Finish to close the setup wizard.

安装完成后,将显示“正在完成RocketDock安装向导”屏幕。 单击完成以关闭安装向导。


启动RocketDock (Start RocketDock)

If you chose to put a shortcut to RocketDock on the desktop, double-click it to start RocketDock. If not, you can find a shortcut to start RocketDock on the Start menu.

如果您选择在桌面上放置RocketDock的快捷方式,请双击它以启动RocketDock。 如果没有,您可以在“开始”菜单上找到启动RocketDock的快捷方式。


A dock displays at the top of your screen with some default icons, which are shortcuts with PNG images as icons. By default, common folders including My Computer, My Documents, Network Places, My Music, My Pictures, and Control Panel. The Recycle Bin is also available on the dock.

停靠栏显示在屏幕顶部,带有一些默认图标,它们是将PNG图像作为图标的快捷方式。 默认情况下,常用文件夹包括“我的电脑”,“我的文档”,“网上邻居”,“我的音乐”,“我的图片”和“控制面板”。 回收站上也提供回收站。


更改基座设置 (Change Dock Settings)

Right-click anywhere on the dock or the icons to display a popup menu for RocketDock that includes options such as Icon Settings, Dock Settings, AutoHide, and Lock Items. The Screen Position item displays additional options so you can choose to which part of the screen you would like to anchor the dock (top, bottom, left, or right edges). The Lock Items option locks the dock so the items cannot be accidentally removed or edited.

右键单击扩展坞上的任何位置或图标,以显示RocketDock的弹出菜单,其中包括诸如“图标设置”,“扩展坞设置”,“自动隐藏”和“锁定项目”之类的选项。 屏幕位置项显示其他选项,因此您可以选择将停靠点停靠在屏幕的哪一部分(顶部,底部,左侧或右侧边缘)。 锁定项目选项锁定了扩展坞,因此不会意外删除或编辑这些项目。

The look and behavior of RocketDock is completely customizable. To change the settings for your dock, right-click on the dock and select Dock Settings from the popup menu.

RocketDock的外观和行为是完全可定制的。 要更改扩展坞的设置,请右键单击扩展坞,然后从弹出菜单中选择“扩展坞设置”。


The Dock Settings dialog box displays. The General screen allows you to choose to run RocketDock when Windows starts (Run at Startup). You can also choose to minimize applications to the dock instead of to the Taskbar (Minimize Windows to the Dock), which display on the dock as window thumbnails.

显示Dock Settings对话框。 常规屏幕允许您选择在Windows启动时运行RocketDock(在启动时运行)。 您还可以选择将应用程序最小化到扩展坞上,而不是最小化任务栏(将Windows最小化到Dock),该任务栏以窗口缩略图的形式显示在扩展坞上。


Click Icons on the toolbar on the left to access general icon settings. This screen allows you to specify a minimum (Size) and maximum size (Zoom) for all the icons on the dock, as well as the Zoom Width and Zoom Duration. You can also choose the Hover Effect.

单击左侧工具栏上的图标以访问常规图标设置。 该屏幕允许您为扩展坞上的所有图标指定最小(大小)和最大大小(缩放),以及“缩放宽度”和“缩放持续时间”。 您还可以选择悬停效果。


Click Position on the left to select the Screen Position for your dock. You can also choose how it is centered on the chosen edge (Centering) and how much it is offset from the edge of the screen (Edge Offset). If you have multiple monitors, you can choose on which Monitor your dock displays.

单击左侧的位置,以选择扩展坞的屏幕位置。 您还可以选择如何将其在所选边缘上居中(居中)以及与屏幕边缘的偏移量(“边缘偏移”)。 如果您有多台监视器,则可以选择停靠在哪个监视器上显示。


The Style section allows you to change the theme for the dock, change the font for the icon labels or disable them, and change the opacity for the outline, shadow, and for the dock itself. Click Get More to go to the official

“样式”部分允许您更改停靠栏的主题,更改图标标签的字体或禁用它们,以及更改轮廓,阴影以及停靠栏本身的不透明度。 单击“获取更多”转到官方


The Behavior screen allows you to select the Icon Attention Effect, which indicates how the icons on the dock behave, and to toggle and fine-tune the AutoHide and Popup behavior.



将图标添加到您的码头 (Add Icons to Your Dock)

Adding icons to your dock is easy. You can drag shortcuts from your desktop or files and folders from Windows Explorer and drop them anywhere on the dock, and rearrange the icons by dragging and dropping, also. To remove an icon from the dock, simply drag the icon off the dock to anywhere else.

将图标添加到扩展坞很容易。 您可以从桌面上拖动快捷方式,也可以从Windows资源管理器中拖动文件和文件夹,将其拖放到扩展坞的任何位置,然后通过拖放来重新排列图标。 要从基座上删除图标,只需将图标从基座上拖到其他任何地方。


Here, we’ve added Mozilla Firefox to our dock.

在这里,我们已经将Mozilla Firefox添加到了我们的扩展坞中。


自定义码头上的图标 (Customize Icons on Your Dock)

To customize an icon, simply right-click on the icon you want to customize and select Icon Settings from the popup menu.



RocketDock comes with a few icons you can use, but you can download additional icons using the Get More button on the Icon Settings dialog box. There are icon packs available on Deviantart. that include icons for common programs as well as standalone icons for lesser-known programs. You can also find icons on the RocketDock Icons Addons page.

RocketDock带有一些您可以使用的图标,但是您可以使用“图标设置”对话框上的“获取更多”按钮来下载其他图标。 Deviantart上有可用的图标包。 其中包括通用程序的图标以及鲜为人知的程序的独立图标。 您还可以在RocketDock图标插件页面上找到图标。


将主题添加到RocketDock (Add Themes to RocketDock)

There are several themes that come with RocketDock that you can use to change the appearance of your dock. You can find additional themes on the RocketDock Skins Addons page. There are also some available on Deviantart.

RocketDock附带了多个主题,您可以使用这些主题来更改扩展坞的外观。 您可以在RocketDock外观插件页面上找到其他主题。 Deviantart上还有一些可用的。

To add a downloaded theme to RocketDock, download it and unzip the downloaded file. Place the folder containing the skin files in the following folder.

要将下载的主题添加到RocketDock,请下载主题并解压缩下载的文件。 将包含皮肤文件的文件夹放在以下文件夹中。

C:\Program Files\RocketDock\Skins

C:\ Program Files \ RocketDock \ Skins

The following dialog box may display. If it does, click Continue to paste the folder.

可能会显示以下对话框。 如果是这样,请单击继续以粘贴文件夹。


The new theme folder is pasted into the Skins folder along with the skins that came with RocketDock.



Now, when you select Dock Settings from the popup menu on your dock, and click Style, you’ll see your new theme as an option in the Theme drop-down list. Select it and click OK to apply it to your dock.

现在,当从扩展坞的弹出菜单中选择“扩展坞设置”,然后单击“样式”时,您将在“主题”下拉列表中看到新主题作为选项。 选择它,然后单击“确定”将其应用于您的扩展坞。


Here is our dock with the Smoked Glass theme applied.



向RocketDock添加功能 (Add Functionality to RocketDock)

In addition to adding icons to your dock and customizing your dock’s appearance, you can also add functionality to your dock, by adding Docklets to RocketDock. One very useful docklet is called Stacks. This docklet adds a single icon to your dock that displays a folder’s contents when clicked on the dock. You can create folders of shortcuts to programs, files, and folders and add each folder as a stack to categorize your dock.

除了在扩展坞中添加图标并自定义扩展坞的外观之外,还可以通过向Docklet添加RocketDock来为扩展坞添加功能。 一个非常有用的码头被称为Stacks 。 该扩展坞会在您的扩展坞中添加一个图标,当单击扩展坞时,该图标会显示文件夹的内容。 您可以创建程序,文件和文件夹的快捷方式文件夹,并将每个文件夹添加为堆栈以对扩展坞进行分类。

We’ll use the Stacks docklet as an example when showing you how to add a docklet and set it up. There are also docklets that add clocks, calendars, email notifiers, battery indicators, shutdown/restart/log off functions, among others to your dock. You can download docklets at the official RocketDock Docklets page.

当向您展示如何添加和设置码头时,我们将以Stacks码头为例。 也有可将时钟,日历,电子邮件通知程序,电池指示器,关机/重新启动/注销功能等添加到扩展坞的扩展坞。 您可以在RocketDock Docklets官方页面上下载Docklets。

To add a docklet to RocketDock, extract the contents of the downloaded file and move or copy the docklet folder to the following folder:


C:\Program Files\RocketDock\Docklets

C:\ Program Files \ RocketDock \ Docklets


If RocketDock is running, exit it by right-clicking anywhere on the dock and selecting Quit. Restart RocketDock and right-click on an empty area of the dock. Select Add Item from the popup menu and then select the option for the docklet you added to RocketDock. In our case, we selected Stack Docklet.

如果RocketDock正在运行,请通过右键单击扩展坞上的任意位置并选择退出退出它。 重新启动RocketDock并右键单击扩展坞的空白区域。 从弹出菜单中选择“添加项目”,然后为添加到RocketDock的码头选择选项。 在本例中,我们选择了Stack Docklet。


A default stack icon with a down arrow is added to the dock. Clicking on it does nothing initially because you have to add a folder containing program shortcuts, files, or folders. To setup the stack, right-click on the stack icon and select Icon Settings from the popup menu.

带有向下箭头的默认堆栈图标将添加到扩展坞中。 最初单击它无济于事,因为您必须添加一个包含程序快捷方式,文件或文件夹的文件夹。 要设置堆栈,请右键单击堆栈图标,然后从弹出菜单中选择“图标设置”。


The Stacks Docklet dialog box displays. To select a folder, click the browse (…) button to the right of the Folder edit box.

将显示“堆栈底座”对话框。 要选择文件夹,请单击“文件夹”编辑框右侧的浏览(...)按钮。


Select a folder containing shortcuts, files, and/or additional folders on the Browse for Folder dialog box and click OK.


NOTE: Once you select a folder, be sure that folder remains in the same location. Otherwise, the Stacks docklet will not be able to find the folder. When you add or remove files from the folder, the changes are reflected on the corresponding stack icon on your dock.

注意:选择文件夹后,请确保该文件夹保留在同一位置。 否则,Stacks扩展坞将无法找到该文件夹​​。 在文件夹中添加或删除文件时,更改将反映在扩展坞上相应的堆栈图标上。


To change the icon for the current stack, click the browse (…) button to the right of the Icon edit box.



The Icon Settings dialog box displays. Select a folder from the Folders list on the left (if you have more than one folder available) and then select an icon from the Icons box on the right. Click OK.

显示图标设置对话框。 从左侧的“文件夹”列表中选择一个文件夹(如果有多个文件夹可用),然后从右侧的“图标”框中选择一个图标。 单击确定。

NOTE: Remember you can download additional icons from the RocketDock Icons Addons page (the Get More button takes you to this page) and from Deviantart. To make the downloaded icons available in RocketDock, use the ‘+’ button below the Folders box on the Icon Settings dialog box to add your extracted icons folder to the list of Folders.

注意:请记住,您可以从RocketDock图标插件页面(获取更多按钮将您转到此页面)和Deviantart下载其他图标。 要使下载的图标在RocketDock中可用,请使用“图标设置”对话框“文件夹”框下方的“ +”按钮,将提取的图标文件夹添加到“文件夹”列表中。


Select an option by which you want to sort the icons in your stack (Name, Creation time, Last modified time, Last access time, or Kind) from the Sort by drop-down list and how you want the icons displayed when you click the stack on your dock (Automatic, Fan, or Grid) from the Mode drop-down list. Click OK to accept your changes and close the Stacks Docklet dialog box.

从“排序方式”下拉列表中选择一个用于对堆栈中的图标(名称,创建时间,上次修改时间,上次访问时间或种类)进行排序的选项,以及单击后如何显示图标从“模式”下拉列表中将其堆叠在扩展坞上(“自动”,“风扇”或“网格”)。 单击“确定”接受更改,然后关闭“堆栈Docklet”对话框。


When you click the stack icon on your dock, the contents of the chosen folder displays. Click an icon to start the program or open the file or folder.

当您单击扩展坞上的堆栈图标时,将显示所选文件夹的内容。 单击一个图标以启动程序或打开文件或文件夹。


You may encounter an issue with getting the Stacks docklet to keep its settings. When you quit RocketDock and then start it again, any Stacks docklets you added to your dock may lose their icons and not display any shortcuts, files, or folders. The download page for the Stacks docklet explains how to fix this.

使Stacks扩展坞保持其设置可能会遇到问题。 当您退出RocketDock并再次启动它时,您添加到扩展坞中的所有Stacks扩展坞可能会丢失其图标,并且不会显示任何快捷方式,文件或文件夹。 Stacks扩展程序的下载页面说明了解决方法。

Download RocketDock from http://rocketdock.com/.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/115735/add-a-customizable-free-application-launcher-to-your-windows-desktop/


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