



Passive noise reduction, active noise cancellation, sound isolation… The world of headphones has become quite advanced in giving you your own private sound bubble. Here’s how these different technologies work.

被动降噪,主动降噪,声音隔离……耳机世界在为您提供自己的私人泡泡方面已变得相当先进。 这些不同技术的工作原理如下。

物理耳机类型 (Physical Headphone Types)

Let’s briefly discuss the different types of headphones out there before we get into noise reduction.





These are your run-of-the-mill headphones that are padded and sit on your ear. It’s like having a small speaker right next to you, and they’re not too large.

这些是带衬垫的普通耳机,可坐在您的耳朵上。 这就像在您旁边有一个小型扬声器,而且它们不太大。

(Photo: Sennheiser PX100-II)

(照片: Sennheiser PX100-II )




These are the normal earphones that come with your iPod. They’re like tiny speakers that sit right next to your ear canal and are very portable. The sound quality is usually lower and they may not fit correctly because they’re pretty generic.

这些是iPod随附的普通耳机。 它们就像坐在耳道旁的微型扬声器,非常便携。 声音质量通常较低,并且由于它们很普通,因此可能无法正确安装。

(Photo: iPhone earbuds by Shanghai Daddy)

(照片: 上海爸爸的 iPhone耳塞)




Also known as “cans,” these headphones fit around your ear entirely. They create a seal effectively cutting off outside noise. They’re big and bulky, but usually give a much better sound quality because of that. They’re very popular for bands and musicians, and they widely vary in terms of quality and price. Because they create a good seal, they’re pretty good at sound isolation on their own, but you’ll find many that have active noise cancelling, too.

这些耳机也被称为“罐头”,完全适合您的耳朵。 它们可形成密封,有效隔绝外界噪音。 它们既大又笨重,因此通常会带来更好的音质。 它们在乐队和音乐家中非常受欢迎,并且在质量和价格方面也存在很大差异。 因为它们能产生良好的密封效果,所以它们自己很擅长隔音,但是您也会发现许多具有主动降噪功能的产品。

(Photo: Bose AE2 Circumaural headphones)

(照片: Bose AE2 Circumaural耳机 )




These are known colloquially as “canalphones” and professionally as “in-ear monitors.” They’re made with an elongated portion that actually goes into your ear canal and uses silicon or rubber caps to create a seal. They’re very portable and offer great sound, and are very good at sound isolation because the seal is made closer to your ear drum. They require frequent cleaning, as you can imagine. While there are cheaper ones available, there are really high-quality, multi-driver ones available for upwards of $300. You can even get custom ear molds made at an audiologist’s or otolaryngologist’s office.

这些俗称“话机”,专业上称为“入耳式监听器”。 它们由细长的部分制成,实际上伸入您的耳道,并使用硅或橡胶帽形成密封。 它们非常轻便,声音很好,而且隔音效果非常好,因为密封垫离您的耳鼓更近了。 您可以想象,它们需要经常清洁。 虽然有便宜些的,但实际上有高质量,多驱动器的,价格在300美元以上。 您甚至可以在听力学家或耳鼻喉科医生的办公室获得定制的耳模。


(Photos: Etymotic’s in-ear monitors; Shure earphones with various sleeves by MyLifeStory)

(照片:Etymotic的入耳式监听器; MyLifeStory的各种套筒的舒尔耳机)

主动降噪 (Active Noise Cancelling)


Active noise cancelling is arguably the most advanced of noise reduction technology. These types of headphones include some hardware that has its own battery, microphone, and audio processor. They’re often tucked into the headphones themselves, though sometimes they appear as an in-line dongle. It works by taking in ambient sounds via the microphone and adding an inverted sound wave to your audio, effectively cancelling out whatever background noise is obfuscating your music.

主动降噪可以说是最先进的降噪技术。 这些类型的耳机包括一些具有自己的电池,麦克风和音频处理器的硬件。 它们通常会自己塞入耳机中,尽管有时它们会显示为嵌入式加密狗。 它的工作原理是通过麦克风吸收周围的声音,并向音频中添加倒转的声波,从而有效地消除使音乐模糊的任何背景噪声。

The primary issue here is that it doesn’t work for everything, with things like speech remaining unchanged. It works best for consistent sounds in specific registers, like the background noise in airplanes. Different sets of headphones use different technology to accomplish this, with many offering “channels” optimized for specific bands of frequencies. Most don’t work for the upper register at all, hence the speech problem.

这里的主要问题是,它不适用于所有内容,例如语音保持不变。 它最适合于特定寄存器中一致的声音,例如飞机的背景噪音。 不同的耳机使用不同的技术来实现此目的,其中许多提供针对特定频段优化的“通道”。 大多数都根本不为高位寄存器工作,因此出现了语音问题。


SysAdminGeek writer, Aviad, says that they aren’t sufficient to produce silence on their own. He uses earplugs with circumaural noise-cancelling headphones when looking for silence, and if he wants to listen to music, he just turns up the volume. You can also find certain models that can play white noise to help drown out outside sounds in addition to letting you listen to music.

SysAdminGeek的作家Aviad说, 仅靠沉默是不够的。 在寻求沉默时,他使用耳塞和可消除噪音的耳机,如果他想听音乐,可以调高音量。 您还可以找到某些可以播放白噪声的型号,除了可以让您听音乐之外,还可以帮助淹没外界的声音。

(Photos: Bose QuietComfort 15 Circumaural Noise cancelling headphones ; Sony NC300D Noise cancelling earphones)

(照片: Bose QuietComfort 15环向降噪耳机Sony NC300D降噪耳机 )

被动降噪 (Passive Noise Reduction)


Passive noise reducing is the same as “sound isolating.” By creating a seal around your ears or in your ear canals, it attempts to reduce the noise you hear in the first place. This ideally works much better than trying to filter out sound, but in practice, there are problems. The primary issue is creating a proper seal, so many people get custom-mold made for in-ear monitors, or tighten the band on circumaural headphones. The other issue is comfort; many people – including myself – have issues with having tight headphones on or monitors in the ear canal for extended periods of time.

被动降噪与“隔音”相同。 通过在您的耳朵周围或耳道中建立密封,它首先会试图降低您听到的噪音。 理想情况下,这比尝试滤除声音要好得多,但实际上存在问题。 主要问题是要建立适当的密封,因此许多人会为入耳式监听器定制模具,或者拉紧环耳式耳机上的带子。 另一个问题是舒适度。 许多人(包括我自己)在长时间戴紧耳机或在耳道中监听耳机时遇到问题。

(Photo: ACS Custom ear molds by camflan)

(照片: camflan ACS Custom耳模)

主动与被动 (Active vs. Passive)

Which method works better? Well, that depends on what your needs are. If you’re looking for something that will drown out a lot of sound and stay fit, the circumaural headphones are probably best. On the other hand, if you want something compact, canalphones are probably for you. I’ve listened to a lot of headphones in my personal quest for the best and I’ve discovered a few things.

哪种方法更好? 好吧,这取决于您的需求。 如果您正在寻找会淹没大量声音并保持健康的东西,那么可佩戴耳麦的耳机可能是最好的。 另一方面,如果您想要紧凑的产品,那么话音电话可能适合您。 为了寻求最好的个人服务,我听了很多耳机,并且发现了一些东西。

  1. In general, the higher the price tier, the higher the quality. This is especially true for in-ear monitors because you get bonuses like detachable cables, lifetime warranties, and a wider range of caps for your ‘buds.

    通常,价格等级越高,质量越高。 这对于入耳式监听器尤其如此,因为您可以获得诸如可分离的电缆,终身保修以及更多“预算”上限的奖励。
  2. Passive noise reduction works well with music. Because the source is closer to your ear drum, you can play it at a lower volume without skimping on quality.

    被动降噪可以很好地与音乐配合使用。 由于音源更靠近您的耳鼓,因此您可以以较低的音量播放它,而不会降低音质。
  3. Quality is very much subjective. It ultimately comes down to your own ears, and your own music. I once passed on a set of really nice Bose cans in favor of some older Shures that made me fall in love with my music collection all over again.

    质量是非常主观的。 它最终落到您自己的耳朵和您自己的音乐中。 我曾经通过一套非常漂亮的Bose罐头来代替一些旧的Shures,这使我再次爱上了我的音乐收藏。

If you’re looking for something that works cheaply, try looking for in-ear headphones with active noise cancelling; the combination should work well for the price. If you consider yourself an audiophile, find what the pros use. There’s a lot out there, and now that you know how they technology works, go listen for yourself.

如果您正在寻找便宜的东西,请尝试寻找具有主动降噪功能的入耳式耳机。 组合应该适合价格。 如果您认为自己是发烧友,请找专业人士使用。 那里有很多东西,现在您知道它们的技术是如何工作的,请自己听。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/44328/htg-explains-how-do-noise-reducing-headphones-work/






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