无居士 无居所 苏轼_如何安装和设置居所家庭安全系统

无居士 无居所 苏轼

无居士 无居所 苏轼

While some smarthome hubs like Wink and SmartThings can be used for home security, Abode makes a smarthome system that’s specifically made for home security, making it the better choice if that’s a big focus for you. Here’s how to install and set up the Abode starter kit.

尽管可以将某些智能家居集线器( 例如Wink和SmartThings)用于家庭安全,但Abode专门为家庭安全打造了一个智能家庭系统,如果这是您的主要关注点,它就是更好的选择。 这是安装和设置Abode入门工具包的方法。

什么是居留权? (What Is Abode?)

Not to be easily misread as the company who brought you Photoshop (Adobe), Abode makes easy-to-install home security systems with devices and sensors that you’d find with other popular smarthome hub platforms. However, Abode specifically targets the home security market, rather than general home automation for the sake of convenience like most other smarthome hubs.

别被误认为是为您带来Photoshop(Adobe)的公司,Abode使用您可以在其他流行的smarthome集线器平台上找到的设备和传感器来制造易于安装的家庭安全系统。 但是,为了方便起见,Abode专门针对家庭安全市场,而不是像大多数其他智能家庭中枢那样,为了方便起见而不是一般的家庭自动化。

The starter kit comes with the main hub, two door/window sensors, one motion-activated camera, and a keychain controller that lets you arm and disarm the system. Of course, you can add on more sensors if you wish, but the starter kit is great for those just living in a small apartment.

入门工具包带有主集线器,两个门/窗传感器,一个运动控制的摄像机以及一个钥匙链控制器,可让您布防和撤防系统。 当然,您可以根据需要添加更多传感器,但是入门套件非常适合仅住在一间小公寓中的用户。

You can also sign up for inexpensive paid plans that give you 24/7 professional monitoring, as well as 3G data as a backup if your home internet ever goes out.

您还可以注册价格低廉的付费计划 ,为您提供24/7全天候专业监控,如果您的家庭互联网出了问题,还可以将3G数据作为备份。

If you decided to dive into the world of DIY home security, here’s how to set up the Abode starter kit and have your place armed in as little as 15 minutes.


第一步:设置主集线器 (Step One: Set Up the Main Hub)

The first thing you’ll need to do is set up the main hub by plugging it in and connecting it to your router.


Take the included power adapter and ethernet cable and plug each into the back of the main hub. Then plug the other end of these cables into an outlet and a free ethernet port on your router, respectively. The hub will automatically begin booting up.

取出随附的电源适配器和以太网电缆,然后将它们分别插入主集线器的背面。 然后,将这些电缆的另一端分别插入路由器的插座和空闲的以太网端口。 集线器将自动开始启动。

Next, locate the battery backup switch on the back of the hub and push it down to activate the backup battery (in case of a power outage).


第二步:安装Abode应用程序 (Step Two: Install the Abode App)

Once the hub is all ready to go, download and install the Abode app on your smartphone. It’s available for free for iPhone and Android devices.

一旦集线器准备就绪,即可下载并在智能手机上安装Abode应用程序。 它可免费用于iPhoneAndroid设备。

After the app is downloaded, open it up and tap on “Register” in the bottom-left corner of the screen.


Enter your email address and create a password for your Abode account. Then hit “Create Account” to move on.

输入您的电子邮件地址并为您的Abode帐户创建一个密码。 然后点击“创建帐户”继续。

A popup will appear saying that you’ll need to verify your email address. Tap on “Close”.

将会出现一个弹出窗口,提示您需要验证电子邮件地址。 点击“关闭”。

Open up the email and tap on “Activate Your Account”. This will open up the website, but you can close out of it and go back into the app.

打开电子邮件,然后点击“激活您的帐户”。 这将打开网站,但是您可以关闭它并返回到应用程序。

From there, enter in your name, phone number, and address. Then hit “Continue” at the bottom.

在此输入您的姓名,电话号码和地址。 然后点击底部的“继续”。

Hit “Continue” again on the next screen.


At the bottom, enter in the activation key, which is a six-digit code that can be found on the placard that came in the starter kit’s box. Hit “Continue” after you’ve entered in the code.

在底部,输入激活码,这是一个六位数的代码,可以在入门工具包盒中的标语牌上找到。 输入代码后,点击“继续”。

Hit “Continue” again after the activation is confirmed.


第三步:连接设备和传感器 (Step Three: Connect Your Devices and Sensors)

The next step in the app is connecting all of your devices and sensors to the main hub. Again, the starter kit comes with two door/window sensors and a motion-sensing camera, so we’ll be setting up all three.

该应用程序的下一步是将所有设备和传感器连接到主集线器。 同样,入门套件带有两个门/窗传感器和一个运动感应摄像机,因此我们将设置所有三个。

First, let’s tap on “Door or Window A” to set up that sensor.


Select whether it will be a door sensor or a window sensor.


Grab the sensor from the box that has an “A” marked on it. Remove that label and then remove the clear plastic pull tab on the bottom of the sensor to activate the internal battery, as instructed in the app. Then hit “Continue”.

从标有“ A”的包装盒中拿起传感器。 移除该标签,然后按照应用程序中的说明,移除传感器底部的透明塑料拉环以激活内部电池。 然后点击“继续”。

The app will tell you that the sensor and magnet must be properly aligned in order to work correctly. Hit “Continue” to move on.

该应用程序将告诉您传感器和磁铁必须正确对齐才能正常工作。 点击“继续”继续。

Next, install the sensor on your door or window of choice using the included adhesive pads. The magnet portion will already have the adhesive pads attached.

接下来,使用随附的粘合垫将传感器安装在您选择的门或窗户上。 磁铁部分将已经连接了粘合垫。

Be sure to follow the instructions in the app and then hit “Continue”.


Next, give the sensor a name (like “Front Door”) and then hit “Continue”.


After that, you can set up the second sensor, repeating the steps above. Once you have both sensors set up and installed, it’s time to set up the motion camera. Tap on “Motion Camera” to continue.

之后,您可以设置第二个传感器,重复上述步骤。 设置并安装了两个传感器之后,就该设置运动摄像机了。 点击“运动相机”继续。

Start by removing the back cover using a small screwdriver and insert the three batteries that came included in the box. Place the cover back on and then hit “Continue” in the app.

首先使用小螺丝刀卸下后盖,然后插入包装盒中随附的三节电池。 放回封面,然后在应用程序中单击“继续”。

Next, mount the camera where you want it using the included adhesive pad. Once it’s installed, tap on “Snap a Photo” in the app.

接下来,使用附带的粘合垫将相机安装在所需的位置。 安装完成后,在应用程序中点击“捕捉照片”。

If everything looks good, hit “Continue”. Otherwise if the image isn’t exactly what you want, make your adjustments and then tap “Retry”.

如果一切看起来不错,请单击“继续”。 否则,如果图像不是您想要的图像,请进行调整,然后点击“重试”。

Next, give the camera a name and hit “Continue”.


Once you have all three devices and sensors set up, hit “Continue” at the bottom.


第四步:邀请家庭成员并选择服务计划 (Step Four: Invite Household Members and Choose a Service Plan)

The next step is to invite other household members to give them access to the system if you choose to do so. You can tap on “Invite by email address” or hit “Skip & Add Users Later”.

下一步是邀请其他家庭成员允许他们访问系统(如果您选择这样做)。 您可以点击“通过电子邮件地址邀请”或点击“以后跳过并添加用户”。

After that, you’ll choose a service plan. Tap on “I want to select a Plan” at the bottom.

之后,您将选择服务计划。 点击底部的“我想选择一个计划”。

You can choose between three different plans. There’s a free “Basic” plan, a $10/month “Connect” plan, and a $30/month “Connect + Secure” plan. The paid plans both offer a longer history of timeline events, as well as 3G data backup in case your home internet goes out. The Connect + Secure plan also includes 24/7 professional monitoring, similar to what you’d get with ADT or other professional security systems.

您可以在三个不同的计划之间进行选择。 有免费的“基本”计划,每月10美元的“连接”计划和每月30美元的“连接+安全”计划。 付费计划都提供了更长时间的时间表事件历史记录,以及3G数据备份,以防您的家庭互联网中断。 Connect + Secure计划还包括24/7专业监视,类似于您使用ADT或其他专业安全系统获得的监视。

Once you select a plan and pay for it (if applicable), the app will tell you that setup is complete. Tap on “Finish” at the bottom to continue.

选择计划并付款后(如果适用),应用程序会告诉您设置已完成。 点击底部的“完成”继续。

You’ll then be taken to the main screen where you’ll go through a quick tutorial on the layout and will be told about some of the basic features, like arming/disarming the system and browsing the events timeline.


Once you reach the end of the tutorial, hit “Tap to Dismiss”.


You’ll then be greeted with the main screen, where the timeline will be front and center, showing you every event that has happened.


By default, your system will be in Standby mode after you set it all up, which means it won’t be armed. So be sure to switch to either Home or Away mode so that you’ll get alerts whenever activity is detected.

默认情况下,所有设置完成后,系统将进入待机模式,这意味着系统将无法布防。 因此,请确保切换到“居家”或“离开”模式,以便在检测到活动时都会收到警报。

钥匙扣如何工作 (How the Key Fob Works)

Aside from being able to arm and disarm your system from your smartphone, you can also do it with the key fob, which is a bit more convenient to use.


The key fob only works when it’s in range of the Abode hub (less than 100 feet), so if you’re away from home and want to make changes to your system, you’ll want to do that within the Abode app on your phone.


As for the buttons on the key fob, the small circle sets the system to Away mode, the larger circle sets the system to Home mode, the X button sets it to Standby/Disarm mode, and the plus button currently is inoperable but will be used in a future update, according to Abode.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/310172/how-to-install-and-set-up-the-abode-home-security-system/

无居士 无居所 苏轼





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