
Any creative work you do is covered by copyright. This means that if you write something, take a photo, record a song, paint a picture, or do anything that creates intellectual property, you get certain legal protections. The biggest protection is that other people aren’t able just to take your work and use it how they please. This is why services like Facebook have such complicated (and scary) Terms of Service.

您所做的任何创造性作品均受版权保护。 这意味着,如果您写东西,照相,录制歌曲,画画或做任何能创造知识产权的事情,您都会得到某些法律保护。 最大的保护是,其他人不能只接受您的工作并按自己的意愿使用它。 这就是为什么诸如Facebook之类的服务具有如此复杂(且令人恐惧)的服务条款的原因

But what if you want other people to be able to use your work? Well, you can grant individual licenses to anyone you want but that would get time consuming very quickly. There are entire departments in publishing houses that just deal with licensing the stuff for which they control the copyright. If instead, you want anyone to be able to use your work subject to certain requirements, you can use a Creative Commons License.

但是,如果您希望其他人能够使用您的作品怎么办? 好吧,您可以将个人许可授予任何想要的人,但这会非常耗时。 出版社的整个部门只负责许可他们控制版权的内容。 相反,如果您希望任何人都可以根据某些要求使用您的作品,则可以使用知识共享许可。

知识共享许可的不同条款 (The Different Terms of Creative Commons Licenses)

There isn’t just one Creative Commons (CC) license; there are a few, and each has different terms and requirements.

不仅有一个创用CC(CC)许可,而且还拥有一个许可。 有几个,每个都有不同的条款和要求。

The purpose of every CC license is to allow other people to take your work and use it in some way. Which CC license you use determines who can take it and how they can use it. At the most restrictive, a CC license allows someone else to distribute a copy of your work without modifying it in anyway, and to use it for non-commercial purposes anywhere in the world.

每个CC许可的目的都是允许其他人接管您的工作并以某种方式使用它。 您使用哪个CC许可确定谁可以使用它以及如何使用它。 在最严格的限制下,CC许可允许其他人分发您的作品副本,而无需以任何方式对其进行修改,并将其用于世界任何地方的非商业目的。

CC licenses are made up of some combination of the following four conditions:


  • Attribution: This condition means that anyone can take your work, but they must give you credit. If you look at the end of some How-To Geek articles, you’ll see an “Image Credits” section where we link to any images we’ve used in the article. Most of these images are released under CC licenses with an Attribution requirement, so this is us fulfilling that condition.

    归因:这种情况意味着任何人都可以接受您的工作,但必须给您信誉。 如果您看一些How-To Geek文章的结尾,您会看到“图像积分”部分,在这里我们可以链接到本文中使用的任何图像。 这些图像中的大多数都是根据CC许可发布的,并带有署名要求,因此我们满足了这一条件。

  • No Derivative Works: This condition means that other people can only use your work as is, in its entirety. For example, they couldn’t take your photo, change the colors, and then republish. They also could not take part of your work, and then use it as a piece in a larger work of their own.

    无衍生作品:这种情况意味着其他人只能按原样使用您的作品。 例如,他们无法拍照,更改颜色然后重新发布。 他们也无法参与您的工作,然后将其作为自己更大的工作中的一部分来使用。

  • Non-Commercial: This condition means that the work can only be used for non-commercial purposes. There’re some grey area as to what actually counts as non-commercial, but things like printing your photo on a t-shirt and selling it are clearly not allowed.

    非商业性:这种情况意味着作品只能用于非商业目的。 关于实际上算作非商业用途,有一些灰色区域,但显然不允许将照片打印在T恤上并出售。

  • Share-Alike: This condition means that someone can take your work and do something with it, but any derivative works must be released under the same license. So, for example, someone could not take your photo, use it as part of a larger image, and then copyright their derivative image.

    相同分享:这种情况意味着某人可以接受您的作品并对其进行处理,但是任何衍生作品都必须在相同的许可下发布。 因此,例如,某人无法拍摄您的照片,将其用作较大图像的一部分,然后对其衍生图像进行版权保护。

With that in mind, there are a few different licenses made up of combinations of these terms.


不同的知识共享许可 (The Different Creative Commons Licenses)

Their are seven CC licenses that you’ll see used around the internet. They each have a code that summarizes the license terms. Lets take them one by one.

它们是七个Internet上使用的CC许可证。 他们每个人都有一个代码,用于总结许可条款。 让我们一一拿下。

  • Public Domain (CC0): A Public Domain or CC0 license means that the work is released freely for anyone to do anything they want with. They don’t need to credit the original creator, they can use it for commercial purposes, and they can make derivative works.

    Public Domain(CC0) :Public Domain或CC0许可证意味着该作品可以自由发布,任何人都可以做自己想做的事。 他们不需要相信原始创作者,可以将其用于商业目的,也可以制作衍生作品。

  • Attribution (CC BY): A CC BY license requires that the original copyright holder is credited, but otherwise the work is available for anyone to use. Anyone can use it for commercial purposes or modify it.

    署名(CC BY) :CC BY许可证要求将原始版权所有者视为信用,否则,任何人都可以使用该作品。 任何人都可以将其用于商业目的或对其进行修改。

  • Attribution and Share-Alike (CC BY-SA): A CC BY-SA license requires that the original copyright holder is credited and that any derivative works are also released under a CC BY-SA license, but otherwise anyone can modify or use the work for commercial purposes.

    署名和相同方式共享(CC BY-SA) :CC BY-SA许可要求原始版权持有者被归功,并且任何衍生作品也必须按照CC BY-SA许可发布,否则任何人都可以修改或使用为商业目的工作。

  • Attribution and Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC): A CC BY-NC license requires that the original copyright holder is credited and the work is only used for non-commercial purposes. The work can be modified however anyone wants.

    署名和非商业用途(CC BY-NC) :CC BY-NC许可要求原始版权持有者为信誉,并且该作品仅用于非商业目的。 可以修改该工作,但是任何人都可以。

  • Attribution and No Derivatives (CC BY-ND): A CC BY-ND license requires that the original copyright holder is credited and that the work is not modified in anyway. It can be used for commercial purposes as long as it’s used in full, without changes.

    署名和无衍生品(CC BY-ND) :CC BY-ND许可证要求原始版权持有者为功劳,并且无论如何都不得修改作品。 只要完全使用它,就可以将其用于商业目的,而无需进行任何更改。

  • Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share-Alike (CC BY-NC-SA): A CC BY-NC-SA license requires that the original copyright holder is credited, and that the work isn’t used for commercial purposes. While it can be modified, any derivative works must also be released under a CC BY-NC-SA license.

    署名,非商业性和类似共享(CC BY-NC-SA) :CC BY-NC-SA许可证要求原始版权持有者被认可,并且该作品不得用于商业目的。 尽管可以修改,但任何衍生作品也必须根据CC BY-NC-SA许可发布。

  • Attribution, Non-Commercial, and No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND): A CC BY-NC-ND license requires that the original copyright holder is credited, that the work isn’t used for commercial purposes, and that it is not modified in anyway. If the work is used, it must be used as is.

    署名,非商业性和无衍生品(CC BY-NC-ND) :CC BY-NC-ND许可证要求原始版权拥有者被认可,该作品不得用于商业目的,并且无论如何都没有修改。 如果使用作品,则必须照原样使用。

Usually, when something is released under a Creative Commons license, you’ll see the specifics in graphic form somewhere, using symbols like the above.


在知识共享许可下发布您的工作 (Releasing Your Work Under Creative Commons Licenses)

To release your own work under under any Creative Commons license, all you have to do is declare that you’re doing so and declare the specific CC license. Here’s a photo of my dog. I’m releasing it under a CC BY-NC-SA license. So, as long as you credit me, don’t use it for commercial purposes, and release any derivative works under the CC BY-NC-SA license, as well, go have fun with it!

要根据任何知识共享许可发布自己的作品,您要做的就是声明您要这样做并声明特定的CC许可。 这是我的狗的照片。 我是根据CC BY-NC-SA许可证发布的。 因此,只要您相信我,就不要将其用于商业目的,也不要在CC BY-NC-SA许可下发布任何衍生作品,也请尽情享受它!

There are also sites that let you publish your work under CC licences. When you upload a photo to Flickr for example, you can decide whether or not it’s available for other people to use.

也有一些网站可让您根据CC许可发布作品。 例如,当您将照片上传到Flickr时 ,您可以决定是否可以将其提供给其他人使用。

使用知识共享作品 (Using Creative Commons Works)

CC licenses are based on trust and respect. It’s unlikely that if you break the terms of a CC license, someone will sue you, but it’s seriously bad form. Similarly, you can’t just assume that something is released under a CC license. Unless it’s stated very clearly, you have to work under the assumption that the license holder is retaining full copyright.

CC许可证基于信任和尊重。 如果您违反CC许可的条款,不太可能有人起诉您,但这是严重的不良形式。 同样,您不能仅仅假设某些内容是根据CC许可发布的。 除非明确说明,否则您必须在许可证持有者保留全部版权的前提下进行工作。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325275/what-are-creative-commons-licenses/





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