



Portraits are one of the most powerful kinds of photographs. A great portrait can last for decades, memorializing a person’s entire life, or just a single instant. The difference between a snapshot and a good portrait is more narrow than you’d think. It just requires a little bit of thought.

人像是最有力的照片之一。 一幅伟大的肖像可以持续数十年,纪念一个人的一生,或者只是一个瞬间。 快照和良好肖像之间的差异比您想象的要窄。 这只需要一点思考。

是什么造就了好肖像 (What Makes a Good Portrait)

Portraits are about one thing: the person in them. It doesn’t matter whether you’re shooting a tight head shot or an environmental portrait; it’s all about the subject.

肖像大约是一件事:肖像中的人物。 不管是拍摄特写镜头还是环境肖像,都没关系。 这都是关于主题的。

So with that in mind, what makes a good portrait?


First, a good portrait draws attention to the subject. This is normally achieved through some combination of a shallow depth of field, composition, color, and lighting. When it’s done right, as soon as a viewer looks at the portrait, their eyes instantly settle on the subject.

首先,一幅好的肖像会引起人们对这个主题的注意。 通常通过浅景深,构图,颜色和照明的某种组合来实现。 如果操作正确,观看者一看到肖像,他们的眼睛就会立即注视在主体上。


Second, a good portrait tells you something about the subject. It shows some element of their personality or their life. You should be able to look at a good portrait and know something about them. The best portrait artists can tell a whole story in a single image.

其次,好的肖像可以告诉您有关该主题的一些信息。 它显示了他们的个性或生活的某些元素。 您应该能够看到一张好的肖像,并且对它们有所了解。 最好的肖像画家可以用单个图像讲述整个故事。

Outside of these two things, there is very little rhyme or reason to what makes a good portrait—you have a lot of room to be creative.


技术资料 (The Technical Stuff)

You don’t need a dedicated lens for portrait photos, but there are dedicated portrait lenses which take flattering images of people. They have a wide aperture of at least f/2.0 and tend to have a focal length between 50mm and 100mm. The wide aperture gives you a really shallow depth of field which makes it easy to pull attention to the subject, while the focal length is long enough to minimize distortion without being so long that you have to stand 50 metres away to keep the person in frame.

您不需要专用的镜头来拍摄人像照片,但是有专用的人像镜头可以拍摄出讨人喜欢的图像。 它们具有至少f / 2.0的大光圈 ,并且焦距往往在50mm至100mm之间。 大光圈可让您真正进入较浅的景深,从而易于吸引被摄对象,而焦距又足够长,可以最大限度地减少失真,而又不必太长,因此您必须站立50米才能将人物保持在画面中。

A perfect portrait lens is the 50mm f/1.8 “Nifty Fifty”. Canon’s version is available for $125 while Nikon’s costs a little more at $215. If you have a DSLR and want to take great portraits, they’re well worth picking up. I shot the image below with one.

完美的人像镜头是50mm f / 1.8“ Nifty Fifty”。 佳能版本的价格为125美元,而尼康的价格为215美元。 如果您有数码单反相机,并且想拍摄出色的人像,那就值得一看。 我用一张拍摄了下面的图像。


When it comes time to shoot the photo, you want to put your camera in aperture priority mode. Set the aperture to a value of between f/1.8 and f/2.8. If your lens doesn’t go that wide, just use its widest aperture. You need a shutter speed of around 1/100th of a second. Faster is okay, but it’s better to have a lower ISO.

当需要拍摄照片时,您想将相机置于光圈优先模式 。 将光圈设置为f / 1.8至f / 2.8之间的值。 如果您的镜头没有那么宽,请使用其最大的光圈。 您需要约1/100秒的快门速度。 更快也可以,但最好使用较低的ISO。

If you get the technical details right, you’re a long way towards capturing a good portrait. When you have a shallow depth of field, it’s hard to look anywhere but the subject.

如果您正确掌握了技术细节,则要拍摄出好的人像还有很长的路要走。 当景深较浅时,除了拍摄对象外,很难看到其他任何地方。

其他技巧 (Other Tips and Tricks)

A portrait should flatter the subject. You want to reflect the best version of them. This rule should guide every decision, from the framing of your shot to the removal of acne and blemishes when you edit.

人像应该使拍摄对象显得讨人喜欢。 您想要反映它们的最佳版本。 此规则应指导所有决定,从构图到编辑时消除粉刺和瑕疵

For portraits, you want the camera to be level, or slightly above, the model’s eyeline. No one looks good when shot from a low angle!

对于人像,您希望相机水平或略高于模型的视线。 从低角度拍摄时没有人看起来不错!

The two easiest portrait compositions to get right are the head shot (a close up of the model’s head and shoulders) and a waist-up shot. If you stand so that the subject fills the frame in either of these compositions, your portraits will look good.

正确的两个最简单的肖像构图是头部照(模特头和肩膀的特写)和腰部照。 如果您站立以使被摄对象充满这两种构图中的任何一种,则您的肖像将看起来不错。


When you’re framing your shot, be careful not to cut off any of the model’s limbs. You want to crop at major joints like the waist, rather than at their fingers.

在构图时,请注意不要割断模型的任何肢体。 您想要在腰部等主要关节处修剪,而不是在手指上修剪。


One way to take your portraits to the next level is to use really good lighting. Don’t just shoot a portrait anywhere. Instead, find somewhere with nice, flat, even lighting. A great place to shoot a portrait is somewhere shady, like under a tree or in an alley, on a sunny day or in a room lit by a single large window. I used a window for the photos below.

使人像升至更高水平的一种方法是使用非常好的照明。 不要只是在任何地方拍摄人像。 相反,要找到光线良好,平坦甚至均匀的地方。 拍摄人像的好地方是阴暗的地方,例如在树下或小巷中,在晴天或在一个大窗户照亮的房间中。 我为下面的照片使用了一个窗口。


Portraits, more than any other kind of photography, require you to engage with your subject. If you step back and just take photos while your subject stares at the camera with a fake grin on their face, you’re going to end up with very cold, uninteresting portraits. Instead, you need to be constantly chatting to them, making them laugh, and getting them to just act like themselves.

人像比任何其他类型的摄影都更需要您与主体互动。 如果您退后一步,只是在拍摄对象的脸上带着假笑盯着相机凝视的同时拍摄照片,您最终将得到非常冷淡,无趣的肖像。 相反,您需要经常与他们聊天,让他们笑,并使他们表现得像他们自己。


For every good portrait I take, I get about 50 shots where the model is laughing, smiling, talking, sticking her tongue out at me, or making ridiculous expressions. The best portraits happen at the in-between moments. When the model poses, you say something, and their pose cracks into a smile. Press the shutter button then, and you’ll have a great shot.

对于我拍摄的每张好肖像,我都会得到约50张照片,其中模特在笑,微笑,说话,伸出舌头对我或做出可笑的表情。 最好的肖像发生在中间的时刻。 当模型摆姿势时,您说些什么,然后他们的姿势变成微笑。 然后按下快门按钮,您将获得出色的拍摄效果。

I love shooting portraits. They’re really social and lots of fun. To shoot a great landscape you need lots of gear, an amazing location, and patience. But to shoot a great portrait you just need someone who’ll stand in front of your camera and somewhere shady on a sunny day. A little technical know-how is all you need, because again: it’s all about the person in the photo.

我喜欢拍摄人像。 他们真的很社交,很有趣。 要拍摄出色的风景,您需要准备好许多装备,出色的位置和耐心。 但是,要拍摄出精美的人像,您只需要一个会站在您相机前的人和一个晴天的阴凉处即可。 您所需要的只是一点技术知识,因为这又再次与您有关:照片中的所有人。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/280699/how-to-take-a-good-portrait-photo/






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