Android 11何时进入手机,以及如何安装?

how to install android 11 hero

Android 11 is the latest version of Google’s operating system, and it brings a handful of exciting features. You might be wondering if your phone or tablet will get it, and if it does, how do you install it? Here’s everything you need to know.

Android 11是Google操作系统的最新版本,它带来了一些令人兴奋的功能。 您可能想知道您的手机或平板电脑是否可以使用它,如果可以,如何安装? 这是您需要了解的所有内容。

Android 11即将进入您的手机吗? 什么时候? (Is Android 11 Coming to Your Phone? When?)

When a new version of Android is released into the world, the first question people ask is “when will my device get it?” The answer to that question is as complicated as the Android ecosystem itself.

当新版本的Android发行时,人们问的第一个问题是“我的设备何时会获得它?” 这个问题的答案与Android生态系统本身一样复杂。

Google Pixel devices are the first to get Android 11. These are the only devices Google itself can directly update. All Pixel devices starting with the Pixel 2 are already receiving the update.

Google Pixel设备是第一个安装Android 11的设备 。 这些是Google本身可以直接更新的唯一设备。 从Pixel 2开始的所有Pixel设备都已收到更新。

From there, it’s up to phone and tablet manufacturers and carriers. The newer your Android device is, the more likely it is to get Android 11. Certain manufacturers are better than others as well. Android Police has been tracking and ranking the best manufacturers when it comes to security updates.

从那里开始,取决于手机和平板电脑制造商和运营商。 您的Android设备越新,安装Android 11的可能性就越大。某些制造商也比其他制造商要好。 关于安全更新, Android Police一直在跟踪和排名最佳制造商。

If you’re using a recent Samsung Galaxy phone, there’s a very good chance you’ll get Android 11. Samsung hasn’t given a timeline, but we expect the latest generation of devices (Galaxy S20/Note 20) will get the update by the end of the year.

如果您使用的是最新的三星Galaxy手机,则很有可能会获得Android11。三星没有给出时间表,但是我们希望最新一代的设备( Galaxy S20 / Note 20 )能够得到更新。到今年年底。

The folks over at XDA-Developers are maintaining an Android 11 Update Tracker. This is a handy place to see if your device is receiving a stable update or test out a beta version. If all else fails, you can simply do a web search for “[your phone] Android 11 update” to find information.

XDA-Developers上的人们正在维护Android 11 Update Tracker 。 在这里方便查看您的设备是否正在接收稳定的更新或测试Beta版本。 如果所有其他方法均失败,则只需在Web上搜索“ [您的手机] Android 11更新”即可查找信息。

如何检查Android更新 (How to Check for Android Updates)

If you know your phone is getting Android 11, but you haven’t received the notification yet, you can manually check for it. We’ll show you how to do it on a Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy. Even if you don’t own a device from either manufacturer, you should be able to replicate these steps on your phone or tablet.

如果您知道手机正在使用Android 11,但尚未收到通知,则可以手动进行检查。 我们将向您展示如何在Google Pixel和Samsung Galaxy上进行操作。 即使您不拥有任何一家制造商的设备,也应该能够在手机或平板电脑上复制这些步骤。

First, on a Pixel phone, swipe down from the top of the screen twice and then tap the Gear icon to open the “Settings” menu.


android settings menu

Scroll all the way down and tap “System.”


select system from the menu

Next, select “Advanced” to expand more options.


expand the advanced system settings

At the bottom of the list, select “System Update.”


select system update

Lastly, tap the “Check for Update” button.


check for update button

If the update is available, you’ll see a message about it and you will be able to start the installation process. If not, it will say “Your System is Up to Date.”

如果有更新,您将看到有关此更新的消息,并且可以开始安装过程。 如果不是,它将显示“您的系统是最新的”。

On a Samsung Galaxy smartphone, swipe down from the top of the screen and then tap the Gear icon to open the “Settings” menu.


galaxy s20 open settings from notifications

Scroll down and select “Software Update.”


samsung software update settings

Next, tap “Download and Install.” Despite the name, this will simply check for an update.

接下来,点击“下载并安装”。 尽管有名称,但这只会检查更新。

samsung download and install update

If the update is available, you’ll see a message about it and you will be able to start the installation process. If not, it will say “Your Software is Up to Date.”

如果有更新,您将看到有关此更新的消息,并且可以开始安装过程。 如果不是,它将显示“您的软件是最新的”。

如何手动安装Android 11 (How to Manually Install Android 11)

android 11 easter egg
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

It’s possible that Android 11 is available for your phone, yet checking for the update is fruitless. Software updates often roll out in stages, which means not everyone will get them right away. If Android 11 is available for your device, it should arrive in a few days.

您的手机可能会使用Android 11,但检查更新是徒劳的。 软件更新通常分阶段进行,这意味着并非每个人都会立即获得更新。 如果您的设备可以使用Android 11,那么它将在几天内到货。

However, there are ways to manually install Android 11. This is called “sideloading,” and it’s a more complex way to install a firmware update. 9to5Google has an in-depth guide on sideloading Android 11 on a Pixel phone.

但是,有手动安装Android 11的方法。这称为“侧载”,这是安装固件更新的更复杂的方法。 9to5Google有关于在Pixel手机上侧面加载Android 11 的深入指南

Keep in mind that sideloading requires some advanced tools and procedures. If done incorrectly, you risk permanently bricking your device. Sideloading is not something the typical smartphone user should attempt. For most of us, simply waiting for the over the air (OTA) update is fine.

请记住,侧载需要一些高级工具和过程。 如果操作不正确,则可能会永久地阻塞设备。 侧面加载不是典型的智能手机用户应尝试的操作。 对于我们大多数人来说,只需等待无线(OTA)更新就可以了。






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