excel批量制作条形码_如何在Microsoft Excel中制作条形图



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A bar chart (or a bar graph) is one of the easiest ways to present your data in Excel, where horizontal bars are used to compare data values. Here’s how to make and format bar charts in Microsoft Excel.

条形图(或条形图)是在Excel中显示数据的最简单方法之一,其中水平条用于比较数据值。 以下是在Microsoft Excel中制作和设置条形图格式的方法。

在Microsoft Excel中插入条形图 (Inserting Bar Charts in Microsoft Excel)

While you can potentially turn any set of Excel data into a bar chart, It makes more sense to do this with data when straight comparisons are possible, such as comparing the sales data for a number of products. You can also create combo charts in Excel, where bar charts can be combined with other chart types to show two types of data together.

尽管您可以将任意一组Excel数据转换为条形图,但在可以进行直接比较的情况下使用数据进行处理(例如比较多个产品的销售数据)更有意义。 您还可以在Excel中创建组合图 ,其中条形图可以与其他图表类型组合在一起以一起显示两种类型的数据。

We’ll be using fictional sales data as our example data set to help you visualize how this data could be converted into a bar chart in Excel. For more complex comparisons, alternative chart types like histograms might be better options.

我们将使用虚构的销售数据作为示例数据集,以帮助您可视化如何将该数据转换为Excel中的条形图。 对于更复杂的比较,直方图等其他图表类型可能是更好的选择。

To insert a bar chart in Microsoft Excel, open your Excel workbook and select your data. You can do this manually using your mouse, or you can select a cell in your range and press Ctrl+A to select the data automatically.

要在Microsoft Excel中插入条形图,请打开Excel工作簿并选择数据。 您可以使用鼠标手动执行此操作,也可以选择范围内的单元格,然后按Ctrl + A自动选择数据。

Example sales data, selected in a Microsoft Excel worksheet

Once your data is selected, click Insert > Insert Column or Bar Chart.


Various column charts are available, but to insert a standard bar chart, click the “Clustered Chart” option. This chart is the first icon listed under the “2-D Column” section.

可以使用各种柱形图,但是要插入标准条形图,请单击“群集图”选项。 此图表是“二维列”部分下列出的第一个图标。

Press Insert > Insert Column or Bar Chart > Clustered Chart to insert a standard bar chart into Excel

Excel will automatically take the data from your data set to create the chart on the same worksheet, using your column labels to set axis and chart titles. You can move or resize the chart to another position on the same worksheet, or cut or copy the chart to another worksheet or workbook file.

Excel将使用列标签设置轴和图表标题,自动从数据集中获取数据以在同一工作表上创建图表。 您可以将图表移动或调整到同一工作表上的另一个位置,或者将图表剪切或复制到另一个工作表或工作簿文件。

For our example, the sales data has been converted into a bar chart showing a comparison of the number of sales for each electronic product.


A sample bar chart in Microsoft Excel, showing the number of sales for a number of electronic products, with the data range beside it

For this set of data, mice were bought the least with 9 sales, while headphones were bought the most with 55 sales. This comparison is visually obvious from the chart as presented.

对于这组数据,鼠标的购买量最少,有9笔交易,而耳机的购买量最多,有55笔交易。 从所显示的图表中,这种比较在视觉上很明显。

在Microsoft Excel中格式化条形图 (Formatting Bar Charts in Microsoft Excel)

By default, a bar chart in Excel is created using a set style, with a title for the chart extrapolated from one of the column labels (if available).


You can make many formatting changes to your chart, should you wish to. You can change the color and style of your chart, change the chart title, as well as add or edit axis labels on both sides.

您可以根据需要对图表进行多种格式更改。 您可以更改图表的颜色和样式,更改图表标题,以及在两侧添加或编辑轴标签。

It’s also possible to add trendlines to your Excel chart, allowing you to see greater patterns (trends) in your data. This would be especially important for sales data, where a trendline could visualize decreasing or increasing number of sales over time.

也可以将趋势线添加到Excel图表中 ,使您可以查看数据中的更大模式(趋势)。 这对于销售数据尤其重要,在该数据中趋势线可以直观地显示随着时间的推移减少或增加的销售数量。

更改图表标题文本 (Changing Chart Title Text)

To change the title text for a bar chart, double-click the title text box above the chart itself. You’ll then be able to edit or format the text as required.

要更改条形图的标题文本,请双击图表本身上方的标题文本框。 然后,您将能够根据需要编辑或设置文本格式。

Double-click the chart title text box in an Excel bar chart to change the title text

If you want to remove the chart title completely, select your chart and click the “Chart Elements” icon on the right, shown visually as a green, “+” symbol.

如果要完全删除图表标题,请选择图表,然后单击右侧的“图表元素”图标,以绿色“ +”符号直观显示。

From here, click the checkbox next to the “Chart Title” option to deselect it.


Tap the green, plus icon ("Chart Elements") next to your Excel chart, then press the "Chart Title" checkbox to add or remove the chart title.

Your chart title will be removed once the checkbox has been removed.


添加和编辑轴标签 (Adding and Editing Axis Labels)

To add axis labels to your bar chart, select your chart and click the green “Chart Elements” icon (the “+” icon).

要将轴标签添加到条形图中,请选择图表,然后单击绿色的“图表元素”图标(“ +”图标)。

From the “Chart Elements” menu, enable the “Axis Titles” checkbox.


Press the green "Chart Elements" icon next to your chart, then click to enable the "Axis Titles" checkbox to add or remove axis labels

Axis labels should appear for both the x axis (at the bottom) and the y axis (on the left). These will appear as text boxes.

x轴(在底部)和y轴(在左侧)都应显示轴标签。 这些将显示为文本框。

To edit the labels, double-click the text boxes next to each axis. Edit the text in each text box accordingly, then select outside of the text box once you’ve finished making changes.

要编辑标签,请双击每个轴旁边的文本框。 相应地编辑每个文本框中的文本,然后在完成更改后在文本框外部选择。

Axis labels shown on an example Excel bar chart

If you want to remove the labels, follow the same steps to remove the checkbox from the “Chart Elements” menu by pressing the green, “+” icon. Removing the checkbox next to the “Axis Titles” option will immediately remove the labels from view.

如果要删除标签,请按照相同的步骤通过按绿色的“ +”图标从“图表元素”菜单中删除复选框。 删除“轴标题”选项旁边的复选框将立即从视图中删除标签。

更改图表样式和颜色 (Changing Chart Style and Colors)

Microsoft Excel offers a number of chart themes (named styles) that you can apply to your bar chart. To apply these, select your chart and then click the “Chart Styles” icon on the right that looks like a paint brush.

Microsoft Excel提供了许多图表主题(命名样式),您可以将其应用于条形图。 要应用这些内容,请选择图表,然后单击右侧看起来像画笔的“图表样式”图标。

To change the chart styles for an Excel bar chart, select the chart, then press the "Chart Styles" icon

A list of style options will become visible in a drop-down menu under the “Style” section.


Select one of these styles to change the visual appearance of your chart, including changing the bar layout and background.


Under the "Style" section of the "Chart Styles" menu, select one of the visual chart style options to apply it to your chart

You can access the same chart styles by clicking the “Design” tab, under the “Chart Tools” section on the ribbon bar.


The same chart styles will be visible under the “Chart Styles” section—clicking any of the options shown will change your chart style in the same way as the method above.


Excel chart styles are also visible by clicking the "Design" tab on the ribbon bar, with styles visible under the "Chart Styles" section

You can also make changes to the colors used in your chart in the “Color” section of the Chart Styles menu.


Color options are grouped, so select one of the color palette groupings to apply those colors to your chart.


Click the "Color" tab under the "Chart Style" options menu to change the colors used in your Excel bar chart

You can test each color style by hovering over them with your mouse first. Your chart will change to show how the chart will look with those colors applied.

您可以通过先将鼠标悬停在每种颜色上来测试每种颜色。 您的图表将发生变化,以显示应用这些颜色后图表的外观。

更多条形图格式设置选项 (Further Bar Chart Formatting Options)

You can make further formatting changes to your bar chart by right-clicking the chart and selecting the “Format Chart Area” option.


You can make further formatting changes to an Excel bar chart by right-clicking the chart and clicking the "Format Chart Area" option

This will bring up the “Format Chart Area” menu on the right. From here, you can change the fill, border, and other chart formatting options for your chart under the “Chart Options” section.

这将弹出右侧的“格式图表区域”菜单。 在这里,您可以在“图表选项”部分下更改图表的填充,边框和其他图表格式设置选项。

The "Chart Options" section of the "Format Chart Area" menu, allowing you to make further formatting changes to an Excel chart

You can also change how text is displayed on your chart under the “Text Options” section, allowing you to add colors, effects, and patterns to your title and axis labels, as well as change how your text is aligned on the chart.


The "Text Options" section of the "Format Chart Area" menu, allowing you to make further text formatting changes to an Excel chart

If you want to make further text formatting changes, you can do this using the standard text formatting options under the “Home” tab while you’re editing a label.


The "Home" tab on the Excel ribbon bar, with various text formatting options available

You can also use the pop-up formatting menu that appears above the chart title or axis label text boxes as you edit them.


The pop-up text box formatting menu in Excel

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/678738/how-to-make-a-bar-chart-in-microsoft-excel/


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