


Keyboard shortcuts are the best way to speed up and increase productivity for any task, as they limit your time spent opening menus and settings. Luckily, Google Chrome has a myriad of them designed to increase efficiency browsing the Internet.

键盘快捷键是加快和提高任何任务效率的最佳方法,因为它们会限制您花费在打开菜单和设置上的时间。 幸运的是,谷歌浏览器有无数种旨在提高Internet浏览效率的设计。

By no means is this a complete list of all the keyboard shortcuts available in Google Chrome. We’ve tried to keep the list more generally useful shortcuts. There are plenty more for you to explore if you can’t find what you’re looking for in this guide on the Google Chrome support page.

这绝不是Google Chrome中所有可用的键盘快捷键的完整列表。 我们试图使该列表更常用的快捷方式。 如果您无法在Google Chrome支持页面上的本指南中找到所需的内容,还可以探索更多内容。

使用标签页和Windows (Working with Tabs and Windows)

Whether you need to quickly jump between tabs in the current window or re-open a tab you accidentally closed, these shortcuts help you efficiently manage tabs and windows in Chrome.


  • Ctrl+T (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+T (macOS): Open a new tab

    Ctrl + T(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + T(macOS):打开一个新标签

  • Ctrl+N (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+N (macOS): Open a new window

    Ctrl + N(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + N(macOS):打开一个新窗口

  • Ctrl+W (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+W (macOS): Close the current tab

    Ctrl + W(Windows / Chrome操作系统)和Cmd + W(macOS):关闭当前标签

  • Ctrl+Shift+W (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Shift+W (macOS): Close the current window

    Ctrl + Shift + W(Windows / Chrome操作系统)和Cmd + Shift + W(macOS):关闭当前窗口

  • Ctrl+Shift+N (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Shift+N (macOS): Open a new window in Incognito mode

    Ctrl + Shift + N(Windows / Chrome操作系统)和Cmd + Shift + N(macOS):以隐身模式打开新窗口

  • Ctrl+Shift+T (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Shift+T (macOS): Re-open previously closed tabs in the order they were closed in, up until Chrome first initialized

    Ctrl + Shift + T(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + Shift + T(macOS):按关闭顺序重新打开之前关闭的标签,直到Chrome首次初始化

  • Ctrl+Tab (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Option+Right Arrow (macOS): Jump to the next open tab in the current window

    Ctrl + Tab(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + Option +向右箭头(macOS):跳至当前窗口中的下一个打开的选项卡

  • Ctrl+Shift+Tab (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Option+Left Arrow (macOS): Jump to the previous open tab in the current window

    Ctrl + Shift + Tab(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + Option +向左箭头(macOS):跳至当前窗口中的上一个打开选项卡

  • Ctrl+[1-9] (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+[1-9] (macOS): Jump to a specific tab in the current window (9 is always the last tab, no matter how many tabs you have open)

    Ctrl + [1-9](Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + [1-9](macOS):跳转到当前窗口中的特定选项卡(无论您打开了多少个选项卡,9始终是最后一个选项卡)

  • Alt+Left/Right Arrow (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Left/Right Arrow (macOS): Open the previous/next page in the current tab’s browsing history (Back/Forward buttons)

    Alt +向左/向右箭头(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd +向左/向右箭头(macOS):在当前选项卡的浏览历史记录中打开上一页/下一页(后退/前进按钮)

Google Chrome功能 (Google Chrome Features)

Everything here helps you access Chrome features without having to click around in the settings menu. Open the Bookmarks bar, browser history, Task Manager, Developer Tools, or even log in as a different user with these keyboard shortcuts.

这里的所有内容都可以帮助您访问Chrome功能,而无需在设置菜单中四处点击。 打开书签栏 ,浏览器历史记录, 任务管理器 ,开发人员工具,甚至使用这些键盘快捷键以其他用户身份登录。

  • Alt+F or Alt+E (Windows only): Open the Chrome menu

    Alt + F或Alt + E(仅Windows):打开Chrome菜单

  • Ctrl+H (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+H (macOS): Open the History page in a new tab

    Ctrl + H(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + H(macOS):在新标签页中打开“历史记录”页面

  • Ctrl+J (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+J (macOS): Open the Downloads page in a new tab

    Ctrl + J(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + J(macOS):在新标签页中打开“下载”页面

  • Ctrl+Shift+B (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Shift+B (macOS): Show/hide the Bookmarks bar

    Ctrl + Shift + B(Windows / Chrome操作系统)和Cmd + Shift + B(macOS):显示/隐藏书签栏

  • Ctrl+Shift+O (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Shift+O (macOS): Open the Bookmarks Manager in a new tab

    Ctrl + Shift + O(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + Shift + O(macOS):在新标签页中打开书签管理器

  • Shift+Esc (Windows only): Open the Chrome Task Manager

    Shift + Esc(仅限Windows):打开Chrome任务管理器

  • Ctrl+Shift+Delete (Windows) and Cmd+Shift+Delete (macOS): Open the Clear Browsing Data options

    Ctrl + Shift + Delete(Windows)和Cmd + Shift + Delete(macOS):打开“清除浏览数据”选项

  • Ctrl+Shift+M (Windows) and Cmd+Shift+M (macOS): Sign in as a different profile or browse as a guest

    Ctrl + Shift + M(Windows)和Cmd + Shift + M(macOS):以其他个人资料登录或以访客身份浏览

  • Alt+Shift+I (Windows/Chrome OS): Open the feedback form

    Alt + Shift + I(Windows / Chrome操作系统):打开反馈表单

  • Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Shift+I (macOS): Open the Developer Tools panel

    Ctrl + Shift + I(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + Shift + I(macOS):打开“开发工具”面板

使用地址栏 (Working with the Address Bar)

The shortcuts listed below focus mainly on using the Omnibox, such as opening search results in a new tab and deleting URLs from auto-suggestions.


  • Alt+D (Windows) and Cmd+I (macOS): Jump focus to the Omnibox

    Alt + D(Windows)和Cmd + I(macOS):将焦点转移到多功能框

  • Ctrl+Enter (Windows/Chrome OS/macOS): Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it in the current tab (Example: Type howtogeek” in the Omnibox, and then press Ctrl+Enter to go to

    Ctrl + Enter(Windows / Chrome OS / macOS):添加www。 和.com命名为网站名称,然后在当前选项卡中将其打开(例如:在“多功能框”中键入“ howtogeek”,然后按Ctrl + Enter转到

  • Ctrl+Shift+Enter (Windows/Chrome OS/macOS): Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it in a new window (same as above but add Shift)

    Ctrl + Shift + Enter(Windows / Chrome OS / macOS):添加www。 和.com更改为网站名称,然后在新窗口中打开它(与上面相同,但添加Shift )

  • Ctrl+K (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Option+F (macOS): Jump to the Omnibox from anywhere on the page and search with your default search engine

    Ctrl + K(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + Option + F(macOS):从页面上的任意位置跳转到多功能框,然后使用默认搜索引擎进行搜索

  • Shift+Delete (Windows) and Shift+Fn+Delete (macOS): Remove predictions from your address bar (highlight the suggestion when it appears, and then press the shortcut)

    Shift + Delete(Windows)和Shift + Fn + Delete(macOS):从地址栏中删除预测(在显示建议时将其突出显示,然后按快捷键)

浏览网页 (Browsing Webpages)

Need to turn on full-screen mode, increase/decrease the size of everything on the page, or save all tabs as bookmarks? These shortcuts are a surefire way to save you heaps of time.

需要打开全屏模式 ,增加/减小页面上所有内容的大小,还是将所有标签保存为书签? 这些快捷方式是一种节省时间的可靠方法。

  • Ctrl+R (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+R (macOS): Reload the current page

    Ctrl + R(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + R(macOS):重新加载当前页面

  • Ctrl+Shift+R (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Shift+R (macOS): Reload the current page without using cached content

    Ctrl + Shift + R(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + Shift + R(macOS):重新加载当前页面而不使用缓存的内容

  • Esc (Windows/Chrome OS/macOS): Stop the page from loading

    Esc(Windows / Chrome OS / macOS):停止加载页面

  • Ctrl+S (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+S (macOS): Save the current page to your computer

    Ctrl + S(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + S(macOS):将当前页面保存到您的计算机

  • Ctrl+P (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+P (macOS): Print the current page

    Ctrl + P(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + P(macOS):打印当前页面

  • Ctrl+Plus/Minus [+/-] (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Plus/Minus [+/-] (macOS): Zoom in/out on the current page

    Ctrl +加号/减号 [+/-](Windows / Chrome操作系统)和Cmd +加号/减号 [+/-] (macOS):在当前页面上放大/缩小

  • Ctrl+0 [zero] (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+0 [zero] (macOS): Return the current webpage to the default size

    Ctrl + 0 [零](Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + 0 [零](macOS):将当前网页恢复为默认大小

  • Ctrl+D (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+D (macOS): Save the current page as a bookmark

    Ctrl + D (Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + D(macOS):将当前页面另存为书签

  • Ctrl+Shift+D (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Shift+D (macOS): Save all the open tabs in the current window as bookmarks

    Ctrl + Shift + D (Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + Shift + D(macOS):将当前窗口中所有打开的标签页另存为书签

  • Ctrl+F (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+F (macOS): Open the Find bar to search in the current page

    Ctrl + F(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + F(macOS):打开查找栏以在当前页面中搜索

  • Ctrl+G (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+G (macOS): Go to the next match in your search

    Ctrl + G(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + G(macOS):转到搜索中的下一个匹配项

  • Ctrl+Shift+G (Windows/Chrome OS) and Cmd+Shift+G (macOS): Go to the previous match in your search

    Ctrl + Shift + G(Windows / Chrome OS)和Cmd + Shift + G(macOS):转到搜索中的上一个匹配项

  • F11 (Windows) and Cmd+Ctrl+F (macOS): Turn on/off full-screen mode

    F11(Windows)和Cmd + Ctrl + F(macOS):打开/关闭全屏模式

  • Alt+Home (Windows) and Cmd+Shift+H (macOS): Open your home page in the current tab

    Alt + Home(Windows)和Cmd + Shift + H(macOS):在当前选项卡中打开主页

And that does it. These are some of the best keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome that you should know. Hopefully, they can help make your life a lot easier. And if you didn’t find the ones you were looking for, don’t forget to check out the Google support page for even more commands.

做到了。 这些是您应该知道的Google Chrome最佳的键盘快捷键。 希望它们可以使您的生活更轻松。 而且,如果找不到您想要的命令,请不要忘记查看Google支持页面以获取更多命令。







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