



Whether your photo printer is new or has been collecting dust between the holidays, you’ve likely spent a few frustrating moments setting up the machine. But did you know proper setup can improve the quality of your prints?

无论您的照片打印机是新打印机还是节假日期间是否在收集灰尘,您可能都花了一​​些令人沮丧的时间来设置机器。 但是您知道正确的设置可以提高打印质量吗?

Spend a few moments looking over the basics, and see why it can be a good idea to keep your drivers updated, learn about some basic printer maintenance, and see some advanced options for setting up great prints. Keep reading!

花一些时间查看基础知识,并了解为什么保持驱动程序更新,学习一些基本的打印机维护以及设置高级打印的一些高级选项是一个好主意。 继续阅读!

下载并安装最新的驱动程序 (Download and Install Up-To-Date Drivers)


Your operating system may recognize your printer right out of the box, but unless your computer and printer are communicating perfectly, you are likely to not get the best quality print possible. It’s likely your printer came with a drivers CD, although most users lose these within hours of opening the box. If you still have it, using this disc is an acceptable way to install a printer. But if newer drivers exist, minor or even major issues with prints might have been fixed.

您的操作系统可能开箱即用地识别您的打印机,但是除非您的计算机和打印机能够完美通信,否则您可能无法获得最佳质量的打印。 尽管大多数用户在打开包装盒后数小时内就会丢失驱动程序CD,但您的打印机可能随附了驱动程序CD。 如果仍然有光盘,则可以使用此光盘来安装打印机。 但是,如果存在更新的驱动程序,则可能已解决打印的次要甚至主要问题。

Most major printer manufacturers will provide software and drivers for free downloads. In order to get these, visit the webpage for the brand of printer you are using—Hewlett Packard, Epson, Canon, etc—rather than simply doing Google searches for the device number. There are a number of sites that claim to host drivers, although there is rarely any reason to trust anyone but the manufacturer of your printer for support and Windows driver downloads.

大多数主要打印机制造商将提供免费下载的软件和驱动程序。 为了获得这些信息,请访问您正在使用的打印机品牌的网页( 惠普爱普生佳能等),而不是简单地通过Google搜索设备编号。 有许多站点声称拥有主机驱动程序,尽管几乎没有任何理由可以信任打印机制造商以外的任何人来获得支持和Windows驱动程序下载。


You’ll need to know the exact model number of your printer, usually branded on the front of the unit. In addition to this, you’ll have to know your operating system, which can be oddly specific, as illustrated above. In this case, it is an HP D1530 working with Windows 7 Home Premium.

您需要知道打印机确切型号 ,通常在设备正面贴有商标。 除此之外,您还必须了解自己的操作系统 ,该操作系统可能是奇怪的,如上所述。 在这种情况下,它是与Windows 7 Home Premium一起使用的HP D1530。


Often drivers on CDs or downloads come bundled with software and helper applications, many of which are not useful and only serve to clog up your system tray. Still, the driver is the important thing, so install it and avoid installing any additional software you do not think will be helpful to you.

CD或下载中的驱动程序通常与软件和辅助应用程序捆绑在一起,其中许多无用,只会堵塞系统托盘。 但是,驱动程序仍然很重要,因此请安装该驱动程序,并避免安装任何您认为不会对您有帮助的附加软件。

对齐,清洁和更换墨盒 (Align, Clean, and Replace Print Cartridges)


While you may not be interested in the bonus “Photo Sharing” or print wizards that come bundled with your drivers , nearly every printer comes with a toolkit capable of improving poor print quality from troublesome cartridges.



Once your printer is properly installed, bring up your start menu and search for “Devices and Printers.” You can also find it under your Control Panel.

正确安装打印机后,弹出您的开始菜单并搜索“设备和打印机”。 您也可以在控制面板下找到它。


Locate your printer inside the list of devices and printers. Double click it to bring up your options and tools for your installed printer.

在设备和打印机列表中找到您的打印机。 双击它可以弹出您已安装打印机的选项和工具。


Your window may or may not look like this, depending on your brand. Regardless of your screen layout, you’ll want to find your “Maintenance” tasks, like aligning and cleaning cartridges.

根据您的品牌,您的橱窗看起来可能像这样,也可能不这样。 无论屏幕布局如何,您都将需要查找“维护”任务,例如对齐和清洁墨盒。


Align runs a printer specific wizard that will ensure that each inkwell inside your printhead is accurately printing relative to the ones next to it. Usually they are simple and involve printing a few pages of basic characters in primary colors and making a few adjustments on screen. If your printer is new or you have just installed new cartridges, chances are you could stand to align your cartridges.

Align运行打印机特定的向导,该向导将确保打印头内的每个墨水槽都相对于其旁边的墨水槽正确打印。 通常它们很简单,涉及以原色打印几页基本字符并在屏幕上进行一些调整。 如果您的打印机是新打印机或刚安装了新墨盒,则很有可能会对齐墨盒。

Clean Cartridges is another simple routine that will run your ink nozzles and printhead, clearing up microscopic dry spots that destroy image quality. Be cautious when running the Cleaning routine, as it can waste lots of ink if done repeatedly.

清洁墨盒是另一个简单的例程,它将使您的墨水喷嘴和打印头运转,清除会破坏图像质量的微观干燥斑点。 运行“清洗”例程时要小心,因为如果反复进行,可能会浪费大量墨水。


Many printers have tools for reading the current ink levels of the installed cartridges. This tool, illustrated above, plainly shows the levels of inks, but is not entirely accurate. Be aware that your ink levels may always be higher or lower than what you’re seeing on screen.

许多打印机都有工具来读取已安装墨盒的当前墨水量。 如上所示,此工具可以清楚地显示墨水量,但并不完全准确。 请注意,墨水量可能始终高于或低于屏幕上显示的水平。

调整打印机设置 (Adjusting Printer Settings)


When you go to print, you’ll have dialog boxes that communicate with printer calibration and color settings. These are of paramount importance, even if they are as simplified as they appear here. You’ll want to choose settings appropriate for the paper type you’re planning to print on, as well as quality, speed, and color settings. Depending on these settings, your printer will use a varying amount of ink, or even print your image at higher or lower resolutions.

当您进行打印时,将具有与打印机校准和颜色设置进行通信的对话框。 即使它们像此处显示的那样简化,它们也至关重要。 您将要选择适合您打算打印的纸张类型的设置,以及质量,速度和颜色设置。 根据这些设置,打印机将使用不同量的墨水,甚至以更高或更低的分辨率打印图像。


Various printers usually have profiles for their own brand of papers in an attempt to encourage users to buy the manufacturer’s brand. This can be a good idea, as these profiles are created by professionals and engineers, but they aren’t absolutely necessary. Any inkjet photo printer will work with any inkjet photo paper of comparable quality—brand barely enters into it.

为了鼓励用户购买制造商的品牌,各种打印机通常都有其自己品牌的纸的配置文件。 这是一个好主意,因为这些配置文件是由专业人员和工程师创建的,但并非绝对必要。 任何喷墨照片打印机都可以与任何质量相当的喷墨照片纸一起使用-品牌几乎没有涉足。

对于高级用户:ICC配置文件和纸张特定颜色 (For Advanced Users: ICC Profiles and Paper Specific Color)


For those of you that are interested, there are various paper companies that sell high-grade photo and archival quality art papers for inkjet prints. Some of these, like Red River Paper or Breathing Color, offer color profiles for download, as well as detailed instructions and how-tos on their website, to help customers create prints from advanced programs like Photoshop, where there are a myriad of options available for printing.

对于那些感兴趣的人,有多家纸业公司出售用于喷墨打印的高级照片和档案质量的艺术纸。 其中一些工具(例如Red River PaperBreathing Color )可提供颜色配置文件供下载,并在其网站上提供详细的说明和操作方法,以帮助客户从高级程序(如Photoshop)中创建打印件,那里有许多可用的选项用于打印。


ICC Profiles are essentially a color space, or gamut (pre-selected range of colors a machine is capable of), which helps users with properly calibrated monitors get more accurate color from screen to print. These are specific not only to brands and printers, as you can see illustrated above, but also to every paper type these retailers offer. However, without an advanced art program like Photoshop, these profiles are not useful, but software as relatively inexpensive as Photoshop Elements can load and print with these profiles. Adventurous readers could choose to experiment with some higher-grade photo papers and the corresponding ICC profiles, although the majority of printers will never need them.

ICC配置文件本质上是一个色彩空间或色域(机器可以选择的预先选择的颜色范围),它可以帮助具有正确校准显示器的用户从屏幕到打印获得更准确的色彩。 如您所见,这些不仅针对品牌和打印机,而且还针对这些零售商提供的每种纸张。 但是,如果没有像Photoshop这样的高级美术程序,这些配置文件将无用,但与Photoshop Elements相对便宜的软件可以使用这些配置文件加载和打印。 冒险的读者可以选择尝试一些更高等级的相纸和相应的ICC配置文件,尽管大多数打印机将永远不需要它们。

Printing will never cease to be difficult, with the many options varying the quality of prints in often shockingly obvious ways. However, with a properly set up and maintained inkjet, readers will find it much easier to get the photo prints they want.
印刷将永无止境,许多选择通常以令人震惊的明显方式改变印刷质量。 但是,通过正确设置和维护喷墨机,读者会发现获得所需照片的打印更加容易。

Image Credit: Jackson’s Chameleon 2 in public domain.

图片提供: 公共领域的 Jackson's Chameleon 2

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/38762/improve-your-photo-prints-by-properly-preparing-your-printer/






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