
Taking a lot of pictures this Christmas? Here’s a roundup of some of our favorite How-Tos to help you get the best possible photo prints this year.

这个圣诞节拍了很多照片吗? 这是一些我们最喜欢的方法的综述,可以帮助您获得今年最佳的照片打印效果。

You might use Photoshop, Free Software, or even Microsoft Word; How-To Geek has something for every user in this collection of How-Tos to help you get the best prints this holiday season.

您可能会使用Photoshop,免费软件,甚至是Microsoft Word。 How-To Geek在此How-Tos集合中为每个用户提供了一些帮助,以帮助您在这个假期中获得最好的印刷品。

Photoshop中的初学者照片编辑技巧 (Beginner Photo Editing Tips in Photoshop)


If you have Photoshop (or maybe just want it), take a look at these beginner photo editing tips in part 5 of the How-to Geek Guide to Learning Photoshop. The whole guide is still available, if you need a refresher on how to use Photoshop.

如果您有Photoshop(或者可能只是想要它),请参阅How-to Geek Guide to学习Photoshop的第5部分中的这些初学者照片编辑技巧。 如果您需要重新使用Photoshop的知识,则仍然可以使用整个指南。


使用免费软件一次编辑100张照片 (Edit 100 Photos at Once With Freeware)


Do you ever find yourself with a giant pile of pictures you need to shrink, resize, rename, or change filetype? To do it one image at a time is tedious and boring. Download a small freeware tool and do it automatically in seconds, with this helpful How-To.

您是否发现自己需要放大,调整大小,重命名或更改文件类型的大量图片? 一次只做一张图像既乏味又乏味。 下载一个免费的小型工具,并通过此有用的“操作方法”在几秒钟内自动完成。


使用Microsoft Word设计自己的圣诞贺卡 (Design Your Own Christmas Cards with Microsoft Word)


If you have either Microsoft Word or Open Office, you can get out some last minute Christmas Cards to send to family and friends. Check out this simple tutorial and download the How-To Geek template to make the process that much simpler.

如果您拥有Microsoft Word或Open Office,则可以拿出最后一分钟的圣诞贺卡发送给家人和朋友。 查看这个简单的教程并下载How-To Geek模板,以使过程变得更加简单。


找出为什么照片纸更适合打印 (Find Out Why is Photo Paper is Better for Printing)


You’ve probably bought tons of photo paper and you’re not quite sure why those prints always seem to look better on it–they just always do. In this informative article, How-To Geek explains what’s so great about photo paper so that you can know just what you’re getting when you buy it.

您可能已经购买了许多吨的照片纸,但您不确定为什么这些打印件看起来总是看起来更好-他们总是这样做。 在这篇内容丰富的文章中,How-To Geek解释了相纸的优点,以便您可以知道购买时的用途。


查看您的台式打印机是否浪费金钱 (See if Your Desktop Printer is Wasting Money)


Some printers run through ink at incredibly high rates and their manufacturers charge ridiculous prices for their cartridges. But are local printing services really any better? Download the How-To Geek Photo Print Calculation tool and use these simple directions to see how much more expensive your desktop printer is than local or mail out printing services are.

一些打印机以极高的速度消耗墨水,其制造商为墨盒收取荒谬的价格。 但是本地印刷服务真的更好吗? 下载How-To Geek照片打印计算工具,并按照以下简单说明操作,以了解台式打印机比本地打印机或邮寄打印服务贵多少。


设置打印机以获得更好的打印质量 (Set Up Your Printer for Better Quality Prints)


Printers are far from perfect. They require lots of software in order to work properly, like drivers, and also require maintenance routines in order to retain good print quality. Readers can also learn about advanced options for printing, like using artisan Printer papers and downloadable color profiles. Check it out!

打印机远非完美。 他们需要很多软件才能像驱动程序一样正常工作,并且还需要维护例程才能保持良好的打印质量。 读者还可以了解有关打印的高级选项,例如使用工匠的打印机纸和可下载的颜色配置文件。 看看这个!


使用正确校准的显示器将打印内容匹配到屏幕上 (Match Prints to Your Screen with a Properly Calibrated Monitor)


Some of the biggest problems with printing occur when monitors and printers provide drastically different views of the same image. Look through this simple How-To and see just how easy it can be to calibrate your monitor and help your images come out better!

当显示器和打印机提供同一图像的截然不同的视图时,就会出现一些最大的打印问题。 查看此简单的“操作方法”,看看校准显示器并帮助您获得更好的图像效果是多么容易!


仅使用Microsoft Word以万无一失的方式打印圣诞贺卡 (Print Christmas Cards the Foolproof Way Using Only Microsoft Word)


Printing Christmas Cards can be a pain. Which side is the top, and which is the bottom? With this simple method, you can finally master your printer and print the perfect Christmas card using only Microsoft Word.

打印圣诞贺卡可能会很痛苦。 哪一侧是顶部,哪一侧是底部? 使用这种简单的方法,您最终可以只使用Microsoft Word就能掌握打印机并打印出完美的圣诞贺卡。


免费下载Paint.NET轻松消除红眼 (Easily Remove Red Eye with Free Download Paint.NET)


Red eye is one of the annoying realities of flash photography. But you don’t need software like Photoshop elements or iPhoto to remove it, you can do it with free Windows download, Paint.NET. Look through this How-To and see just how easy it can be.

红眼是闪光灯摄影的烦人现实之一。 但是,您不需要像Photoshop Elements或iPhoto这样的软件即可删除它,可以通过Windows免费下载Paint.NET来完成。 仔细阅读本“方法指南”,看看它有多容易。


仅使用免费软件编辑,组织和打印照片 (Edit, Organize, and Print Photographs Using Only Free Software)


In our final roundup article, How-To Geek provides a list of great photo freeware for Windows that’ll let users print and edit their digital pictures for free, then shows readers how to get great prints out of freeware program Picasa. Don’t miss it!

在我们最后的综述文章中,How-To Geek提供了适用于Windows的精美照片免费软件列表,该列表使用户可以免费打印和编辑其数码照片,然后向读者展示如何从免费软件程序Picasa中获得精美照片。 不要错过!

That’s it for this edition of the How-To Geek Guide to Perfect Christmas Photos. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and happy printing from How-To Geek!

这就是本版《完美圣诞照片的怪胎指南》。 节日快乐,圣诞快乐,以及《 How-To Geek》的印刷快乐!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/39066/the-10-best-how-to-geek-guides-for-perfect-christmas-photos/





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