


If you want to send high quality original photos to your friends and family, then there’s really only one good way to do it: with a cloud storage provider. Social networks like Facebook and Instagram don’t store the original files; they reduce the quality, so pages load faster. Even good, dedicated photo services like 500px do it.

如果您想将高质量的原始照片发送给您的朋友和家人,那么实际上只有一种好方法:使用云存储提供商。 像Facebook和Instagram这样的社交网络不会存储原始文件。 它们降低了质量 ,因此页面加载速度更快。 甚至500px之类的优质专用照片服务也可以做到。

This isn’t an issue if you’re just posting photos so people can view them on their smartphones or computers, but if you want them to be able to print the images, you need to give them high-quality files.


什么算作“高质量”文件? (What Counts as “High-Quality” Files?)

The photos your smartphone camera—or any proper camera—can take are far bigger and of higher quality than social media sites can handle. If every image on your Instagram feed were 2 MBs and 12 megapixels, you’d burn through your data cap in no time. The thing is, these, high-resolution, 2 MB files are exactly what you want if you’re going to print them, set them as your desktop background, or do anything except view them in the correct size box on social media.

您的智能手机相机(或任何合适的相机)可以拍摄的照片远远大于社交媒体网站所能处理的质量。 如果您的Instagram提要中的每个图像都是2 MB和12兆像素,那么您很快就会消耗掉数据上限。 事实是,这些高分辨率,2 MB的文件正是您想要的,如果您要打印它们,将它们设置为桌面背景或执行任何操作,除了在社交媒体上的正确大小框中查看它们之外。

Here’s a photo of mine I uploaded to Facebook—it was 2.7 MB and 5166×3444 pixels. When I downloaded it from my Timeline, it was 74 KB and 860×640 pixels. You could barely print that on a postage stamp!

这是我上传到Facebook的我的照片,它是2.7 MB和5166×3444像素。 当我从时间轴下载它时,它是74 KB和860×640像素。 您几乎不能在邮票上打印!

In general, when we talk about high-quality files, what we mean are the original photos straight from your phone or camera or, if you’ve made any edits, a saved copy in full resolution. If you shoot RAW, you can send exported full-resolution JPEGs; full-size RAW files can be a bit unwieldy, especially if the other person doesn’t have the apps to deal with them. These are the kind of files from which they’ll be able to print nice prints.

通常,当我们谈论高质量文件时,我们指的是直接来自您的手机或相机的原始照片,或者, 如果您进行了任何编辑 ,则是完整分辨率的已保存副本。 如果您拍摄RAW ,则可以发送导出的全分辨率JPEG; 否则 ,您可以发送JPEG。 原尺寸的RAW文件可能有点笨拙,尤其是在其他人没有可处理它们的应用程序的情况下。 这些是可以打印精美印刷品的文件类型

Don’t just download the photos you want to share with people from your Facebook page. Get them from your computer or smartphone.

不要只是从Facebook页面下载您想要与他人共享的照片。 从您的计算机或智能手机获取它们。

云共享:最佳,最简单和最便宜的解决方案 (Cloud Sharing: The Best, Simplest, and Cheapest Solution)

A few years ago, cloud storage was a competitive marketplace. Now it’s a commodity: there are heaps of services willing to offer you gigabytes of free storage space. The three we generally recommend are Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive.

几年前,云存储是一个竞争激烈的市场。 现在,它已经成为一种商品:有大量服务愿意为您提供千兆字节的免费存储空间。 我们通常推荐的三个是Dropbox,Google Drive和Microsoft OneDrive。

Which of the three you use doesn’t matter. They’re all pretty similar, and they all have desktop and mobile apps.

您使用这三个中的哪一个都没有关系 。 它们都非常相似,并且都具有桌面和移动应用程序。

Put all the high-quality files you want to send in a single folder in your cloud storage app of choice and let it upload. Unless you’re sharing thousands of DSLR photos, you won’t come anywhere close to hitting the limits of your free storage. Right click on the folder and choose the relevant share option. Check out our full guide to sharing files and folders with cloud storage apps for more.

将您要发送的所有高质量文件放在所选的云存储应用程序的单个文件夹中,然后上传。 除非您共享数千张DSLR照片,否则您将无法接近免费存储空间的极限。 右键单击该文件夹,然后选择相关的共享选项。 查看我们的完整指南,了解如何与云存储应用程序共享文件和文件夹

Share the link and now anyone who has it will be able to go in and download the high quality images.


No more going around to your friends’ house and seeing a very blurry version of a photo you took on their fridge.


专业人员须知 (A Note for Professionals)

If you’re a professional photographer looking to share photos with clients, the cloud storage method above will work but can be a bit awkward to manage. Instead, you should check out dedicated online client galleries and proofing services like PhotoProofPro and PixieSet. The extra features they offer, however, are far beyond the needs of regular people.

如果您是一位专业摄影师,希望与客户共享照片,则上面的云存储方法可以使用,但管理起来可能有些麻烦。 相反,您应该查看专用的在线客户端画廊和校样服务,例如PhotoProofProPixieSet 。 但是,它们提供的额外功能远远超出了普通人的需求。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/398358/how-to-send-high-quality-photos-online/






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