


It’s easy to get excited about something and post it on social media for all your friends and family to see, and maybe even the rest of the world. But there are some things that you shouldn’t post online, even if it might seem obvious.

很容易对某件事感到兴奋并将其发布在社交媒体上,以供您所有的朋友和家人甚至世界其他地方看到。 但是有些事情您不应该在线发布,即使看起来很明显。

活动门票 (Event Tickets)

Whether it’s for a concert or a sporting event, it’s generally not a good idea to post a photo of the ticket on your social media accounts.


This is because pretty much all tickets these days use a barcode that gets scanned at the gate to permit entrance into the event. It’s easy to copy these barcodes from a photo and then use them to create a duplicate ticket.

这是因为这些天几乎所有门票都使用条形码,该条形码在登机口进行扫描以允许进入活动。 从照片中复制这些条形码,然后使用它们创建重复票证很容易。

Someone can take that photo of your ticket and use it themselves to gain entrance into a game or other event. So think twice before sharing that beloved golden ticket online.

有人可以为您的门票拍摄照片,然后自己使用它来进入游戏或其他活动。 因此,在在线共享该心爱的金票之前,请三思而后行。

信用卡和借记卡 (Credit & Debit Cards)

This one seems obvious, but apparently, it happens more than you might think. Don’t believe me? This now-defunct Twitter account gives you the proof.

这似乎很明显,但是显然,它的发生超出了您的想象。 不相信我吗 这个现已失效的Twitter帐户为您提供了证明。

I know that it seems exciting enough to share a photo of your new fancy credit card (yay for rewards and cash back!), but anyone can use all those numbers on that card to purchase something online. Worse yet, it can be the beginning of full-on identity theft.

我知道分享一张新的花式信用卡的照片似乎很令人兴奋(可以得到奖励和现金返还!),但是任何人都可以使用该卡上的所有数字在网上购买商品。 更糟糕的是,这可能是全面身份盗用的开始。

If you want to post a picture of your new credit card on social media, by all means, go for it, but at least take the time to cover up all the numbers.


登机证 (Boarding Passes)

Vacation’s finally here—time to post about it on Facebook! That boarding pass may seem innocent enough, but those barcodes and numbers can tell a bigger story than what meets the eye. Think twice before posting a photo of them.

假期终于到了,该在Facebook上发布相关信息了! 那张登机牌似乎不够纯真,但那些条形码和数字所讲的故事远比眼前的大。 发布照片之前请三思。

Your airline boarding pass surprisingly has a lot of information, and not just on the flight itself. By using some of that information, someone could access your entire frequent flyer account.

令人惊讶的是 ,您的航空公司登机牌具有很多信息 ,而不仅仅是航班本身。 通过使用某些信息,某人可以访问您的整个飞行常客帐户。

With just the last name and the record locator number, it’s possible to get access to information like someone’s phone number and any future flights they have booked. Plus, it allows access for someone to go in and change your seats, as well as cancel any future flights.

仅使用姓氏和记录的定位器编号,就可以访问信息,例如某人的电话号码以及他们预订的任何未来航班。 另外,它还允许其他人进入并更改您的座位以及取消以后的任何航班。

So if you want to post your boarding pass on social media, you might want to be a bit strategic with your photo and make sure that no unique barcodes and numbers are visible.


办公桌的照片 (Photos of Your Desk)

It may seem harmless to post a picture of your cluttered desk with the caption “Burning the midnight oil,” but depending on what kind of information you have lying around on your desk, you might be exposing some of your company’s confidential information—or even your own.


Sticky notes on your monitor or various invoices and memos on your desk might seem harmless, but someone on the wrong side of the law could get curious and look for account numbers, passwords, specific names, and more.


So if you are going to post a photo of your messy desk (or hey, even a clean one), be sure that nothing personal and confidential is in the frame.


您的家庭住址 (Your Home Address)

Perhaps the most sacred piece of private information is your home address. Of course, many of your friends and family know where you live, but you don’t need to let the whole world know. Unfortunately, it can be easy to let the public know your address inadvertently.

也许最神圣的私人信息是您的家庭住址。 当然,您的许多朋友和家人都知道您的住所,但您无需让全世界知道。 不幸的是,很容易让公众不经意间知道您的地址。

The most common occurrence I see is people posting pictures of their homes on social media (whether they remodeled or just bought a new house), and the street number is easily visible on the front of the house.


The number itself may seem harmless, but as long as someone knows what city you live in (which isn’t that difficult to figure out most of the time), they can search through a handful of addresses in that city starting with your street number, and then use Google Street View to confirm.


Of course, you should be proud of your new home and by all means, post it on Facebook if you must. But at least block out the street number before you publish it on social media.

当然,您应该为自己的新家感到自豪,如果有必要,请务必将其发布在Facebook上。 但是,在将其发布到社交媒体上之前,至少要挡住街道编号。

只要有一些常识并仔细检查 (Just Have Some Common Sense and Double Check Things)

I’m not telling you that you shouldn’t post all of this stuff on social media. I love to brag about going to events and taking vacations, myself. But whenever you do post photos like this, take the time to double check that nothing unique or personal is in the frame.

我并不是要告诉您您不应该将所有这些内容发布在社交媒体上。 我个人很喜欢吹嘘参加活动和休假。 但是,每当您发布这样的照片时,请花点时间仔细检查相框中是否没有独特或个人的物品。

And if you’re not sure if something should or shouldn’t be posted onto your social media account for the world to see, then trust your gut and assume that you shouldn’t.


Images from TravnikovStudio/Shutterstock, Breadmaker/Shutterstock

来自TravnikovStudio / Shutterstock, 面包机 / Shutterstock的图像

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/398475/things-you-should-never-post-online-but-probably-are/


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