android 谷歌地图_三星的五项Android功能胜过Google

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Ask any Android purist and they’ll tell you: stock Android is the one true Android. But objectively, it’s not perfect, and there are things that Samsung devices do better than any stock Android device out there—even Google’s own devices.

询问任何Android纯粹主义者,他们会告诉您:普通的Android是一个真正的Android。 但从客观上讲,这并不是完美的,而且三星设备在某些方面比市面上的任何Android设备都要好-甚至是谷歌自己的设备。

This partly because of Samsung’s hardware choices and partly because of its software modifications. Samsung does a great job of staying ahead of the latest trends in mobile technology, where many devices that run stock Android—namely the Pixels—seem to fall short.

这部分是由于三星的硬件选择,部分是由于其软件修改。 三星在保持移动技术的最新趋势方面做得很出色,在该技术上,许多运行Android的设备(即Pixels)似乎都不够用。

Here’s a look at a few of those things.


无线充电 (Wireless Charging)

What was once a Google-first feature on the Nexus phones of yesteryear, Google moved away from this convenient tech with the Nexus 5X and 6P phones—a trend that carried on with the Pixel and Pixel 2.

过去,Nexus曾经是Nexus手机上Google的第一项功能,但随着Nexus 5X和6P手机的发展,Google不再使用这项便利的技术,而Pixel和Pixel 2则延续了这一趋势。

But Samsung has continued offering wireless charging for a long time. Year after year, all of the newest Galaxy flagship phones have included it as a standard. And with Apple finally adopting this tech with their newest iPhones, we likely won’t see it going away any time soon. In fact, you can almost count on the upcoming Pixel phones having it, too.

但是三星很长时间以来一直在提供无线充电。 年复一年,所有最新的Galaxy旗舰手机都将其作为标准配置。 随着苹果终于在其最新的iPhone中采用这项技术,我们很可能不会很快看到它消失。 实际上,您几乎也可以指望即将推出的Pixel手机也拥有它。

But for now, Samsung has Google (and almost everyone else) beat in the Android space.


更多安全选项:虹膜扫描,人脸识别,智能扫描等 (More Security Options: Iris Scanning, Face Recognition, Intelligent Scan, and More)

Samsung does a great job of bringing new tech to the forefront of the Android ecosystem, which includes a lot of forward-thinking security innovations—like iris scanning technology.


Iris Scanning was first introduced on the Galaxy S8 as a new way to secure your phone. Face Recognition was also a part of the system. Now, to be fair, stock Android has had some form of that for years, but the S9 provides the option to use both simultaneously with a feature named Intelligent Scan. This uses both iris data and facial recognition for a double layer of security, all without slowing down the unlocking process at all.

Iris Scanning首次在Galaxy S8上推出,是保护手机安全的新方法。 人脸识别也是该系统的一部分。 坦白说,现在,普通的Android已经有这种形式了,但是S9提供了同时使用这两种功能和名为Intelligent Scan的功能的选项。 这将虹膜数据和面部识别功能都用于双重安全保护,而这一切都不会减慢解锁过程的速度。

Stock Android’s Trusted Face feature (which is part of Smart Lock) has been more laughable than useful over the years, but Samsung’s facial recognition seems to be much better. It’s probably still not good enough to use on its own, but a combination of this with iris canning in Intelligent Scan is pretty brilliant.

多年来,Stock Android的Trusted Face功能(是Smart Lock的一部分)一直比可笑的要实用得多,但三星的面部识别似乎要好得多。 单独使用它可能还不够好,但是将其与“智能扫描”中的虹膜装罐结合使用非常出色。

有意义的硬件功能 (Meaningful Hardware Features)

Like we’ve already established, Samsung is generally at the forefront of emerging tech. It’s quick to add cool and upcoming tech to its devices, like wireless charging starting with the Galaxy S5, iris scanning on the S8, and the latest Bluetooth tech as it shows up.

就像我们已经建立的一样,三星通常处于新兴技术的最前沿。 可以快速向其设备添加炫酷和即将推出的技术,例如从Galaxy S5开始的无线充电,S8上的虹膜扫描以及最新出现的蓝牙技术。

The last one is a pretty big deal, because starting with Bluetooth 5.0, the feature itself got a lot better. And while most flagship phones at this point have BT 5.0, a Bluetooth feature that’s less common in smartphones is ANT+. This is important for any fitness enthusiast who wants to use things like heart rate sensors with their smartphone, and Samsung has included it by default since the S4.

最后一个是很大的问题,因为从Bluetooth 5.0开始,该功能本身有了很多改进。 尽管目前大多数旗舰手机都具有BT 5.0,但ANT +是蓝牙功能,在智能手机中较不常见。 这对于想要在智能手机中使用心率传感器之类的健身爱好者来说非常重要,三星从S4起就默认将其包括在内。

By contrast, many popular Android phones require a dongle for ANT+ connectivity, which is annoying and cumbersome. Sure, it’s not a big deal for anyone who doesn’t need ANT+, but it’s just another example of Samsung including extra features its users may want or need.

相比之下,许多流行的Android手机都需要加密狗才能实现ANT +连接,这既烦人又麻烦。 当然,这不是什么大不了的人谁不需要 ANT +,但它只是一个包括额外的功能,它的用户可能想要或需要三星的例子。

可自定义的导航栏和单手模式 (Customizable Navigation Bar and One Handed Mode)

It’s not just about the hardware features Samsung throws in, either—the company includes some pretty useful tweaks in its software layer too.


When it made the jump from [those awful] capacity navigation keys and a physical home button to on-screen navigation, Samsung also included a way to rearrange those buttons. It’s not a huge deal, but little touches like that really make a big difference. If you’re a long-time Samsung user, you can stick with the company’s traditional recents-home-back layout; if you’re coming from a different phone, however, you can change it to the stock Android back-home-recents layout.

当三星从[那些糟糕的]容量导航键和一个物理主屏幕按钮跳转到屏幕导航时,三星还提供了一种重新排列这些按钮的方法。 这不是一个巨大的交易,但这样的小触及确实有很大的不同。 如果您是三星的长期用户,则可以坚持使用公司传统的“最近回家”式布局; 但是,如果您使用的是其他手机,则可以将其更改为现有的Android在家附近布局。

Similarly, and arguably even better, most flagship Samsung devices since the Galaxy Note 5 have included one-handed mode—even the “smaller” variants of the S8 and S9. This is an absolute game changing for using your handset with just one hand, as a quick gesture is all it takes to switch from a full-size screen to a much smaller and more manageable size (and back again). This is something Google desperately needs to add to stock Android.

同样,甚至可以说更好,自Galaxy Note 5以来,大多数旗舰三星设备都包括单手模式,甚至包括S8和S9的“较小”版本。 仅用一只手即可使用手机,这绝对是一场游戏变革,因为从全尺寸屏幕切换到更小,更易于管理的尺寸(然后再返回)只需完成快速手势即可。 这是Google迫切需要添加到库存Android中的东西。

便宜的东西:耳机插Kong (CHEAP SHOT: A Headphone Jack)

You know what the latest Pixel phones don’t have? A headphone jack. You know what a lot of people miss? The headphone jack.

您知道最新的Pixel手机没有什么吗? 耳机插Kong。 你知道很多人想念吗? 耳机插Kong。

Well, Samsung hasn’t killed the headphone jack yet, and something tells me they probably won’t—at least not anytime soon.


Of course, none of this is to say that Samsung is the perfect phone maker—far from it, in fact. For all the things it does well, there’s still one huge mistake that can be applied to every one of its phones: timely OS updates. While it has gotten better over the last several years, there’s still a lot of work to be done here to really compare to Google when it comes to this all-important (arguably the most important) feature.

当然,这并不是说三星是完美的手机制造商,实际上远非如此。 尽管一切正常,但仍然可以在其每部手机上应用一个巨大的错误:及时更新操作系统。 尽管在过去几年中它已经变得越来越好,但是在涉及这项重要的(可能是重要的)功能时,仍然需要做很多工作才能真正与Google进行比较。


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