kindle fire1代_如何在Kindle Fire(或任何Android设备)上使用自定义应用程序图标

kindle fire1代

kindle fire1代

Unlike Google-supplied Android apps, the apps from the Amazon Apps for Android store have incredibly high resolution (a requirement for crisp display in the Kindle OS application carousel). Sideloaded apps, however, don’t get the Amazon treatment and come with fuzzy low-res icons. Read on as we show you how to fix your low-res icon woes.

与Google提供的Android应用程序不同,适用于Android的Amazon Apps商店中的应用程序具有令人难以置信的高分辨率(要求在Kindle OS应用程序轮播中清晰显示)。 但是,侧面加载的应用程序没有得到亚马逊的支持,并带有模糊的低分辨率图标。 请继续阅读,我们会向您展示如何解决低分辨率图标的问题。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want to Do This?)

We recently shows you how to sideload apps onto your Kindle Fire and, if you follow our instructions, you’ll have no problem enjoying apps from outside the Apps for Android store. While the functionality of the apps is picture perfect, the icons themselves are not so picture perfect, unfortunately.

我们最近向您展示了如何将应用程序侧面加载到Kindle Fire上,并且,如果您按照我们的说明进行操作,则可以从Apps for Android商店之外的其他地方轻松使用应用程序。 虽然应用程序的功能是完美的图片,但是不幸的是图标本身并不是那么完美。

The reason is simple. All apps in Amazon’s Apps for Android store have an accompanying high-resolution icon that is sent to your Kindle Fire upon purchase. These icons are significantly bigger than standard Android app icons (by a wide margin: the Amazon-supplied icons are up to 675×675 pixels compared to the standard Android icons that don’t exceed 192×192 pixels).

原因很简单。 亚马逊的Android应用商店中的所有应用都带有附带的高分辨率图标,该图标会在购买时发送到Kindle Fire。 这些图标比标准的Android应用程序图标大得多(有很大的距离:与不超过192×192像素的标准Android图标相比,亚马逊提供的图标最大为675×675像素)。

When you install an application from outside the Apps for Android store, you don’t get the pretty high-resolution icon but instead get the much smaller icon embedded in the APK file you installed. While this doesn’t affect the performance of the installed applications one bit, it does make their icons really stand out compared to the sharper Amazon supplied ones (as seen in the screenshot above) and you didn’t buy a tablet with an ultra sharp screen to look at fuzzy icons.

当您从Apps for Android商店外部安装应用程序时,您不会看到非常高分辨率的图标,而是会看到嵌入在您安装的APK文件中的小得多的图标。 尽管这一点也不影响已安装的应用程序的性能,但是与亚马逊提供的更清晰的图标(如上面的屏幕截图所示)相比,确实确实使它们的图标脱颖而出,并且您没有购买具有超清晰效果的平板电脑屏幕上查看模糊的图标。

For our purposes, we will be updating the Chrome icon, seen above in all it’s low-res glory, to a higher resolution version using a Windows PC and the free tool APK Icon Editor. (Linux/OS X users will need to take a more complicated route and use APK Manager, a tool we will not be walking you through using.) While we’re using the Kindle Fire to showcase these techniques (because the high-res carousel launcher makes low-res icons painfully obvious), you can use these tricks to upgrade the icons of any app.

为了达到我们的目的,我们将使用Windows PC和免费工具APK图标编辑器将Chrome图标(在所有低分辨率应用中都可以看到)更新为高分辨率版本。 (Linux / OS X用户将需要采取更复杂的方法,并使用APK Manager ,我们将不会逐步引导您使用该工具。)当我们使用Kindle Fire展示这些技术时(因为高分辨率轮播启动器使低分辨率图标变得非常明显),您可以使用这些技巧来升级任何应用程序的图标。

了解图标大小命名法和选择图标 (Understanding Icon Size Nomenclature and Selecting an Icon)

Before we dive into swapping the icons, it helps to have a sense of the nomenclature surrounding the icons. Android icons, per Android Developer standards, come in the following five default sizes:

在我们深入交换图标之前,先了解一下图标周围的术语是有帮助的。 根据Android Developer标准 ,Android图标具有以下五个默认大小:

LDPI – 36 x 36

LDPI – 36 x 36

MDPI – 48 x 48

MDPI – 48 x 48

HDPI – 72 x 72

HDPI – 72 x 72

XHDPI – 96 x 96

XHDPI – 96 x 96

XXHDPI – 144 x 144

XXHDPI – 144 x 144

XXXHDPI –  192 x 192

XXXHDPI – 192 x 192

MDPI size, 48 x 48 is considered the baseline and all icons are proportionally adjusted from that base size (LDPI is 0.5 times the size, XXHDPI is 4.0 the size, etc.) As we mentioned above, the largest size, XXXHDPI is still far too small to look good on the Kindle’s launcher carousel.

MDPI大小(48 x 48)被认为是基线,并且所有图标都根据该基本大小进行比例调整(LDPI是大小的0.5倍,XXHDPI是大小的4.0,依此类推。)如上所述,最大的大小XXXHDPI仍然很太小而无法在Kindle的启动器旋转木马上看起来不错。

Amazon’s carousel apps use a much bigger icon; here are the icon sizes based on the Kindle Fire developer specifications:

亚马逊的轮播应用使用更大的图标。 以下是基于Kindle Fire 开发人员规范的图标大小:

Kindle Fire (1st Gen) – 322 x 322

Kindle Fire(第一代)– 322 x 322

Kindle Fire (2nd Gen) – 365 x 365

Kindle Fire(第二代)– 365 x 365

Kindle Fire HD 7″ – 425 x 425

Kindle Fire HD 7英寸– 425 x 425

Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ – 675 x 675

Kindle Fire HD 8.9英寸– 675 x 675

Kindle Fire HD 7″  (2nd Gen) – 425 x 425

Kindle Fire HD 7英寸(第二代)– 425 x 425

Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ (2nd Gen) – 675 x 675

Kindle Fire HD 8.9英寸(第二代)– 675 x 675

Kindle Fire HDX 7″  – 562 x 562

Kindle Fire HDX 7英寸– 562 x 562

Kindle Fire HDX 8.9″  – 624 x 624

Kindle Fire HDX 8.9英寸– 624 x 624

Reference the listing for your device (we’ll be replacing the icon for a Kindle Fire HDX 8.9″) and then seek out an icon at least that size or larger. For widely used apps like Chrome, it’s simply a matter of searching Google Images for a match. For both the manual and automated methods, you’ll want a PNG file with a transparent background.

请参考您设备的清单(我们将替换Kindle Fire HDX 8.9“的图标),然后查找至少具有该尺寸或更大的图标。 对于Chrome等广泛使用的应用,只需在Google图片中搜索匹配项即可。 对于手动和自动方法,您都需要具有透明背景的PNG文件。

使用APK图标编辑器安装新图标 (Installing the New Icon with APK Icon Editor)

Download the APK Icon Editor (we recommend the portable version, packaged in a ZIP file). Extract or install the application. Upon first run, you’ll see a blank editor. Drag and drop your APK file onto the main pane. You can technically drag and drop your APK and the replacement icon simultaneously, but we’re going to do the APK by itself first just so you can see how different the icon sizes really are.

下载APK图标编辑器 (我们建议您将便携式版本打包在ZIP文件中)。 解压缩或安装应用程序。 首次运行时,您将看到一个空白的编辑器。 将您的APK文件拖放到主窗格中。 从技术上讲,您可以同时拖放APK和替换图标,但是我们将首先自行制作APK,以便您可以看到图标大小的实际差异。

After you drop the APK, click on the “Size Profile” drop down menu on the right hand side of the application. Select the appropriate device.

删除APK后,单击应用程序右侧的“大小配置文件”下拉菜单。 选择适当的设备。

See how much space is around the default icon? That space represents the difference between the icon and the actual resolution of the Kindle’s app carousel icon size. No wonder it looks fuzzy, it’s roughly 460% too small. Drag and drop your new icon onto the pane. If your icon isn’t exactly the same size as the specification, the app will ask if it’s OK to scale it.

看看默认图标周围有多少空间? 该空间代表图标与Kindle应用轮播图标尺寸的实际分辨率之间的差异。 难怪它看起来很模糊,它太小约460%。 将新图标拖放到窗格上。 如果您的图标大小与规范不完全相同,则应用会询问是否可以缩放它。

Now we’re talking, wall-to-wall icon without a pixel wasted. If it looks the way you want, click Pack APK. The app will repack and sign your APK file.

现在,我们正在讨论不浪费像素的“墙到墙”图标。 如果看起来符合您的要求,请单击“打包APK”。 该应用程序将重新打包并签署您的APK文件。

With the new file in hand, it’s time to sideload it onto the Kindle Fire. If you’re unfamiliar with the process or need a refresher, check out our guide to sideloading apps onto your Kindle Fire here.

有了新文件,是时候将其侧面加载到Kindle Fire上了。 如果您不熟悉此过程或需要复习,请在此处查看我们的将应用程序侧面加载到Kindle Fire的指南

After installing the edited app, you’ll be greeted with a carousel entry in all the high-resolution glory you crave:


Compared to the fuzzy 1980s-esque icon found in the first screenshot, this is a remarkable improvement, and without a whole lot of effort at that.



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