


Apple products, with their high sale and resale values, have always been popular targets for thieves—none more so than the iPhone. Let’s look at some of the steps you can take to protect your iPhone from thieves.

苹果产品具有很高的销售和转售价值 ,一直是小偷的热门目标-没有比iPhone多的东西。 让我们看一下可以采取的一些措施来保护iPhone免受盗贼的侵害。

When protecting your iPhone, you’re really looking to do three things:


  • Make it a less tempting target

  • Stop the thieves from getting access to your data or being able to resell it

  • Prevent yourself from being too inconvenienced


While your iPhone can be stolen anywhere, tourists (and tourist hotspots) are prime targets. You’re far more likely to be at risk if you’re sitting in a café in Paris, France than doing whatever people do in Paris, Maine.

尽管您的iPhone可以在任何地方被盗,但游客(和游客热点)是主要目标。 如果您坐在法国巴黎的一家咖啡馆中,您面临的风险要比在缅因州巴黎所做的任何事情都要大。

使您的iPhone不再那么诱人 (Make Your iPhone a Less Tempting Target)

Your first step is trying to make sure your iPhone doesn’t get stolen in the first place, and there are some steps you can take to make yours a less tempting target.


伪装 (Disguise It)

The simplest way to protect your iPhone is to disguise it by putting it in a case to change its appearance a bit (I use this one from Incipio). Old Android phones are a lot less valuable and as a result, a lot less tempting to thieves.

保护iPhone的最简单方法是通过将其装在外壳中以稍微改变外观来对其进行掩饰(我使用了Incipio的产品 )。 旧的Android手机的价值要低得多,因此,对盗贼的诱惑也要少得多。

Android manufacturers are even copying “features” like the iPhone X’s notch, so as long as you use a case that hides the Apple logo on the back, most people won’t be able to see what make your phone is from the distance.

Android制造商甚至在复制“功能”,例如iPhone X的缺口,因此,只要您使用在背面隐藏Apple徽标的保护套,大多数人就无法从远处看到您的手机是什么。

You might also want to think about the accessories you use. No matter how much you disguise your iPhone, using bright white Apple earbuds or AirPods can still give you away.

您可能还需要考虑使用的配件。 不管您伪装了多少iPhone,使用明亮的白色Apple耳塞或AirPods仍然可以带您离开。

不要将其放置在容易被窃贼窃取的地方 (Don’t Leave It Somewhere a Thief Can Easily Get It)

For a thief to steal your phone, they have to be able to get to it. If you keep it somewhere more awkward for them to take it, they’re less likely to take it—especially if there are easier targets around.

要让小偷窃取您的手机,他们必须能够接听。 如果您将其放置在某个较尴尬的位置以使他们接受它,则他们接受它的可能性就会降低,尤其是周围有较容易的目标时。

For example, if you’re getting coffee in a Parisian café, don’t leave your iPhone sitting on the table beside you. It’s simple for a thief to distract you, and take your phone out from under your nose.

例如,如果您在巴黎咖啡馆喝咖啡,请不要将iPhone放在旁边的桌子上。 小偷分散您的注意力,然后将手机从鼻子底下拿出来很简单。

Similarly, leaving your iPhone poking out of the back pocket of your jeans is an open invitation. The front pockets may be less comfortable, but they’re significantly more secure.

同样,将iPhone从牛仔裤的后兜戳出来也是一个公开邀请。 前袋可能不太舒适,但安全性大大提高。

Likewise, keeping your phone in a zipped closed pouch in a zipped closed handbag is much better than leaving it in a handbag that’s sitting open.


While it’s unlikely you’ll ever be able to store your iPhone in a completely thief proof place, think a little about where you keep it. If it’s out of your sight (or your sight is easily drawn away), then it’s probably not a good spot. It’s also very easy for thieves to open backpacks without you noticing, so avoid storing it there.

虽然您不太可能将iPhone存放在完全防贼的地方,但请仔细考虑存放位置。 如果它不在您的视线范围内(或者您的视线很容易被拉开),那么它可能不是一个好地方。 盗贼也很容易在不注意的情况下打开背包,因此请避免将其存放在此处。

尽可能少地在公共场合使用 (Use It As Little As Possible in Public)

A thief can’t steal your iPhone if they don’t know you have it. This means you should use your iPhone as little as possible in public spaces or on public transport. The reasons why are twofold.

如果小偷不知道您拥有iPhone,就无法窃取您的iPhone。 这意味着您应该在公共场所或公共交通工具上尽可能少地使用iPhone。 原因是双重的。

First, having your iPhone out in public makes it very easy for a thief to steal. My mother had her phone snatched out of her hand by someone on a bike while she was walking along making a call. Before she even had time to register what had happened, the thief was 50 meters down the road.

首先,将您的iPhone公开发布让窃贼很容易盗窃。 我母亲在走路时正被骑自行车的人抢走手机。 小偷还没来得及记录发生的事情,就在路上50米处。

Second, even if the thief doesn’t steal your iPhone right out of your hand, they can see where you put it, follow you, and then steal it a few minutes later. Be particularly careful of this sort of thing on public transport. If a thief sees you put your phone back in your pocket, they can wait until the next stop, snatch it, and exit before you even realize what’s happening.

其次,即使小偷没有立即从您的手中偷走您的iPhone,他们也可以看到您将其放在哪里,跟随您,然后在几分钟后偷走它。 在公共交通工具上要特别小心这种事情。 如果有小偷发现您将手机放回口袋,他们可以等到下一站,抢走它,然后退出,甚至不知道发生了什么。

确保如果您的iPhone被盗,他们将无法访问您的数据 (Make Sure They Can’t Access Your Data If Your iPhone Is Stolen)

The next step in securing your iPhone is making sure that, if yours ever is stolen, the thieves can’t access your data,


打开查找我的iPhone (Turn On Find My iPhone)

Find My iPhone is really useful if you lose your phone. It’s less useful if your iPhone is stolen. Not only will police not tend to act on your tip, if you attempt to retrieve your phone yourself you might end up dead. Seriously, don’t attempt to track down a thief with Find My iPhone.

如果您丢失了手机,“ 查找我的iPhone”确实很有用。 如果您的iPhone被盗,它的用处不大。 警察不仅不会趋于采取行动,如果您自己尝试取回手机, 也可能会死亡 。 认真地,不要试图使用“查找我的iPhone”来追踪小偷。

That said, you can still put it to good use. You can use Find My iPhone to wipe and lock your phone so that the thief not only won’t have your personal data, they won’t be able to sell the phone because whoever buys it won’t be able to activate it.

也就是说,您仍然可以充分利用它。 您可以使用“查找我的iPhone”来擦拭并锁定手机,以使小偷不仅没有您的个人数据,而且他们也无法出售该手机,因为购买者将无法激活它。

You can also send thieves a message and see if they’re prepared to return your “lost” iPhone for a “finder’s fee.” This has its own risks, so be very careful if you decide to take this option. You are probably better off just wiping your iPhone and leaving it at that.

您还可以向小偷发送一条消息,看看他们是否准备好以“发现者的费用”退还“丢失的” iPhone。 这有其自身的风险,因此如果您决定采用此选项,请格外小心。 最好只是擦一下iPhone并留在那儿。

使用Touch ID或Face ID和强密码 (Use Touch ID or Face ID, and a Strong Password)

Find My iPhone is great, but it can take you a while to be in a position to use it. In the hour or two it takes you to get to a computer or another Apple device, you don’t want the thief rifling through your iPhone and looking at your stuff. I don’t know about you, but you could blackmail the hell out of me with the stuff you’d find on my iPhone!

“查找我的iPhone”很棒,但是可能需要一段时间才能使用它。 在一两个小时的时间内,您需要使用计算机或另一台Apple设备,您不希望小偷在您的iPhone上横冲直撞,看着自己的东西。 我不认识你,但是你可以用在iPhone上找到的东西勒索我!

The best deterrent here is to use Touch ID or Face ID backed up with a strong passcode. If the thief can’t get into your iPhone, then they can’t get any juicy details on you.

最好的阻止方法是使用带有强密码的Touch ID或Face ID。 如果小偷无法进入您的iPhone,那么他们就无法获取有关您的任何详细信息。

使您的iPhone更换更方便 (Make Your iPhone More Convenient to Replace)

The final step you can take is making sure that if your phone is stolen, you don’t have too hard a time getting a replacement, and then getting your stuff restored to it.


保证 (Insure It)

I travel a lot, which means I put my iPhone—and also my MacBook, camera, and other valuable gear—at more risk than most people. For this reason, I’ve taken out a serious insurance policy that covers all my gear for pretty much anything. I can leave my camera on the top of Mount Everest and they’ll still pay out.

我经常旅行,这意味着与大多数人相比,我把iPhone以及MacBook,相机和其他珍贵装备的风险更大。 因此,我已经购买了一份认真的保险单,其中涵盖了几乎所有东西。 我可以将相机放在珠穆朗玛峰的顶部,他们仍然会付款。

You probably don’t need an insurance policy anywhere near as insane as this, but if you’re travelling a lot or are just generally careless, it’s worth considering. A proper insurance policy is definitely worth more than an extended warranty. Most wireless carriers offer these policies, as do some regular insurance policies. It’s worth considering, even if it’s something you only take out while you’re on vacation, and then cancel later.

您可能不需要像这样疯狂的任何地方的保险单,但是如果您经常出差或通常只是粗心大意,则值得考虑。 一份适当的保险单绝对比延长保修要有价值。 大多数无线运营商都提供这些保单,一些常规保险单也提供。 值得考虑的是,即使只有在度假时才取出来,然后再取消。

记住要备份 (Remember to Back It Up)

If your iPhone is stolen, the odds of you getting it back are pretty slim. Even if you report it to the police, they’re not likely to do a lot. The most important thing, then, is making sure you don’t lose any valuable or important personal data. And the only way to do that is with a backup.

如果您的iPhone被盗,那么拿回它的几率很小。 即使您向警察举报,他们也不会做很多事情。 因此,最重要的是确保您不会丢失任何宝贵或重要的个人数据。 唯一的方法就是备份。

Turning on iCloud Backup is the simplest way to make sure that all your iPhone’s important data is backed up to the cloud. Your iPhone seamlessly backs up whenever it’s connected to Wi-Fi and charging, so you’ll rarely lose more than a few hours hours of data.

打开iCloud Backup是确保您所有iPhone的重要数据都已备份到云的最简单方法。 只要您的iPhone连接到Wi-Fi并进行充电,就可以无缝备份,因此您很少会丢失几个小时以上的数据。

Unfortunately, you only get 5 GB of iCloud storage for free. You can free some up, but that does mean making some sacrifices. Personally, I’d recommend paying the $0.99 a month to get 50 GB of space. Alternatively, you can back your iPhone up to iTunes every few weeks and before big trips—or even during big trips if you take a laptop along.

不幸的是,您只能免费获得5 GB的iCloud存储。 您可以释放一些 ,但这确实意味着做出一些牺牲。 就个人而言,我建议每月支付0.99美元以获取50 GB的空间。 或者,您可以每隔几周,在大旅行之前将iPhone备份到iTunes,甚至在大旅行中(如果您随身携带笔记本电脑)也可以将其备份到iTunes。

Phone theft isn’t as bad as it was a few years ago, but it still happens. As long as some people don’t use their iPhone’s full security features, there’s still an opportunity for thieves to make some cash. If you can’t prevent your iPhone from being stolen, at least you can minimize the harm.

手机盗窃并没有几年前那么严重,但仍然会发生。 只要某些人不使用其iPhone的全部安全功能,小偷还是有机会赚钱。 如果您无法防止iPhone被盗,那么至少可以将伤害降到最低。

Image Credit: MeskPhotography/Shutterstock.com

图片来源: MeskPhotography /Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/344602/how-to-protect-your-iphone-from-thieves/






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