poi 合并单元格添加边框_如何在Excel中添加和更改单元格边框

poi 合并单元格添加边框

poi 合并单元格添加边框

Excel spreadsheets can be hard to read at a glance, thanks to dense information and the grid formatting. Spending a little time on your spreadsheet to make it easier to read is a solid plus, starting with the borders around different cells.

由于密集的信息和网格格式,Excel电子表格很难一目了然。 从不同单元格周围的边框开始,在电子表格上花一点时间以使其更易于阅读是一个不错的选择。

Here’s how to adjust the border around individual cells, and around multiple cells at once.


To select a single cell, simply click it. To select multiple cells at once, click on the first one and drag the cursor left or right. Or, you can click one in the top left cell you want to select, and then Shift-click the bottom right cell to select a whole block.

要选择一个单元格,只需单击它。 要一次选择多个单元格,请单击第一个单元格,然后向左或向右拖动光标。 或者,您可以单击要选择的左上方单元格中的一个,然后按住Shift并单击右下方的单元格以选择整个块。

You can also select multiple cells in different columns or rows by holding down the Ctrl button while you click.


Now, on the “Home” tab on the Ribbon, you’ll see a “Font” section with controls for formatting text. You’ll also find a border button that looks like a window (a grid of four small boxes). Click that button to open the border menu.

现在,在功能区的“主页”选项卡上,您将看到“字体”部分,其中包含用于设置文本格式的控件。 您还会发现一个看起来像窗口的边框按钮(由四个小盒子组成的网格)。 单击该按钮以打开边框菜单。

You’ll see more than a dozen common options for borders. The options in the “Borders” section of that menu cover most of the types of cell borders you’ll want to use. For example, a row of title text might benefit from a thick bottom border with empty borders on the top and sides.

您会看到十几个常见的边框选项。 该菜单的“边框”部分中的选项涵盖了您要使用的大多数单元格边框类型。 例如,一行标题文本可能会受益于底部的粗边框,顶部和侧面的空白边框。

Toward the bottom of that menu, you’ll also see a “Draw Borders” section. The options there let you click and drag to apply the selected border style, which can be handy if you’re trying to quickly put said borders on lots of different cells in your spreadsheet.

在该菜单的底部,您还将看到“绘制边框”部分。 那里的选项可让您单击并拖动以应用所选的边框样式,如果您试图将所述边框快速放置在电子表格中的许多不同单元格上,这将非常方便。

The “Erase” border lets you do the same thing, but for completely removing all borders. With the Erase tool active you can click on individual cells or multiple cells to take off all borders quickly.

“擦除”边框使您可以执行相同的操作,但可以完全删除所有边框。 启用擦除工具后,您可以单击单个单元格或多个单元格以快速删除所有边界。

The “Line color” tool doesn’t change the position or thickness of selected borders, but it does change the color applied to them.


The line style option lets you apply more exotic lines to your cells—like dots, dashes, and double lines.


At the very bottom of the menu, clicking the “More borders” option opens up the “Format Cells” window to the “Border” tab. All of quick options you find on the menu are available in this screen, which might help you if you’re trying to apply multiple effects to selected cells quickly.

在菜单的最底部,单击“更多边框”选项,将“设置单元格格式”窗口打开到“边框”选项卡。 您可以在此屏幕上找到在菜单上找到的所有快速选项,如果您试图将多个效果快速应用于选定的单元格,则可能会有所帮助。

It takes a little playing around to get the hang of applying borders, but once you do, placing good borders can really make your spreadsheets easier to work with.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/344407/how-to-add-and-change-cell-borders-in-excel/

poi 合并单元格添加边框





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