fire.fire_如何在Fire TV和Fire TV Stick上启用家长控制

Amazon likes to tout how their Fire TV is the fastest media streamer on the market. What they really should be touting, however, is how the Fire TV offers the most comprehensive parental protections and kid-friendly content around. Read on as we show you how to take advantage of both.

亚马逊喜欢吹捧自己的Fire TV如何成为市场上最快的媒体流媒体。 但是,他们真正应该吹捧的是,消防电视如何提供最全面的父母保护措施以及周围的儿童友善内容。 请继续阅读,我们会向您展示如何充分利用两者。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

With more and more families cutting the cord, switching to streaming-only media sources, and otherwise looking to bring digital content into their living rooms it becomes increasingly important for parents to be able to easily restrict their children from racking up charges via instant purchases and accessing age-inappropriate content.


While the purchase protection and content restriction schemes of many media players are unwielding or altogether absent, the Fire TV and Fire TV Stick have a simple system (that you’re even prompted to set up the first time you boot the devices).  Not only do both units feature and easy to use content-restriction system wherein parents can lock down content by rating and restrict purchases, but the Fire TV also features access to Amazon’s incredibly well deployed and managed FreeTime system that provides your child with an easy to use wall-garden of curated and well organized kid-friendly content.

尽管许多媒体播放器的购买保护和内容限制方案都没有使用或完全没有,但是Fire TV和Fire TV Stick具有简单的系统(甚至在首次启动设备时提示您进行设置)。 这两个装置不仅具有功能强大且易于使用的内容限制系统,父母可以通过评分和限制购买来锁定内容,而且Fire TV还具有对亚马逊难以置信的,良好部署和管理的FreeTime系统的访问权限,该系统使您的孩子可以轻松地使用精心策划且井井有条的儿童友好内容的墙花园。

Unfortunately FreeTime isn’t available on the Fire TV Stick. While we understand Amazon’s desire to reserve premium features for their premium streaming device the lower-price Fire TV Stick is such a perfect fit (budget and size wise) for a rec room, playroom, or child’s room that we really do think it’s a huge oversight that months later they still haven’t rolled out FreeTime on the Fire TV Stick.

不幸的是,消防电视棒上没有FreeTime。 虽然我们了解亚马逊希望为其高级流媒体设备保留高级功能的想法,但低价位的Fire TV Stick非常适合娱乐室,游戏室或儿童房(预算和大小方面),我们确实认为这是一个巨大的选择几个月后,他们仍然没有在Fire TV Stick上推出FreeTime。

That said, the protection features are well implemented on both devices and Fire TV Stick users can follow along with the PIN and parental control section. Let’s take a look at how to set up both the PIN system, parental controls, and FreeTime.

也就是说,保护功能已在两种设备上很好地实现,并且Fire TV Stick用户可以与PIN和家长控制部分一起使用。 让我们看一下如何设置PIN系统,父母控件和FreeTime。

设置购买和家长控制PIN (Setting a Purchase and Parental Controls PIN)

You can use a PIN to both prevent unauthorized purchases on your Amazon devices as well as use the PIN to secure to access to restricted areas (and, as we’ll see in later section, lock kids into the FreeTime system).


If you’ve just purchased one of the Fire streaming unit (or you’re planning on purchasing one and reading up on it here) you’ll be prompted to take advantage of the feature as soon as you run the setup process on the unit. There you’ll be prompted to either create a PIN or use your existing Amazon Instant Video PIN.

如果您刚刚购买了一台Fire Streaming设备(或打算在此处购买并阅读),则在该设备上运行设置过程后,系统会提示您立即使用该功能。 。 系统将提示您创建PIN或使用现有的Amazon Instant Video PIN。

What existing PIN, you might be asking? If you already have a security PIN from previous Amazon devices (like Kindle Fire tablet) the same PIN is used across all devices linked to your account. Thus, if the PIN you previously selected was “11111” it’s still the same and will function, unless you wish to change it, as the security PIN for your Fire TV and/or Fire TV Stick.

您可能会问什么现有的PIN? 如果您已经有来自先前Amazon设备(例如Kindle Fire平板电脑)的安全PIN,则在与您的帐户关联的所有设备上都使用相同的PIN。 因此,如果您先前选择的PIN是“ 11111”,则它仍然是相同的,除非您希望对其进行更改,否则它将作为Fire TV和/或Fire TV Stick的安全PIN起作用。

从Amazon仪表板更改密码 (Changing Your Pin from the Amazon Dashboard)

If you didn’t setup the parental control services when you got the device and you don’t have an existing security PIN, don’t worry (or you forgot what it was), it’s very easy to create or reset a PIN via the web-based control center for your Amazon account.


Simply navigate to the Amazon Instant Video Settings page and scroll down to the Parental Controls section as seen in the screenshot below.

只需导航至“ Amazon Instant Video设置”页面,然后向下滚动至“家长控制”部分,如下面的屏幕快照所示。

Here you can create and reset your PIN as well as toggle purchase restrictions on and off. We highly recommend you enable the “PIN on Purchase” feature. We use this feature even on our streaming units and devices that aren’t used by children just to avoid accidentally buying media. Oddly, even though this setting is available in the main dashboard you need to manually set it on your Fire TV and TV Stick units too.

您可以在此处创建和重置PIN,以及打开和关闭购买限制。 我们强烈建议您启用“购买密码”功能。 我们甚至在儿童不使用的流媒体设备和设备上使用此功能,只是为了避免意外购买媒体。 奇怪的是,即使该设置在主仪表板中可用,您也需要在Fire TV和TV Stick设备上手动进行设置。

Let’s take a look at making that change as well as locking down other portions of the Fire TV and TV Stick.

让我们看一下进行更改以及锁定Fire TV和TV Stick的其他部分。

锁定您的设备 (Locking Down Your Device)

With your PIN in hand it’s time to enable the parental controls and actually lock down the device.


Note: The following steps are applicable to both the Fire TV and the Fire TV Stick. We tested the process on both, but we’ve used the screenshots from the Fire TV unit for this tutorial. If you’re following along with the Fire TV Stick please ignore any references in the menu items to the FreeTime system as it is not available on the Fire TV Stick.

注意:以下步骤适用于Fire TV和Fire TV Stick。 我们在两者上都测试了该过程,但本教程使用了Fire TV单元的屏幕截图。 如果您与Fire TV Stick一起使用,请忽略FreeTime系统菜单项中对FreeTime系统的任何引用,因为FireTV Stick无法使用它。

The first stop is the settings menu. In the left-hand navigation list on your Fire device scroll down to the “Settings” entry and then navigate right across the menu system until you reach “FreeTime & Parental Controls”.

第一站是设置菜单。 在Fire设备的左侧导航列表中,向下滚动到“设置”条目,然后在菜单系统中向右导航,直到到达“空闲时间和家长控制”。

When you first select the entry the parental controls are off and the list is sparsely populated. Toggle the entry for “Parental Controls” to “ON” and you’ll see a whole host of extra settings.

当您第一次选择该条目时,家长控制功能已关闭,并且该列表很少被填充。 将“家长控制”的条目切换为“开”,您会看到很多额外的设置。

Let’s take a look at each of the parental control options and highlight what they do.


PIN码保护购买 (PIN Protect Purchases)

When you turn on “PIN Protect Purchases” it stops users from purchasing Amazon movies and television as well as games and in-game purchases. This option is very useful if you have a child you aren’t trying to stop from watching content but you are trying to keep on a budget. Purchases will only be authorized when you enter the security PIN.

当您打开“ PIN Protect Purchases”时,它将阻止用户购买Amazon电影和电视以及游戏和游戏内购买。 如果您有孩子但不想停止观看内容,但又想保持预算,则此选项非常有用。 仅当您输入安全PIN时,才会授权购买。

PIN码保护亚马逊视频 (PIN Protect Amazon Video)

Enabling this option completely locks down Amazon Instant Video and no videos can be played without the PIN. This isn’t a maturity rating lock or a purchase lock, it completely locks the unit from playing any streaming video (there is a way to use FreeTime to expressly authorize content from your library for your children to watch but this option is not available on the FireTV Stick).

启用此选项将完全锁定Amazon Instant Video,并且没有 PIN码就无法播放任何视频 。 这不是到期评级锁或购买锁,它完全锁定了该单元,使其无法播放任何流视频(可以使用FreeTime明确授权图书馆中的内容供孩子观看,但是该选项不适用于FireTV Stick)。

We’re not really big fans of this particular option because it’s so heavy handed and lacking nuance. You can find tons of benign content on Amazon Instant Video; it seems uncharacteristically kludgy of Amazon to have a lock that is all-or-nothing instead of on a G/PG/PG-13 type rating scale.

我们并不是这个特定选项的忠实拥护者,因为它处理方式过于繁琐且缺乏细微差别。 您可以在Amazon Instant Video上找到大量良性内容。 似乎具有非凡之处的是,亚马逊拥有一个全有或全无的锁,而不是G / PG / PG-13类型的等级量表。

In fact, kludgy is probably a generous understatement given how strongly disappointed we were with this element of the parental control experience. If you used the Amazon Instant Video control panel on the Amazon website to set up your pin you probably noticed this section directly below the PIN creation section:

实际上,考虑到我们对父母控制经验的这一要素感到非常失望,狂妄自大可能是一种慷慨的轻描淡写。 如果您使用亚马逊网站上的亚马逊即时视频控制面板来设置您的密码,您可能会在密码创建部分的正下方注意到此部分:

Looks pretty awesome, right? How great to be able to lock video content to easily understood and widely used TV ratings like G, PG, PG-13, and so on. Except the fine print there really ruins the whole thing. You can use this handy slider to set your content rating preference for your web browser, for Amazon App for Android, and for Kindle Fire tablets, but not for the Fire TV or Fire TV Stick: you know, the devices where that feature would really matter.

看起来很棒,对吧? 能够将视频内容锁定到易于理解和广泛使用的电视等级(例如G,PG,PG-13等)有多么出色。 除了精美的印刷品外, 真的毁了整件事。 您可以使用此方便的滑块为Web浏览器,适用于Android的Amazon App和Kindle Fire平板电脑设置内容分级首选项,但不能为Fire TV或Fire TV Stick设置内容分级首选项:您知道,该功能真正可以实现这些功能的设备物。

Given how great the overall Fire TV experience is, how smoothly implemented the rest of the parental controls are, and how fantastically kid-friendly the whole FreeTime system is we’ll admit to being shocked that Amazon dropped the ball so hard with this particular detail. The Fire TV platform outright begs for this kind of granular control over video maturity ratings, and it doesn’t exist.

鉴于整体Fire TV的使用体验非常出色,其余家长控制的实现方式有多么顺利, 以及整个FreeTime系统对儿童的友善程度如何,我们都将为亚马逊如此特殊的细节付出如此巨大的努力感到震惊。 。 Fire TV平台完全要求对视频成熟度等级进行这种细粒度的控制,但这种方式并不存在。

Get it together Amazon, you’re clearly leading the pack in terms of parental controls on streaming media devices but there’s no excuse for offering this feature for Amazon App for Android and not on your own Android-based streaming platform.

汇集在一起​​,在亚马逊上,您显然在流媒体设备的父母控制方面处于领先地位,但是没有理由为Android版Amazon App(而不是您自己的基于Android的流媒体平台)提供此功能。

阻止内容类型 (Block Content Types)

In light of our criticism above you might be thinking we’re about to back pedal and apologize because clearly the “Block Content Types” menu will cover content maturity ratings. Alas, no. The content type menu is for broad types of content.

鉴于以上我们的批评,您可能会认为我们将后退并道歉,因为“阻止内容类型”菜单显然将涵盖内容的成熟度等级。 las,不。 内容类型菜单适用于广泛的内容类型。

You can lock down the Games & Apps category as well as the Photos and the Music categories such that the user cannot access any games, applications, photos, or music from the main Fire TV menu without the PIN.

您可以锁定“游戏和应用程序”类别以及“照片”和“音乐”类别,以便用户在没有PIN的情况下无法从Fire TV主菜单访问任何游戏,应用程序,照片或音乐。

It’s interesting to note that you can lock down the Fire TV system to the point that it can do absolutely nothing except go into the FreeTime system (or do nothing at all if the system in question is the Fire TV Stick). When you PIN lock every available option any user without the security PIN will be unable to watch videos, buy content, look at photos, play games, open apps, or access the settings menu to change any of the security settings.

有趣的是,您可以将Fire TV系统锁定到一定的程度,除了进入FreeTime系统之外,它什么也不能做(如果所涉及的系统是Fire TV Stick,则根本不做任何事情)。 当您PIN锁定每个可用选项时,任何没有安全PIN的用户将无法观看视频,购买内容,查看照片,玩游戏,打开应用或访问设置菜单来更改任何安全设置。

With things locked up that tight really the only thing that could happen if you left the Fire unit unattended with a child is nothing (if the unit doesn’t have FreeTime) or they could start up FreeTime and use it. While we may have complained a moment ago about the security settings being a tad binary and heavy handed at least Amazon did a thorough job; if you lock your device down then you can rest easy knowing your kids aren’t going to skirt around the rules you’ve set up.

如果事情紧紧地锁着,那么实际上,如果您将Fire留在无人看管的情况下,唯一会发生的事情是什么(如果该单位没有FreeTime),或者他们可以启动FreeTime并使用它。 尽管我们可能在不久前曾抱怨说安全性设置太差劲而且笨拙,但至少Amazon做得很周到。 如果您将设备锁定了,那么您就可以放心了,因为您知道孩子们不会绕过您设置的规则。

用空闲时间创建围墙花园 (Creating a Walled Garden with FreeTime)

The parental controls we just highlighted are really best suited for locking down a Fire TV device for older kids who might go crazy making in-app purchases or buying an entire season of television shows without realizing the amount of money they’re spending.

我们刚刚强调的家长控制确实最适合锁定年龄较大的孩子使用的Fire TV设备,这些孩子可能会疯狂地进行应用内购买或购买整个季节的电视节目,却没有意识到他们所花的钱。

For younger kids you can outright convert your Fire TV into super kid-friendly walled garden with Amazon FreeTime. The FreeTime system was first introduced for the Kindle and the Kindle FireTablets as a kid-friendly dashboard that served up age appropriate content in a clean and easy to use way. We reviewed it back in 2013 and absolutely loved what it offered; years later there’s even more content, and we love it just as much. If you’re part of the Amazon ecosystem already with Kindles, Fire tablets, and Fire TV units and you have small kids (elementary age and younger) then there’s really no reason not to take advantage of the FreeTime system to gain access to piles of curated content.

对于年幼的孩子,您可以使用Amazon FreeTime将Fire TV完全转换为对儿童友好的围墙花园。 FreeTime系统最初是为Kindle和Kindle FireTablets引入的,它是一种儿童友好型仪表板,可以以简洁易用的方式提供适合年龄的内容。 我们在2013年对其进行了审核,并且绝对喜欢它所提供的功能 ; 几年后,甚至有了更多的内容,我们也同样喜欢它。 如果您已经拥有Kindle,Fire平板电脑和Fire TV装置,并且已经是亚马逊生态系统的一部分,并且您有小孩(适龄和更小),那么实际上就没有理由不利用FreeTime系统来获取大量的信息。精选内容。

开启空闲时间 (Turning FreeTime On)

Enough about the FreeTime system in general as you can always read our review for a more detailed look at it; let’s focus on how to enable it on your Fire TV. To do so navigate to Settings -> “FreeTime & Parental Controls”. Select “FreeTime Settings”.

一般而言,对于FreeTime系统已经足够了,因为您可以随时阅读我们的评论以更详细地了解它。 让我们集中讨论如何在Fire TV上启用它。 为此,请导航至设置->“空闲时间和家长控制”。 选择“空闲时间设置”。

As we did in the previous section of the tutorial, let’s go through each option and then we’ll take a look at FreeTime in action.


管理子资料 (Manage Child Profiles)

Here you can create your first profile or add additional profiles for your children. The process is simple: input a name, input an age, and select an avatar for the child. FreeTime does the rest and automatically generates curated content for the child based on their age.

在这里,您可以创建自己的第一个个人资料或为孩子添加其他个人资料。 该过程很简单:输入姓名,输入年龄并为孩子选择化身。 FreeTime会做剩下的事情,并根据孩子的年龄自动为其生成精选内容。

In addition to creating new profiles and editing existing ones you can also set time limits on individual FreeTime profiles. These time limits include both total screen time and time of day and they can be further adjusted based on whether it’s a weekday or the weekend.

除了创建新的配置文件和编辑现有配置文件外,您还可以为各个FreeTime配置文件设置时间限制。 这些时间限制包括总的屏幕时间和一天中的时间,可以根据是工作日还是周末来进一步调整。

从FreeTime Unlimited管理/取消订阅 (Manage/Unsubscribe from FreeTime Unlimited)

FreeTime Unlimited is a subscription service ($2.99 per month for a single child or $6.99 a month for a family) that gives you access to a huge pool of videos, games, and books. It’s the kid-version of Amazon’s free videos for Prime subscribers and the Kindle Lending Library.

FreeTime Unlimited是一项订阅服务(一个孩子每月2.99美元,一个家庭每月6.99美元),使您可以访问大量的视频,游戏和书籍。 这是面向Prime用户和Kindle Lending Library的亚马逊免费视频的儿童版本。

You don’t have to subscribe to FreeTime Unlimited to use the FreeTime function, but without the subscription portion of the FreeTime system the only content that will appear in your child’s FreeTime profile will be content you manually curate and approve (apps you select, video you purchase and share with the FreeTime profile, and so on).

您无需订阅FreeTime Unlimited即可使用FreeTime功能,但是如果没有FreeTime系统的订阅部分,则将在您孩子的FreeTime个人资料中显示的唯一内容是您手动策划和批准的内容(您选择的应用,视频您购买并与FreeTime个人资料共享,依此类推)。

将内容添加到子资料 (Add Content to Child Profile)

Within this sub-menu you can approve purchased content for inclusion in the secured FreeTime area. If you’ve totally locked down your Fire TV unit but you want your child to access a small number of applications and episodes of their favorite TV show, you can selectively include them here.

在此子菜单中,您可以批准购买的内容以包含在安全的FreeTime区域中。 如果您已经完全锁定了Fire TV设备,但是您希望孩子访问他们最喜欢的电视节目的少量应用程序和剧集,则可以在此处有选择地包括它们。

行动中的空闲时间 (FreeTime in Action)

With the FreeTime profile active it’s time to take a look. Press the home button on your remote to return to the main menu. Navigate to the FreeTime menu via the left hand navigation column and then select your recently created profile.

激活了FreeTime配置文件后,就该看看了。 按下遥控器上的主屏幕按钮以返回主菜单。 通过左侧导航栏导航至“空闲时间”菜单,然后选择您最近创建的配置文件。

If you’re using regular FreeTime without the Unlimited component you’ll see a smaller selection than what we have here.


If you’re using FreeTime unlimited you’ll see a wide variety of television shows and movies as well as, and this is one of our favorite features for small children, the highly curated “Characters” section. Here you’ll find content grouped by both actual character (like Dr. Seuss, Dora the Explorer, and so on) as well as general keyword topics (like “Horses”, “ABCs”, or “Cars & Trucks”) which makes it very easy to tune into content that’s geared toward what your little one is really into.

如果您使用的是FreeTime Unlimited,那么您还将看到各种各样的电视节目和电影,而这是我们最喜欢的幼儿功能之一,即精心策划的“角色”部分。 在这里,您会发现按实际角色(例如Suuss博士,探险家朵拉等)以及常规关键字主题(例如“马”,“ ABC”或“汽车和卡车”)分组的内容您可以很轻松地调入适合您的小孩子真正的内容的内容。

Regardless of what content you have in the FreeTime system the important detail is this: kids can’t exit the FreeTime system unless a parent authorizes it with the security PIN, so once they’re in the land of Dr. Seuss and friends there’s no risk of them hopping back into mom and dad’s media center.


Between the the PIN security and the outright walled-garden provided by FreeTime, the parental control system on the Fire TV is a solid example of what parental control on streaming media devices should look like.

在PIN安全性和FreeTime提供的直接围墙花园之间,Fire TV上的家长控制系统是流媒体设备上的家长控制应具有什么样的坚固示例。


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