mac内存system_使用System Information Utility准确了解Mac中的功能



When you order your Mac or go into an Apple Store to buy one, you’re probably vaguely aware of the hardware inside of it. With OS X’s System Information utility, it’s easy to get clear, concise information as to exactly what is inside and installed on your particular unit.

当您订购Mac或进入Apple Store购买时,您可能会隐约意识到其中的硬件。 借助OS X的系统信息实用程序,可以轻松获得清晰,简洁的信息,以了解特定设备内部和安装的确切内容。

Your System Information utility contains a wealth of information about your computer, your network settings, and its software.


This is valuable because it gives you details on literally every single bit of hardware in your system. It’s very much akin to the Device Manager on Windows, except the Device Manager includes the ability to update and rollback drivers, something that isn’t necessary on a Mac.

这很有价值,因为它为您提供了系统中几乎所有硬件的详细信息。 它与Windows上的“设备管理器”非常相似,不同之处在于“设备管理器”具有更新和回滚驱动程序的功能,而在Mac上则不需要。

However, the System Information can tell you a lot about your Mac, its health, and many other important facets. Best of all, it’s all in one place so you don’t have to go from utility to utility to perform checkups.

但是,系统信息可以告诉您有关Mac,其运行状况以及许多其他重要方面的很多信息。 最棒的是,这一切都集中在一个地方,因此您不必为了实用程序而使用实用程序。

关于本Mac (About This Mac)

If you click on the Apple Menu, the first option will always be “About This Mac”.


If someone ever asks you what version of OS X you’re running, About This Mac will tell you. If you quickly want to know how much RAM you have installed, what speed your processor is, or your serial number, you just need to glance at About This Mac.

如果有人问您正在运行什么版本的OS X,“关于本机”将告诉您。 如果您很快想知道已安装了多少RAM,处理器的速度或序列号,则只需要看一下About This Mac。

Click the “Displays” tab and it tells you your screen size, its resolution, and your Mac’s graphics hardware.


Another cool thing you might want to know at a glance is how much capacity you have left on your system drive, as well as what types of files are using the most space.


Click the “Support” tab for OS X and Macintosh support resources.

单击OS X和Macintosh支持资源的“支持”选项卡。

Finally, if you’re having problems with your hardware, you can check your coverage status, repair options, and learn more about AppleCare from the “Service” tab.


About This Mac is then very useful for checking the most cursory information on your system, and for many that’s often more than enough.


系统信息报告 (The System Information Report)

When you’re using the About This Mac app, you can click the “Software Update…” button if you want to check for available updates.

使用“关于此Mac”应用程序时,如果要检查可用的更新 ,可以单击“软件更新…”按钮。

You can also click the “System Report” button, which will open the System Information utility. The System Information utility can also be found in Utilities, which is located in the Applications folder.

您也可以单击“系统报告”按钮,这将打开系统信息实用程序。 也可以在“实用程序”中的“应用程序”文件夹中找到“系统信息”实用程序。

As you can see, there’s a left pane wherein you’ll find your Hardware, Network, and Software. If you choose the topmost or any subcategory and there is any information on that item, you will see it displayed in the right pane.

如您所见,在左侧窗格中,您可以找到硬件,网络和软件。 如果选择最上面的或任何子类别,并且该项目有任何信息,您将看到它显示在右窗格中。

Our hardware overview shows us what is physically installed in our computer.

The hardware section is a great way to check stuff that pertains to system health. For example, if you would like to check your laptop battery’s health and status, click the “Power” category and you will be able to check your battery’s “Health Information”.

硬件部分是检查与系统运行状况有关的内容的好方法。 例如,如果您要检查笔记本电脑电池的健康状况和状态,请单击“电源”类别,然后便可以查看电池的“健康信息”。

Another interesting category to check out is Bluetooth, which gives you detailed information on devices that have been paired with your Mac, including what’s currently connected, what services they provide, and more.


Similarly, the Network section can reveal interesting facts about your connections. Check the “Firewall” for details on whether it’s on, logging activity, and which applications allow all connections.

同样,“网络”部分可以揭示有关您的连接的有趣事实。 检查“防火墙”以获取有关其是否打开,记录活动以及哪些应用程序允许所有连接的详细信息。

The “Wi-Fi” section displays some pretty telling information about any wireless networks in the area.

“ Wi-Fi”部分显示有关该地区任何无线网络的一些漂亮的信息。

The Wi-Fi section will tell you what channel other networks are using, their physical capabilities, and other geeky stuff.

Finally, you should check out the Software section. The “System Software Overview” will tell you not only what your system version is (we already knew that from About This Mac) but what kernel version you have, and how long it has been since you last booted your system.

最后,您应该查看“软件”部分。 “系统软件概述”不仅会告诉您系统版本是什么(我们已经从About This Mac中获悉了),还告诉您拥有什么内核版本,以及自从上次引导系统以来已经运行了多长时间。

Want detailed information on every single last piece of software installed on your computer? Check out the “Applications” section.

是否需要有关计算机上安装的每个软件的详细信息? 请查看“应用程序”部分。

You’ll find version numbers, locations, and more, using the Applications information.

This is actually a lot easier than opening the Applications folder, clicking on an application, and then using “Command + I” to see its information, though, of course, you still have to use the info pane to change app and folder icons.

实际上,这比打开“应用程序”文件夹,单击一个应用程序,然后使用“ Command + I”查看其信息要容易得多,但是,当然, 您仍然必须使用信息窗格来更改应用程序和文件夹图标

The Info pane tells you all you need to know for each individual app, but the System Information utility is a lot more convenient in the long run.

Take a minute to stop off at the Preference Panes section. Remember preference panes are the quickest way to make adjustments to your system, hardware, network, and more. They can even be used to add functionality to the menu bar, which is great for preferences that you access and change often.

花一分钟时间在“首选项窗格”部分停止。 请记住,首选项窗格是对系统,硬件,网络等进行调整的最快方法。 它们甚至可以用来向菜单栏添加功能 ,这对于您经常访问和更改的首选项非常有用

The Preference Panes section shows you version numbers, who made it, and more.

If you ever need to send your system information to Apple for support services, there’s an option available from the “File” menu to “Send to Apple…”

如果您需要将系统信息发送给Apple以获取支持服务,则可以从“文件”菜单中选择“发送至Apple ...”。

The System Information tool is a great way to check and diagnose problems, obtain very specific technical details, and even then relay them to Apple. Beyond this, you can save, print, and copy information such as to an email or document, thus making it a cinch to share with others.

系统信息工具是检查和诊断问题,获取非常具体的技术详细信息,甚至将其转发给Apple的好方法。 除此之外,您还可以保存,打印和复制信息,例如到电子邮件或文档中,这样可以与他人共享。

So, if you need to know or you’re just curious, take ten minutes and examine all the parts and features that comprise your Mac. You never know, you just might learn something. If you have any questions or comments you would like to contribute, we welcome your feedback in our discussion forum.

因此,如果您需要了解或只是好奇,请花10分钟时间检查一下组成Mac的所有部件和功能。 你永远不会知道,你可能会学到一些东西。 如果您有任何问题或意见要发表,我们欢迎您在我们的论坛中提出反馈。







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