如何阻止Windows 10通过Internet将更新上传到其他PC

windows 10 update uploads and downloads

Windows 10 includes a peer-to-peer download feature for updates and Store apps. By default, Windows will automatically use your PC’s Internet connection to upload updates, hiding the option to disable this five clicks deep in the operating system.

Windows 10包括用于更新和商店应用程序的对等下载功能。 默认情况下,Windows将自动使用PC的Internet连接上载更新,隐藏该选项以禁用操作系统深处的这五次单击。

You can continue to use peer-to-peer updates on your local network, but you may not want to waste upload bandwidth to help reduce Microsoft’s bandwidth bills. This is especially true if you have data caps on your Internet connection.

您可以继续在本地网络上使用对等更新,但是您可能不想浪费上传带宽来帮助减少Microsoft的带宽费用。 如果您在Internet连接上设置了数据上限,则尤其如此。

禁用上传 (Disable the Uploads)

You’ll find this setting where all the other Windows Update settings now exist, in the Settings app. Open it by clicking the Start button and selecting “Settings” at the bottom-left corner of the Start menu.

您可以在“设置”应用中找到此设置,该设置现在所有其他Windows Update设置都存在。 通过单击开始按钮并选择开始菜单左下角的“设置”来打开它。

In the Settings window that appears, click (or tap) the “Update & Security” icon.


Click the “Advanced Options” link under Update settings in Windows Update pane.

单击Windows Update窗格中“更新设置”下的“高级选项”链接。

Click the “Delivery Optimization” link here.


Select the option you prefer under “Allow downloads from other PCs”. We recommend just selecting “PCs on my local network” here.

在“允许从其他PC下载”下选择所需的选项。 我们建议您仅在此处选择“本地网络上的PC”。

  • Off: This disables the peer-to-peer update feature entirely. Updates will only be downloaded from Microsoft’s servers, and won’t be uploaded to anywhere.

    :这将完全禁用对等更新功能。 更新只会从Microsoft的服务器下载,而不会上传到任何地方。

  • PCs on my local network: This is the best option. With this enabled, you’ll benefit from peer-to-peer updates on your home or work network. This means faster downloads and less download bandwidth used. You’ll only have to download the updates once, and they’ll be shared amongst all your PCs. Your PC will never upload updates over the Internet.

    我的本地网络上的PC :这是最佳选择。 启用此功能后,您将受益于家庭或工作网络上的对等更新。 这意味着更快的下载速度和更少的下载带宽使用。 您只需下载一次更新,即可在所有PC之间共享这些更新。 您的PC将永远不会通过Internet上传更新。

  • PCs on my local network, and PCs on the Internet: This option is the default, although it probably shouldn’t be. With this enabled, Windows 10 will upload updates from your PC to other computers over the Internet. These computers would normally just download updates from Microsoft, but Microsoft will save on bandwidth because those PCs are getting some updates from your Internet connection.

    我的本地网络上的PC和Internet上的PC :此选项是默认选项,尽管可能不应该这样。 启用此功能后,Windows 10将通过Internet将更新从您的PC上传到其他计算机。 这些计算机通常只会从Microsoft下载更新,但是Microsoft会节省带宽,因为这些PC正在从您的Internet连接获取一些更新。

您还可以将连接设置为计量 (You Can Also Set Your Connection as Metered)

You could also set your current Wi-Fi connection as “metered”. When you set a connection as metered, you’re telling Windows it’s a connection with restricted data—such as a mobile data connection or a Wi-FI hotspot from a smartphone you’re tethered to. Windows won’t upload updates on a metered connection—it won’t even automatically download most Windows updates.

您也可以将当前的Wi-Fi连接设置为“计量” 。 当您将连接设置为按里程计费时,您会告诉Windows这是具有受限数据的连接,例如,移动数据连接或与您绑定的智能手机的Wi-Fi热点 。 Windows不会通过计量连接上传更新-甚至不会自动下载大多数Windows更新。

To set your current Wi-FI network as a metered connection, head to Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi and click the name of the Wi-Fi network you’re connected to. Activate the toggle under “Set as metered connection.” The current Wi-Fi network will become a metered connection.

要将您当前的Wi-Fi网络设置为计量连接,请转至“设置”>“网络和Internet”>“ Wi-Fi”,然后单击您要连接的Wi-Fi网络的名称。 激活“设置为计量连接”下的切换。 当前的Wi-Fi网络将成为计量连接。

This isn’t necessary if you’ve already disabled peer-to-peer updates in general. It will also prevent your Windows 10 PC from sharing updates with other computers on the same local network.

如果您通常已经禁用了对等更新,则没有必要。 它还将阻止Windows 10 PC与同一本地网络上的其他计算机共享更新。

对等更新说明 (Peer-to-Peer Updates Explained)

Peer-to-peer updates are actually a great feature—on your local network. Download the update once and all your computer can share it. Bandwidth on your local network should be plentiful. This actually saves you both time and reduces how much data you have to download, as you won’t have to download the updates five times if you have five Windows 10 PCs at home.

对等更新实际上是一个很棒的功能-在您的本地网络上。 下载一次更新,您的所有计算机都可以共享。 本地网络上的带宽应该足够。 实际上,这既节省了您的时间,又减少了必须下载的数据量,因为如果您在家中有五台Windows 10 PC,则不必下载更新五次。

Microsoft acquired Pando Networks back in 2013. Pando Networks was a peer-to-peer media distribution company, and used a modified form of BitTorrent to distribute data. It hasn’t been confirmed, but Microsoft watchers believe Windows 10’s peer-to-peer downloads are based on this technology. As with BitTorrent, Microsoft states “the download is broken down into smaller parts” and “Windows uses the fastest, most reliable download source for each part of the file.” In BitTorrent parlance, Windows 10 is “seeding” updates on your PC’s Internet connection with the default setting. As with BitTorrent, Windows Update checks the pieces it receives to ensure they’re legitimate, so there’s no risk of downloading an update that’s been tampered with.

微软于2013年收购了 PandoNetworks。PandoNetworks是一家点对点媒体发行公司,并使用BitTorrent的一种改进形式来分发数据。 尚未得到证实,但微软观察家认为Windows 10的对等下载基于此技术。 与BitTorrent一样 ,Microsoft指出“下载被分成较小的部分”,并且“ Windows对文件的每个部分使用最快,最可靠的下载源。” 用BitTorrent的话来说,Windows 10使用默认设置在PC的Internet连接上“播种”更新。 与BitTorrent一样,Windows Update会检查接收到的片段以确保它们是合法的,因此没有下载被篡改的更新的风险。

Windows 10 isn’t the first software product to play this game. A variety of PC game companies, notably Blizzard Entertainment, distribute games and patches with a peer-to-peer downloader that uses BitTorrent in the background to speed up downloads, sharing your Internet connection with other people downloading. However, these are generally more conspicuous—it isn’t a hidden feature enabled in the background that’s always running.

Windows 10不是第一个玩此游戏的软件产品。 各种PC游戏公司,尤其是暴雪娱乐公司,都通过对等下载器分发游戏和补丁,该对等下载器在后台使用BitTorrent加快下载速度,与其他下载者共享Internet连接。 但是,这些通常比较明显-它不是在后台始终运行的隐藏功能。

If Microsoft’s servers are being slammed, the distributed nature of the updates can ensure they reach more people faster. This will also help Microsoft save on bandwidth bills, as they’re passing on some of the upload bandwidth they’d need to pay for to their customers’ Internet connections.

如果要对Microsoft的服务器进行猛烈的攻击,则更新的分布式特性可以确保它们更快地吸引更多的人。 这也将帮助Microsoft节省带宽费用,因为他们将一些需要支付的上载带宽传递给客户的Internet连接。

According to Microsoft, this feature is named “Windows Update Delivery Optimization.” Microsoft says it also uses your computer’s Internet connection to upload universal apps you’ve downloaded to other PCs over the Internet, so it isn’t just about Windows updates. This isn’t made clear in the Settings app itself, but only on Microsoft’s website.

根据Microsoft的说法,此功能被称为“ Windows Update交付优化”。 微软表示,它还使用您计算机的Internet连接将您已下载的通用应用程序通过Internet上传到其他PC,因此它不仅涉及Windows更新。 在“设置”应用程序本身中并没有明确指出,而仅在Microsoft网站上。

For more information, consult the official Windows Update Delivery Optimization FAQ on Microsoft’s website.

有关更多信息,请查阅Microsoft网站上的官方Windows Update交付优化常见问题

Image Credit: John Trainor on Flickr

图片提供: Flickr上的John Trainor

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/224981/how-to-stop-windows-10-from-uploading-updates-to-other-pcs-over-the-internet/

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