消除iCloud Storage与Google相簿Na

If you own an iPhone it’s practically a guarantee you’ve run into iCloud nagging you to upgrade your storage and, equally guaranteed, it’s on account of your overflowing photo collection. Read on as we show you how to get unlimited (nag free!) storage with Google Photos.

如果您拥有iPhone,这实际上是对iCloud的一种保证,它会促使您升级存储空间,并且同样保证,这是由于照片集过多所致。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何使用Google相册无限存储(免费!)。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

If you’re a typical iPhone owner you both 1) take a lot of photos and 2) have iCloud turned on for backup of said photos (as well as backup of other elements of your phone such as game data and the phone itself).


After a few months of using the phone (or even sooner if you’re a prolific shutter bug) inevitably you’ll run into an error message like this one seen in the lead image of this article, above. You’ll also see an additional nag when you’re using the device like “Not Enough Storage: This iPhone cannot be backed up because there is not enough iCloud storage available” and a stern warning about how long it has been since the device was backed up.

在使用手机几个月后(或者如果您是个快门问题的话,甚至更快),不可避免地会遇到类似这样的错误消息,如上图所示。 当您使用设备时,还会看到一个额外的问题,例如“存储空间不足:无法备份iphone,因为没有足够的iCloud存储空间”,并发出严厉的警告,指出自设备出厂以来已使用了多长时间。备份。

Now, the obvious solution to the problem is to simply upgrade your iCloud account to accommodate your data storage needs. Don’t get us wrong, we don’t have it out for iCloud. It works awesome with iOS devices, it’s easy to use, and it’s really cheap, all things considered. As of the date of this publication you get 5GB for free and jumping to 50GB is only $0.99 a month (if you need more storage you can also opt for $2.99 for 200GB or $9.99 for a full terabyte). If you want to keep everything Apple-centered and you like iCloud it isn’t exactly bank-breaking to opt to keep your digital life inside the Apple garden.

现在,解决该问题的明显方法是简单地升级您的iCloud帐户以适应您的数据存储需求。 不要误会我们的意思,我们没有为iCloud提供解决方案。 考虑到所有因素,它在iOS设备上很棒,易于使用,而且非常便宜。 截至发行之日起,您可以免费获得5GB的存储空间,而跳至50GB的存储每月只需0.99美元(如果您需要更多存储空间,则还可以选择2.99美元(200GB)或9.99美元(全TB)。 如果您想让一切都以Apple为中心,并且您喜欢iCloud,那么选择将自己的数字生活保留在Apple花园中并不是一件容易的事。

That said, however, the vast majority of people who run into the nag screen regarding maxed out iCloud storage are maxing out their storage with photos. Why pay even a dollar a month for photo storage when you can get unlimited photo storage for free?

就是说 ,然而,绝大多数陷入困境的人都在讨论iCloud存储空间已满的情况,他们正在用照片最大化其存储空间。 当您可以免费获得无限的照片存储空间时,为什么还要每月为照片存储空间支付1美元呢?

Google Photos, the Google equivalent of Apple’s iCloud photo system, has an offer so good it’s almost impossible to turn down: if your photo sizes are below 16MP (which even the highest resolution photos captured by the iPhone 6s are smaller than) then none of your photos count toward your Google Drive storage limit. (Note: Although our emphasis is on photos, Google Photos will also back up all your up-to-1080p video too!)

Google Photos(相当于Apple的iCloud照片系统的Google)提供的服务如此出色,几乎无法拒绝:如果您的照片尺寸低于16MP(即使iPhone 6s拍摄的最高分辨率照片也小于16MP),则没有您的照片计入Google云端硬盘的存储空间限制。 (注意:尽管我们的重点是照片,但Google相册也会备份您所有的1080p视频!)

So what’s the catch? (And there’s always a catch when it comes to free-as-in-beer.) Google uses compression algorithms on your photos, even if they are below 16MP. On the surface this seems horrible but in practice we’ve compared multiple photos that have been worked over by the Google compression algorithm and outside of doing actual image sampling and analysis there’s just no way to tell them apart. Would we want to have Google massage our prized portfolio images and carefully composed DSLR photos? No. Does it matter for cellphone quality photos of everyday things? Not in the least that we could tell.

那么有什么收获呢? (关于啤酒免费, 总是有困难的。)即使照片的压缩率低于16MP,Google也会对其使用压缩算法。 从表面上看,这似乎很可怕,但实际上,我们已经比较了Google压缩算法处理过的多张照片,并且在进行实际的图像采样和分析之外,无法将它们区分开。 我们是否想让Google按摩我们珍贵的作品集图像和精心组合的DSLR照片? 否。这对于手机质量的日常用品是否重要? 至少我们可以说出来。

If you’re OK moving away from iCloud for photo storage and don’t have a strong consumer preference against using Google (or a compelling reason to insist on the byte-for-byte no-compression storage you’ll get with iCloud) then there’s no good reason to not switch over to using Google Photo for unlimited free storage.

如果您可以从iCloud转移到照片存储,并且对使用Google的消费者没有强烈的偏好(或者迫切需要坚持使用iCloud的逐字节无压缩存储的理由),那么没有充分的理由不切换到使用Google Photo提供无限的免费存储空间。

Let’s take a look at how to switch and how to purge your iCloud account to get rid of that nag screen. Before we get started, however, we’ll take a moment to determine if photos are really the source of your iCloud storage woes.

让我们看一下如何切换以及如何清除iCloud帐户以摆脱该烦人的画面。 但是,在开始之前,我们将花一点时间确定照片是否真的是iCloud存储灾难的根源。

检查照片是否是您的问题 (Checking To See If Photos Are Your Problem)

While we would recommend you try out Google Photos regardless of whether or not you’re actually running out of iCloud storage on account of too many photos (after all unlimited free photo storage is unlimited free photo storage) we’d also recommend you check to make sure photos are what is chewing up all your storage space in the first place.


To do so grab your iOS device and navigate to Settings -> iCloud.

为此,请抓住您的iOS设备并导航至“设置”->“ iCloud”。

Look for the “Storage” setting. It will indicate how much space you have next to the “Storage” entry. You’ll note here that I have “Photos” backup off. I realized early on that it was my photos that were flooding my iCloud storage but by the time I toggled it off the damage was done and the majority of my iCloud storage was sucked up by photos.

查找“存储”设置。 它将在“存储”条目旁边指示您有多少空间。 您会在这里注意到,我已经关闭了“照片”。 我很早就意识到,是我的照片淹没了我的iCloud存储,但是当我将其关闭时,损坏已经完成,并且我的大部分iCloud存储都被照片所吸引。

On the above screen select “Storage”.


Here in the Storage menu you’ll see your total storage, available storage and have the option to manage your storage or buy more storage. If you wanted to upgrade your iCloud account’s storage capacity here is where you would do so by selecting “Buy More Storage”. We’re interesting in seeing what is chewing up all our storage space, however, so we’ll select “Manage Storage”.

在[储存空间]选单中,您会看到总储存空间,可用储存空间,并可以选择管理储存空间或购买更多储存空间。 如果您想在此处升级iCloud帐户的存储容量,请选择“购买更多存储空间”。 但是,我们很感兴趣地看到什么正在占用我们的所有存储空间,因此,我们将选择“管理存储”。

Here we see exactly what is sucking up our storage. It’s just as we suspected: photos. In fact out of our entire 5GB of free iCloud storage 3.5GB of it is photos and none of it is backups. That’s not an ideal situation.

在这里,我们确切地看到了什么正在消耗我们的存储空间。 就像我们怀疑的那样:照片。 实际上,在我们整个5GB的免费iCloud存储空间中,有3.5GB是照片,没有一个是备份。 那不是理想的情况。

Having confirmed that we do indeed have a photo storage problem it’s time to return to the home screen. We’ll come back to the storage management menu later in the tutorial but for now we need to install and configure Google Photos.

确认我们确实确实存在照片存储问题后,就该返回主屏幕了。 在本教程的后面,我们将返回到存储管理菜单,但现在我们需要安装和配置Google Photos。

安装和配置Google相簿 (Installing And Configuring Google Photos)

Installing the Google Photos app is as straight forward as just about an iOS app (and if you’re already logged into your Google account on your iOS device it’s as simple as can be). First, grab a copy of the app and install it on your device. Run the app and check select “Get Started” on the introduction splash screen.

安装Google Photos应用程序与安装iOS应用程序一样简单(如果您已经在iOS设备上登录了Google帐户,则非常简单)。 首先,获取该应用程序的副本并将其安装在您的设备上。 运行该应用程序,然后在简介初始屏幕上选择“入门”。

As seen in the screenshot above, as soon as you select “Get Started” you’ll be prompted to give Google Photos access to your photos. Fair enough, a photo backup service doesn’t work very well without access to said photos.

如上面的屏幕截图所示,选择“开始使用”后,系统会提示您授予Google相册访问照片的权限。 公平地说,如果无法访问上述照片,照片备份服务将无法很好地工作。

If you’re not logged into a Google account on your iOS device you’ll be prompted to create and account or login. Once logged in (or if you’re already logged in) you’ll be prompted with the first bit of configuration business, as seen above. Here you confirm the account you want to use and toggle the backup and sync option (turned on by default) as well as opt to use cellular data to perform the backup when Wi-Fi is unavailable.

如果您未在iOS设备上登录Google帐户,系统将提示您创建帐户和登录帐户。 登录后(或者如果您已经登录),系统将提示您进行配置业务的第一部分,如上所示。 您可以在此处确认要使用的帐户,并切换“备份和同步”选项(默认情况下处于启用状态),以及在Wi-Fi不可用时选择使用移动数据执行备份。

We’d recommend leaving that option off until your initial backup is complete. After that if you want photos backed up while you’re off Wi-Fi that’s fine (as a few photos here or there won’t hurt anything). Most people won’t want to tear through 10+ GB of data over their cellular connection for that initial backup though.

我们建议您关闭该选项,直到完成初始备份为止。 之后,如果您要在不使用Wi-Fi时备份照片,那很好(因为这里或那里的几张照片都不会对您造成任何伤害)。 不过,对于最初的备份,大多数人都不会希望通过其蜂窝连接断开10 GB以上的数据。

On the next screen you’ll select either “High quality” or “Original”. The wording in the fine print under “High quality” hints at what we discussed in the introduction of the tutorial: your unlimited photos will be compressed. Again, we want to emphasize, for 99.99% of photos you won’t even notice.

在下一个屏幕上,您将选择“高质量”或“原始”。 “高品质”下精美图片的措辞暗示了我们在本教程介绍中讨论的内容:您的无限照片将被压缩。 再次强调一下,对于99.99%的照片,您甚至都不会注意到。

After selecting the quality you’ll be prompted to allow for notifications from the Google Photos assistant. If you’re curious what exactly it would notify you of, the Google Photos assistant does all sorts of clever things behind the scene. Like, for example, we took a burst of photos of our office dog meeting up with his dog buddy and the photo assistant noticed the pattern and automatically created a cute little animation of the two of them greeting each other. This option doesn’t turn the assistant on or off, it just turns on or off the notifications.

选择质量后,系统会提示您允许Google Photos助手发出通知。 如果您想知道它究竟会告诉您什么,Google Photos助手会在后台执行各种巧妙的操作。 例如,我们拍了几张办公室狗与他的狗哥们见面的照片,照片助手注意到了这种图案,并自动创建了一个可爱的小动画,两个人互相问候。 此选项不会打开或关闭助手,而只是打开或关闭通知。

Once you’ve made the final selection here you’ll be dumped into the main Photos panel which looks a whole lot like the Camera Roll you’re familiar with. We have just a few little configuration tweaks left to make; let’s do so by tapping on the three-bar menu icon in the upper left corner.

在这里做出最终选择之后,您将被转入主“照片”面板,该面板看起来很像您熟悉的“相机胶卷”。 我们只需要进行一些小的配置调整即可。 通过点击左上角的三栏菜单图标来做到这一点。

Select “Settings” from the slide-out-menu, as seen above.


Here you can change a variety of settings including what account you’re backing up to, toggling whether or not the Google Photos assistant generates photo collages and animations for you, turn face grouping on and off, display photos from Google Drive in your Google Photos app, and remove geo location.


The only two entries here you might find pressing from a privacy related standpoint are the facial recognition and geo location data. You can turn the “Group similar faces” function off so Google Photos won’t automatically group and sort your photos by face (we find the function to be useful and leave it on). You can also set it so that any geolocation data in your photos is stripped out if you share the photo. So, for example, if you share a funny picture from your Google Photos to social media the fact that the funny photo was taken in your backyard (and where that backyard is) will be removed.

从隐私相关的角度来看,您可能会发现这里仅有的两个条目是面部识别和地理位置数据。 您可以关闭“将相似的面Kong分类”功能,这样Google相册就不会自动按面Kong对照片进行分组和排序(我们发现该功能非常有用,请保持启用状态)。 您还可以进行设置,以便在共享照片时删除照片中的所有地理位置数据。 因此,例如,如果您将有趣的照片从Google相册共享到社交媒体,则该有趣的照片是在您的后院(以及后院所在的地方)拍摄的,该事实将被删除。

从iCloud清除照片 (Purging Photos From iCloud)

Now that we’ve successfully set up your Google Photos system it’s time to focus on purging the photos from your iCloud account.


Before we jump right into that, however, there are two things you should do before you dump your iCloud backup. First, you should backup your photos directly from your device to an appropriate on-site storage like your desktop computer or home server. (Remember even though the Google Photo backups are very high quality they aren’t perfect byte-for-byte copies of your photos; cloud storage is awesome but good local backups are king).

但是,在我们继续之前,转储iCloud备份之前应该做两件事。 首先,您应该将照片直接从设备备份到适当的现场存储(如台式计算机或家庭服务器)。 (请记住,即使Google Photo备份的质量很高,它们也不是照片的逐字节复制;云存储很棒,但是良好的本地备份才是王道)。

If you’re comfortable with your storage solution being the original copies on the iPhone and the almost-as-good-as-the-original files on the Google servers, then you can skip the local backup. We recommend against it, however, as local storage is dirt cheap and you may actually want the fully uncompressed photo at a later date.

如果您对自己的存储解决方案感到满意,可以将其作为iPhone上的原始副本以及Google服务器上的几乎一样好的原始文件,则可以跳过本地备份。 但是,我们建议您不要这样做,因为本地存储非常便宜,您实际上可能需要稍后完全压缩的照片。

The second order of business is ensuring that your Google Photo backup is actually complete; until the photos exist in at least two places (like your phone and the Google Servers) we don’t want to purge the iCloud photos. You can check on the status of your photo backup routine by selecting Menu Button -> Settings -> Assistant (as seen above).

第二件事是确保您的Google Photo备份实际上已经完成; 直到照片存在于至少两个地方(例如您的手机和Google服务器)为止,我们才不想清除iCloud照片。 您可以通过选择菜单按钮->设置->助手来检查照片备份例程的状态(如上所示)。

You can both confirm your photos are uploaded via the Assistant panel in the app and by visiting photos.google.com while logged into your Google account to confirm they are up to date and completely uploaded.


Once you’ve backed up your photos to your degree of comfort and confirmed that your photos are on Google Photos, then we can turn our attention toward dumping the photos from iCloud.


You’ll find the setting to purge your iCloud photo storage by navigating, just as we did earlier in the tutorial, to Settings -> iCloud -> Storage -> Manage Storage and then select “iCloud Photo Library”.

您将找到通过清除设置来清除iCloud照片存储的设置,就像我们在本教程前面所做的那样,导航到“设置”->“ iCloud”->“存储”->“管理存储”,然后选择“ iCloud照片库”。

When you’re confident all your photos are backed up you can select “Disabled and Delete” to start the purge process. Don’t worry the photos don’t vanish from the iCloud servers immediately: you have 30 days from the point you click the above button to login to your iCloud account via the web and download any photos of video you wish to grab or you can return to the same location in the settings menu and select “undo delete” to reverse the process. After 30 days, however, your iCloud photos will be gone (the photos on your phone will remain untouched).

当您确定所有照片都已备份后,可以选择“已禁用并删除”以开始清除过程。 不用担心照片不会立即从iCloud服务器上消失:从单击上方按钮到通过Web登录到iCloud帐户还有30天的时间,您可以下载想要抓取的视频的任何照片,或者返回设置菜单中的相同位置,然后选择“撤消删除”以撤消该过程。 但是,在30天之后,您的iCloud照片将消失(手机上的照片将保持不变)。

That’s all there is to it! You’ll spend way more time waiting for your 1,000+ photos to upload to Google Photos than you will actually setting anything up and, in the end, you’ll enjoy totally unlimited photo storage for free-as-in-beer.

这里的所有都是它的! 与实际设置相比,您将花费更多的时间等待1,000张以上的照片上载到Google相册,最后,您将享受无限的照片存储空间,一目了然。

Have a pressing question about your mobile devices, digital photography, or any intersection of the two? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

对您的移动设备,数码摄影或两者的交叉有疑问吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/232658/banish-icloud-storage-nagging-with-google-photos/





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