
Most PC users understand that a power surge, blackout, or other sudden loss of electricity has the capacity to seriously hurt your computer. But exactly what one should do to protect against it gets a little fuzzier. The two most common means of protection are a standard surge protector, sometimes (wrongly) called a power strip, or an uninterruptible power supply, usually shortened to UPS. (No connection with the delivery guys in the brown shorts.)

大多数PC用户都知道电涌,停电或其他突然断电会严重损害您的计算机。 但是确切地应该采取哪些措施来防止它变得模糊起来。 最常见的两种保护方法是标准电涌保护器,有时(错误地)称为配电盘或不间断电源 ,通常简称为UPS。 (与穿着棕色短裤的送货员没有关系。)

Which one is right for your computer setup? That depends on exactly what you’re doing, and how much protection you want.

哪一种适合您的计算机设置? 这取决于您正在做什么,以及您需要多少保护。

电涌保护器:电子产品的简单保护 (Surge Protectors: Simple Protection For Electronics)

Some people refer to a surge protector as a power strip, because they look more or less identical. This is a dangerous conflation: while a simple power strip might include a cheap circuit breaker (or not), it’s essentially just an extension of your wall power outlet, allowing more electronics to be plugged in at once but offering no significant extra protection. A consumer-grade surge protector has multiple outlets as well, but it also includes a shorting mechanism and a ground line that will physically block excess electrical energy from reaching your devices.

有些人将电涌保护器称为配电盘,因为它们看起来或多或少相同。 这是一个危险的混淆:虽然一个简单的配电盘可能包括一个便宜的断路器(或不包括),但它实际上只是壁装电源插座的扩展,允许立即插入更多电子设备,但没有提供明显的额外保护。 消费级电涌保护器也具有多个插座,但是它还包括短路机制和接地线,这些物理上会阻止多余的电能到达设备。

Surge protectors range from simple to complex, with pricier versions packing in ten or more electrical outlets, plus extra in and out lines for other types of electronic equipment like phone lines, Ethernet cords, USB power, and coaxial cables. All that stuff is nice, and could certainly come in handy if you’re planning an elaborate desk or television setup. But in terms of pure protection, what you’re looking for is the joule rating. Surge protectors offer an amount of electrical joules for which they are rated to stop, and the higher the better.

电涌保护器的范围从简单到复杂,有十个或更多的电源插座包装,价格较高的版本,以及用于其他类型的电子设备(如电话线,以太网线,USB电源和同轴电缆)的额外进出线。 所有这些东西都很不错,如果您打算设计精美的办公桌或电视机,肯定可以派上用场。 但是就纯粹的保护而言,您要寻找的是焦耳额定值。 电涌保护器会提供一定数量的电焦耳,以使它们额定停止工作,电涌量越高越好。

Power surges can be light—like your home’s internal grid re-adjusting when someone plugs in a hair dryer or a vacuum cleaner—or heavy, like when your satellite dish takes a direct lightning strike. Generally joule ratings range from under 1000 joules for the cheaper models to over 3000 for more elaborate versions. Since the more expensive models in this case aren’t actually all that expensive, getting maximum protection for your stuff doesn’t require a huge investment.

电涌可能很轻,例如当有人插入吹风机或吸尘器时,您的房屋内部电网会重新调整;也可能很重,例如您的卫星天线直接受到雷击时。 通常,焦耳额定值范围从便宜型号的1000焦耳以下到精致型号的3000焦耳以上。 由于这种情况下较昂贵的型号实际上并没有那么贵,因此,为您的物品提供最大的保护并不需要大量的投资。

Most surge protectors include a small LED light that indicates the safety ground is still working. Some more elaborate versions have a tiny LCD screen for the same purpose. Be sure to periodically check that the light is still on, especially after thunderstorms or power outages.

大多数电涌保护器都包括一个小的LED灯,指示安全接地仍在工作。 一些更精巧的版本具有用于相同目的的微型LCD屏幕。 确保定期检查指示灯是否仍然亮着,尤其是在雷雨或停电之后。

UPS:用于从随机停电中节省您的工作(和时间) (UPS: For Saving Your Work (and Time) From Random Power Outages)

An uninterruptible power supply is a different beast from a surge protector. Actually, a UPS might include a basic surge protector with a breaker and ground in the package, as well as multiple power outlets—they’re big, bulky boxes. But the primary purpose of the uninterruptible power supply is right there in the name: it provides power without interruption, no matter what else is happening to the power system in your home or city.

不间断电源与电涌保护器不同。 实际上,UPS可能包括一个基本的电涌保护器,该保护器在包装中带有断路器和地线,以及多个电源插座,它们是大而笨重的盒子。 但是不间断电源的主要目的就在这里:无论您家中或城市中的电源系统发生了什么事情,它都可以不间断地供电。

To achieve this, a UPS is basically a giant battery. Just like the portable battery charger you might already have for your phone, a UPS includes a large backup battery that can keep your computer (or anything else) running when the power goes down. Crucially, a UPS is also designed to instantly switch to its internal power supply (or simply feed electricity primarily from that supply instead of the wall power outlet) to make sure that devices plugged in never lose power, even for a second. In the specific case of desktop computers, this is crucial: it keeps the PC powered up and prevents any unsaved work from being lost.

为此,UPS基本上是一块巨大的电池。 就像您的手机可能已经配备的便携式电池充电器一样,UPS包含一个大备用电池,可以在断电时保持计算机(或其他任何设备)运行。 至关重要的是,UPS还被设计为立即切换到其内部电源(或简单地主要从该电源而不是壁式电源插座供电),以确保插入的设备即使一秒钟也不会断电。 在台式计算机的特定情况下,这一点至关重要:它可以使PC保持开机状态,并防止丢失未保存的工作。

That being said, a UPS is a different kind of emergency backup system than, say, a gasoline-powered generator that can run your entire home. Even with a large capacity battery, a consumer-grade UPS can only run a desktop PC and a monitor for twenty minutes to an hour (depending on the model you buy). It’s a failsafe designed to give you enough time to quickly save your work or finish some crucial task, then power down safely and wait for the primary source of electricity to come back. (Many also include software for the PC that can automatically shut it down safely, if you aren’t nearby at the time.) It might be possible to use the battery power of a UPS to run a laptop or cell phone for a much longer period of time, but don’t expect it to be your sole source of electricity through an extended power outage or natural disaster.

话虽这么说,UPS是与紧急情况备份系统不同的类型,例如,可以驱动整个家庭的汽油发电机。 即使使用大容量电池,消费级UPS也只能在台式计算机和显示器上运行二十分钟到一个小时(取决于所购买的型号)。 它是一种故障保护,旨在为您提供足够的时间来快速保存您的工作或完成某些关键任务,然后安全地关闭电源并等待主要电源恢复供电。 (如果您当时不在附近,许多软件还包含可自动安全关闭PC的软件。)可能可以使用UPS的电池电源使笔记本电脑或手机运行更长的时间一段时间,但不要指望它是您因长时间停电或自然灾害而唯一的电力来源。

This UPS includes both a small emergency battery and three grounded outlets with a built-in surge protector.

More expensive models of UPS come with larger internal batteries that can power multiple devices. But if your aim is simply to keep your computer from unexpectedly shutting down, an inexpensive model that can run it for a few minutes is enough. We recommend this CyberPower 1500VA model ($130). If you need to keep something powered on for hours, like a refrigerator for temperature-sensitive medication or a security system, you might want to look into more industrial UPS options. Check out our guide to selecting a UPS for more.

较昂贵的UPS型号配备了较大的内部电池,可以为多个设备供电。 但是,如果您只是为了防止计算机意外关闭,那么可以运行几分钟的廉价模型就足够了。 我们推荐此Cyber​​Power 1500VA型号 (130美元)。 如果您需要保持几个小时的电源开启状态,例如存放对温度敏感的药品的冰箱或安全系统,则可能需要研究更多的工业UPS选件。 查看我们的指南,以选择更多的UPS

我应该使用哪一个? (Which One Should I Use?)

A surge protector is intended to protect your electronics from physical harm, in addition to just being generally handy for multiple power outlets. An uninterrupted power supply is meant to save you from the headache of losing time from failing equipment, either for a split-second brown-out or an extended power outage.

电涌保护器不仅可以方便地用于多个电源插座,还可以保护电子设备免受物理伤害。 不间断的电源旨在使您免于因设备故障而浪费时间的麻烦,无论是瞬间断电还是长时间断电。

Most home users can get by with a simple and inexpensive surge protector—if the worst comes to the worst and you have a power spike in your home, just replace it and you’re good to go. A UPS is probably warranted if you frequently do critical work on a computer and can’t risk it losing power even for a second. It’s also a good upgrade if you live in an area with an unreliable power grid or frequent power outages from weather; those split-second power losses can be more or less ignored, restoring a bit of peace of mind.

大多数家庭用户都可以使用简单且便宜的电涌保护器来应对—如果最严重的情况变得最糟,并且您家中有电源尖峰,只需更换它,就可以了。 如果您经常在计算机上进行关键工作并且不敢冒险失去电源甚至一秒钟,则可能需要UPS。 如果您住在电网不可靠或因天气原因经常停电的地方,这也是一个不错的升级。 那些瞬间的功率损耗或多或少可以忽略不计,从而使您更加放心。

If you want both maximum electrical protection and a means of keeping your PC constantly powered, you can combine both a surge protector and a UPS. Most UPS devices include a basic surge breaker and ground, and you can plug non-critical devices like speakers, phone chargers, or lamps into a cheap surge protector on the second wall outlet.

如果您既要获得最大的电气保护,又要保持PC持续供电,可以同时使用电涌保护器和UPS。 大多数UPS设备都包括一个基本的电涌断路器和地面,您可以将扬声器,电话充电器或灯泡等非关键设备插入第二个墙上插座上的廉价电涌保护器中。

Image source: Amazon, Souq

图片来源: AmazonSouq

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/314482/surge-protectors-vs.-ups-do-you-really-need-a-battery-backup-for-your-pc/





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