


Razer recently announced a new customer loyalty program: PC gamers can earn virtual currency, called “zSilver” and saved in a “zVault,” just for playing the games that they’re already enjoying. Games are launched from Razer’s Cortex desktop program—a bit like Steam without the built-in game store—and tracked minute-by-minute, earning zSilver that can be exchanged for Razer-branded hardware goodies.

Razer最近宣布了一项新的客户忠诚度计划 :PC游戏玩家可以赚取称为“ zSilver”的虚拟货币,并保存在“ zVault”中,仅用于玩他们已经很喜欢的游戏。 游戏是从Razer的Cortex桌面程序启动的,有点类似于Steam,但没有内置游戏商店,并且每分钟都进行跟踪,从而获得zSilver,可以将其换成Razer品牌的硬件产品。

But is all of this worth it? Not really. Like most customer loyalty programs, using Cortex as anything but a bonus for things you would already do anyway is a losing game. Limitations on the system mean you’ll be spending hundreds of hours playing only a few different games chasing those rewards. Let’s break it down, shall we?

但是所有这些值得吗? 并不是的。 像大多数客户忠诚度计划一样,将Cortex用作除了已经可以做的事情之外的其他任何奖励,这是一场失败的游戏。 该系统的局限性意味着您将花费数百小时来玩一些追求这些奖励的不同游戏。 让我们分解一下,对吧?

Razer“ zGamer”生活中的一天 (A Day in the Life of a Razer “zGamer”)

zSilver accumulates as you play titles launched from the Razer Cortex desktop program. The good news is that the process is fairly simple: just launch the game and the program will keep a running tally of your playtime, accruing points with each minute. The bad news is that while Cortex can detect almost any game on a standard PC (and new games can be added to the list manually), only a handful of games actually give you credit in zSilver for playing them through Cortex. At launch, the list is quite short:

当您播放从Razer Cortex桌面程序启动的游戏时,zSilver会累积。 好消息是该过程非常简单:只需启动游戏,该程序便会保持您的游戏时间运行统计,每分钟累积点数。 坏消息是,尽管Cortex可以在标准PC上检测到几乎所有游戏(并且可以手动将新游戏添加到列表中),但实际上只有少数游戏让您在zSilver中可以通过Cortex进行游戏。 在启动时,该列表很短:

  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


  • DOTA 2


  • League of Legends


  • Overwatch


  • Paladins


These games represent some of the biggest entries in their respective genres, but a list of only five supported titles rather curtails the enthusiasm behind Razer’s broad statement that one can “play games on Cortex and get rewarded with zSilver.” If you want to spend a little time in Skyrim or Minecraft or Rocket League, not to mention any newer games, you’ll be doing it sans Razer-branded rewards.

这些游戏代表了各自类别中最大的游戏,但是仅列出了五款受支持的游戏,却减少了Razer广泛宣称“可以在Cortex上玩游戏并获得zSilver奖励”这一说法背后的热情。 如果您想花一点时间在SkyrimMinecraftRocket League上 ,更不用说任何新游戏了,那将是没有Razer品牌奖励的事情。

做数学 (Doing the Math)

The worse news is that the system is more or less designed to keep you from earning too many points too quickly. Playing one of the supported games will earn you 3 zSilver points per minute—not a bad rate of return, as these things go. But that still means you’ll be earning a maximum of 180 points an hour, assuming you spend the full hour in-game (and you don’t forget to launch it from the Cortex program). Razer is offering a few bonuses at launch, but they won’t get you very far for very long.

更糟糕的是,该系统的设计或多或少使您无法太快地获得太多积分。 玩其中一种受支持的游戏将使您每分钟获得3 zSilver积分-就像这些事情一样,回报率还不错。 但这仍然意味着,假设您在游戏中度过了整整一个小时(并且不要忘记从Cortex程序中启动它),则您每小时最多可获得180点积分。 Razer在发布时会提供一些奖金,但是它们不会让您走得太久。

On top of that, zSilver is capped at a maximum of 900 points per day, so gamers can’t simply marathon their way into getting Razer-branded goods. And even assuming no other bonuses, that’s a pretty long amount of time to play every day to reach your maximum earnings: a full five hours of game time. Most people with jobs and other responsibilities simply can’t justify spending almost a third of their waking hours playing PC games.

最重要的是,zSilver每天的最高上限为900点,因此游戏玩家不能简单地以马拉松方式获得Razer品牌产品。 即使没有其他奖金,每天也要花很长时间才能达到最大收益:整整五个小时的游戏时间。 大多数有工作和其他责任的人根本无法证明花掉醒来时间的近三分之一来玩PC游戏。

长途旅行 (The Long Haul)

But just for the sake of demonstration, let’s assume that you’re a huge fan of Counter-Strike, League of Legends, and Overwatch, and you’re down for playing the rather restrictive list of games exclusively and extensively to earn those points. How long will it take you to get some sweet Razer gear?

但是,仅出于演示目的,让我们假设您是《 反恐精英》,《英雄联盟》和《 守望先锋》的忠实拥护者 ,而您却因为只玩大量限制性游戏而无法获得这些积分而感到失望。 您需要多长时间才能获得一些甜美的Razer装备?

A long, long time.


Razer’s promotional items from its hardware catalog start at 26,000 zSilver points and go up. The most expensive hardware item on the list, the company’s top-of-the-line Blackwidow Chroma mechanical keyboard, costs 220,000 points. That’s 245 days of maxed-out zSilver points—remember, that’s 5 hours every day, so over 1200 hours of game time. Here’s the breakdown for all of the rewards offered by Razer at launch, assuming players earn the maximum 900 points per day:

Razer硬件目录中的促销产品从26,000 zSilver积分开始并持续上涨。 该清单上最昂贵的硬件产品是该公司的顶级Blackwidow Chroma机械键盘,价格为220,000点。 这是245天的zSilver最高积分-请记住,每天5个小时,因此超过1200个小时的游戏时间。 以下是Razer发射时提供的所有奖励的明细,假设玩家每天赚取最高900点:

  • Mouse bungee: 26,000 zSilver, 29 days/145 hours

    蹦极:26,000 zSilver, 29天/ 145小时

  • Laptop stand: 65,000 zSilver, 72 days/361 hours

    笔记本电脑支架:65,000 zSilver, 72天/ 361小时

  • Firefly mousepad: 78,000 zSilver, 87 days/433 hours

    Firefly鼠标垫:78,000 zSilver, 87天/ 433小时

  • Utility backpack: 90,000 zSilver, 100 days/500 hours

    多功能背包:90,000 zSilver, 100天/ 500小时

  • Mercenary backpack: 130,000 zSilver, 144 days/722 hours

    雇佣背包:130,000 zSilver, 144天/ 722小时

  • Kraken headset: 130,000 zSilver, 144 days/722 hours

    Kraken耳机:130,000 zSilver, 144天/ 722小时

  • Mamba wireless mouse: 195,000 zSilver, 217 days/1083 hours

    Mamba无线鼠标:195,000 zSilver, 217天/ 1083小时

  • Blackwidow keyboard: 220,000 zSilver, 245 days/1222 hours

    Blackwidow键盘:220,000 zSilver, 245天/ 1222小时

  • $5 discount voucher: 2,500 zSilver, 2.8 days/13.8 hours

    $ 5优惠券:2,500 zSilver, 2.8天 /13.8 小时

  • $10 discount voucher: 5,000 zSilver, 5.6 days/27.8 hours

    $ 10优惠券:5,000 zSilver, 5.6天 /27.8 小时

  • $20 discount voucher: 10,000 zSilver, 11.1 days/55.6 hours

    $ 20优惠券:10,000 zSilver, 11.1天 /55.6 小时

That’s some serious play time just to get a little hardware. I can see that some dedicated players might get a few discounts on Razer gear, but with a maximum voucher value of $20 on any one item, there’s a big gap between earning discounts and earning actual products. If you’re already playing one of the supported games and you’re planning on buying one of the items above, you might as well launch from Cortex and save up for a discount voucher. Otherwise, it really isn’t worth the hassle.

仅仅为了获得一些硬件,这是一段严肃的游戏时间。 我可以看到一些敬业的玩家可能会在Razer装备上获得一些折扣,但任何一件物品的最高抵用券价值为20美元,因此在赚取折扣和赚取实际产品之间会有很大的差距。 如果您已经在玩受支持的游戏之一, 并且打算购买上述物品之一,那么不妨从Cortex推出并节省折扣券。 否则,这真的不值得麻烦。

zGold用于数字购买 (zGold for Digital Purchases)

So we can see that zSilver isn’t a great return for time, but what about Razer’s other digital currency, zGold? zGold can’t be earned by playing games through Cortex, customers get it as a bonus for buying Razer retail products. At the moment, Razer’s promotional offer gets shoppers 2000 zGold points—analogous to $20 USD— for spending $200 or more on the website.

因此,我们可以看到zSilver并不是时间的丰厚回报,但是Razer的另一种数字货币zGold呢? 通过Cortex玩游戏无法赚取zGold,客户可以将其作为购买Razer零售产品的奖励。 目前,Razer的促销优惠为购物者在网站上花费200美元或以上可获得2000 zGold积分(相当于20美元)。

Oddly, despite the fact that it’s earned for buying physical goods, zGold can’t be spent on physical goods. zGold can be exchanged for in-game items in select titles like Crossfire, Smite, and Paladins. It can also be used to purchase full games on GamersGate or IndieGala, sometimes with a bit of a discount in terms of the zGold-to-dollars exchange rate. Shoppers who spend zGold on digital goods will earn some small bonuses to their zSilver wallets:

奇怪的是,尽管zGold是通过购买实物商品获得的,但不能将zGold 花费在实物商品上。 zGold可以在选择游戏,比如交火,惩击,圣骑士在游戏中的物品进行交换。 它也可以用于在GamersGateIndieGala上购买完整游戏,有时在zGold到USD汇率方面有一些折扣。 在数字商品上花费zGold的购物者将获得zSilver钱包的一些小奖励:

  • Spend 500 zGold, earn 500 zSilver

    消费500 zGold,赚取500 zSilver
  • Spend 1000 zGold, earn 1200 zSilver

    消费1000 zGold,赚取1200 zSilver
  • Spend 3000 zGold, earn 4200 zSilver

    消费3000 zGold,赚取4200 zSilver

Converting those values to real money and time, respectively, we see a maximum return of approximately .8 game-hours of credit per dollars spent.


Since you’re unlikely to spend several thousand dollars on Razer gear just to get enough zGold for a few bonus games, Razer allows you to “top up” your zGold wallet with real money. There are discounts offered for spending more, but the wallet’s maximum capacity is 50,000 points—$50 worth of real money. Even assuming you buy all of your games from GamersGate or IndieGala, you’ll run out of benefits rather quickly.

由于您不太可能为了获得足够的zGold来购买一些奖励游戏而花数千美元购买Razer装备,因此Razer允许您用真钱“充值”您的zGold钱包。 可以提供折扣以增加消费,但该钱包的最大容量为50,000点-价值50美元的真钱。 即使假设您从GamersGate或IndieGala购买了所有游戏,您也将很快用尽所有好处。

And the last little topping on this consumerism sundae: the games you buy using zGold won’t earn you zSilver while you’re playing them, unless they’re on that very limited list of games above.


皮质还能做什么? (What Else Can Cortex Do?)

So we’ve established that installing Razer Cortex purely for the sake of earning Razer gear isn’t a very good idea. But is there any benefit to Cortex at all?

因此,我们已经确定,纯粹为了赚取Razer装备而安装Razer Cortex并不是一个好主意。 但是,Cortex有什么好处吗?

Once again, the answer is: not really. Cortex does have a rather nice launcher for auto-detected games, but odds are pretty good that you’re already using Steam for that. The software’s Game Booster might help you get a few more frames per second out of some titles, but your graphics drivers probably already have this feature, and since the settings are auto-applied, it’s best to tweak settings in each game manually (which most gamers know how to do anyway). The Gamecaster overlay can stream to Twitch, YouTube, and a few other game streaming websites with ease, which might be a nice perk if you’re using any of the other features too…though the Pro version requires a hefty $15 subscription for just three months of use. NVIDIA and AMD’s programs do this already, too—so why download yet another program?

再一次的答案是:不是真的。 Cortex确实具有用于自动检测游戏的相当不错的启动器,但是很可能您已经在使用Steam了。 该软件的Game Booster可能会帮助您每秒从某些游戏中获得更多帧,但是您的图形驱动程序可能已经具有此功能 ,并且由于设置是自动应用的,因此最好手动调整每个游戏中的设置 (大多数情况下,游戏玩家知道该怎么做)。 Gamecaster叠加层可以轻松地流到Twitch,YouTube和其他一些游戏流媒体网站,如果您也使用其他任何功能,这可能是一个不错的选择……尽管Pro版本仅需三个订阅费就需要15美元使用数月。 NVIDIA和AMD的程序也已经这样做了-那么为什么还要下载另一个程序呢?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/300560/are-razers-zsilver-gaming-rewards-worth-it/


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