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When you mail a letter, all you have to do is slap a stamp on it and stick it in the mailbox. But shipping a package is a whole different beast. The good news, though, is that you still don’t need to leave the comfort of your home if you don’t want to. Here’s how to skip the post office entirely and mail any package without stepping foot outside.

邮寄一封信时,您要做的就是在其上打一个邮票,然后将其粘贴在邮箱中。 但是运送包裹是完全不同的野兽。 好消息是,如果您不愿意,您仍然不需要离开家中的舒适环境。 这是完全跳过邮局并邮寄任何包裹而又不会走到外面的方法。

To ship a package from your house, we recommend that you use USPS (United States Postal Service). You can ship stuff from your house with UPS and FedEx, but their shipping prices tend to be higher and they charge a fee to pick up your packages from your house (although UPS will pick up a package for free if they’re already stopping by to drop one off to you). In any case, USPS offers great deals on shipping, and they’ll pick up any package from your doorstep at no extra cost.

要从您家运出包裹,我们建议您使用USPS(美国邮政服务)。 您可以使用UPS和FedEx从家中运送物品,但是它们的运送价格往往更高,并且会收取从您家中领取包裹的费用(尽管如果UPS已经停止了,他们将免费领取包裹)给你一个)。 无论如何,USPS在运输方面都提供了超值优惠,他们将从您家门口取走任何包裹,而无需额外费用。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

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Shipping a package from your house does require a few things, some of which you may already have. But if not, you can easily buy them online at sites like Amazon, or at most stores like Wal-Mart and Target.

从家中运送包裹确实需要一些东西,其中有些可能已经拥有。 但是,如果没有,您可以在Amazon等网站或沃尔玛和Target等大多数商店轻松地在线购买它们。

First, you’ll need a printer to print out your shipping labels. You don’t need a special printer either—any printer that can print on regular ol’ paper will do the job.

首先, 您需要一台打印机来打印出您的运输标签。 您也不需要特殊的打印机-任何可以在普通纸上打印的打印机都可以完成工作。

Secondly, you’ll either need shipping labels or scissors and packing tape to affix the label on your package. Adhesive shipping labels are really convenient, since you can just peel and stick them onto your packages, but they cost more money in the long run. So if you’re wanting to save some cash, stick with good ol’ scissors and packaging tape and print your labels on regular paper.

其次,您将需要运输标签,或者需要剪刀和包装胶带将标签粘贴在包装上。 粘性运输标签确实非常方便,因为您可以将它们剥离并粘贴到包装上,但从长远来看,它们会花费更多钱。 因此,如果您想节省一些现金,请用优质的剪刀和包装胶带粘好并在普通纸上打印标签。

Lastly, you’ll need a postal scale. You don’t need to get anything too fancy, and this one from Accuteck ($17) will do the trick just fine. You want to at least make sure to get one that can measure by the ounce.

最后,您需要一个邮政秤。 您不需要花哨的东西,而来自Accuteck ($ 17)的那把戏就可以了。 您至少要确保获得一种可以按盎司测量的值。

第一步:购买邮费 (Step One: Purchase Postage)

There are a couple of ways you can purchase postage for your package. You can use the USPS website or PayPal’s built-in shipping tool, which allows you to ship items through USPS’s cheaper First Class tier. The USPS website only lets you choose Priority Mail, for some odd reason, so the PayPal loophole is a nice one.

您可以通过两种方式购买包裹的邮资。 您可以使用USPS网站或PayPal的内置运输工具,通过该工具可以通过USPS便宜的头等舱运输物品。 由于某些奇怪的原因,USPS网站仅允许您选择“优先邮件”,因此PayPal漏洞是一个不错的漏洞。

使用USPS网站(优先邮件) (Using the USPS Website (Priority Mail))

To purchase postage and print your shipping label from the former option, head to USPS’s website, hover over “Mail & Ship”, and click on “Click-N-Ship”.

要购买邮资并从前一个选项打印您的运输标签,请访问USPS的网站 ,将鼠标悬停在“邮件和运输”上,然后单击“ Click-N-Ship”。


From here, you’ll either need to log in to your USPS account if you already have one, or create an account. After you do either, you’ll be taken to the Click-N-Ship page.

从这里,您将需要登录到USPS帐户(如果已经拥有一个帐户),或者创建一个帐户。 完成上述任一操作后,您将被带到Click-N-Ship页面。


After you reach this page, start by entering in your address if it’s not already entered in. Mine is already pre-loaded since I linked my mailing address to my USPS account.



Next, scroll down to the section titled “Where are you sending to?” and enter in the name and address where you’re mailing the package. There are also options off to the right side, like saving the address in your USPS address book, notifying the recipient that you’ve shipped them a package, and having the option to hold the package at the post office for the recipient to pick up themselves, rather than having it shipped to their door step.

接下来,向下滚动到标题为“您要发送到哪里?”的部分。 并输入邮寄包裹的名称和地址。 右侧还有其他选项,例如,将地址保存在USPS通讯录中,通知收件人您已将包裹寄出,并可以选择将包裹保留在邮局让收件人领取而不是将其运送到他们家门口。


In the next section titled “Enter a shipping date”, use the drop-down menu to select a date that you’ll be shipping out your package.



Next to “Enter package details”, either select “I am shipping Flat Rate” or “Enter Package Weight”. You’ll only select the first option if you’re using a Priority Mail-branded box from the USPS. Otherwise, enter the package’s weight—this is where your postal scale comes into good use.

在“输入包裹详细信息”旁边,选择“我正在运送固定费用”或“输入包裹重量”。 仅当使用USPS的“优先邮件”商标框时,才选择第一个选项。 否则,请输入包裹的重量-这是您的邮政秤有效使用的地方。


Next, enter in a dollar value of the contents of your package in the next section. This is if you decide to buy insurance in case your package ever gets lost (insurance is free for up to $50 in value when you use Priority Mail).

接下来,在下一部分中输入包裹内容的美元价值。 这是如果您决定购买保险以防包裹丢失(使用Priority Mail时,保险是免费的,价值不超过50美元)。


Finally, click on the drop-down menu under “Choose Service Type”. Unfortunately, Click-N-Ship is limited to Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express, so you won’t get access to the cheaper First Class tier (see the next section for more on that).

最后,单击“选择服务类型”下的下拉菜单。 不幸的是,Click-N-Ship只限于Priority Mail和Priority Mail Express,因此您将无法使用便宜的头等舱等级(有关更多信息,请参阅下一节)。


After that, click on “View available Services and Prices”.



Unless you’re using a Priority Mail-branded box from the USPS, you’ll choose the first option listed.



Scroll down to “Add insurance and extra services”, where you’ll be able to add on things like Signature Confirmation.



When you’re all set, click on “Add to Cart” in the bottom-right corner.



On the next page, confirm all the details and then click “Next: Billing Information”.



Next, click the checkbox next to the terms, and then choose your method of payment, which can either be a credit/debit card or PayPal. You choose a credit/debit card, you’ll also need to select “Add New Card” if you don’t already have one on file with USPS.

接下来,点击条款旁边的复选框,然后选择您的付款方式,可以是信用卡/借记卡或PayPal。 您选择一张信用卡/借记卡,如果尚未在USPS上存档,则还需要选择“添加新卡”。


Click on “Next: Pay and Print” to continue.



After you pay for the postage, you’ll now print out the shipping label. Click on “Print Labels” and proceed through your printer’s prompt.

付款后,您现在将打印出运输标签。 单击“打印标签”,然后按照打印机的提示进行操作。


使用贝宝的运输工具(头等舱) (Using PayPal’s Shipping Tool (First Class))

Surprisingly, PayPal doesn’t openly advertise it’s built-in shipping tool, but if you click on this link, it will take you right to it after you log in to your PayPal account. The benefit of using this method is that you can choose USPS’s First Class postage tier, which is cheaper than Priority Mail. The downside is that you have to have a PayPal account in order to use their shipping tool.

令人惊讶的是,PayPal并未公开宣传其内置运输工具,但是如果您单击此链接 ,则在您登录PayPal帐户后,您将直接使用它。 使用此方法的好处是,您可以选择USPS的头等邮费等级,该等级比“优先邮件”便宜。 缺点是您必须拥有一个PayPal帐户才能使用其运送工具。

Once you login into your PayPal account and click the link, the first step is to enter in the recipient’s mailing address. Click on “Ship To This Address” when you’re done.

登录贝宝帐户并单击链接后,第一步是输入收件人的邮寄地址。 完成后,单击“发送到该地址”。


Next, click on the drop-down menu under “Service type”.



Select “First-Class Mail” if your package is one pound or lighter. Otherwise, choose Priority Mail. You can still choose Priority Mail either way, and it will get the package to its destination quicker, but it will be more expensive than First Class.

如果您的包裹重量是一磅或更轻,请选择“第一类邮件”。 否则,请选择“优先邮件”。 您仍然可以选择两种方式的“优先邮件”,它将使包裹更快地到达目的地,但比“头等舱”贵。


Next, under “Package type”, choose between “Large Package” or “Package/Thick Envelope”. It doesn’t tell you exactly what the difference is here, but I usually just go with the latter option, unless I’m shipping something fairly large, which is rare.

接下来,在“包装类型”下,在“大包装”或“包装/厚信封”之间选择。 它并不能完全告诉您这里有什么区别,但是我通常只选择后者,除非我要运送相当大的东西,这是很少见的。


Enter in the package weight below that.



Select whether or not you want Signature Confirmation and/or Insurance. Below that, choose a mailing date that your package will be mailed out on.

选择是否要签名确认和/或保险。 在此之下,选择邮寄包裹的邮寄日期。


Once that’s done, click on “Calculate Shipping Cost” toward the top.



It will then shop how much it will cost to ship your package. Go ahead and click on “Confirm and Pay” to continue and then proceed to print out the shipping label.

然后,它将购买运送包裹的费用。 继续并单击“确认并付款”以继续,然后继续打印出运输标签。


第二步:请求取件 (Step Two: Request a Pickup)

Once you’ve printed out the shipping label and your package is all ready to be mailed out, it’s time to request a pickup so that your mail carrier will come and pick up your package from your front door. To do this, go to the USPS website, hover over “Mail & Ship”, and select “Schedule a Pickup”.

一旦打印出运输标签并且可以将所有包裹寄出,就可以要求取件了,以便您的邮递员从前门取走包裹。 为此,请转到USPS网站,将鼠标悬停在“邮寄和寄送”上,然后选择“安排取件”。


Start off by entering in your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address, all of which are required. Then click on “Check Availability”, which will confirm the address and make sure that it’s an address that it can pick up at.

首先输入您的姓名,邮寄地址,电话号码和电子邮件地址,所有这些都是必需的。 然后单击“检查可用性”,这将确认地址并确保它是可以提取的地址。


In the next section, click on the dropdown menu under “My shipment will be…” and choose where you’ll place your package so that the postal carrier can find it and pick it up.



Next, choose whether you want the postal carrier to pick up your package during his/her regular mail delivery, or specify a certain time window that you want your package picked up, which will cost $20.



In the next section, choose a date that you want your package picked up.



After that, enter in how many packages you have that need picked up and enter the number next to the respective mailing tier. Further down, enter in the total of the packages, rounding up to the nearest pound.

之后,输入您需要拾取的包裹数量,然后在相应的邮件层旁边输入数字。 再往下,输入所有包装,四舍五入到最接近的磅。


Next, click on the checkbox to agree to the terms and then hit “Schedule a Pickup”. You’ll receive a confirmation email shortly afterward.

接下来,单击复选框以同意条款,然后单击“安排取件”。 之后,您会收到一封确认电子邮件。


It’s certainly a lot of steps to go through in order to ship a package without ever leaving the comfort of your home, and some people may just be better off taking a quick trip to the post office and having the postal carriers there do all the work for you, but if you’re like me and live 15 minutes away from the nearest post office, shipping packages from home is a huge convenience.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/284060/how-to-ship-packages-without-leaving-your-house/


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