token令牌_TOKEN2 Molto-1,世界上第一个多配置文件TOTP硬件令牌


imageOur new product currently being finalized, the Token2 Molto-1, will expand on our technology by now supporting up to 10 Time based One-Time Password (TOTP) profiles. Earlier this year, with the 目前正在最终确定的新产品Token2 Molto-1,将通过支持多达10个基于时间的一次性密码(TOTP)配置文件来扩展我们的技术。 今年早些时候,我们通过
miniOTP-2, miniOTP-3, and C301 we introduced the world’s first programmable TOTP tokens with time sync. The aim of these products was to provide a solution to the time drift that affects hardware tokens. We didn’t want to stop there, though! We also recognize the desire for multiple profiles which is why our latest product is a programmable multi-profile hardware token, called Token2 Molto-1. The clue is in the name, at least for anyone who understands Italian — “molto” is “many” in Italian. Having a multi-profile programmable hardware token means you can have only one device for up to 10 of your accounts. miniOTP-2,miniOTP-3和C301推出了世界上第一个具有时间同步功能的可编程TOTP令牌。 这些产品的目的是为影响硬件令牌的时间漂移​​提供解决方案。 但是我们不想停在那里! 我们还认识到需要多个配置文件,这就是为什么我们的最新产品是可编程的多配置文件硬件令牌,称为Token2 Molto-1的原因。 线索就是这个名字,至少对于任何懂意大利语的人来说都是这样。“ molto”在意大利语中是“很多”。 拥有多配置文件的可编程硬件令牌意味着最多只有10个帐户只能使用一台设备。

Hardware tokens are a great way to protect and secure your accounts from cyber-attacks and we recognize that most people will have multiple accounts they want to secure. For example, it’s common for users to have a Gmail account, a Microsoft account, a Facebook account, and so on. In the past users would need a separate device for each of their accounts, but not with the Molto-1. By supporting 10 TOTP profiles we are providing increased flexibility to our hardware token customers. The programmable nature of the Token2 Molto-1 is also aimed at providing maximum flexibility so that you can have a token that suits your cybersecurity needs. We are finalizing the development of the product and are expecting the first batch to arrive from our factory by the end of September.

硬件令牌是保护和保护您的帐户免遭网络攻击的一种好方法,我们认识到大多数人将拥有他们想要保护的多个帐户。 例如,用户拥有Gmail帐户,Microsoft帐户,Facebook帐户等是很常见的。 过去,用户需要为每个帐户使用单独的设备,但不需要Molto-1。 通过支持10个TOTP配置文件,我们为硬件令牌客户提供了更大的灵活性。 Token2 Molto-1的可编程性质还旨在提供最大的灵活性,以便您可以拥有适合您的网络安全需求的令牌。 我们正在完成产品的开发,预计第一批产品将于9月底从我们的工厂运抵。

You can place a pre-sales order here.


技术指标 (Specifications)
Dimensions 46x71x4mm
TOTP Profiles up to 10
Programmable via NFC, Windows and Android app
Time sync Yes
NFC Access Password protected — password can be changed
Time step 30 or 60 seconds
OTP Length 6 or 8 digits
Maximal seed length160 HEX (128 base32)
Seed hash algorithmSHA-1 or SHA-256
外型尺寸 46x71x4毫米
TOTP简介 高达10
可编程的 通过NFC,Windows和Android应用程序
NFC访问 密码保护-可以更改密码
时间步 30或60秒
OTP长度 6或8位数字
最大种子长度 160 HEX(128 base32)
种子哈希算法 SHA-1或SHA-256
有什么问题吗 (Questions?)

Have a look at the FAQ section below, or feel free to ask in the comments.


常问问题 (FAQ)

A. There is absolutely no way to retrieve the seeds anyhow from the device. However, to fully ensure security, in particular, to prevent replay attack by modifying the system time (which is a highly demanded feature to solve the time drift issues) Molto-1 can be protected by setting an NFC access password. New devices will come with a default NFC access password which can be changed immediately. To prevent brute-force attack, the devices will be reset to factory defaults after 100 unsuccessful NFC access attempts.

答:绝对没有办法从设备中检索种子。 但是,为了完全确保安全性,尤其是通过修改系统时间来防止重放攻击(这是解决时间漂移问题的一项非常重要的功能),可以通过设置NFC访问密码来保护Molto-1。 新设备将带有默认的NFC访问密码,该密码可以立即更改。 为防止暴力攻击,在尝试100次NFC失败后,设备将重置为出厂默认设置。

Q. What if I have set an NFC access password and forgot it. Does it mean that I can no longer use Molto-1?

问:如果我设置了NFC访问密码并忘记了该怎么办? 这是否意味着我不能再使用Molto-1?

A. No, you can still use it by resetting to factory default. This reset will set NFC access password to default, but the operation will also clear all TOTP profiles (seeds and settings).

答:不,您仍然可以通过重置为出厂默认设置来使用它。 此重置会将NFC访问密码设置为默认值,但该操作还将清除所有TOTP配置文件(种子和设置)。

Q. How long does the battery last?


A. Battery life depends on usage. Burning/programming operations via NFC consume a lot more power, so we must take that into account as well. As a rough estimation, if a token is used a few times per day (i.e. each profile is used once — so 10 button presses a day) and the NFC operations are not very frequent (i.e. not more than once a month) — the Molto-1 token will last for 4-5 years.

答:电池寿命取决于使用情况。 通过NFC进行刻录/编程操作会消耗更多的电能,因此我们也必须考虑到这一点。 粗略估计,如果每天使用令牌几次(即每个配置文件使用一次,因此每天要按下10次按钮),并且NFC操作不是很频繁(即每月不超过一次),那么Molto -1令牌将持续4-5年。

Q. Will I lose access to the TOTP profiles when the battery is dead?


A. Yes, but you will have enough time to prepare. Molto-1 will have a battery indicator on the display. The indicator will show the status throughout the life of the token. You should replace your token (and migrate the TOTP tokens by resetting the second factor on each respective service) when the indicator shows the battery level as «empty» — you will still have a couple of months to do this.

答:是的,但是您将有足够的时间准备。 Molto-1将在显示屏上显示电池指示器。 该指示器将显示令牌整个生命周期的状态。 当指示器将电池电量显示为“空”时,您应该更换令牌(并通过重置每个服务的第二个因素来迁移TOTP令牌)-您仍然有几个月的时间来执行此操作。

FIDO keys are providing greater security compared to classic OTP solutions.FIDO密钥提供了更高的安全性。
关于TOKEN2 (About TOKEN2)

TOKEN2 Multifactor authentication products and services (short name TOKEN2) is a group of companies providing various security solutions, including hardware tokens.


TOKEN2 is listed as a featured hardware token vendor by companies like Microsoft, Untis, US Government and many others.








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