
Launching a new business is always stressful and hard. Building everything from scratch can take years, with no guarantee your chosen business or marketing model is good enough. This is why franchising is so widespread – you can use an already established brand with polished marketing.

开展新业务总是充满压力和艰辛。 从头开始构建所有内容可能需要花费数年时间,并且不能保证您选择的业务或营销模型足够好。 这就是特许经营如此广泛的原因-您可以使用已经建立好的品牌进行精细的营销。

However, in the IT sphere, the number of franchise offerings is quite limited. So, I've come up with a list of promising tech franchises of 2019. Enjoy!

但是,在IT领域,特许经营产品的数量非常有限。 因此,我提出了2019年有前途的技术特许经营清单。尽情享受吧!

Gmoji ,礼物发送应用程序和市场 (Gmoji, gift sending app and marketplace)

One of the hottest franchise offerings in the technological segment now. Gmoji is an App and a Business Platform, allowing users to send and receive real goods in the form of an emoji-like picture with a link, using any messenger or social network. Everything works pretty simply: the person pays for a gift he or she wants to send, and the recipient gets the link. Now, this person can go to the location (it may be coffeeshop or any other local business) and get the present (a cup of coffee) for free!

现在是技术领域最热门的特许经营产品之一。 Gmoji是一个应用程序和一个业务平台,允许用户使用任何Messenger或社交网络,以带有链接的类似emoji表情的图片的形式发送和接收真实商品。 一切都很简单:该人为他或她想要发送的礼物付费,收件人得到了链接。 现在,此人可以去该地点(可能是咖啡店或任何其他当地商家)并免费获得礼物(一杯咖啡)!

The name «Gmoji» is a combination of «gift + emoji.» For now, the whole system consists of two big modules: Gmoji App (here are C2C and B2C versions) and Gmoji Business platform (B2B). Thus, both individual users and companies can send gifts to their friends or counterparts.

名称“ Gmoji”是“礼物+表情符号”的组合。 目前,整个系统由两个主要模块组成:Gmoji App(这里是C2C和B2C版本)和Gmoji Business Platform(B2B)。 因此,个人用户和公司都可以向其朋友或同伴发送礼物。

Gmoji runs its international scaling via franchising. 8 master franchise contracts have been signed since the beginning of 2019.

Gmoji通过特许经营来进行国际扩张。 自2019年初以来已签订了8份主特许经营合同。

CMIT解决方案 ,IT外包 (CMIT Solutions, IT outsourcing)

CMIT offers managed IT services and flat-rate IT support. It works as an IT outsourcing provider: the business signs up a contract with CMIT and receives 24/7 support, backup, recovery, and cybersecurity services.

CMIT提供托管的IT服务和统一的IT支持。 它充当IT外包提供商:企业与CMIT签订了合同,并获得24/7的支持,备份,恢复和网络安全服务。

The company also offers services related to networking, cloud service, applications, VoIP, and so on. This franchise is often listed in articles covering top tech franchises. The company sells its franchise since 1998, and, unlike WSI, the past 10 years, it has been growing the number of its locations. There were 100 of them in 2008, and 200+ today.

该公司还提供与网络,云服务,应用程序,VoIP等相关的服务。 该专营权经常在涉及顶级技术专营权的文章中列出。 该公司自1998年以来就出售其特许经营权,与WSI不同,在过去的10年中,它的营业地点数量一直在增长。 2008年有100个,今天有200多个。

TeamLogic ,IT咨询和支持服务 (TeamLogic, IT consulting and support services)

Similar to CMIT, this company offers IT outsourcing services, support, and consulting. TeamLogic serves customers in multiple industries, including healthcare, legal services, and finance. Company’s technicians can work either remotely or on-site right where the customer’s infrastructure is.

与CMIT相似,该公司提供IT外包服务,支持和咨询。 TeamLogic为多个行业的客户提供服务,包括医疗保健,法律服务和金融。 公司的技术人员可以在客户基础架构所在的位置进行远程或现场工作。

TeamLogic is founded in 2004 and launched its franchise offering in 2005. Now it has about 143 locations covered by its franchisee network. Most of them are inside the US, but at least one location is outside of this country.

TeamLogic成立于2004年,并于2005年推出了特许经营产品。现在,其特许经营网络覆盖了大约143个地点。 它们中的大多数位于美国境内,但至少有一个位置位于美国境外。

WSI ,数字营销服务 (WSI, Digital Marketing Services)

WSI is a Canadian digital marketing agency, which offers a franchise. This company's services include social media marketing, video marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, website conversion, email marketing, landing pages, web analytics, and web design services.

WSI是加拿大的一家数字营销代理商,提供特许经营权。 该公司的服务包括社交媒体营销,视频营销,内容营销,移动营销,搜索引擎优化(SEO),按点击付费(PPC)广告,网站转换,电子邮件营销,登录页面,网站分析和网站设计服务。

The business is actively using franchising since 1996, and nowadays, there are more than 800 locations where local entrepreneurs use the WSI franchise. It might seem like an excellent result, but 10 years ago, the agency has more than 1680 locations! Nevertheless, this is still a rare opportunity to hop on an online marketing business.

自1996年以来,该公司一直在积极使用特许经营权,如今,有800多个地方的本地企业家使用WSI特许经营权。 这看起来似乎是一个不错的成绩,但是10年前,该机构拥有1680多个地点! 尽管如此,这仍然是一个难得的机会来从事在线营销业务。

Do you know any other exciting tech franchise options for IT entrepreneurs? Share links in the comments below.

您是否知道IT企业家还有其他令人兴奋的技术特许经营选择吗? 在下面的评论中分享链接。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/472550/





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