

Though it seems we are just a few months away from reaching 2020, these months are also important in the field of software development. Here in this article, we will see how the coming year 2020 will change the lives of software developers!

尽管似乎距离2020年只有几个月的时间,但这几个月在软件开发领域也很重要。 在本文的本文中,我们将看到2020年将如何改变软件开发人员的生活!

未来的软件开发就在这里! (Future Software Development Is Here!)

Traditional software development is about developing software by writing code and following some fixed rules. But the present-day software development witnessed a paradigm shift with advances in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. With the integration of these three technologies, developers will be able to build software solutions that learn the instructions and add extra features and patterns in data that are needed for the desired outcome.

传统的软件开发是通过编写代码并遵循一些固定规则来开发软件。 但是,随着人工智能,机器学习和深度学习的发展,当今的软件开发发生了范式转变。 通过这三种技术的集成,开发人员将能够构建软件解决方案,以学习指令,并在数据中添加实现预期结果所需的额外功能和模式。

Also read: How Blockchain is helping the healthcare sector?

另请阅读: 区块链如何帮助医疗保健行业?

让我们尝试一些代码 (Let’s Try Out With Some Code)

Over time, the neural network software development systems have become more complex in terms of integrations as well as layers of functionality and interfaces. Developers can build a very simple neural network with Python 3.6. Here’s an example of a program that does binary classification with 1 or 0.

随着时间的流逝,神经网络软件开发系统在集成以及功能和接口层方面变得越来越复杂。 开发人员可以使用Python 3.6构建非常简单的神经网络。 这是一个使用1或0进行二进制分类的程序的示例。

当然,我们可以从创建神经网络类开始: (Of course, we can start by creating a neural network class:)

import numpy as np



应用Sigmoid函数: (Applying the Sigmoid function:)

def sigmoid ():
   return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))
def derivatives_sigmoid ():
   return x * (1-x)

使用初始权重和偏见训练模型: (Training the Model With Initial Weights and Biases:)

inputlayer_neurons = X.shape[1]
hiddenlayer_neurons = 3
output_neurons = 1


For beginners, if you need help regarding neural networks, you can get in touch with top software development company.Or, you can hire AI/ML developers to work on your project.

对于初学者来说,如果您需要有关神经网络的帮助,可以与顶级软件开发公司联系 。或者,您可以雇用AI / ML开发人员来从事项目。

使用输出层Neuron修改代码 (Modifying Code With the Output Layer Neuron)

hidden_layer_input=hidden_layer_input1 + bh
hiddenlayer_activations = sigmoid(hidden_layer_input)
output_layer_input= output_layer_input1+ bout
output = sigmoid(output_layer_input)

代码隐藏层的计算误差 (Calculating Error for the Hidden Layer of Codes)

E = y-output
slope_output_layer = derivatives_sigmoid(output)
slope_hidden_layer = derivatives_sigmoid(hiddenlayer_activations)
d_output = E * slope_output_layer
Error_at_hidden_layer = d_output.dot(wout.T)
d_hiddenlayer = Error_at_hidden_layer * slope_hidden_layer
wout += hiddenlayer_activations.T.dot(d_output) *lr
bout += np.sum(d_output, axis=0,keepdims=True) *lr
wh += X.T.dot(d_hiddenlayer) *lr
bh += np.sum(d_hiddenlayer, axis=0,keepdims=True) *lr

输出: (Output:)

print (output)

[0.9895072 ]]

While it is always wise to keep abreast of the latest programming languages and coding techniques, programmers should also know about many new tools that help make their apps relevant to new users.


In 2020, software developers should consider incorporating these 5 software development tools into their products regardless of what programming language they use:


1.自然语言处理(NLP) (1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) )

With chatbot powering up customer service, NLP is getting the attention of programmers working on modern software development. They apply NLTK Toolkits like Python’s NLTK to quickly incorporate NLP into chatbots, digital assistants, and digital products. By mid of 2020 or soon, you will see NLP become more important on everything from retail business to autonomous vehicles, and devices throughout the home and office.

通过chatbot增强客户服务能力,NLP吸引了从事现代软件开发工作的程序员的注意。 他们使用Python的NLTK之类的NLTK工具包 ,将NLP快速整合到聊天机器人,数字助理和数字产品中。 到2020年中或不久,您将看到NLP在从零售业务到自动驾驶汽车以及整个家庭和办公室中的设备等各个方面都变得越来越重要。

Going forward with the best software development tools and technologies, you can expect software developers to use NLP in a number of ways from voice-driven user interface to far easier to navigate menus, sentiment analysis, context identification, emotion, and data accessibility. All would be available to the most users and businesses can achieve upto $430 billion in productivity gains by 2020, as per IDC data cited by Deloitte.

随着最佳软件开发工具和技术的发展,您可以期望软件开发人员以多种方式使用NLP,从语音驱动的用户界面到导航菜单,情感分析,上下文识别,情感和数据可访问性要容易得多。 根据德勤(Deloitte)引用的IDC数据,所有用户均可使用所有这些工具,到2020年,企业可以实现高达4,300亿美元的生产力提升。

2. GraphQL替换REST Apis (2. GraphQL Replacing REST Apis)

According to developers at my firm which is an offshore software development company, the REST API is losing its dominance over the application universe because of its slow data loading that needs to be done from multiple URLs individually.

根据我公司(一家离岸软件开发公司)的开发人员的说法,REST API失去了在应用程序领域的优势,因为它的数据加载速度很慢,需要分别从多个URL进行加载。

GraphQL is the new trend and best alternative to Rest-based architecture that pulls all relevant data from multiple sites with a single request. It improves client-server interactions and reduces the latency that makes the app much more responsive to the user.

GraphQL是新趋势,也是基于Rest的体系结构的最佳替代方案,该体系结构通过一次请求即可从多个站点提取所有相关数据。 它改善了客户端与服务器之间的交互,并减少了延迟,使应用程序对用户的响应速度更快。

You can improve your software development skills when you use GraphQL for software development. It also requires less coding than REST Api and allows enabling complex queries within a few simple lines. It can also be supplied with a number of Backend as a Service (BaaS) offerings that make it easier for software developers to use it on different programming languages including Python, Node.js, C++, and Java.

使用GraphQL进行软件开发时,可以提高软件开发技能。 与REST Api相比,它还需要更少的编码,并允许在几行简单的代码中实现复杂的查询。 它还可以提供许多后端即服务(BaaS)产品,使软件开发人员可以更轻松地在不同的编程语言(包括Python,Node.js,C ++和Java)上使用它。

当前,GraphQL通过以下方式支持开发人员社区: (Currently, the GraphQL support the developers’ community by:)

  • Enabling no over and under fetching problems

  • Validation and type checking of codes

  • Auto Generating API documentation

  • By providing detailed error messages

  • Add additional operation to the table: “subscriptions” to receive real-time messages from the server


3.低/无代码 (3. Low/No Code)

All low code software development tools provide many benefits. It should be as efficient as possible in writing many programs from scratch. The low or no-code provide preconfigured code that can be embedded into larger programs. This allows even non programmers to create complex products quickly and easily and speed up the modern development ecosystem.

所有低代码软件开发工具都提供许多好处。 从头开始编写许多程序应该尽可能高效。 低代码或无代码提供了可以嵌入到较大程序中的预配置代码。 这甚至使非程序员也可以快速轻松地创建复杂的产品,并加快现代开发生态系统的速度。

According to a report shared by TechRepublic, the no/low-code tools are already being deployed in web portals, software systems, mobile applications and other areas. The market of low code tools will grow up to $15 billion by 2020. These tools are handling everything like managing the workflow logic, data filter, import, and export. Here are the best low/no code platforms to follow in 2020:

根据TechRepublic的一份报告,无/低代码工具已经在Web门户,软件系统,移动应用程序和其他领域中部署。 低代码工具市场到2020年将增长到150亿美元。这些工具正在处理诸如管理工作流程逻辑,数据过滤器,导入和导出之类的一切。 以下是2020年最佳的低/无代码平台:

  • MicroSoft PowerApps

    MicroSoft PowerApps
  • Mendix

  • Outsystems

  • Zoho Creator

    Zoho Creator
  • Salesforce App Cloud

  • Quick Base

  • Spring Boot

    Sprint Boot

4. 5G浪潮 (4. The 5G Wave)

5G connectivity will greatly impact mobile/software development, web development as well. After all, in technology like IoT everything is connected. So, the device software will leverage high-speed wireless assets to their fullest potential with 5G.

5G连接性将极大地影响移动/软件开发以及Web开发。 毕竟,在诸如IoT之类的技术中,所有事物都是相连的。 因此,该设备软件将利用5G充分利用高速无线资产的最大潜力。

In a recent interview with Digital Trends, Dan Dery, product vice president at Motorola, stated that “In coming years, 5G will deliver faster data sharing, higher bandwidth, and speeds up the phone software to 10 times faster than existing wireless technology.”

摩托罗拉产品副总裁Dan Dery在最近对Digital Trends的采访中表示:“未来几年,5G将提供更快的数据共享,更高的带宽,并将电话软件的速度提高到现有无线技术的10倍。”

In this light, software development companies will be working to incorporate 5G into modern applications. The 5G rollout moving fast, more than 20 operators have announced upgrades to their networks. So, the developers will now start working on taking the proper APIs to take advantage of 5G. The technology will dramatically improve the following:

有鉴于此,软件开发公司将致力于将5G集成到现代应用程序中。 5G部署进展Swift,已有20多家运营商宣布升级其网络。 因此,开发人员现在将开始着手采用适当的API来利用5G。 该技术将大大改善以下方面:

  • Security of network program, especially for network slicing.

  • Will provide new ways for handling user identities.

  • Will allow to add new functionalities to applications with low latency rate.

  • Will have an impact on the development of the AR/VR enabled system.

    将对启用AR / VR的系统的开发产生影响。

5.轻松的“认证” (5. Effortless “Authentication” )

Authentication increasingly becoming an effective process at protecting sensitive data. The sophisticated technology not only vulnerable to hacking software, but also supports artificial intelligence and even quantum computing. But the software development market is already seeing a plethora of new types of authentication, such as voice analysis, biometrics, and facial recognition.

身份验证逐渐成为保护敏感数据的有效过程。 先进的技术不仅容易受到黑客软件的攻击,而且还支持人工智能甚至量子计算。 但是软件开发市场已经出现了许多新的身份验证类型,例如语音分析,生物识别和面部识别。

At this point, hackers are finding different ways to subvert online user identities and passwords. As mobile users are already accustomed to accessing their smartphones with a thumb or finger impression or with a facial scan, so with authentication tools they will not need new capabilities for validation, as well as chances of cyber theft will become less. Here are some multi factor authentication tools with SSL encryption.

在这一点上,黑客正在寻找不同的方式来颠覆在线用户身份和密码。 由于移动用户已经习惯于用拇指或手指印象或面部扫描来访问其智能手机,因此使用身份验证工具,他们将不需要新的验证功能,并且网络盗窃的机会将会减少。 这是一些采用SSL加密的多因素身份验证工具。

  • Soft Tokens turn your smartphones into convenient multi factor authenticators.

  • EGrid patterns is an easy-to-use and popular form of authenticators in the industry.

  • Some of the best authentication software for businesses are: RSA SecurID Access, OAuth, Ping Identity, Authx, and Aerobase.

    一些最适合企业的身份验证软件是:RSA SecurID访问,OAuth,Ping身份,Authx和Aerobase。

There are software development companies in India and USA performing extensive research in the science of authentication and biometrics with advances to AI to deliver excellent voice, face, behavioral, and biometric authentication software. Now, you can secure digital channels and improve the capabilities of platforms.

印度和美国有软件开发公司在身份验证和生物识别科学领域进行了广泛的研究,并在AI方面取得了进步,可提供出色的语音,面部,行为和生物识别认证软件。 现在,您可以保护数字频道并改善平台的功能。

尾注 (Endnotes)

It appears that life for programmers in 2020 will become less complicated as the pace of software development is likely to speed up. The available tools will become easier to use. Ultimately, this advancement will lead to creating a vibrant world heading into a new digital age.

似乎随着软件开发速度的加快,程序员在2020年的生活将不再那么复杂。 可用的工具将变得更易于使用。 最终,这种进步将导致创建一个充满活力的世界,进入新的数字时代。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/476308/


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