数字游戏开发 软件开发包_网站开发和数字营销的最新趋势

数字游戏开发 软件开发包

As the share of online shopping continues to grow, the amount companies spend on website development and digital marketing is increasing by around 30% year on year. Underlying this investment is the need to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive market. Companies are using their marketing budgets in a range of ways, from mobile websites to augmented shopping experiences. Here, we’ll look at some of the hottest trends currently having an impact.

随着在线购物份额的持续增长,公司在网站开发和数字营销上的支出同比增长了约30%。 这项投资的根本是需要在竞争日益激烈的市场中保持领先地位。 从移动网站到增强的购物体验,公司正在以各种方式使用其营销预算。 在这里,我们将看看目前正在产生影响的一些最热门趋势。

1. 数据知情策略 (1. Data-informed strategies)

Today, pretty much every major business decision makes use of data and this includes digital marketing plans. It is now commonplace for businesses to integrate market, competitor and customer data and use it to inform their marketing strategies, right down to how they design and manage their website. They use a wide range of data sources to achieve this, including data on online engagement, order fulfilment, purchase history and retail trends. 

如今,几乎每个主要业务决策都利用数据,其中包括数字营销计划。 现在,企业集成市场,竞争对手和客户数据,并使用它来告知其营销策略,甚至是如何设计和管理网站,这已成为家常便饭。 他们使用广泛的数据源来实现这一目标,包括有关在线参与,订单履行,购买历史和零售趋势的数据。

Integrating this data helps produce more innovative and highly targeted digital marketing strategies that are better able to achieve the specific goals of the organisation and which work best within its operational and financial constraints.


2. 行动优先网站 (2. Mobile-first websites)

Mobile-first websites are those where the main focus is on the mobile user rather than the computer user. Although this is something which has been pushed by Google and could be of benefit in SERPS ranking, the main reason for building websites for mobile devices is that people are shifting more towards them. In the UK, we already spend twice as much time, per day, using a smartphone to search the web than we do a laptop. This has, unsurprisingly, led to significant growth in the amount we spend when using our phones.

移动优先网站是那些主要关注移动用户而非计算机用户的网站。 尽管这是Google推动的事情,并且可能会有益于SERPS排名,但建立用于移动设备的网站的主要原因是人们越来越倾向于它们。 在英国,我们每天使用智能手机搜索网络的时间已经比笔记本电脑多两倍。 毫不奇怪,这导致我们在使用手机时花费的金额显着增长。

As this trend is set to continue, companies are investing more and more into providing better mobile-friendly sites. It is no longer good enough to simply use a responsive theme if all it does is rejig the layout of a computer-based website for display on a mobile phone. Instead, developers are being asked to produce flatter websites where all elements are more mobile-friendly and which are optimised for quick loading, regardless of the type of internet connection being used. These sites are often single page (using scrolling instead of page to page navigation), have minimalistic, grid or card style designs and feature fewer images.

随着这一趋势将持续下去,公司正在越来越多地投资于提供更好的移动友好型网站。 如果仅通过调整响应式主题(如果它所做的只是重新调整基于计算机的网站的布局以在手机上显示),就不再足够了。 取而代之的是,要求开发人员创建一个扁平的网站,其中所有元素都更加适合移动设备,并且针对快速加载进行了优化,而与使用的Internet连接类型无关。 这些站点通常是单页的(使用滚动而不是页面到页面的导航),具有简约的网格或卡片样式设计,并且图像较少。

3. 客户体验 (3. The customer-experience)

Business has become increasingly focused on pleasing the customer over the last few years and this means looking after them at all stages of their dealings with you. To do this, you’ll need to provide personalised experiences that are engaging, simple and rewarding. And more than ever, you’ll need to do this in a way which they find ethical.

在过去的几年中,业务越来越专注于取悦客户,这意味着在与您打交道的所有阶段都要照顾他们。 为此,您需要提供引人入胜,简单而有意义的个性化体验。 而且比以往任何时候,您都需要以他们认为符合道德的方式来做到这一点。

This means providing them with tailored content and products, giving them all the information they want in the most accessible of ways (think online chat, FAQs, knowledge bases, how-to videos, etc.) making purchasing and the delivery of goods as simple and convenient as possible (e.g. next day delivery, in-store collection, local pick up points) and rewarding them with customised offers, loyalty bonuses and the like.


4.全渠道营销内容 (4. Omnichannel marketing content)

Content marketing has become an indispensable element of today’s successful digital marketing strategy. However, in the same way that customer choice has pushed for omnichannel shopping, content marketing strategies must also make use of the wide range of channels that audiences frequent. This means more than simply putting the same information on Facebook and Instagram, it requires a strategy that coordinates content in a way that is consistent, integrated and, above all, seamless across the devices and channels your customers like to use.

内容营销已成为当今成功的数字营销策略不可或缺的元素。 但是,就像客户选择推动全渠道购物一样,内容营销策略也必须利用受众经常访问的广泛渠道。 这意味着不仅要在Facebook和Instagram上发布相同的信息,还需要一种策略,该策略以一致,集成且最重要的是跨客户喜欢的设备和渠道无缝地协调内容。

5. 建立信任 (5. Building trust )

Modern, highly literate consumers are far less taken in by advertising than they used to be. Every schoolchild is taught the techniques of writing persuasively and so understands the nuances of an advert. Today, therefore, ads are no longer taken at face value and customers are looking for additional social proof before they purchase. This comes in the form of recommendations or social likes by people they know, online customer reviews, independent professional reviews, influencer recommendations and products or services which are featured on reputable sites.

现代,文化程度高的消费者比以前更不受广告的吸引。 每个小学生都被教导说服力的写作技巧,因此了解广告的细微差别。 因此,如今,广告已不再是一无是处,并且客户在购买前还需要其他社会证明。 这是以他们认识的人的推荐或社会喜欢,在线客户评论,独立专业评论,影响者推荐以及知名网站上推荐的产品或服务的形式出现的。

Rather than focus your marketing budget totally on promoting your own company directly to your audience, today, it is important to get others to promote you too. This means building partnerships with other customers, influencers and media organisations and enabling customer reviews about your products or about your business itself.

如今,与其将营销预算完全专注于直接向受众推广自己的公司,不如让其他人也来提升您的地位很重要。 这意味着与其他客户,影响者和媒体组织建立合作伙伴关系,并使客户能够对您的产品或业务本身进行评论。

6. 增强现实的兴起 (6. The rise of augmented reality)

Augmented reality has been around for a few years and is beginning to take off in a big way. Essentially, it is a way to use digital technology to provide additional value to customers. For example, there are now apps or website platforms that let customers try products on before they make online purchases. One well-known UK optician has recently put augmented reality to good use by enabling customers to see what their spectacles will look like on their face. Before this, customers had to visit the shop before making a purchase decision, now they can do it online. Estate agents also use augmented reality to give home hunters a virtual tour of a house. No longer relying simply on photos, searchers are given a much-improved understanding of the home’s interior. In this way, those that do go for an on-site visit are already more inclined to put in an offer.

增强现实已经存在了几年,并且已经开始以巨大的方式起飞。 本质上,这是一种使用数字技术为客户提供附加价值的方法。 例如,现在有应用程序或网站平台可让客户在进行在线购买之前先试用产品。 英国一位著名眼镜商最近通过使顾客看到他们的眼镜在他们的脸上是什么样子来充分利用增强现实技术。 在此之前,客户必须先访问商店才能做出购买决定,现在他们可以在线进行购买。 房地产经纪人还使用增强现实技术为房屋猎人提供房屋的虚拟参观。 不再仅仅依靠照片,搜索者对房屋内部的了解有了很大的提高。 这样,那些进行现场拜访的人就已经更愿意提出要约了。

结论 (Conclusion)

There are many factors influencing how businesses are updating their websites and digital marketing strategies, from advances in technology to shifting patterns in customers’ expectations and browsing behaviours. Hopefully, this post will have shown you what these influences are and the reasons why the trends mentioned here are having such an impact.

从技术进步到客户期望和浏览方式的转变,有许多因素会影响企业如何更新其网站和数字营销策略。 希望这篇文章将向您展示这些影响是什么以及这里提到的趋势产生如此影响的原因。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/latest-trends-in-website-development-and-digital-marketing/

数字游戏开发 软件开发包





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