

Here’s a question for you: what’s the first thing any visitor notices on your website? Your header? Your logo? Your headline? The answer is none of these; it’s your loading time. Before a visitor sees any of your content, they’ll watch your website load. The expectation is that this will happen almost instantaneously. If it doesn’t, they’ll start to leave and this will impact on your conversion rates. But there are other reasons why a slow loading site causes problems: it increases your bounce rate, it makes your site harder to crawl, it gives a poorer experience for your visitor and, perhaps most crucially, it lowers your ranking on search engines. In this post, we’ll look at the importance of site speed for your website.

这是给您的一个问题:访问者在您的网站上注意到的第一件事是什么? 您的标题? 您的徽标? 您的标题? 答案不是这些。 这是您的加载时间。 在访问者看到您的任何内容之前,他们将监视您的网站负载。 期望这几乎是瞬间发生的。 如果没有,他们将开始离开,这将影响您的转化率。 但是加载缓慢的网站还会导致问题的其他原因:它增加了跳出率,使您的网站难以爬网,给访问者带来了较差的体验,而且也许最关键的是,它降低了您在搜索引擎上的排名。 在本文中,我们将探讨网站速度对您的网站的重要性。

1. Google使用网站速度作为排名因素 (1. Google uses site speed as a ranking factor)

Google’s mission to provide users with the best possible search results means it is actively demoting slow loading websites. It doesn’t consider it good business to send visitors to websites that take too long to load as it reflects badly on itself. So, even if your content is great, your ranking in search results can still suffer. And this means less traffic and fewer sales.

Google的使命是为用户提供最佳的搜索结果,这意味着它正在积极降级加载缓慢的网站。 将访问者引导到加载时间太长的网站上并不是很好的业务,因为它对自身的反映很差。 因此,即使您的内容很棒,您在搜索结果中的排名仍然会受到影响。 这意味着更少的流量和更少的销售。

What’s more, this applies to searches done on mobiles as well as on computers, so if your desktop site runs fine but your mobile site is sluggish, you’re still going to rank lower.


2.网站速度会影响搜索引擎的爬网 (2. Site speed affects search engine crawling)

If you want all your content to be searchable on the internet, search engines have to discover what’s there. This is done through what is known as site crawling, where a search bot will go to your homepage and follow all the links until it has made an inventory of every page it can find. These pages and their content are then indexed so they can be searched for.

如果您想在互联网上搜索所有内容,则搜索引擎必须发现其中的内容。 这是通过所谓的网站爬网完成的,在该网站中,搜索引擎将转到您的主页并跟踪所有链接,直到对可以找到的每个页面进行了清点。 然后将这些页面及其内容编入索引,以便对其进行搜索。

When undertaking a crawl, a search engine needs to send requests to your server to receive information about your content. However, as each request uses up a part of your server’s resources, search engines are reluctant to send too many in case they slow your website down for genuine visitors. If your loading times are slow or you have a poor server response time, then, to prevent overburdening your website, search engines will crawl fewer pages. As a result, not all your pages may get indexed or updates to existing pages may not get noticed.

进行爬网时,搜索引擎需要将请求发送到服务器,以接收有关您的内容的信息。 但是,由于每个请求都占用了服务器资源的一部分,因此搜索引擎不愿发送太多请求,以防它们拖慢了网站的访问速度。 如果您的加载时间很慢或服务器响应时间很短,那么为防止网站负担过多,搜索引擎将抓取更少的页面。 因此,并非您的所有页面都可能被索引,或者对现有页面的更新可能不会引起注意。

This should not be a big problem for small websites, however, if you have a large website that is constantly adding new content or if you have a significant amount of older content, it could be an issue. One way to improve crawling efficiency is to improve your site structure. Delete outdated content, eradicate any broken links, put in redirects where necessary and tidy up your menus and categories.  This will cut down on the amount of unnecessary crawling a search engine has to do, so it can focus on the content that counts.

对于小型网站来说,这应该不是什么大问题,但是,如果您的大型网站会不断添加新内容,或者您​​有大量的旧内容,则可能会遇到问题。 提高爬网效率的一种方法是改善网站结构。 删除过时的内容,消除所有断开的链接,在必要时进行重定向,并整理菜单和类别。 这将减少搜索引擎必须进行的不必要爬网的数量,因此它可以专注于重要的内容。

3.更快的网站具有更高的转化率 (3. Faster sites have higher conversion rates)

While studies into the effects of site speed have come up with different figures, they all agree on one thing: the faster a website, the higher its conversion rates. HubSpot looked at 12 different case studies and showed that a 1 second delay in loading times reduces conversion and revenue by 7% and page views by 11%. Similar results were shown for bounce rates: the faster the loading times, the lower the rate. A page that loaded in 9.9 seconds had a 58% bounce rate, compared to 12.8% for a page that loaded in 2.4 seconds.

尽管对网站速度影响的研究得出了不同的数字,但他们都同意一件事:网站越快,其转化率就越高。 HubSpot研究了12个不同的案例研究 ,结果表明,加载时间延迟1秒会使转换和收入减少7%,页面浏览量减少11%。 对于跳动速率也显示了类似的结果:加载时间越快,速率越低。 加载9.9秒的页面的跳出率为58%,而加载2.4秒的页面的跳出率为12.8%。

This goes to show that even the smallest delay can impact your bottom line. Quite simply, the longer people have to wait, the fewer of them are going to stick around all the way to the checkout. To grab those sales and remain competitive, you have to have a website that loads faster than your competitors.

这表明即使最小的延迟也会影响您的利润。 很简单,人们需要等待的时间越长,一路走到结账的人数就越少。 为了抢占这些销售额并保持竞争力,您必须拥有一个比竞争对手更快加载的网站。

4.更快的网站等于更快乐的用户 (4. A faster website equals happier users)

If you want visitors to stick around until they purchase something, you have to provide them with a great experience. This is especially so if you want to retain those customers over the long term. Studies have shown that site speed is an integral part of creating a good user experience – this is why Google places so much importance on it when ranking sites. The statistics for conversion rates and bounce rates back this up.

如果您希望访客在购买之前一直坚持下去,则必须为他们提供出色的体验。 如果要长期保留这些客户,尤其如此。 研究表明,网站速度是创造良好用户体验不可或缺的一部分-这就是为什么Google在对网站进行排名时非常重视它。 转化率和跳出率的统计数据支持这一点。

If you want to improve your brand reputation and increase customer loyalty, making your website faster should be one of the things that you consistently try to achieve.


如何提高网站速度 (How to improve your site speed)

The first stage for anyone wanting to make their site faster is to discover its current desktop and mobile loading times and to find out where improvements need to be made. You can find this out easily by using the free Google PageSpeed Insights Tool. Just type in your URL and it will give your site marks out of 100 for its desktop and mobile loading times. The higher the mark, the better. Of more value, it will also identify the issues which are causing your loading times to be slow and provide you with a list of modifications that can make it load even quicker. These will include things such as caching, compression and image optimisation.

任何想要使其站点速度更快的人的第一步是发现其当前的桌面和移动设备加载时间,并找出需要改进的地方。 您可以使用免费的Google PageSpeed Insights工具轻松找到答案 。 只要输入您的URL,它将为您的网站在桌面和移动设备上的加载时间打出100分。 标记越高,越好。 更有价值的是,它还将识别导致加载时间变慢的问题,并为您提供可以使其加载更快的修改列表。 这些将包括诸如缓存,压缩和图像优化之类的内容。

Another issue which can affect your loading times is the performance of your web server. This can be due to your host using slower hardware or not configuring the server for optimum speed. For those on a shared hosting plan, it can also be due to other users hogging all the server resources and your host not dealing with the matter.

另一个可能影响您的加载时间的问题是Web服务器的性能。 这可能是由于您的主机使用了较慢的硬件,或者未配置服务器以获得最佳速度。 对于那些采用共享主机计划的用户,也可能是由于其他用户占用了所有服务器资源,而您的主机没有处理此事。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see, slow loading speeds can affect your site in all kinds of ways: lowing search engine ranking, preventing pages from being indexed, reducing conversion rates and revenue, and negatively impacting the user experience. Hopefully, the information provided here will help you check your own site speed and put measures in place to make it load faster.

如您所见,缓慢的加载速度可能以各种方式影响您的网站:降低搜索引擎排名,阻止页面被索引,降低转换率和收入以及对用户体验产生负面影响。 希望这里提供的信息将帮助您检查自己的站点速度,并采取适当的措施使其加载速度更快。

If you are looking for hosting that can improve your loading times, consider upgrading from your shared hosting package to one of our affordable, high-performance VPS solutions.








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