


Multi cloud computing, where multiple cloud services are put to use to create a single overarching infrastructure, is becoming increasingly popular amongst larger enterprises. Many companies already use more than one cloud provider and over 30% of them use upwards of four. By the end of the decade, it is believed nearly all enterprises will have adopted a multi cloud strategy of some kind, as it gives them greater flexibility and even more potential for rapid innovation and deployment.

在大型企业中,使用多种云服务来创建单个总体基础架构的多云计算正变得越来越流行。 许多公司已经使用了不止一个云提供商,其中超过30%的公司使用了四个以上的云提供商。 到本十年末,人们相信几乎所有企业都将采用某种多云战略,因为它为他们提供了更大的灵活性,并为快速创新和部署提供了更大的潜力。

However, with other possible options available, such as developing a hybrid cloud infrastructure, it is important that those who make the decisions are fully aware of the advantages and disadvantages of adopting a multi cloud strategy and in this post, we seek to highlight what these are.


多云的优势 (The advantages of multi cloud)

By far the main benefit of creating a multi-cloud infrastructure is that it provides enterprises with the flexibility needed to innovate at speed. The reason for this is that it doesn’t tie them to the specific set of services provided by individual cloud providers. As a result, the way an enterprise chooses to innovate its own applications and services is not restricted by the limitations of a single host.

到目前为止,创建多云基础架构的主要好处是,它可以为企业提供快速创新所需的灵活性。 这样做的原因是,它没有将它们与单个云提供商提供的特定服务集合联系在一起。 因此,企业选择创新自己的应用程序和服务的方式不受单个主机的限制。

If a company relies on a single host, it may find it is adequate for the vast majority of its needs. However, if using that host means the company needs to make compromises on development then its innovations may end up being curtailed. Rather than go through the trauma of migrating all its services to another host that can help it innovate in the way it wants to, multi cloud enables it to run different services with different providers, each one offering the most advantageous platform for its specific workload. In this way, a multi cloud infrastructure is the best solution for developers looking for platforms that meet the specific needs of individual applications or services.

如果一家公司依靠单个主机,则可能会满足其绝大多数需求。 但是,如果使用该主机意味着公司需要在发展上做出让步,那么其创新可能最终会受到限制。 多云不再让所有服务迁移到另一台主机上来帮助其以自己想要的方式进行创新的痛苦,而是使它能够与不同的提供商一起运行不同的服务,每个提供商都为其特定工作负载提供了最有利的平台。 这样,对于寻求满足单个应用程序或服务的特定需求的平台的开发人员而言,多云基础架构是最佳解决方案。

One example of this could be with GDPR compliance. An enterprise that uses cloud services based outside of the EU might find it easier to comply with GDPR if it used an EU based provider for the storage and processing of data pertaining to EU citizens.  Another example is with performance. Using a cloud provider with a datacentre in a particular geographical location could improve performance within that region simply because of its proximity to users.

其中一个例子可能是符合GDPR。 如果企业使用基于欧盟的提供商来存储和处理与欧盟公民有关的数据,则使用基于欧盟以外的云服务的企业可能会发现更容易遵守GDPR。 另一个例子是性能。 仅将云提供商与特定地理位置的数据中心一起使用可以提高该区域内的性能,这仅仅是因为它与用户的距离很近。

Another advantage of multi cloud is its ability to cut storage costs. Despite the price of data storage coming down, the ever-increasing volumes of data being collected means enterprises are still spending significant amounts on storage. However, the competition between providers that forces prices down means that those with multi cloud infrastructures can easily shift their data to the cheapest provider whenever prices change.

多云的另一个优势是它可以降低存储成本。 尽管数据存储价格下降,但是收集的数据量不断增加,这意味着企业仍在存储上花费大量资金。 但是,提供商之间的竞争迫使价格下跌,这意味着具有多云基础设施的提供商可以在价格变化时轻松地将其数据转移到最便宜的提供商。

The final benefit of a multi cloud strategy is that it reduces the potential for vendor lock-in. The main risk here is that an enterprise can become dependent on the technology employed by a particular provider. However, by making the appropriate choices when developing an infrastructure and finding another provider where a compatible, redundant platform can be created, this can be overcome.

多云策略的最终好处是它减少了供应商锁定的可能性。 这里的主要风险是企业可能变得依赖于特定提供商所采用的技术。 但是,通过在开发基础结构时找到适当的选择并找到可以创建兼容的冗余平台的其他提供商,可以克服这一点。

多云的缺点 (The disadvantages of multi cloud)

The obvious disadvantage of using a multi cloud infrastructure is that the wider the range of cloud services an enterprise uses, the more complex it gets to manage. Failure to manage the system adequately can increase the costs of using such a system and could affect business agility.

使用多云基础架构的明显缺点是,企业使用的云服务范围越广,管理起来就越复杂。 无法充分管理系统可能会增加使用该系统的成本,并可能影响业务敏捷性。

One critical area which needs to be managed effectively is security and a multi cloud strategy can make this more challenging. By using a variety of public cloud services, the line of defence runs across more than one single provider, so it is essential that robustly secure networking and security measures are put in place. Areas which need close scrutiny include finding ways to monitor across different cloud platforms and ensuring that governance is comprehensive and robust.

安全性是需要有效管理的一个关键领域,而多云策略可以使这一挑战更具挑战性。 通过使用各种公共云服务,防线可跨越一个以上的提供商,因此,至关重要的是必须采取稳健的网络和安全措施。 需要仔细审查的领域包括找到跨不同云平台进行监视的方法,并确保治理全面而强大。

A final issue with multi cloud is how to manage redundancy and high availability effectively and efficiently when using more than one provider. In instances where this is not efficiently managed, there can be the potential for financial wastage.

多云的最后一个问题是当使用多个提供商时如何有效地管理冗余和高可用性。 在无法有效管理的情况下,可能会造成财务浪费。

结论 (Conclusion)

While multi cloud infrastructures are more complex and provide a bigger challenge for management, they do offer significant benefits. In a market where everyone is utilising technology to outpace their competitors, the need to innovate and deploy quickly can be the difference between survival and going under. A multi cloud infrastructure enables enterprises to remain a force to be reckoned with, providing the essential flexibility that is so crucial for rapid innovation.

尽管多云基础架构更加复杂,并为管理带来了更大的挑战,但它们确实提供了巨大的好处。 在每个人都在利用技术超越竞争对手的市场中,快速创新和部署的需求可能是生存与失败之间的区别。 多云基础架构使企业仍然是不可忽视的力量,提供了对于快速创新至关重要的基本灵活性。

If you are looking for service providers for your multi cloud infrastructure, check out our range of cloud solutions.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-multi-cloud-computing/






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