

Shared hosting is the most affordable way to get your website online. However, whilst it’s cheaper than VPS, dedicated server and cloud hosting, that doesn’t mean you should accept bargain basement resources and features. Unfortunately, many people don’t fully understand what to look for when choosing a shared hosting package and can end up with very poor service. To help, we’ve put forward this straightforward guide to help you out.

共享主机是使您的网站在线的最经济的方式。 但是,尽管它比VPS,专用服务器和云托管便宜,但这并不意味着您应该接受廉价的地下资源和功能。 不幸的是,许多人并不完全了解选择共享主机软件包时要寻找的内容,并且最终会获得非常差的服务。 为了帮助您,我们提出了这个简单易懂的指南来帮助您。

1.       Hosting Operating System: Linux or Windows

1。        主机操作系统:Linux或Windows

Many people often think that because they use Windows as an operating system for their home computers, that this is what they should use on for their websites. In reality, the vast majority of websites are run on Linux servers. If you are going to use software like WordPress, Magenta, Joomla, etc, to build your site, Linux is the option you should really go for.

许多人经常认为,因为他们将Windows用作家用计算机的操作系统,所以这是他们应在其网站上使用的操作系统。 实际上,绝大多数网站都在Linux服务器上运行。 如果您打算使用WordPress,Magenta,Joomla等软件来构建您的网站,则应该选择Linux。

Check the software program you intend to use before picking Linux or Windows. You won’t really have a choice; in most cases, the software will dictate the operating system you need.

在选择Linux或Windows之前,请检查要使用的软件程序。 您将别无选择。 在大多数情况下,该软件将决定您需要的操作系统。

2.       How many websites do you intend to have?

2。        您打算拥有几个网站?

While most people only want to run one website, some people, such as online marketers, want to run several. If this is the case, be aware that some shared hosting packages set an upper limit on the number of websites you can host. This is often done through limiting the number of databases you can set up (you’ll need a separate database for each website).  At eUKhost for example, our Basic Plan lets you create 10 websites, however, for a few pounds more a month, our Advanced Plan lets you have unlimited sites.

虽然大多数人只想经营一个网站,但有些人(例如在线营销商)却想经营多个网站。 在这种情况下,请注意,某些共享的托管程序包对您可以托管的网站数量设置了上限。 通常,这是通过限制可以设置的数据库数量来完成的(每个网站都需要一个单独的数据库)。 例如,在eUKhost,我们的基本计划可让您创建10个网站,但是,每月增加几英镑,我们的高级计划可让您拥有无限的网站。

3.       How much storage space do you need?

3。        您需要多少存储空间?

You’ll also need to have an idea of how much space you’ll need to store all your website’s software, files and images. Most websites don’t actually need that much space. Compared to software run on your computer, the programs needed for running websites are quite small and the size of the web pages are usually very small too. Often the biggest files you’ll need are images and videos.

您还需要了解存储所有网站软件,文件和图像所需的空间。 大多数网站实际上并不需要那么多空间。 与在计算机上运行的软件相比,运行网站所需的程序非常小,并且网页的大小通常也非常小。 通常,您需要的最大文件是图像和视频。

If you want to run multiple websites or eCommerce sites with thousands of images, then you might need more storage space.


For small websites, 2GB of storage will be more than ample for your needs. However, packages offering up to 20GB are available, and these can easily cater for many websites and vast quantities of data.

对于小型网站,2GB的存储空间将足以满足您的需求。 但是,可以提供高达20GB的软件包,这些软件包可以轻松满足许多网站和大量数据的需求。

Do be aware of companies that put restrictions on the number of files you can store. This can be a hidden way of limiting the space you use.

请注意,哪些公司限制了您可以存储的文件数量。 这可能是限制使用空间的隐藏方法。

4.       Always choose unmetered bandwidth

4。        始终选择不限带宽

Bandwidth is the term used to describe the amount of data that your website sends and receives. If you are given a monthly bandwidth quota, remember that every time someone visits a page of your website some of your bandwidth will be used up. This is also true if someone clicks on an image to view it in full size, streams a video stored on your site, fills in a form or carries out any other operation.

带宽是一个术语,用于描述您的网站发送和接收的数据量。 如果您每月获得带宽配额,请记住,每次有人访问您的网站页面时,您的带宽都会用尽。 如果有人单击图像以全尺寸查看图像,流式传输存储在您网站上的视频,填写表格或执行其他任何操作,也是如此。

Although each of these actions will only use up a small amount of bandwidth (except video streaming), if you have a lot of visitors, those small amounts soon add up. This means, if you reach your bandwidth limit in any particular billing period, your website will go offline until the next billing period commences.

尽管上述每个操作只会占用少量带宽(视频流除外),但是如果您有很多访问者,这些少量内容很快就会加起来。 这意味着,如果您在任何特定的计费周期内都达到带宽限制,则您的网站将离线,直到下一个计费周期开始。

To avoid this, choose a hosting package that offers unmetered bandwidth. This means you can have as many visitors as you like without having to worry. At eUKhost, all our shared packages offer unmetered bandwidth.

为避免这种情况,请选择提供不限带宽的主机软件包。 这意味着您可以拥有任意数量的访客,而不必担心。 在eUKhost,我们所有共享软件包均提供不限带宽。

5.       Go for great performance

5,        追求卓越性能

Whilst there are many factors that can determine the speed of your website (the number of plugins you use, the size of each page, etc.) one of the crucial factors is the type of web server your website is hosted on. Make sure your host uses the latest hardware that will give you all the computing resources your site will need to run its processes. This will help your site load quickly on your visitors’ computers and mobile devices.

尽管有很多因素可以决定网站的速度(您使用的插件数量,每个页面的大小等),但至关重要的因素之一是网站托管的Web服务器的类型。 确保主机使用最新的硬件,它将为您提供站点运行其进程所需的所有计算资源。 这将帮助您的网站在访问者的计算机和移动设备上快速加载。

A one second delay in loading can force customers to leave and reduce sales by 7%. So, it is important that you look carefully at what technology your host uses. At eUKhost, all our shared hosting is run on the latest, high-performance Dell PowerEdge hardware – and we upgrade regularly.

一秒钟的加载延迟会迫使客户离开,并将销售减少7%。 因此,务必仔细查看主机使用的技术。 在eUKhost,我们所有的共享主机都在最新的高性能Dell PowerEdge硬件上运行-我们会定期进行升级。

6.       Look for a user-friendly admin panel

6。        寻找一个用户友好的管理面板

Administering your website should be an easy and intuitive process and this is best done by having a control panel which has a user-friendly interface. When this occurs, things like installing a new website, updating software, adding extensions and taking care of your account, are simple and easy to do.

管理您的网站应该是一个简单而直观的过程,最好是通过一个具有易于使用的界面的控制面板来完成。 发生这种情况时,安装新网站,更新软件,添加扩展名和照顾您的帐户等事情就变得简单容易。

The most user-friendly control panel for shared hosting is cPanel which is used by many web hosts. However, you should also make sure that your web host is fully trained in using cPanel so that it can deal with any issues which may arise. At eUKhost, not only are we a certified cPanel provider, we are also the world’s leading company when it comes to cPanel expertise. We top the cPanel University leaderboard for the number of exams taken and the number passed.

用于共享主机的最用户友好的控制面板是cPanel,许多Web主机都使用cPanel。 但是,您还应该确保您的Web主机在使用cPanel方面经过充分培训,以便可以处理可能出现的任何问题。 在eUKhost上,我们不仅是经过认证的cPanel提供商,而且在cPanel专业知识方面我们还是全球领先的公司 。 我们将cPanel大学排行榜列为参加考试和通过人数的最高数字。

7.       Security features

7        安全功能

The last thing you want is your website to get hacked or infected. When looking for a shared hosting provider, you should choose one which offers you a range of security features that will keep your site protected. You need a host that can provide intrusion detection, firewalls, SSL certificates (for encrypting your customers’ payment information), email scanning, spam filtering and, in case the worst happens, remote backups so your site can be quickly restored.

您想要的最后一件事是您的网站被黑或被感染。 在寻找共享主机提供商时,您应该选择一种可以为您提供一系列安全功能的软件,以保护您的网站。 您需要一个主机,该主机可以提供入侵检测,防火墙,SSL证书(用于加密客户的付款信息),电子邮件扫描,垃圾邮件过滤以及(如果发生最坏情况的话)远程备份,以便可以快速恢复您的站点。

8.       A host that stays online

8。        保持在线状态的主机

Once your website is up and running, you don’t want a web host that keeps letting it go offline. It gives your site a bad reputation, loses visitors and can even cost you in lost sales. For that reason, look for a web host that can ensure your site will always be available. For shared hosting, you should make sure that a host offers uptime of 99.9% or more.

网站启动并运行后,您就不再需要让其保持脱机状态的虚拟主机。 它给您的网站带来不良声誉,失去访问者,甚至可能使您损失销售。 因此,请寻找可确保您的网站始终可用的虚拟主机。 对于共享主机,您应确保主机提供99.9%或更高的正常运行时间。

9.       Additional features

9。        附加功能

In addition to the features mentioned above, a good web host will provide you with the following services on your shared hosting account: unlimited email accounts, using your websites domain name (e.g. [email protected]); 24/7 technical support via phone, email and live chat, so that you get expert help whenever you require it in a way that is convenient for you; and a ‘no minimum’ contract length, so that you are not tied in should you decide to leave.

除了上述功能外,好的网络托管服务商还可以在您的共享托管帐户上为您提供以下服务:无限的电子邮件帐户,使用您的网站域名(例如[受电子邮件保护] ); 通过电话,电子邮件和实时聊天提供24/7技术支持,以便您在需要时以方便的方式获得专家帮助; 以及“无最小”合约期限,因此您决定离开时不会受到束缚。



A website can stand or fall depending on the quality of the hosting you choose, so it is important to choose wisely and consider the benefits and features of each package. Hopefully, this article will have shown you the key features you should look for when choosing shared hosting.

一个网站的成立与否取决于您选择的托管服务器的质量,因此,明智地选择并考虑每个软件包的优点和功能很重要。 希望本文将向您展示选择共享主机时应寻找的主要功能。

If you are looking for shared hosting that provides all the features recommended in this post, take a look at our range of shared cPanel packages.



翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-to-look-for-in-a-shared-hosting-package/


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