

If you are just beginning the process of finding a host for your website, you’ll probably be going through a steep learning curve when it comes to understanding all the jargon you need to know. To make things easier, we’ve put together a glossary of important web hosting terms that we think every website owner needs to know. We hope you find them useful.

如果您刚刚开始为网站寻找主机的过程,那么在理解您需要了解的所有术语时,您可能会经历陡峭的学习过程。 为了使事情变得简单,我们整理了重要的网络托管术语词汇表,我们认为每个网站所有者都需要了解这些术语。 我们希望您发现它们有用。

1. Web Host


A web host, such as eUKhost, is a company that provides customers with the resources they need to broadcast their website over the internet. They provide the servers and software needed to achieve this and rent out space on those servers where clients can store their website files.

网络托管服务商,例如eUKhost,是一家为客户提供通过互联网广播其网站所需的资源的公司。 他们提供了实现此目标所需的服务器和软件,并在客户端可以用来存储其网站文件的那些服务器上出租了空间。

Web hosts also maintain their servers, keeping them up to date, optimised for best performance and secure from hackers and viruses. In addition, they also provide a range of other essential services, such as email hosting and backups.

Web主机还维护其服务器,使其保持最新状态,并针对最佳性能进行了优化,并免受黑客和病毒的攻击。 此外,他们还提供一系列其他基本服务,例如电子邮件托管和备份。

2. Server


A server is a computer that is set up to deliver web pages to people’s browsers. It does this by using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to send the files needed to form a web page when someone clicks on a link or types an address in a browser. When you run a website, the files you use to create it are stored on a server so they can be accessed over the internet.

服务器是指将网页传递到人们的浏览器的计算机。 当有人单击链接或在浏览器中键入地址时,它通过使用HTTP(超文本传输​​协议)来发送形成网页所需的文件来执行此操作。 运行网站时,用于创建网站的文件存储在服务器上,因此可以通过Internet访问它们。

3. Linux Server

3. Linux服务器

A Linux server is one which runs on Linux operating system software. Linux is the most common OS used on servers and most websites will be run on Linux servers. One of the reasons for its popularity is because Linux is compatible with many apps needed to run websites.

Linux服务器是在Linux操作系统软件上运行的服务器。 Linux是服务器上最常用的操作系统,大多数网站都将在Linux服务器上运行。 其受欢迎的原因之一是因为Linux与运行网站所需的许多应用程序兼容。

4. Windows Server

4. Windows服务器

A Windows server runs on a Microsoft Windows operating system. Websites may need to use this type of server if they want to utilise some of the features of Windows. However, this means they might be restricted in some of the other website software they use too. Windows servers tend to be more expensive than Linux ones.

Windows服务器在Microsoft Windows操作系统上运行。 如果网站想利用Windows的某些功能,则可能需要使用这种类型的服务器。 但是,这意味着它们也可能会受到他们使用的某些其他网站软件的限制。 Windows服务器往往比Linux服务器贵。

5. Shared hosting


Shared hosting is the most affordable hosting solution available to website owners and is ideal for small websites and personal blogs. It is called shared hosting because many different user accounts are hosted on the hard drive of one physical server and they share all the resources of that server, e.g., memory, CPU and bandwidth.

共享托管是网站所有者可获得的最负担得起的托管解决方案,是小型网站和个人博客的理想选择。 之所以称为共享托管,是因为许多不同的用户帐户托管在一个物理服务器的硬盘驱动器上,并且它们共享该服务器的所有资源,例如内存,CPU和带宽。

6. VPS hosting

6. VPS托管

The next step up from shared hosting, a VPS or Virtual Private Server is a single physical server on which several smaller, virtual servers have been created. Whilst you still share the underlying hardware with other users, your VPS is totally independent of the other VPS on the server. This means you have more resources at your disposal and much greater freedom over the software you can install and how you configure your virtual server.

从共享主机下一步,VPS或虚拟专用服务器是单个物理服务器,在其上已创建了几个较小的虚拟服务器。 尽管您仍与其他用户共享基础硬件,但您的VPS完全独立于服务器上的其他VPS。 这意味着您拥有更多的可用资源,并且可以自由安装软件以及配置虚拟服务器的方式。

7. Dedicated server hosting


When you purchase dedicated server hosting, you have an entire server for your own requirements and can install and run any application you need to run your business. You also have some choice over the hardware specification you need and how it is configured. Dedicated servers have very large storage space and offer massive resources. This makes them expensive to run – however, only those who run very big and busy websites will need a dedicated server.

当购买专用服务器托管时,您将拥有一台完整的服务器来满足自己的需求,并且可以安装和运行运行业务所需的任何应用程序。 您还可以选择所需的硬件规格及其配置方式。 专用服务器具有非常大的存储空间并提供大量资源。 这使得它们的运行成本很高–但是,只有那些运行非常大且繁忙的网站的用户才需要专用的服务器。

8. Cloud hosting


Cloud hosting is where you run your website from the cloud. In other words, it is hosted on a virtual server which is housed on a network of physical servers rather than on a single physical or virtual server. Cloud hosting, like dedicated hosting, is best for bigger websites. It is especially helpful for those websites that have to cope with large fluctuations in traffic and need capacity to scale up and scale down the resources they need. Cloud lets website owners do this affordably by offering a pay as you go pricing option for using extended resources.

云托管是您从云上运行网站的地方。 换句话说,它托管在虚拟服务器上,该虚拟服务器位于物理服务器网络上,而不是单个物理或虚拟服务器上。 与专用托管一样,云托管最适合大型网站。 对于那些必须应对流量的巨大波动并且需要有能力扩展和缩减所需资源的网站而言,这特别有用。 Cloud通过提供使用扩展资源的随用随付定价选项,使网站所有者能够以负担得起的价格进行此操作。

9. Domain name


A domain name is what most people refer to as the website name. eUKhost’s domain name is eUKhost.com. Domain names are a combination of two elements: the actual name ‘eUKhost’ and the extension, ‘.com’. Provided the name you want has not already been registered, you can use virtually any name you wish (there are some exceptions).

域名是大多数人所说的网站名称。 eUKhost的域名是eUKhost.com。 域名是两个元素的组合:实际名称“ eUKhost”和扩展名“ .com”。 如果您想要的名称尚未注册,则几乎可以使用您想要的任何名称(有一些例外)。

As for extensions, there is now a wide range to choose from. These are used to help categorise your website. For example, .com refers to a commercial business, .org is used by non-profit organisations, .edu is for education establishments, .co.uk is used by UK businesses, etc. You should choose the one that is most appropriate for your website.

至于扩展,现在有多种选择。 这些用于帮助您对网站进行分类。 例如,.com是指商业企业,.org用于非营利组织,.edu用于教育机构,.co.uk用于英国企业,等等。您应该选择最适合你的网页。

10. URL


URL, which stands for ‘uniform resource locator’, is essentially a web address. This is what you click on or type into a search engine to open a web page in your browser. Each page, post and image on your website has its own URL. For example, our homepage address is   https://www.eukhost.com/, our blog address is https://www.eukhost.com/blog and our logo image’s address is https://www.eukhost.com/img/header/logo4.png.

URL代表“统一资源定位器”,实际上是一个网址。 这是您单击或键入搜索引擎以在浏览器中打开网页的内容。 网站上的每个页面,帖子和图片都有自己的URL。 例如,我们的主页地址为https://www.eukhost.com/ ,博客地址为https://www.eukhost.com/blog ,徽标图像的地址为https://www.eukhost.com/img /header/logo4.png

11. IP address

11. IP地址

Besides having a URL address, all websites have an IP (Internet Protocol) address. This is a unique number (e.g. that is assigned to a device on a network. A URL cannot be understood by a computer, so when someone types one in a browser, it points to an IP address that computers can understand.

除了具有URL地址外,所有网站都具有IP(互联网协议)地址。 这是分配给网络上设备的唯一编号(例如91.103.208.163 )。 URL无法被计算机理解,因此当有人在浏览器中键入URL时,它指向计算机可以理解的IP地址。

12. DNS

12. DNS

DNS is the abbreviation for ‘domain name servers’. DNS is the link between the URL and the IP address. When you click on or type in a URL, the DNS finds the server that hosts the website you are searching for so it can be displayed in your browser.

DNS是“域名服务器”的缩写。 DNS是URL和IP地址之间的链接。 当您单击或键入URL时,DNS会找到托管您要搜索的网站的服务器,以便可以在浏览器中显示该服务器。

When you create your website, you will need to register your domain name. It makes things much easier if your domain registrar and your web host are the same company. However, it is possible to have them as separate entities.

创建网站时,您需要注册您的域名。 如果您的域名注册商和网络托管服务商是同一家公司,这将使事情变得容易得多。 但是,可以将它们作为单独的实体。



Hopefully, you’ll find these twelve definitions useful in helping you understand some of the more technical aspects of setting up your website and choosing a web host.


If you are considering setting up a website and are looking for an affordable web hosting plan that comes with a range of useful features and 24/7 technical support, check out our range of shared hosting packages.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/12-hosting-terms-every-website-owner-needs-to-know/


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