

Having a website is crucial in today’s market but without traffic it’s not going to turn your business into a success. In this article, were going to look at a range of ways you can promote your new website online and offline, in order to get as much traffic as possible.

在当今的市场中,拥有网站至关重要。但是,如果没有访问量,就无法使您的业务成功。 在本文中,我们将探讨可以在线和离线推广新网站的各种方式,以便获得尽可能多的访问量。

The first thing to remember is that, when it comes to driving traffic, you should never put all your eggs in one basket. If you focus too much on one method and it fails, you put all your traffic at risk. It’s always best to use as many promotional methods as is feasible.

首先要记住的是,在增加交通流量时,切勿将所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里。 如果您过多地专注于一种方法而失败了,则会使所有流量面临风险。 最好总是使用尽可能多的促销方法。

Here is our list of seven promotional techniques.



1.使您的网站在搜索引擎中排名 (1. Get your website ranking in search engines)

Search engine optimisation has to be number one on this list, simply because it has the potential to drive the biggest volume of traffic to your site. SEO requires you to use a range of techniques to make your website more search engine friendly. These include speeding up your site; ensuring that your site is well organised and easy to navigate; using keywords in your titles, subheadings and text; and writing content that others will link to.

搜索引擎优化必须在此列表中排名第一,仅因为它有可能为您的网站带来最大的流量。 SEO要求您使用多种技术来使您的网站对搜索引擎更友好。 这些措施包括加速您的网站; 确保您的网站井井有条,易于浏览; 在标题,副标题和文本中使用关键字; 并撰写其他人将链接到的内容。


SEO is not an easy task and it takes time to put everything into place. It can also be a job that needs constantly updating as search engines are continually changing the goal posts. However, once your website starts ranking for your keywords, you’ll find a significant increase in the number of people who visit your site.

SEO并非易事,将所有内容放置到位需要花费时间。 随着搜索引擎不断更改目标职位,这也可能是需要不断更新的工作。 但是,一旦您的网站开始为关键字排名,您会发现访问您网站的人数显着增加。


2.在社交媒体上推广您的网站 (2. Promote your site on social media)

Social media is another great way to promote your website and get people to visit. You can easily set up a business Facebook or Twitter account and create posts with links to your site. You can also use these to show images and videos of your products or services as well as offering discounts.

社交媒体是推广您的网站并吸引人们访问的另一种好方法。 您可以轻松地建立一个商业Facebook或Twitter帐户,并创建带有指向您网站链接的帖子。 您还可以使用它们来显示产品或服务的图像和视频以及提供折扣。

Social media sites are very useful for developing relationships with potential customers as you can interact with them directly. Businesses that do interact can grow their audience substantially.

社交媒体网站对于与潜在客户建立关系非常有用,因为您可以直接与他们互动。 进行互动的企业可以大幅增加其受众。

If you have a highly visual business, try using Pinterest or Instagram as these are good places for posting visually stimulating content.  If you are a B2B business, you should consider setting up an account on LinkedIn.

如果您的业务视觉效果很高,请尝试使用Pinterest或Instagram,因为它们是发布视觉刺激内容的好地方。 如果您是B2B企业,则应考虑在LinkedIn上设置一个帐户。

Social media is helpful because your posts can be promoted within the community. If someone likes what you publish, they can share it with their own friends and followers, helping you reach a wider audience and get even more visitors. For more information, read our post on how to set up a Facebook business page.

社交媒体很有用,因为您的帖子可以在社区内推广。 如果某人喜欢您发布的内容,他们可以与自己的朋友和关注者分享它,从而帮助您吸引更广泛的受众并吸引更多访问者。 有关更多信息,请阅读我们有关如何设置Facebook业务页面的文章


3.使用公司目录注册 (3. Sign up with a business directory)

We’ll start this section off with a disclaimer. Putting links to your website on some business directories can be bad for your SEO if the directory is seen as poor quality by search engines. Others, however, can be extremely helpful. If you create an account with Yell or Google My Business then you have a much greater chance of appearing in search engine results and being found when people visit the directories’ websites. Yell, for example, has nearly 18 million UK visitors a month.

我们将从免责声明开始本节。 如果搜索引擎认为目录的质量较差,则将网站链接放在某些业务目录上可能对SEO不利。 但是其他人可能会非常有帮助。 如果您使用YellGoogle我的商家创建帐户,那么您出现在搜索引擎结果中并在人们访问目录网站时被发现的可能性就更大。 例如,耶尔(Yell)每月有近1800万英国游客。


Different directories are helpful for different types of business. Google My Business, for example, is particularly useful for local businesses. It also allows you to post images and show customer reviews. Yell, is useful for local and online businesses. They do offer a free account, too.

不同的目录对不同类型的业务很有帮助。 例如,“ Google我的商家”对本地商家特别有用。 它还允许您发布图像并显示客户评论。 大喊,对于本地和在线业务很有用。 他们也提供免费帐户。


Just make sure you choose a reputable directory, preferably one which is established in your niche.  Avoid joining lots of different directories just to generate a lot of backlinks – this is what search engines don’t like.

只需确保选择一个信誉良好的目录,最好是在您的细分市场中建立的目录即可。 避免加入很多不同的目录只是为了产生大量的反向链接-这是搜索引擎不喜欢的。


4.通过电子邮件增加流量 (4. Drive traffic through email)

There are two ways you can use email to generate traffic. Firstly, you should make sure that every email you send has a simple website link included in your signature. This way, even non-promotional emails can be used to help people find a way to your site. People can copy and paste that link and share it with others, too.

您可以通过两种方式使用电子邮件生成流量。 首先,您应确保发送的每封电子邮件的签名中都包含一个简单的网站链接。 这样,甚至非促销电子邮件也可以用来帮助人们找到通往您网站的方法。 人们也可以复制并粘贴该链接,并与他人共享。

The second way to use email is to set up an email marketing campaign. By getting your existing visitors to sign up for your emails, you can send them future marketing emails with links to specific landing pages on your website. For more information, read our post 6 Useful Email Marketing Tips for Small Business.

使用电子邮件的第二种方法是设置电子邮件营销活动。 通过让现有访问者注册您的电子邮件,您可以向他们发送将来的营销电子邮件,其中包含指向您网站上特定登录页面的链接。 有关更多信息,请阅读我们的文章6小企业有用的电子邮件营销技巧


5.在线广告 (5. Online advertising)

Online advertising, such as the pay per click services offered by Google AdWords, can be a valuable source of traffic. The advertising providers post your adverts on search engine results and on the websites of participating publishers – this helps them be seen by lots of potential customers. The technology used by these companies ensures that only relevant people see your adverts and you only pay if they click on your advert.

在线广告,例如Google AdWords提供的按点击付费服务,可以成为有价值的流量来源。 广告提供商将您的广告发布在搜索引擎结果和参与发布者的网站上–这有助于它们被许多潜在客户看到。 这些公司使用的技术可确保只有相关人员才能看到您的广告,并且只有在他们点击您的广告时您才需要付费。


The downside to PPC advertising is that it can be expensive. It is so useful to businesses, that to get the best placed adverts, you may have to pay quite a lot of money for each click. You need to weigh up whether you will get enough ROI for this to be worthwhile before committing your finances. You can find that advertising on social media sites is less expensive.

PPC广告的缺点是价格昂贵。 它对企业非常有用,以至于要获得最佳展示位置的广告,您可能需要为每次点击支付大量费用。 在投入财务之前,您需要权衡是否会获得足够的ROI以使之值得。 您会发现在社交媒体网站上投放广告的费用较低。


6.将您的网址写在纸上 (6. Put your web address on paper)

Your website address should be on every piece of paper you give out. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a till receipt, a flyer, a letter or any other piece of communication.

您提供的每一张纸上都应该包含您的网站地址。 不管是收据,传单,信件还是其他通讯方式,都没有关系。


You should also create promotional material specially designed to get people to visit your site. For example, quite a lot of eBay sellers put little cards in their packaging with links to their website. They also include a discount code to incentivise visits. These methods are a great way to generate new and repeat business.

您还应该创建专门设计的促销材料,以使人们访问您的网站。 例如,很多eBay卖家将很少的卡片放在包装中,并带有指向其网站的链接。 它们还包括一个折扣代码以激励访问。 这些方法是产生新业务和重复业务的好方法。


7.显示您的网址 (7. Put your web address on display)

There are numerous ways to get your website address seen by lots of people. You can try any of the following if you find them appropriate for your business: t-shirts, car and van door stickers, shop window stickers, balloons, back of bus adverts, plastic and paper bag printing, keyrings, pens and pencils, shop signs, mugs… the list is enormous.

有很多方法可以让很多人看到您的网站地址。 如果发现它们适合您的业务,则可以尝试以下任何一种方法:T恤,汽车和货车门贴纸,商店橱窗贴纸,气球,公交车背面广告,塑料和纸袋印刷,钥匙圈,钢笔和铅笔,商店招牌,杯子……这个清单是巨大的。


You shouldn’t underestimate the potential that these methods have for generating traffic – they enable your website address to be seen by lots of people and are great for reminding people that your business is there.



结论 (Conclusion)

This post has covered a range of ways for new websites to promote themselves. Methods, such as search engine optimisation and social media are vital for online success and should be used by every business; other methods are optional and using them depends on the type of business you are. However, to succeed, especially in the early days of your business, you need to attract attention in as many ways as possible. Hopefully, this post will have given you a few valuable ideas.

这篇文章涵盖了新网站自我宣传的多种方式。 搜索引擎优化和社交媒体等方法对于在线成功至关重要,应被所有企业使用; 其他方法是可选的,使用它们取决于您所从事的业务类型。 但是,要取得成功(尤其是在业务发展初期),您需要以尽可能多的方式吸引注意力。 希望这篇文章能给您一些有价值的想法。


If you are thinking of setting up an online business, check out our range of hosting services. We offer secure hosting with guaranteed uptime and 24/7 technical support, all at affordable prices.

如果您打算建立在线业务,请查看我们的托管服务范围。 我们以可承受的价格为您提供安全的托管服务,并保证正常运行时间和24/7的技术支持。


For more information check out our business plans and dedicated WordPress hosting packages. Alternatively, if you want to create a business website without the need for coding skills, take a look at our easy to use Amazing.Website website builder.

有关更多信息,请查看我们的业务计划和专用的WordPress托管程序包。 另外,如果您想创建不需要编码技能的商业网站,请查看我们易于使用的Amazing.Website网站构建器。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/7-ways-to-promote-your-new-website-and-increase-traffic/






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