流量数据解决方案_网站没有获得任何流量或销售? 这是解决方案


There’s nothing worse than investing lots and time and effort into creating your new website only to find that hardly anyone visits and no one buys your products. It’s a common problem but, fortunately, one which can be turned around. In this post, we’ll look at the reasons for your lack of visitors and sales and show you how to increase both.

没有比投入大量时间和精力来创建新网站更糟糕的是,发现几乎没有人访问并且没有人购买您的产品。 这是一个常见的问题,但幸运的是,这个问题可以解决。 在这篇文章中,我们将探讨您缺乏访客和销售的原因,并向您展示如何同时提高两者。


为什么我的网站没有流量? (Why isn’t my site getting any traffic?)

There are lots of things that can prevent your site getting traffic. In this section, we’ll take a look at the major causes and show you how to put things right.

有很多事情可以阻止您的网站获得流量。 在本节中,我们将研究主要原因,并向您展示如何解决问题。


1.您的网站没有排名 (1. Your site isn’t ranking)

The term ‘organic traffic’ is used to describe the people who visit your site after finding it on a search engine. To get organic traffic, your site needs to rank well in search engine results. Generally speaking, the higher you rank, the more traffic you will get.

术语“有机点击量”用于描述在搜索引擎上找到您网站后访问该网站的人。 为了获得自然流量,您的网站必须在搜索引擎结果中排名良好。 一般来说,您的排名越高,您获得的流量就越多。

Getting onto the top pages of search engine results is not an easy task and takes time. However, if you work to improve your ranking, the resulting increase in traffic can be a game changer for your business.

进入搜索引擎结果的首页并不是一件容易的事,这需要时间。 但是,如果您努力提高排名,则流量的增加可能会改变您的业务。

To rank highly, one of the things you need to do is carry out search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO covers a wide range of things, including the speed of your website, the way you structure your content and the way you use keywords on your site. You also need to have links to your site from other high-quality websites and the best way to obtain these is to produce excellent content that others will want to link to.

要获得高排名,您需要做的事情之一就是执行搜索引擎优化(SEO)。 SEO涵盖了很多方面,包括网站的速度,内容的结构方式以及在网站上使用关键字的方式。 您还需要从其他高质量网站获得指向您网站的链接,而获得这些链接的最佳方法是制作他人希望链接的出色内容。

Together, SEO and great content will help improve your website’s domain authority and this will eventually lead to higher ranking and increased traffic. For more information, check out our post, ‘ 8 Easy Steps to Increase Your Domain Authority’.

SEO和丰富的内容一起将有助于提高您网站的域权限,最终将导致更高的排名和更多的访问量。 有关更多信息,请查看我们的文章“ 增加域名授权8个简单步骤 ”。


2.没有人知道您的网站在那里 (2. No-one knows your site is there)

Websites shouldn’t just rely on search engines to get found. Besides organic traffic, you can also get direct traffic (people who type in your web address), and referral traffic (from adverts and links on other websites or social media). However, if no-one knows your website is there, no-one is going to visit.

网站不应仅仅依靠搜索引擎来找到。 除了自然流量之外,您还可以获得直接流量(输入您的网址的人)和引荐流量(来自其他网站或社交媒体上的广告和链接)。 但是,如果没有人知道您的网站在那里,那么没有人可以访问。

To get those other types of traffic, you need to promote your website and there are various ways you can do this. One of the best ways is to list your website on a reputable business directory. You can do this for free on both Google My Business and Yell. These will help you appear in search engine results when someone looks for your type of business. They can also generate useful, high-quality backlinks for your site. A warning, though: don’t list your site on lots of spammy directories, Google may penalise you for this.

要获得其他类型的点击量,您需要推广您的网站,并且有多种方法可以做到这一点。 最好的方法之一是在信誉良好的企业目录中列出您的网站。 您可以在Google我的商家Yell上免费进行此操作。 当有人寻找您的公司类型时,这些将帮助您显示在搜索引擎结果中。 它们还可以为您的站点生成有用的高质量反向链接。 不过请注意:不要在大量垃圾邮件目录中列出您的网站,Google可能会为此对您进行惩罚。

Another way to promote your business is to set up social media accounts on sites like Facebook or Twitter. Social media is a great way to promote your business, showcase your products and develop your brand. If your posts contain links to your website, they will increase the amount of traffic you get. The key to success with social media is to create valuable content that is interesting enough for people to like and share.

促进业务发展的另一种方法是在Facebook或Twitter等网站上建立社交媒体帐户。 社交媒体是促进您的业务,展示产品和发展品牌的好方法。 如果您的帖子包含指向您网站的链接,它们将增加您获得的访问量。 社交媒体成功的关键在于创造有价值的内容,足以使人们喜欢和分享。

You can also use more traditional methods to promote your website, such as advertising. Online, this is often done through pay per click (PPC) ad campaigns using services such as Google AdWords or Bing Ads. You can also run a PPC campaign on some social media sites which is often less expensive than with Bing or Google.

您也可以使用更传统的方法来宣传您的网站,例如广告。 在线上,通常是通过使用Google AdWordsBing Ads之类的服务的按点击付费(PPC)广告系列来完成的。 您还可以在某些社交媒体网站上运行PPC广告系列,该广告通常比Bing或Google便宜。

Finally, don’t restrict yourself to online promotions. Make sure your web address is on every piece of literature or advert you send out, put it on your t-shirts, on stickers in your car windows and have it displayed around your premises.

最后,不要只限于在线促销。 确保您的网址出现在每一份文学作品上或您发出的广告上,将其放在T恤衫上,车窗上的贴纸上,并在您的住所周围显示。


3.您没有专注于正确的流量来源 (3. You’re not focussing on the right traffic sources)

Just because your promotional methods get seen doesn’t mean anyone is going to click on them. The only way that will happen is if what people see is useful to them. This means you need to understand where, online, your target customers hang out. For example, if you are a B2C company, you might be better putting ads on Facebook instead of LinkedIn, whereas, if you are a B2B company it might be better the other way around.

仅仅因为您看到了促销方式并不意味着任何人都会点击它们。 唯一的方式就是人们看到的东西对他们有用。 这意味着您需要了解目标客户在哪里在线。 例如,如果您是B2C公司,则最好将广告放在Facebook而不是LinkedIn上,而如果您是B2B公司,则可能更好。

You should also consider how your visitors behave online. A company buyer might have both a Facebook account and a LinkedIn account. It’s likely, that if they are going to make a purchase for their company, they’ll click on links seen on LinkedIn.

您还应该考虑访客的在线行为。 公司买家可能同时拥有一个Facebook帐户和一个LinkedIn帐户。 如果他们打算为自己的公司进行购买,他们很可能会单击LinkedIn上显示的链接。

To make sure you are targeting your efforts in the right place. You will need to do some audience research to find the most effective channel.

为了确保您在正确的位置确定目标。 您需要进行一些受众调查,以找到最有效的渠道。


为什么没人从我这里买东西? (Why is no-one buying from me?)

There are many reasons why people won’t buy from you. One of the first things you need to do is look at the traditional reasons people don’t make purchases. Have you got your pricing right? Are your products or services as good as your competitors? Have you got bad reviews? All these can have an impact and need looking at.

人们不会从您那里购买商品的原因有很多。 您需要做的第一件事就是看看人们不购物的传统原因。 定价正确吗? 您的产品或服务是否与竞争对手一样好? 你有不好的评价吗? 所有这些都会产生影响,需要加以考虑。

When it comes to your website, there are other potential reasons why people don’t buy. Here are the main ones.

当涉及到您的网站时,还有其他人们不购买的潜在原因。 这是主要的。


1.您的网站不合格 (1. Your website is not up to scratch)

Online visitors are a demanding bunch and have high expectations of the websites they visit. Here is a list of the things they will expect:

在线访问者的需求量很高,并且对访问的网站寄予很高的期望。 这是他们期望的事情清单:

  • Your site will load quickly. If it doesn’t, they’ll leave.

    您的网站将快速加载。 如果没有,他们会离开。
  • They can find what they want easily through menus and search bars.

  • They can read the site easily, no matter what device they are using.

  • Purchasing is made simple. Long and complex checkouts make people abandon their shopping carts.

    购买变得简单。 漫长而复杂的结帐使人们放弃了购物车。
  • Your website is fresh and attractive to your audience. Different audiences like different things, make sure yours works for your audience.

    您的网站是新鲜的,对您的受众有吸引力。 不同的观众喜欢不同的事物,请确保您的作品适合您的观众。


2.您的网站不可靠 (2. Your site isn’t trustworthy)

No-one is going to buy from a dodgy looking website and this means even legitimate businesses have to make sure their websites look genuine. To do this you need to have the following in place:

没有人会去看似晦涩的网站购物,这意味着即使合法的企业也必须确保其网站看起来是真实的。 为此,您需要具备以下条件:

  • All policies are easily accessible on your site: terms and conditions, refunds, cookie policy, privacy policy, etc.

  • You display full contact details including phone number, email address and physical address. Ideally, people will trust you more if they know you have business premises and a landline.

    您将显示完整的联系方式,包括电话号码,电子邮件地址和实际地址。 理想情况下,如果人们知道您拥有营业场所和座机,他们将更加信任您。
  • If you are a registered company, list your registration number.

  • If you are VAT registered, list your VAT number.

  • If you are a member of a professional association, display its badge on your website.


Most importantly, if you take online payments from customers, you must have the green padlock sign showing on a user’s browser. This indicates that your website is secure. To obtain this, you need an SSL certificate that encrypts their credit card data when they buy from you. To learn more about SSL, read our post ‘SSL Essential Now Google Warn Users of Non-Secure Websites’.

最重要的是,如果您从客户处进行在线支付,则必须在用户的浏览器上显示绿色的挂锁标志。 这表明您的网站是安全的。 为此,您需要一个SSL证书来加密他们从您购买的信用卡数据。 要了解有关SSL的更多信息,请阅读我们的文章“ SSL SSL Now,谷歌警告非安全网站用户 ”。

If you have these things in place, those who visit your site are more likely to trust you and buy from you.



3.您没有吸引合适的访客 (3. You’re not attracting the right visitors)

It is possible to get lots of people to visit your website for the wrong reason. They come looking for something, see that it’s not there and then leave. This can be caused by quite a few things but the most common ones are poor keywording and poorly targeted adverts.

可能由于错误的原因导致很多人访问您的网站。 他们来找东西,发现那里不存在然后离开。 这可能是由很多原因引起的,但最常见的是关键字输入错误和广告定位不良。

Poor keywording often results in your website ranking for a keyword you didn’t intend it to. It can happen because of the vocabulary you have used or because one of your keywords has a double meaning. For example, a man’s fashion site promoting slimline drains (drainpipe trousers) might start ranking in results for the narrow drain pipes sought by plumbers. Similarly, an Edinburgh-based woollen company selling Scotch bonnets might get lots of traffic from people looking for hot chillies.

关键字设置不正确通常会导致您的网站对您不希望使用的关键字进行排名。 发生这种情况的原因可能是您使用过的词汇表,或者因为您的一个关键字具有双重含义。 例如,一个男士时尚网站宣传超薄排水管(排水管长裤),可能会开始在水管工寻找的狭窄排水管的搜索结果中排名。 同样,位于爱丁堡的一家销售苏格兰帽子的羊毛公司可能会吸引来自寻找辣椒的人们的大量访问。

To discover what terms people are using to find your site, check out your Google Search Console and Google Analytics accounts. These can be very useful in helping you discover problems with your keywords.

要发现人们使用什么术语查找您的网站,请查看您的Google Search ConsoleGoogle Analytics(分析)帐户。 这些对于帮助您发现关键字问题非常有用。

With advertising, you could be placing the ads in the wrong places or asking for them to be shown to the wrong demographic. Make sure that you check your advertising statistics carefully and make changes where necessary.

使用广告,您可能会将广告放置在错误的位置,或者要求将其显示给错误的受众特征。 确保您仔细检查广告统计信息,并在必要时进行更改。


结论 (Conclusion)

Hopefully, this article will have shed light on why your site has not performed well with either traffic or sales. It should have given you an understanding of the causes of poor performance and an insight into the things you can do to turn things around. Do remember that it takes time for new websites to establish themselves and that maintaining high traffic and keeping sales levels high is something which needs continual work.

希望本文能阐明为什么您的网站在流量或销售方面表现不佳。 它应该使您了解了性能不佳的原因,并深刻了解了可以采取的措施。 请记住,新网站的建立需要花费时间,保持高流量和保持较高的销售水平是需要持续不断的工作。

If you are looking for reliable web hosting for your website and want affordable packages with high performance, security and 24/7 technical support, check out our business plans, dedicated WordPress and VPS hosting packages.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/website-not-getting-any-traffic-or-sales-heres-the-solution/


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