penalty term_Google Penalty 101 –手动和算法惩罚指南

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Has your organic traffic dried up? If it has, it’s quite possible you’ve been hit with a Google penalty. And that’s a serious issue. Having a penalty means Google has a problem with your site, and until you rectify that problem, your site won’t be ranking in their search results. If you rely on organic traffic for your income, it could quickly put you out of business.  So here’s how to identify if you have a Google penalty and what to do about it if you have.

您的有机交通干dried了吗? 如果有的话,您很有可能会遭到Google的罚款。 这是一个严重的问题。 受到罚款意味着Google在您的网站上存在问题,在您解决该问题之前,您的网站不会在其搜索结果中排名。 如果您依靠自然流量获得收入,则可能很快使您破产。 因此,这是确定您是否受到Google罚款以及如何处理的方法。

什么是Google罚款? (What are Google Penalties?)

手动处罚 (Manual Penalties)

There are two types of Google penalty, manual and algorithmic. Manual penalties, or manual actions, are those which have been given to your website by a human being. These are given when someone at Google investigates your website and finds an issue. There are many reasons why you can be given a manual penalty; usually these are because your site does not comply with the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Google惩罚分为两种类型:手动和算法。 手动处罚或手动操作是人类对您的网站所施加的惩罚。 这些是在Google有人调查您的网站并发现问题时给出的。 有许多原因可以使您受到手动处罚; 通常是因为您的网站不符合Google网站站长指南

When you receive a manual penalty, those who have a Google Search Console account will receive a message telling them: why a penalty has been given, what they need to do to rectify it and how to get the penalty removed.

当您收到人工罚款时,拥有Google Search Console帐户的人会收到一条消息,告诉他们:为什么要给予罚款,他们需要做些什么来纠正它以及如何取消罚款。

算法惩罚 (Algorithmic penalties)

An algorithmic penalty occurs when Google makes changes to the way it provides search results. When someone searches Google it uses a highly complicated mathematical formula, called an algorithm, to find the best results. From time to time, to improve the quality of its results, it changes that algorithm. When it does, some sites see their rankings go up whilst others see their rankings go down.

当Google更改其提供搜索结果的方式时,会受到算法的惩罚。 当有人搜索Google时,它会使用一种称为算法的高度复杂的数学公式来找到最佳结果。 为了提高结果质量,它会不时更改该算法。 如果启用,某些网站的排名会上升,而其他网站的排名则会下降。

If Google has been trying to weed out certain types of sites, as it did with its famous Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird updates, those sites can disappear from the results completely. These sites are those which have received an algorithmic penalty.

如果Google一直在淘汰某些类型的网站,就像著名的Panda,Penguin和Hummingbird更新一样,这些网站可能会完全从结果中消失。 这些站点是已受到算法惩罚的站点。

Again, the main reason for this is because the sites fail to comply with the Google Webmaster Guidelines. The difficulty for webmasters, however, is that unlike manual penalties, Google doesn’t inform you that you have an algorithmic penalty, so you have to work out for yourself what the problem is before you can put it right.

同样,主要原因是网站不符合Google网站站长指南。 但是,网站管理员面临的困难是,与手动处罚不同,Google不会通知您有算法处罚,因此您必须自己解决问题所在,然后再加以解决。

如何确定您是否有人工处罚 (How to find out if you have a manual Penalty)

Step 1: Login to Google Search Console.

第1步:登录到Google Search Console

All website owners should have a Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) account as it is the channel Google uses to communicate with them about issues on their site.

所有网站所有者都应拥有一个Search Console(以前称为网站站长工具)帐户,因为它是Google与他们就其网站上的问题进行沟通的渠道。

Step 2: On the left-hand menu, click on Search Traffic to expand the menu, then click on Manual Actions.


If you don’t have a penalty, a message will be displayed saying, ‘No manual webspam actions found.’ If you do have a penalty, the pertinent information will display in this section.

如果您没有受到任何处罚,则会显示一条消息,提示“未找到手动的垃圾邮件处理措施”。 如果您确实受到处罚,则相关信息将显示在此部分中。

google search console

Read the information carefully to help you fix any issues before asking Google to review your site.


如何查找您是否有算法上的损失 (How to find if you have an algorithmic penalty)

The obvious clue that you have an algorithmic penalty is that your organic traffic has significantly dropped. Organic traffic is that which comes from search engines. It does not include visitors who have typed in your website address (direct traffic) or clicked links from adverts, social media or elsewhere (referral traffic). It is also possible that whilst you may have been penalised by Google, your site might still be ranking on other search engines.

您受到算法惩罚的明显线索是您的自然流量已经大大减少。 有机流量是来自搜索引擎的流量。 它不包括输入您的网站地址(直接访问量)或点击广告,社交媒体或其他地方的链接(推荐访问量)的访问者。 虽然您可能已受到Google的惩罚,但您的网站仍可能在其他搜索引擎上排名。

The way to find out if your organic traffic has been affected is to check your traffic data in Google Analytics. To do this:

找出您的自然流量是否受到影响的方法是在Google Analytics(分析)中检查您的流量数据。 去做这个:

Step 1: Login to Google Analytics

步骤1:登入Google Analytics(分析)

Step 2: In the left-hand menu, navigate to Acquisition > All Traffic > Source > Medium

第2步:在左侧菜单中,导航至Acquisition> All Traffic> Source> Medium

Step 3: Under the graph which appears in the main part of the page, click Google / Organic

第3步:在页面主要部分显示的图形下,点击Google /自然

Step 4: At the top of the page, change the time duration so that you can look back over a sufficiently long enough time to see when problems began occurring.


google analytics

If you have an algorithmic penalty, you would find that at some point your organic traffic from Google will have dramatically decreased. Because of the way Google implements algorithm changes, this may not necessarily be a clean cut stoppage of traffic, it may look more like a tailing off over a few weeks.

如果您有算法上的损失,您会发现某个时候来自Google的自然流量会大大减少。 由于Google实施算法更改的方式,这不一定是完全阻止流量,它看起来更像是几周后的拖延。

如果您有人工罚款该怎么办 (What to do if you have a manual penalty)

If you have a manual penalty, in some sense you are lucky, because Google will explain the steps you need to take to rectify the problem before you can apply for a review. Below is an example of a site that had been hacked and given a manual penalty because the hacker had created malicious content on the site.

如果您受到人工处罚,从某种意义上来说,您很幸运,因为Google会解释您纠正问题所需采取的步骤,然后才能申请审核。 以下是一个网站的示例,该网站由于黑客在该网站上创建了恶意内容而被黑客入侵并受到了人工惩罚。

Google Penalty Notification

  如果您有算法上的惩罚怎么办 ( What to do if you have an algorithmic penalty)

There are two possible things which can cause an algorithmic penalty. Either Google changes its algorithm and your site no longer meets the criteria to rank well, or you change your website so that it no longer meets the standards required by the existing algorithm.

有两种可能导致算法损失的情况。 Google更改了其算法,并且您的网站不再符合排名良好的条件,或者您更改了网站,使其不再符合现有算法所要求的标准。

To figure out which of these is the cause, you need to look very closely at the date on which organic traffic began to significantly decline. If your traffic drop coincides with the rollout of an algorithm update, then that is likely to be the cause of your problem. If it isn’t, you may need to look at your website logs for the dates in question and see if you have made any changes to your website around this time which might have caused problems.

要弄清楚其中的原因,您需要仔细观察自然流量开始明显下降的日期。 如果您的流量下降与算法更新的推出同时发生,则可能是造成问题的原因。 如果不是,您可能需要查看网站日志中有关日期的信息,并查看您是否在此期间对网站进行了任何更改,而这可能导致了问题。

Do remember, that in many cases, what people think might be a Google penalty often turns out to be something quite different – you may, for example, have accidentally prevented Google accessing your site by changing your robotx.txt file. As a result, it could stop indexing your site. These things also need to be checked.

请记住,在很多情况下,人们认为可能会对Google造成惩罚的事实往往大不相同-例如,您可能通过更改robotx.txt文件意外阻止了Google访问您的网站。 结果,它可能会停止索引您的网站。 这些东西也需要检查。

If your think your drop in ranking is most likely to be a result of a change in the Google algorithm, the first thing you should do is see what changes were made around the time your traffic stopped. You can do this by visiting the Moz Google Algorithm Change History page.

如果您认为排名下降最有可能是Google算法发生变化的结果,那么您应该做的第一件事就是查看在流量停止期间发生了哪些变化。 您可以通过访问Moz Google算法更改历史记录页面来完成此操作。

From reading Moz and other SEO related sites, you can quickly learn how the Google algorithm has changed, how sites have been affected and what you can do to put things right.


Once you have rectified the problems, you may find your site rises in ranking automatically, though this may take time and you may not fully recover. If it doesn’t, you should apply to Google and ask them to reconsider your status.

解决问题后,您可能会发现自己的网站排名自动上升,尽管这可能会花费一些时间并且可能无法完全恢复。 如果没有,您应该向Google提出申请,并要求他们重新考虑您的身份。

常见问题 (Common problems)

Previous changes to the Google algorithm continue to cause problems for many websites and here are some you should remain aware of:


  1. Spammy links to your website– If you have bought or exchanged links, or done too much guest posting or comment making in order to get backlinks to your site, Google will see this as a form of malpractice. You should only have organic links, preferably from reputable sites in a related niche.

    指向您网站的垃圾链接–如果您购买或交换了链接,或者为了获得指向您网站的反向链接而进行过多的来宾留言或评论,则Google会将其视为不当行为。 您应该只具有有机链接,最好是来自相关利基市场中信誉好的网站。

If you have too many bad links, ask the site owners to remove them or nofollow them. If they don’t, use the Google disavow tool to tell Google to ignore them.

如果链接过多,请要求网站所有者将其删除或遵循这些链接。 如果不是,请使用Google拒绝工具告诉Google忽略它们。

  1. Spammy links from your website – The opposite is also true, if you’ve been selling links or have too many affiliate links, you need to remove them or nofollow them.

  2. Poor content– If your website does not offer a valuable user experience, then it will cease to rank. You need high-quality content which is detailed and which is liked and shared by readers and linked to from high authority sites. Check your analytics for session length, pages visited per session and bounce rates as these will give an indication of how useful visitors think your site is.

    内容不佳–如果您的网站没有提供有价值的用户体验,则它将停止排名。 您需要高质量的内容,内容详尽,读者喜欢和共享,并且可以从高权限站点链接到这些内容。 检查您的分析,以了解会话时长,每个会话访问的页面以及跳出率,因为这些信息可以表明访问者认为您的网站有多有用。
  3. Duplicate content– Whether it is a word for word copy or a rehash of another website’s content, if it’s not original, your content won’t rank highly. Do check, from time to time, to see if other websites have scraped your content – it happens.

    重复的内容–无论是逐字复制还是其他网站内容的重新编写,如果不是原始内容,则您的内容将不会获得很高的排名。 请不时检查一下是否有其他网站抓取了您的内容–确实如此。

结论 (Conclusion)

From reading this article you will now have a better understanding of what a Google penalty is, how it can affect your ranking and how to find out if you have a penalty. You should know the difference between a manual penalty and an algorithmic penalty and know how to find out the causes of each. In addition, you will have a clearer idea of how to start improving your website in order that any penalty you have can be revoked.

通过阅读本文,您现在将更好地了解什么是Google罚款,它如何影响您的排名以及如何确定您是否受到了罚款。 您应该知道手动惩罚和算法惩罚之间的区别,并且知道如何找出每种原因的原因。 此外,您将对如何开始改进您的网站有一个更清晰的了解,以便可以撤销您的任何罚款。

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