

If you run an online business, choosing the right web host is one of the most crucial decisions you will need to make. Your website’s performance, reliability, security and many of its background features are controlled by your host and so making the wrong choice could have disastrous consequences. So, to make sure you know exactly what to look for, we’ve put together a list of sixteen essential things businesses need from a web host.

如果您经营在线业务,那么选择合适的虚拟主机是您需要做出的最关键的决定之一。 您网站的性能,可靠性,安全性及其许多后台功能均由您的主机控制,因此选择错误可能会造成灾难性的后果。 因此,为确保您确切知道要查找的内容,我们汇总了企业从Web主机获得的16项基本事项的列表。

1.您需要专业的技术支持 (1. You need expert technical support)

There will always be times when website owners, even ones with their own dedicated IT departments, come across issues they cannot resolve on their own. When this happens, you need a web host with the expertise to provide the right solution.

有时,网站所有者,甚至拥有自己专门的IT部门的网站所有者,总会遇到自己无法解决的问题。 发生这种情况时,您需要具有专业知识的Web主机来提供正确的解决方案。

This has become increasingly more important as businesses begin to move their entire IT infrastructure into the cloud. If you are running large, complex systems and using highly sophisticated applications on your host’s servers, you need to know that when a glitch happens, your web host can put it right – and quickly.

随着企业开始将其整个IT基础架构移至云中,这一点变得越来越重要。 如果您正在运行大型,复杂的系统,并且在主机的服务器上使用高度复杂的应用程序,则需要知道,当出现故障时,您的Web主机可以正确并Swift地将其纠正。

2. 24小时支持 (2. 24-hour support)

Besides expertise, you also want your web host’s customer support to be available 24 hours a day. As your online business operates 24/7, you can’t afford to wait until the next morning if your website goes down or your email system stops working. Every minute you’re offline could cost you a sale or create a dissatisfied customer. A good web host should provide constant, high-level support whenever you need it.

除了专业知识外,您还希望网络托管人员的客户支持每天24小时提供。 由于您的在线业务是24/7全天候运行,因此如果您的网站出现故障或电子邮件系统停止运行,您不能等到第二天早上。 您下线的每一分钟都会使您损失一笔销售费用,也可能会产生不满意的客户。 好的Web主机应在需要时提供持续的高级支持。

3.备份 (3. Backups)

Backups are an essential part of any disaster recovery operation and it is crucial that your host provides the facility for you to schedule backups of all your data. This includes making sure that your backups are stored remotely on different servers to the ones on which your site is hosted.

备份是任何灾难恢复操作的重要组成部分,并且主机为您安排所有数据的备份安排至关重要。 这包括确保将备份存储在与承载站点的服务器不同的远程服务器上。

Failure to back up your data can have enormous consequences – it can result in the loss of all your customer information, the entire contents of your website and the resulting loss of income whilst your site is offline. And you can add to this the cost of rebuilding your site and the reputational damage caused by the downtime. If a web host doesn’t provide a backup service, then it’s too risky to go with that host.

无法备份数据可能会带来巨大的后果-可能会导致所有客户信息,网站的全部内容丢失,并在网站离线时导致收入损失。 而且,您还可以增加重建站点的成本以及停机造成的声誉损失。 如果Web主机不提供备份服务,则与该主机一起使用会太冒险。

4. Web主机备份 (4. Web host backups)

In addition to being able to backup your own data, you also want to know that your web host is backing up their servers too. If one of the servers goes down you need to know that they have their own backup (and backup backups) available and that they have tested the backup to make sure it works. This way you know that all the software the host needs to run the server, as well as all the data stored on it, can be put back online quickly.

除了能够备份自己的数据外,您还想知道您的Web主机也在备份其服务器。 如果其中一台服务器出现故障,则需要知道它们具有自己的备份(和备份备份),并且已经对备份进行了测试以确保其正常工作。 这样,您就知道主机运行服务器所需的所有软件以及其中存储的所有数据都可以快速恢复在线状态。

5.保证正常运行时间 (5. Guaranteed uptime)

The shift to cloud technology is making it far less likely that websites will go offline should there be a server fault, however, for those who are have not chosen cloud hosting, a server going down can be a big problem. To ensure guaranteed uptime, you should look for a host that has mirrored servers running at different locations so that if one goes down, the others will continue to maintain a service. This way, your site can always remain online.

向云技术的转移使网站在出现服务器故障时脱机的可能性大大降低,但是,对于那些尚未选择云托管的用户来说,服务器故障可能是一个大问题。 为了确保有保证的正常运行时间,您应该寻找一台在不同位置运行了镜像服务器的主机,这样一台主机出现故障时,其他服务器将继续维护服务。 这样,您的站点可以始终保持在线状态。

Before choosing a host, you should check out what their customers say about their uptime reputations.


Guaranteed uptime

6.安全选项 (6. Security options)

Website hacking is constantly in the headlines and the number of attacks on business websites of all kinds continues to rise. In this environment, it is crucial that you choose a web host that can provide a range of security features to protect your site. Look for hosts that will scan your site for malware and vulnerabilities and can detect and protect against intrusion. In addition, you also want email scanning and spam removal, SSL certificates and remote backups.

网站黑客攻击一直是头条新闻,对各种商业网站的攻击数量持续上升。 在这种环境中,至关重要的是选择一个可以提供一系列安全功能来保护您的站点的Web主机。 寻找可以扫描您的站点的恶意软件和漏洞并可以检测和防御入侵的主机。 此外,您还需要电子邮件扫描和垃圾邮件清除,SSL证书以及远程备份。

7. WordPress支持 (7. WordPress support)

WordPress is the world’s most popular platform for building websites and although exceptionally versatile it has a few unique requirements that not all web hosts fully cater for.


Even if you are not currently using WordPress to build your website, it is still worth considering a web host who has WordPress expertise – you may decide to create a WordPress website in the future or you may choose to add a WordPress blog alongside your existing site.


Blogs are powerful content marketing tools and are used by thousands of leading companies to help build customer communities and drive sales. Companies which use WordPress include Disney, Sony, Toyota and many more blue chip enterprises.

博客是功能强大的内容营销工具,成千上万的领先公司使用博客来帮助建立客户社区并促进销售。 使用WordPress的公司包括迪士尼,索尼,丰田和更多蓝筹企业。

If creating a blog now or in the future is part of your strategy, make sure your web host fully caters for WordPress sites.


8.成长的空间 (8. Room to grow)

When you launch an online business, it means that when your business grows, you website is going to grow too. What might start out as a small website with a few pages, a handful of products and a few thousand visitors a month can soon become a dozen websites with thousands of products and millions of visitors. In addition, you may also have to run various background applications that require large data storage and huge processing power.

当您启动在线业务时,这意味着随着业务的增长,您的网站也将增长。 最初可能是一个只有几个页面,少量产品和每月数千名访问者的小型网站,但很快就会变成具有数千种产品和数百万访问者的十二个网站。 此外,您可能还必须运行各种需要大量数据存储和强大处理能力的后台应用程序。

When you choose a web host, you need one that can offer you the capacity to grow – but at the time and rate that best suits your company. When you start out you may be on a tight budget and need low-cost shared hosting; as you grow, you may move from shared to VPS to dedicated managed servers. Eventually, you may want to move to cloud hosting.

当您选择一个虚拟主机时,您需要一个可以为您提供增长能力的虚拟主机,但是其时间和速率最适合您的公司。 刚开始时,您可能会预算紧张,需要低成本的共享主机。 随着您的成长,您可能会从共享,VPS转移到专用的托管服务器。 最终,您可能想转向云托管。

Ideally, you should choose a web host that can offer all these types of hosting and who can help you move from one type of hosting to the other seamlessly and without complications.


9.峰值的可伸缩性 (9. Scalability for spikes)

As you grow bigger, not only may you need to upgrade to a larger hosting package, but you may need to look for a host that offers flexible scalability to help you handle spikes. Spikes (periods of dramatically increased traffic or demands on your system) can happen for many reasons, for example, a mention of your business on the news or social media that sends your website viral, or having seasonal products which generate high volumes of traffic only for a few weeks or months of the year.

随着您变得更大,不仅可能需要升级到更大的主机程序包,而且可能需要寻找一种具有灵活可伸缩性的主机,以帮助您应对峰值。 峰值(系统流量或需求急剧增加的时期)可能由于多种原因而发生,例如,新闻或社交媒体上提到您的业务使您的网站蓬勃发展,或者使用季节性产品只会产生大量流量一年几个星期或几个月。

If you think you may have significant spikes, you need a web host that can provide the capacity to handle the spikes and, when the spike is over, let you return to the less expensive, lower capacity usage you normally require. This kind of scalability is found with cloud hosting. Make sure your host offers flexible scaling as part of their cloud hosting packages.

如果您认为可能有严重的峰值,则需要一个Web主机,该主机可以提供处理峰值的能力,当峰值结束后,让您返回通常所需的成本较低,容量较低的状态。 云托管可以找到这种可扩展性。 确保您的主机作为其云托管软件包的一部分提供灵活的扩展。

10.网站建设者 (10. Website Builders)

One service that is always worth looking for in a web host is a website builder. Many business owners wrongly consider building a website to be a highly technical process and spend a great deal of money paying a web developer to build one for them. In reality, the vast number of websites which businesses need can be built very easily using an automated website builder.

网站建设者总是值得在网络主机中寻找的一项服务。 许多企业主错误地认为建立一个网站是一个高度技术性的过程,并花费大量金钱支付给Web开发人员为他们建立一个网站。 实际上,可以使用自动化网站构建器轻松地构建企业所需的大量网站。

Website builders are programs which let you design how your website looks and what features it has but take care of the coding for you. There’s no need to know about HTML, CSS or PHP. You just focus on choosing page layouts, colours, fonts, etc and then inputting the content. Modern website builders come with an array of templates, images and features that allow you to create a professional website and customise it to suit your brand.

网站构建器是使您可以设计网站外观和功能的程序,但可以为您进行编码。 无需了解HTML,CSS或PHP。 您只需要选择页面布局,颜色,字体等,然后输入内容即可。 现代的网站建设者带有一系列模板,图像和功能,可让您创建专业网站并对其进行自定义以适合您的品牌。

If you choose a web host who has a website builder, you can save a great deal of money designing your website and have the ability to change the way your website looks at any time.


11.轻松控制自己的网站 (11. Easy control over your own website)

When you start your online business you will be given access to the back-end of your website from your web host. Accessing this area will allow you to take control of a number of different administrative settings: emails, software, security, etc.

当您开始在线业务时,您将可以从虚拟主机访问网站的后端。 访问该区域将使您可以控制许多不同的管理设置:电子邮件,软件,安全性等。

Navigating through the back-end of you website can be difficult if the interface you are provided with isn’t user-friendly. For this reason, you should choose a web host that offers with CPanel or Plesk interfaces. These offer easy navigation around the backend of your site via a single dashboard with features arranged into categories. In addition, many of the settings changes, updates and software installs can be achieved in just a few clicks.

如果提供的界面不是用户友好的界面,则很难浏览网站的后端。 因此,您应该选择带有CPanel或Plesk界面的Web主机。 这些控件通过一个按功能分类的仪表板就可以轻松浏览网站的后端。 此外,只需单击几下即可完成许多设置更改,更新和软件安装。

Easy control over your own website

12.电子商务功能 (12. E-Commerce features)

If you are setting up an online business, then you will need to provide customers with the means to pay for your products. One of the most important features you will need is a shopping cart. To make this easy, look for a web host that offers e-commerce tools that accept third-party shopping cart programs such as WorldPay, ZenCart and PayPal.

如果您要建立在线业务,则需要向客户提供购买产品的方式。 您需要的最重要的功能之一是购物车。 为了简化这一过程,请寻找一个提供电子商务工具的网站托管服务,该工具可以接受第三方购物车程序,例如WorldPay,ZenCart和PayPal。

Different shopping cart providers charge different rates and have different features, so you want to be able to choose the one which is best for your business.


13. SSL保护您的客户 (13. SSL to protect your customers)

When you sell online, it is possible that credit card details can be intercepted by hackers during the payment process. The safest way to protect your customers and your business is to make sure that this information is encrypted during payment, this way even if details are intercepted, hackers would not be able to unscramble them. To enable encryption, you need SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). SSL changes your website address from HTTP to HTTPS and when people visit your website, a padlock icon appears next to your URL in the browser. This lets visitors know your site is safe to use.

当您在线销售时,黑客可能会在付款过程中拦截信用卡详细信息。 保护您的客户和您的企业最安全的方法是确保在付款过程中对这些信息进行加密,这样即使拦截了详细信息,黑客也无法对其进行解密。 要启用加密,您需要SSL(安全套接字层)。 SSL将您的网站地址从HTTP更改为HTTPS,当人们访问您的网站时,浏览器中URL旁边会出现一个挂锁图标。 这样可以使访问者知道您的网站可以安全使用。

SSL is available from most good web hosts. If you are selling online, make sure your web host provides this service.

大多数优秀的虚拟主机都可以使用SSL。 如果您在线销售,请确保您的虚拟主机提供此服务。

14.相容性 (14. Compatibility)

If you are moving to a new web host and already have a website and apps in place, you do need to make sure that they will be compatible with the hardware and software used by your host. This is especially important if you are currently running legacy software on older servers.

如果要迁移到新的Web主机,并且已经有网站和应用程序,则需要确保它们与主机所使用的硬件和软件兼容。 如果您当前正在较旧的服务器上运行旧版软件,则这尤其重要。

You should speak to your new host prior to taking out a contract with them and ask them about compatibility. Even if somethings are not compatible, there may be alternative solutions that the host can put in place to help you.

与他们签订合同之前,您应该先与新主机交谈,并向他们询问兼容性。 即使某些内容不兼容,主机也可以提供替代解决方案来帮助您。

15.容易离开 (15. Easy to leave)

When you choose a web host, probably one of the last things you will be considering is leaving them, so it is unlikely that you’ll read the small print about what happens if you decide to end your contract. Whilst most hosts make it fairly easy, some others make it more difficult to move your domain to a different host. Before signing up to a host, always read the small print of your contract to make sure that if you want to move, you can do so without any issues.

当您选择一个虚拟主机时,您可能要考虑的最后一件事就是离开它们,因此,如果您决定终止合同,那么您不太可能会读到有关该情况的小字。 尽管大多数主机使之变得相当容易,但其他一些主机却使将域移至其他主机变得更加困难。 在注册主机之前,请务必阅读合同的小字,以确保如果您要搬家,可以做到没有任何问题。

16.定价 (16. Pricing)

We’ve left pricing until last, and deliberately so. For many start-up online businesses, pricing is often the first thing they will look at. However, when your entire online business depends upon the quality of the host you choose, price should not be your number one priority. You should think of the money you spend on hosting not simply as an overhead, but as an investment in the future of your business. This does not mean you should go with the most expensive host or with the cheapest. Instead, you should choose the host that best provides the services you need. Once you have found that host, you should look at the different packages they offer and pick one which is in the price range that is right for you.

我们将定价一直保留到最后,这是故意的。 对于许多新兴的在线企业而言,定价通常是他们首先要考虑的事情。 但是,当您的整个在线业务取决于您选择的主机的质量时,价格不应成为您的第一要务。 您应该将花费在托管上的钱不仅考虑为间接费用,还应考虑为企业未来的投资。 这并不意味着您应该选择最昂贵的主机或最便宜的主机。 相反,您应该选择最能提供所需服务的主机。 找到该主机后,您应该查看它们提供的不同套餐,并选择一个适合您的价格范围。

结论 (Conclusion)

After reading this article, you should be far better informed about what to look for when choosing a web host both in terms of their range of services and the features that their packages offer.


If you are looking for a web host for your business website, take a look at our range of business packages or check out what our customers say about our services.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/16-essential-web-hosting-features-for-online-business/


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