

It is a bit difficult for newbies to search and select a reliable web hosting provider to get their business or website online. Vagueness is seen more among the new website owners and small business owners when they have to make a decision to select the right hosting provider. Following are some action steps that will make you better prepared to select the right web hosting provider for your website.

对于新手来说,搜索并选择可靠的网络托管提供商来使其业务或网站在线有点困难。 当新的网站所有者和小型企业所有者必须决定选择合适的托管服务提供商时,模糊性就更多了。 以下是一些操作步骤,这些步骤将使您更好地准备为您的网站选择合适的虚拟主机提供商。

1)支持 (1) Support)

People who are new to hosting may have many questions for which they need answers. This is quite natural for any new web hosting user who has recently hosted his website. Questions like accessing the website, how to use the website hosting tools that are provided by the web host, how much resource will be adequate for the smooth functioning of the website etc.  When you select a hosting provider be certain of their support and if you have any questions then these questions must be answered by the web hosting provider. No matter what hour of time you face an issue your hosting provider must be available to provide you with quality 24×7 exuberant support.

刚开始托管的人可能有许多需要解答的问题。 对于最近托管了他的网站的任何新的虚拟主机用户来说,这都是很自然的。 诸如访问网站,如何使用网络托管服务提供商提供的网站托管工具,多少资源将足以使网站平稳运行等问题。当您选择托管服务提供商时,一定要获得他们的支持,如果您如有任何疑问,则虚拟主机提供商必须回答这些问题。 无论您在什么时间遇到问题,您的托管服务提供商都必须能够为您提供优质的24×7旺盛支持。

2)安全性 (2) Security)

Currently these days the hackers are targeting small scale business websites as the level of security delivered by some website hosting providers is not up to the mark. The vital business information is what most of the hackers are looking for and if it falls in the wrong hands it can create a lot of havoc. Hence, it is of supreme concern to safeguard vital business information. Best hosting providers will offer security bundles that provide a security solution in single package. Check if the web hosting services are offering SSL certificates that are essential for your website. Best web hosting providers will offer website security as a service.

目前,由于某些网站托管提供商所提供的安全级别达不到标准,因此黑客将目标锁定为小型企业网站。 大多数黑客都在寻找重要的业务信息,如果这些信息落入错误的人手中,则会造成很多破坏。 因此,最重要的是保护重要的业务信息。 最好的托管服务提供商将提供安全捆绑包 ,这些捆绑包可在单个软件包中提供安全解决方案。 检查网络托管服务是否提供对您的网站必不可少的SSL证书。 最好的虚拟主机提供商将提供网站安全即服务。

3)付款 (3) Payments)

A devious web host will have hidden terms and conditions and will impose long term contracts. In case you are charged an additional amount and you ask for any clarification on why this additional fees, the scheming web host will tell you about a term or condition that may have been concealed with an asterisk * and usual it is not read by the new hosting customers. On the other hand a dependable server hosting provider will have a genuine sign up procedure with a stringent fraud detection process. They will have transparency over the pricing, hosting offers and sign up contracts. A good web hosting provider will have varied payment options like Debit/ Credit cards, PayPal, pay via Bank Wire transfer and Moneybookers etc.

弯曲的虚拟主机将具有隐藏的条款和条件,并会签订长期合同。 如果您向您收取了额外的费用,并且要求您澄清为什么要支付这笔额外费用,则策划网络托管服务商会告诉您有关可能被星号*掩盖的条款或条件,而通常新星不会阅读托管客户。 另一方面,可靠的服务器托管提供商将具有真正的注册程序以及严格的欺诈检测过程。 他们将在定价,托管报价和签订合同方面保持透明。 一个好的网络托管服务提供商将提供多种付款方式,例如借记卡/信用卡,贝宝,通过银行电汇和Moneybookers进行付款等。

4)正常运行时间 (4) Uptime)

If you are looking for web hosting services, you must look for their uptime track record. You must keep in mind that uptime guarantee will not include any service interruptions or scheduled maintenance. There may be many web hosts that claim to provide 100% uptime guarantee, but be sure that you do not give in to their deceiving claims. Best web hosting providers will time they’re scheduled/planned maintenance during off peak hours and would send prior notification to the customers regarding the maintenance.

如果您正在寻找虚拟主机服务,则必须寻找其正常运行时间记录。 您必须记住,正常运行时间保证将不包括任何服务中断或定期维护。 可能有许多Web主机声称提供100%的正常运行时间保证,但是请确保您不屈服于他们的欺骗性声明。 最佳的虚拟主机提供商会在非高峰时段安排他们的计划/计划维护时间,并会向客户发送有关维护的事先通知。

5)可扩展性 (5) Scalability)

An important aspect that you have to consider while selecting a server hosting provider is high scalability. At the initial stages of a new website the resources that are provided would suffice the website traffic needs, but as the website gains popularity the resource that the websites was using would not be adequate to handle the website traffic. During these times the web hosting provider must be able upscale the resources like bandwidth, storage and C.P.U usage limit. Any upright hosting provider will not oversell more resource than the website actually needs. When your website requires more resources it is only at that time that the web hosting provider will make available the resources that are required for your website. You just have to pay the difference in the amount and enjoy uninterrupted hosting services for your website.

选择服务器托管提供商时必须考虑的重要方面是高可伸缩性。 在新网站的初始阶段,提供的资源将满足网站流量的需求,但是随着网站的普及,网站所使用的资源将不足以处理网站流量。 在这些时间内,虚拟主机提供商必须能够扩展资源,例如带宽,存储和CPU使用限制。 任何直立的托管服务提供商都不会超额出售超出网站实际需求的资源。 当您的网站需要更多资源时,仅在那时,虚拟主机提供商会提供您网站所需的资源。 您只需要支付差额并享受您网站的不间断托管服务即可。

6)真正的优惠和客户评论 (6) Genuine offers and customer reviews)

A good web hosting provider will provide customers with the best web hosting offers that are genuine. Be aware of web hosting providers that claim to offer unbelievable discounts which are done only to increase their number of customers. When customer needs their support for certain issue these web hosting providers fall short in providing good support to the customers. No matter how good a web hosting provider may claim to be, it is ultimately the customers’ verdict in the form of customer review that counts. The best hosting providers will not only try to achieve customer satisfaction, but they will strive for achieving customer delight.

一个好的虚拟主机提供商会为客户提供真正的最佳虚拟主机服务 。 请注意声称提供令人难以置信的折扣的网络托管提供商,这样做只是为了增加他们的客户数量。 当客户需要他们对某些问题的支持时,这些网络托管提供商就无法为客户提供良好的支持。 不管网络托管服务提供商可能声称自己有多出色,最终以客户评论形式做出的客户决定才是最重要的。 最好的托管服务提供商不仅会努力使客户满意,还会努力实现客户满意度。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/6-do-follow-action-steps-before-purchasing-web-hosting-services/






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