IaaS,PaaS,SaaS –云计算服务的比较和优势

In my previous post, I defined and differentiated, How principles of virtualisation can help you to understand cloud computing. I have identified the main cloud services on demand that are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PasS), the software service -Software as a Service (SaaS). The “3” concept of cloud computing is in demand, according to an ICT online survey report 2014.

在上一篇文章中,我定义和区分了虚拟化原理如何帮助您理解云计算 。 我已经确定了主要的按需云服务,分别是基础架构即服务(IaaS),平台即服务(PasS),软件服务-软件即服务(SaaS)。 根据2014年ICT在线调查报告,云计算需要“ 3”概念。

云即服务和部署模型, (The cloud as a service and deployment model,)

Cloud computing is a way to manage virtualised IT resources. Servers, workstations, network, software is remotely managed and demand is deployed. The connected network of servers is grouped together to divide the load generated on site and manage uptime of a website even in critical traffic situations. Cloud servers need no time for hardware installation so it is the purchase of a managed IT service through an online ordering interface. You buy only what you consume. The most popular cloud services are the services infrastructure, the service and the software platform.

云计算是一种管理虚拟化 IT资源的方法。 服务器,工作站,网络,软件都可以进行远程管理并满足需求。 相连的服务器网络被分组在一起,以分散站点上产生的负载并管理网站的正常运行时间,即使在紧急交通情况下也是如此。 云服务器无需花时间进行硬件安装,因此它是通过在线订购界面购买托管的IT服务。 您只购买所消费的东西。 最受欢迎的云服务是服务基础架构,服务和软件平台。

1)管理IaaS平台, (1) Managing the IaaS platform,)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the use of infrastructure or virtual machines on demand. The supplier is responsible for the network elements, transit and virtual servers. The consumer, however, is responsible for the installation and operation of its operating system and its applications.

基础架构即服务(IaaS)是按需使用基础架构或虚拟机。 供应商负责网络元素,传输和虚拟服务器。 但是,消费者负责其操作系统及其应用程序的安装和运行。

For a business, this first case is interesting only if it has sufficient human resources expert to manage itself the operation of its IT platforms.


IaaS模型的优势包括: (Benefits of the IaaS model include:)

  • Scalability


  • No investment in hardware


  • Pay per Costing


  • Location independence


  • Physical security of data centres locations for servers


2)管理平台即服务, ( 2) Managing Platform as a Service,)

The platform as a service (PaaS) is an enhanced version of service infrastructure (IaaS). The company has an on demand infrastructure that can be adjusted according to the needs. Also, it has a minimum service from its service provider, since it is also responsible for operating systems and certain licenses, such as databases.

平台即服务(PaaS)是服务基础结构(IaaS)的增强版本。 该公司具有随需应变的基础架构,可以根据需要进行调整。 此外,由于它还负责操作系统和某些许可证(例如数据库),因此它至少要从其服务提供商处获得最低服务。

In PaaS, the resources and software needed for the hosting of its platform and  service is used for production. The service provider will install and configure servers, operating systems, databases and required licenses. The consumer will still be responsible for setting its applications and operations.

在PaaS中,托管其平台和服务所需的资源和软件用于生产。 服务提供商将安装和配置服务器,操作系统,数据库和所需的许可证。 消费者仍将负责设置其应用程序和操作。

The advantage is that the company has a highly flexible and scalable service. According to its needs, it can adjust its platform. For example, if eUKhost found something that could cause a peak load on its client website, it can quickly increase the technological resources and without interruption or direct impact to its customers.

优点是该公司具有高度灵活和可扩展的服务。 根据需要,可以调整平台。 例如,如果eUKhost在其客户网站上发现可能导致峰值负载的内容,则可以Swift增加技术资源,而不会中断或直接影响其客户。

PaaS模型的好处包括: (Benefits of the PaaS model include:)

  • Server-side scripting environment


  • Database management system


  • Server Software


  • Support


  • Storage


  • Network access


  • Tools for design and development


3)管理软件即服务 ( 3) Managing Software as a Service)

The software service (SaaS) is the most “advanced” version of the cloud service. Your service provides a complete platform, including operating systems, software and specific applications. It is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a service provider and made available to client over a network.

软件服务(SaaS)是云服务的“最高级”版本。 您的服务提供了一个完整的平台,包括操作系统,软件和特定的应用程序。 它是一种软件分发模型,其中应用程序由服务提供商托管,并可以通过网络提供给客户端。

SaaS模型的好处包括: (Benefits of the SaaS model include:)

  • Easier administration


  • Automatic updates and patch management


  • Compatibility: All users will have the same version of the software.


  • Easier collaboration, for the same reason


  • Global accessibility.


SaaS applications are designed for end-users, delivered over the web, so provider has to take care of the installation and configuration of all servers and applications (web server, mail server, database integration the software). SaaS really include all tasks related to the operation of the platform, servers and operating systems, including monitoring, responding to incidents, patch management, security or, on the contrary, it will include only the relevant monitoring platform without actually respond to problems and without contractual service level that can be subject to penalties.

SaaS应用程序是为通过Web交付的最终用户设计的,因此提供商必须照顾所有服务器和应用程序(Web服务器,邮件服务器,软件的数据库集成)的安装和配置。 SaaS实际上包括与平台,服务器和操作系统的操作有关的所有任务,包括监视,事件响应,补丁管理,安全性,或者相反,它仅包含相关的监视平台,而没有实际响应问题,并且没有合同服务水平可能会受到处罚。

To avoid unpleasant surprises, before subscribing to a service, ask about the perimeters that are actually supported by your service provider, because it is your reputation and even your revenue that depends on management.


For example, consider the case of an e-commerce site: when one considers that 17% of shoppers choose to purchase a site based on its availability, if it is poorly managed, each downtime rhyme with a bad reputation and loss of money. Furthermore, the more you climb the ladder of the service, the less you are working on your platform. In IaaS, you are working a lot on your platform, PaaS mode, you are working less, and SaaS, you do nothing at all!

例如,以一个电子商务站点为例:当一个人认为有17%的购物者根据其可用性选择购买一个站点时,如果管理不善,则每一次停机都会导致不良声誉和金钱损失。 此外,您越是爬上该服务的阶梯,您在平台上的工作就越少。 在IaaS中,您在平台上的工作量很大,在PaaS模式下,工作量减少了,而SaaS则什么也没做!

Cloud computing offers many possibilities and plenty of efficient services, but it also has limitations. This is the case, for example, applications that are specifically within your IT applications with increased security requirements, or applications where large data cloud computing is not recommended due the power required treatment.

云计算提供了许多可能性和大量高效的服务,但也有其局限性。 例如,在您的IT应用程序中特定的应用程序,这些应用程序对安全性有更高的要求,或者由于需要处理功率而建议不使用大数据云计算的应用程序时,就是这种情况。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/iaas-paas-saas-cloud-computing-services-comparison-and-advantages/





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