小程序iphone6高度_iPhone 6对网站和应用程序设计的影响


Many rumours are suggesting that the next iPhone, what many suspect will be known as the iPhone 6, is going to come with a much bigger screen, perhaps up to 5.6” in comparison to the 4” screen seen on the current iPhone 5S device. This extra screen space gives developers and designers the opportunity to do a lot more with their websites and applications as the larger screen space allows for more content to be displayed at once and in some cases can remove the need for users to scroll.

许多谣言暗示,下一代iPhone(许多人将其称为iPhone 6)将配备更大的屏幕,与当前iPhone 5S设备上的4英寸屏幕相比,屏幕可能高达5.6英寸。 额外的屏幕空间使开发人员和设计人员有机会对他们的网站和应用程序做更多的事情,因为更大的屏幕空间允许一次显示更多内容,并且在某些情况下可以消除用户滚动的需要。

App design


More often than not, when Apple releases a new operating system or device design, app designers and developers need to make changes to their own software to accommodate these introductions. Take the introduction of iOS 7 back in 2013, this bought with it a radical new design that was nothing like that we’d become use to.

通常,当Apple发布新的操作系统或设备设计时,应用程序设计人员和开发人员需要对自己的软件进行更改以适应这些介绍。 以2013年iOS 7的推出为例,它购买了一个全新的根本设计,这与我们已经习惯了。

Although not a requirement of Apple to change app designs, many app developers quickly updated their apps to take advantage of the new features that the operating system had to offer, complimented by improved designs to fit in with the new overall theme.


In the case of the introduction of an iPhone with a bigger screen, we are likely to see the need for app designers to make changes to accommodate the bigger screen size. Although this may sound inconvenient, it has benefits to offer including room for more features on one page and where appropriate, can help to make applications more accessible where larger icons are used for the visually impaired.

在推出具有更大屏幕的iPhone的情况下,我们可能会发现应用程序设计师需要进行更改以适应更大的屏幕尺寸。 尽管这听起来可能不方便,但在页面上包含更多功能的空间提供了好处,并且在适当的情况下,当较大的图标用于视障者时,可以帮助使应用程序更易于访问。

Fluid CSS designs


Where web developers have used fluid CSS designs, the increase in the screen size on an iPhone 6 is unlikely to be of much issue because such designs have been created to adapt to the size of the screen on the device that the site is being used on.

在Web开发人员使用流畅CSS设计的情况下,iPhone 6屏幕尺寸的增加不太可能成为大问题,因为创建这些设计以适应网站所使用的设备上的屏幕尺寸。

A fixed layout is no longer future proof, especially when we consider the relatively short period of time in which websites have had to make the transition from a table-based structure to CSS. However, early CSS websites also constitute a fixed layout and it is only with CSS3 and HTML5 that designers can create truly fluid designs that are able to adapt to the specifications on the device on which the web app is being rendered.

固定的布局不再是未来的证明,尤其是当我们考虑到网站必须从基于表的结构过渡到CSS的相对较短的时间时。 但是,早期CSS网站也构成固定的布局,只有CSS3和HTML5才能使设计师创建真正流畅的设计,从而能够适应呈现Web应用程序的设备上的规范。

As a designer the most flexible way of creating a layout that is guaranteed to be compatible with the new iPhone and other mobile devices is to use proportional measurements as opposed to fixed measurements. A proportional measurement is measured as a percentage so for example if you assign a column the width value of 50%, whatever device it is displayed on that column will always remain 50% of the size of the screen or window. When the size of the screen or the window changes, the column will adapt to be 50% of whatever the new size is.

作为设计人员,要确保与新iPhone和其他移动设备兼容的布局的最灵活的方式是使用比例测量而不是固定测量。 比例测量以百分比为单位进行度量,因此,例如,如果您为一列分配了50%的宽度值,则该列上显示的任何设备将始终保持屏幕或窗口大小的50%。 当屏幕或窗口的大小更改时,该列将适应新大小的50%。

Whatever features Apple chooses to introduce with the iPhone 6, it is going to be inherently important for web app developers and mobile app developers to respond to these changes so that they can create products that exploit the latest technologies in order to deliver a rich end-user experience. Whilst such changes can be a pain to implement initially, they are vital if their products are to remain competitive with a solid and sustainable user base.

无论Apple选择在iPhone 6上引入什么功能,对于Web应用程序开发人员和移动应用程序开发人员响应这些变化,从根本上来说都是至关重要的,以便他们可以创建利用最新技术的产品,从而提供丰富的终端服务。用户体验。 尽管最初实施此类更改可能会很痛苦,但对于其产品要在稳固和可持续的用户群中保持竞争力而言,它们至关重要。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/influence-iphone-6-website-app-designs/






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