

Microsoft has recently announced that it will be acquiring Nokia’s devices and services business for $7.2 billion USD (£3.2 billion) which will be seen by many as a strategic investment for Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform and a strong signal the company is moving more to both hardware and services going forward. Nokia’s shares soared more than 45% on the news by Microsoft. It was also announced Microsoft will be paying out an additional £1.4 billion for a ten-year licensing agreement for Nokia’s patent portfolio, with an option to extend the licensing arrangement indefinitely in the future.

微软最近宣布,它将以72亿美元(32亿英镑)的价格收购诺基亚的设备和服务业务,这将被许多人视为微软Windows Phone平台的战略投资,并有力表明该公司正在将更多精力转向硬件和未来的服务。 微软的消息使诺基亚的股价飙升了45%以上。 微软还宣布,微软将再支付14亿英镑,用于为期十年的诺基亚专利组合许可协议,并且可以选择在未来无限期延长许可期限。

There was intense speculation on many occasions in the past that Microsoft had been in discussion with Nokia executives about a possible acquisition. As part of the planned sale, Microsoft confirmed 32,000 Nokia employees would be transferred to Microsoft once the sale is complete – which will not be finalised until early next year, subject to regulatory approval. Nokia also confirmed Stephen Elop will be stepping down as President and CEO to become the Executive Vice President of Nokia Devices and Services. Steve Ballmer had confirmed in an e-mail that Elop will rejoin Microsoft once the sale is finalised to lead Microsoft’s Devices team, which includes the company’s current Devices and Studios work and most of the team that will be joining Microsoft from Nokia. Julie Larson-Green, who currently heads the Xbox and Surface team, will eventually report directly to Elop.

过去,曾有很多人猜测微软一直在与诺基亚高管讨论可能的收购。 作为计划中的出售的一部分,微软确认,一旦出售完成,诺基亚将有32,000名员工转移到微软–除非获得监管部门批准,否则该交易要到明年年初才能最终确定。 诺基亚还确认,斯蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)将辞去总裁兼首席执行官的职务,出任诺基亚设备与服务执行副总裁。 史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)在一封电子邮件中确认,一旦交易完成,埃洛普(Elop)将重新加入微软,领导微软的设备团队,其中包括该公司当前的设备和工作室工作,以及从诺基亚加入微软的大部分团队。 目前负责Xbox和Surface团队的Julie Larson-Green最终将直接向Elop汇报。

Steve Ballmer had confirmed a very large majority of Nokia employees who will be transferred to Microsoft will not need to move to the United States – most Nokia employees in the Devices and Services division will continue to work in the same geographic area they currently work in. Ballmer goes on to mention little change will happen to the Windows Phone development team at Microsoft

史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)已经证实,将被转移到微软的诺基亚员工中,绝大部分不需要搬到美国-设备和服务部门的大多数诺基亚员工将继续在他们目前工作的相同地区工作。鲍尔默继续提到微软的Windows Phone开发团队将不会有什么改变

There will be questions raised from the acquisition as to just what Microsoft intends to do and what their long-term goal is. It is clear Microsoft wants to get their hands and feet into the hardware business – they first did this with the Surface tablet – and according to reports, they are going to be releasing a newer version of the Surface later this year. Will Microsoft’s purchase of Nokia’s phone business alienate some of their own hardware partners? Very likely. The release of the Surface tablet came as a surprise to everyone – and a few Microsoft hardware partners were quite vocal about Microsoft releasing a product which directly competes with their own.

此次收购将引发有关微软打算做什么以及他们的长期目标是什么的疑问。 显然,微软希望介入硬件业务-他们首先是使用Surface平板电脑做到这一点的-根据报道,他们将在今年晚些时候发布新版本的Surface。 微软收购诺基亚电话业务是否会疏远他们自己的某些硬件合作伙伴? 很可能。 Surface平板电脑的发布令所有人感到惊讶-微软的一些硬件合作伙伴对微软发布与自己的产品直接竞争的产品颇有口碑。

Microsoft has made abundantly clear that the purchase of Nokia’s devices and services business is not to directly compete with OEMs – with Microsoft engineer for Windows Phone Terry Myerson reassuring that the company looks forward to continuing to work with their OEM partners in building new products that run Microsoft software.

微软已经明确表示,购买诺基亚的设备和服务业务不会直接与OEM竞争-微软Windows Phone工程师Terry Myerson保证,该公司希望继续与OEM合作伙伴合作,共同开发可运行的新产品。 Microsoft软件。

It’s worth noting Microsoft is not planning to take over the entire Nokia business. Nokia, in itself, will continue to own and have control of its branding. The company will continue to run its network infrastructure, HERE maps and location services separately from Microsoft.

值得注意的是,微软并未计划接管整个诺基亚业务。 诺基亚本身将继续拥有并控制其品牌。 该公司将继续独立于Microsoft运行其网络基础结构,HERE地图和位置服务。







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