

Assuming that you have a website which has been developed either recently or has been living over the web since quite sometime. It may be a personal site running a blog, portal, designs etc. or may it be a business site where your sell products or services. All seems to be going well and the site is being appreciated and shared by users across the web. There must have been serious efforts which you

Disaster_Recoverymight have taken to get the site to a certain level. Not to mention the time and money you’ve invested in it. During this while you’ve been focused on making the site successful over the Internet, but have you ever realised what would happen if the site suddenly goes inaccessible without a prior warning, it may be due to any odd reasons this may happen. What if your server holding the web-pages of your site crashes and after investigation the support staff from the web hosting company get back to your saying the hard-drive has got corrupted and all the data that was held has gone. Disaster Strikes !What if I say that there is nothing to worry about. If you’ve chosen a host that offers managed hosting services, there is a wide possibility that a backup copy of the files in your account would be available with them. This backup can be restored and your site could be brought back online within minutes.

假设您拥有一个最近才开发的网站,或者已经有一段时间以来一直在网上使用。 它可能是运行博客,门户网站,设计等的个人站点,也可能是您销售产品或服务的商业站点。 一切似乎都进行得很好,并且该网站受到了网络上用户的赞赏和共享。 你一定有认真的努力

Consider a possibility where the hosting company does not backup their servers too often, it means nothing but your efforts, your time, your money, your business have all been wasted, and you need to start back from the grass-root level. I don’t need to say about the frustration and agony that you’d face. Moreover, the time and money that you’d need to reinvest in getting the site back live.

考虑一种可能性,即托管公司不经常备份服务器,这意味着您的工作,时间,金钱,业务都被浪费了,您需要从基层重新开始。 我不需要说您会遇到的挫折和痛苦。 此外,您还需要花费时间和金钱来重新启用该网站。

Now I suppose you might have realised the importance of having a backup of all the data required to keep your site running over the web. Accidents and disaster don’t offer a warning before striking, all you can do is to have a backup plan to recover from it in the least possible time without spending too much, I mean that’s business. Backing up your site regularly becomes extremely important in this fast paced world of Internet.

现在,我想您可能已经意识到备份所有使网站保持网络运行所需的数据的重要性。 事故和灾难不会在发出警告之前发出警告,您所能做的就是制定一个备份计划,以便在最短的时间内从中恢复,而无需花费太多,我的意思是做生意。 在这个瞬息万变的Internet世界中,定期备份站点变得非常重要。

There may be various reasons to justify the need to have a latest backup of your website at any given point of time. Choosing an offsite backup plan from an affordable web hosting provider can keep you away from devastation to your website and your business. Following are a couple of reasons why you must opt for such a solution, it was something where I didn’t need much efforts, they just came spontaneously. There are multiple instances that have happened in the past which have caused serious losses to businesses.

出于各种原因,有必要在任何给定时间点对网站进行最新备份。 从负担得起的虚拟主机提供商处选择异地备份计划 ,可以使您免受网站和企业的破坏。 以下是为什么您必须选择这种解决方案的几个原因,这是我不需要太多努力的事情,它们只是自发产生的。 过去发生过许多事,给企业造成了严重损失。

It may be a human error where the delete button gets hit accidentally, usually seen in cases where more than one individual have an access to the account. So imagine the possibility of the human error that may occur, your files, contact details of your customers, emails, etc. etc. can all disappear in a flash. Recollecting it can be a nightmare, expensive and more importantly it may pose a threat to your reputation.

删除按钮被意外击中可能是人为错误,通常发生在多个人可以访问该帐户的情况下。 因此,想象一下可能发生的人为错误,您的文件,客户的联系方式,电子邮件等等等都可能在瞬间消失的可能性。 追回它可能是一场噩梦,代价高昂,更重要的是,这可能会威胁到您的声誉。

If you have a busy website and the content gets updated frequently, it becomes necessary to maintain a backup of the data, because if a disaster does strike all the data that the site is updated with would be lost. Whereas if you do have a backup in place, the loss can be kept to minimal. For example, if you run a social bookmarking site or even a forum board, loss of all the data posted by the users wouldn’t be too pleasing to you nor for the users.

如果您的网站繁忙,并且内容经常更新,则有必要维护数据的备份,因为如果灾难确实袭击了网站更新所用的所有数据,则这些数据将丢失。 如果您确实有备份,则损失可以保持在最低水平。 例如,如果您运行一个社交书签网站甚至一个论坛面板,那么丢失用户发布的所有数据对于您和用户而言都不会太令人愉悦。

A gist of everything is that, such situations can be avoided if you have your site backed up with possibly the latest content. This should not only save you money but your efforts, time, reputation can all stay intact, even the users can understand the unforeseen situations. Moreover, the backup plans comes at a much cheaper price as compared to the heavy losses which you may face if it isn’t there in place.

一切的要旨是,如果您的网站备份了可能的最新内容,则可以避免这种情况。 这不仅可以节省您的钱,而且您的努力,时间,声誉都可以保持不变,即使用户也可以理解不可预见的情况。 而且,与没有计划的情况下,您可能面临的沉重损失相比,备份计划的价格要便宜得多。

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