plesk node_如何在Plesk中安装SSL

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A control panel is an interface provided to users to manage their hosting account, including website settings, domains, email accounts, etc. Most control panels come with a graphical user interface (GUI) so that even a layman can easily manage their hosting accounts. With a GUI interface, the tools and options are denoted by easy to understand graphical icons.

控制面板是提供给用户的用于管理其托管帐户的界面,包括网站设置,域,电子邮件帐户等。大多数控制面板都带有图形用户界面(GUI),因此,即使是外行,也可以轻松地管理其托管帐户。 通过GUI界面,工具和选项由易于理解的图形图标表示。

There are many control panel’s namely cPanel, Plesk, dotnet panel etc. Considering a Windows server, the control panel that is mostly used would be a Plesk control panel or the DotNet control panel. Most web hosting providers provide Plesk or DotNetPanel with their Windows hosting packages.

有许多控制面板,即cPanel,Plesk,dotnet面板等。考虑到Windows服务器,最常用的控制面板是Plesk控制面板或DotNet控制面板。 大多数Web托管提供商都向Plesk或DotNetPanel提供了Windows托管软件包。

There are many control panel’s namely cPanel, plesk, dotnet panel etc. Considering a Windows server, the control panel that is mostly used would be Plesk control panel or the dotnet control panel. Most web hosting providers provide Plesk or DotNetPanel with their Windows hosting packages.

有许多控制面板,即cPanel,plesk,dotnet面板等。考虑到Windows服务器,最常用的控制面板是Plesk控制面板或dotnet控制面板。 大多数Web托管提供商都向Plesk或DotNetPanel提供了Windows托管软件包。

让我们知道,您可以在Plesk控制面板中安装SSL证书。 (Let us know see hoe to install SSL certificate in Plesk control panel.)

A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Protocol is necessary when you want to collect data from your visitors securely, i.e credit card number and other personal information. To install a SSL certificate on your site you must first purchase it from a trusted Certificate Authority (Vendor) and then install it through Plesk control panel. Remember that your site must have a dedicated IP to enable SSL protecting.

当您要安全地从访问者那里收集数据(例如,信用卡号和其他个人信息)时,必须使用安全套接字层(SSL)协议。 要在您的站点上安装SSL证书,您必须首先从受信任的证书颁发机构(供应商)购买SSL证书,然后通过Plesk控制面板安装它。 请记住,您的站点必须具有专用的IP才能启用SSL保护。

Once you have logged into your Plesk control panel account you get the default options on the homepage namely Mail Accounts, Create mail account, Create Redirect, Mailing list etc under the main option of Mail Accounts. Edit in scheduer, Web Hosting Settings, Sub domains, Domian Aliases etc under the main option of Web Site.

登录到Plesk控制面板帐户后,您会在主页上的默认选项下找到“邮件帐户”,“创建邮件帐户”,“创建重定向”,“邮件列表”等在“邮件帐户”主选项下的选项。 在“网站”主选项下的计划表,“ Web主机设置”,“子域”,“ Domian别名”中进行编辑。

Step 1: Scroll down to the Additional Tools group. You get the option like Scheduled Tasks, SSL certificates, Active sessions, Bandwidth Limiting etc. Click on the SSL Certificate icon.

步骤1:向下滚动到“其他工具”组。 您将获得诸如计划任务,SSL证书,活动会话,带宽限制等选项。单击SSL证书图标。

You see that you currently have no SSL certificate installed. This will be seen below the ‘Send File’ button at the bottom of the page. We will now generate a Certificate Sign Request(CSR) file at first.

您会看到当前没有安装SSL证书。 这将在页面底部的“发送文件”按钮下方显示。 现在,我们将首先生成一个证书签名请求(CSR)文件。

Step 2: Click the Add SSL Certificate icon. You need to fill the required details in the link.

步骤2:单击“添加SSL证书”图标。 您需要在链接中填写所需的详细信息。

Certificate Name – Enter a name for the new certificate.


Then you need to complete the fields required for personal data:


Country – Enter your country name Location (city) – Enter the city name Organization name (Company) – Enter the organization name Organization department/division name – Enter the division name Domain name – Enter the desired domain name E-mail – Enter your email address


Scroll down, and click on the Request option when finished. Once this is done, go back to the SSL certificate option. You will see the certificate that you have just created.

向下滚动,完成后单击“请求”选项。 完成此操作后,请返回SSL证书选项。 您将看到刚刚创建的证书。

Step 3: Click on the certificate name that we just created, and scroll down. You see the Certificate Request and the Private Key for the same.

步骤3:点击我们刚刚创建的证书名称,然后向下滚动。 您会看到相同的证书申请和私钥。

You must copy and save this data in a secure place. You would need to provide a CSR to an SSL vendor when purchasing a valid certificate. Scroll down a bit, you get the option ‘Upload Certificate as Text’. Once you purchase a SSL certificate this is where you would paste it. Then click on the Send Text button to install the certificate on the server.

您必须将这些数据复制并保存在安全的地方。 购买有效证书时,您需要向SSL供应商提供CSR。 向下滚动一点,您将获得“将证书作为文本上传”选项。 购买SSL证书后,就可以在其中粘贴它。 然后单击“发送文本”按钮以在服务器上安装证书。

This is the process of installing a SSL server through your Plesk control panel.


eUKhost UK web hosting provides hosting services for your website or any online businesses at affordable prices and security to run a successful business.

eUKhost UK虚拟主机以可承受的价格和安全性为您的网站或任何在线企业提供托管服务,以成功开展业务。


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